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Research was conducted to assess the impact of oiling on fresh-marsh plant communities and to test the efficacy of techniques that may be used to enhance the bioremediation of crude oil spills in these environments while minimizing secondary anthropogenic impacts. To emulate field conditions, a mesocosm facility was used that houses 120 mesocosm vessels, each of 200-1 capacity. A five-way factorial treatment arrangement was used that included two substrates (inorganic, organic), two nutrient regimes (fertilized, not fertilized), two aeration levels (substrate aeration, no aeration), three oiling concentrations (0-, 5-, 10-1 m(-2) of South Louisiana Sweet Crude oil), and four vascular plant species (Alternanthera philoxeroides, Panicum hemitomon, Phragmites australis, Sagittaria lancifolia, and an unplanted control). Under the 5- and 10-1 m(-2) oiling concentrations, S. lancifolia displayed a short-term response of increased productivity, whereas P. hemitomon had the highest biomass production and photosynthetic rates at the end of the 18-month experiment. Overall plant growth and productivity, as well as oil degradation, were significantly higher in the inorganic substrate, indicating that biodegradation of oil spills in organic substrates may require a longer time period. Time-released fertilizer also stimulated plant productivity and resulted in higher soil respiratory quotients, suggestive of greater microbial activity, particularly in aerated mesocosms. The amount of oil remaining after 18 months was lowest in aerated and fertilized mesocosms containing either P. hemitomon or S. lancifolia and a substrate of low organic matter content.  相似文献   
The Three Kings Ridge has been described as a remnant arc or an east-facing arc on the western side of the South Fiji Basin under which symmetric South Fiji Basin magnetic anomaly lineations have been lost. We find evidence of neither arc-trench morphology on the eastern flank of the ridge nor collision tectonism within the adjacent South Fiji Basin that might have obliterated it. We believe there is room for the missing magnetic lineations within the South Fiji Basin and we recognize the distinctive island-arc morphology characteristic of a west-facing arc on the western flank of the Three Kings Ridge. Our interpretation requires that arc volcanism postdated formation of much of the South Fiji Basin and that oceanic lithosphere from the adjacent Norfolk Basin must have been subducted beneath the west-facing Three Kings Arc.  相似文献   
The angular field observable in water by an observer in air depends on the configuration of the air-water interface. When the interface is a plane, the absolute limit to observable field is about from the normal to the interface. A practical limit, because of lateral chromatic aberration is considerably less, approximately 30°. A conventionally used configuration in research submersibles, is a polymethyl methacrylate port with inner and outer surfaces parallel. This has the same optical limitations as the plane air-water interface. It is shown that if the inner and outer surfaces are not required to be parallel to each other, there are solutions which permit extending the observable field to nearly a full hemisphere with acceptably small distortion and lateral chromatic aberration.  相似文献   
Geophysical mapping and sampling data provide a record of changing environmental and faunal conditions within the Hudson River estuary during the mid- to late Holocene. On the shallow, broad marginal flats of the mesohaline Hudson, fossil oyster beds (Crassostrea virginica) are found exposed on the river bottom and buried by sediment. The shallowest beds are well imaged in chirp sub-bottom and side-scan sonar data and form discrete flow-perpendicular bands, 0.6–1.0 km wide and up to 3 km long, which cover 30% of the river bottom. Radiocarbon-dated sediment cores indicate oysters thrived within two time periods from ~500–2,400 and ~5,600–6,100 cal. years b.p. Sediment and physical property data indicate a changing depositional regime consistent with the oyster chronology. Similar changes in oyster presence are found in local shell midden sites of the Lower Hudson Valley as well as elsewhere along the Atlantic coast, and may reflect climatic controls associated with warm–cool cycles during the Holocene. Oysters flourished during the mid-Holocene warm period, disappeared with the onset of cooler climate at 4,000–5,000 cal. years b.p., and returned during warmer conditions of the late Holocene. The most recent demise of oysters within the Hudson at 500–900 cal. years b.p. may have accompanied the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   
A minor generalization of the theory of random walk is used as a basis for a model of ocean current flow. The model is then applied in a computer simulation of drifter motion. The results of simulation indicate that the geometry of a coastline can have significant impact on the distribution of drifter landings.  相似文献   
The working group Mathematical Geology of the Freie Universität Berlin was formed in 1971. We review quantitative methods used by the working group since 1983 to treat mineral exploration problems. The methods applied vary from elementary statistical analysis of multivariate exploration data to optimal strategies for selecting favorable targets, and from multiobjective decision-making for additional drill hole locations to expert systems in exploration.The methods applied are directly related to the level of information at each stage of the exploration process. Special emphasis was placed on the relationship between and evaluation of subjective and objective data. Case studies illustrating the various methods are presented for different kinds of mineral deposits and exploration environments.  相似文献   
A project intended to examine the long-standing claims that extragalactic redshifts are periodic or quantized was initiated some years ago at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. The approach taken is outlined, and the main conclusions to date are summarized. The existence of a galactocentric redshift quantization is confirmed at a high confidence level.  相似文献   
Models of continental crustal magmagenesis commonly invoke theinteraction of mafic mantle-derived magma and continental crustto explain geochemical and petrologic characteristics of crustalvolcanic and plutonic rocks. This interaction and the specificmechanisms of crustal contamination associated with it are poorlyunderstood. An excellent opportunity to study the progressiveeffects of crustal contamination is offered by the compositeplutons of the Alaska Range, a series of nine early Tertiary,multiply intruded, compositionally zoned (Peridotite to granite)plutons. Large initial Sr and Nd isotopic contrasts betweenthe crustal country rock and likely parental magmas allow evaluationof the mechanisms and extents of crustal contamination thataccompanied the crystallization of these ultra-mafic throughgranitic rocks. Three contamination processes are distinguishedin these plutons. The most obvious of these is assimilationof crustal country rock concurrent with magmatic fractionalcrystallization (AFC), as indicated by a general trend towardcrustal-like isotopic signatures with increasing differentiation.Second, many ultramafic and mafic rocks have late-stage phenocrystreaction and orthocumulate textures that suggest interactionwith felsic melt. These rocks also have variable and enrichedisotopic compositions that suggest that this felsic melt wasisotopically enriched and probably derived from crustal countryrock. Partial melt from the flysch country rock may have reactedwith and contaminated these partly crystalline magmas followingthe precipitation and accumulation of the cumulus phenocrystsbut before complete solidification of the magma. This suggeststhat in magmatic mush (especially of ultramafic composition)crystallizing in continental crust, a second distinct processof crustal contamination may be super imposed on AFC or magmamixing involving the main magma body. Finally, nearly all rocks,including mafic and ultramafic rocks, have (87Sr/86Sr)i thatare too high, and (T) Nd that are too low, to represent theexpected isotopic composition of typical depleted mantle. However,gabbro xenoliths with typical depicted-mantle isotopic compositionsare found in the plutons. This situation requires either anadditional enriched mantle component to provide the parentalmagma for these plutons, or some mechanism of crustal contaminationof the parent magma that did not cause significant crystallizationand differentiation of the magma to more felsic compositions.Thermodynamic modeling indicates that assimilation of alkali-andwater-rich partial melt of the metapelite country rock by fractionating,near-liquidus basaltic magma could cause significant contaminationwhile suppressing significant crystallization and differentiation. KEY WORDS: crustal contamination; Alaska Range; isotope geochemistry; zoned plutons; assimilation *Corresponding author. e-mail: preiners{at}u.washington.edu; fax: (206) 543-3836.  相似文献   
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