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Gas breakthrough pressure is a key parameter to evaluate the sealing capacity of caprock, and it also plays important roles in safety and capacity of CO2 geological storage. Based on the published experimental results, we present numerical simulations on CO2 breakthrough pressure in unsaturated low-permeability rock under 9 multiple P-T conditions (which can keep CO2 in gaseous, liquid and supercritical states) and thus, a numerical method which can be used to accurately predict CO2 breakthrough pressure on rock-core scale is proposed. The simulation results show that CO2 breakthrough pressure and breakthrough time are exponential correlated with P-T conditions. Meanwhile, pressure has stronger effects on experimental results than that of temperature. Moreover, we performed sensitivity studies on the pore distribution index λ (0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9) in van Genuchten-Muale model. Results show that with the increase of λ, CO2 breakthrough pressure and breakthrough time both show decreasing trends. In other words, the larger the value of λ is, the better the permeability of the caprock is, and the worse the CO2 sealing capacity is. The numerical method established in this study can provide an important reference for the prediction of gas breakthrough pressure on rock-core scale and for related numerical studies.  相似文献   
河北坝上沙漠化土地综合整治优化模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李进  宝音 《中国沙漠》1994,14(4):72-85
本文通过对河北丰宁坝上大滩村农业系统的环境条件、发展历史、结构现状及功能等的分析,针对存在的问题,提出了综合调整系统结构、提高系统功能的原则、对策及整治途径,建立了系统的优化模式并进行了效益分析。  相似文献   
<正>The rapid identification based on InSAR technology was proved to be effective in our emergency investigation of surface ruptures and geohazards induced by the Yushu earthquake.The earthquake-generating fault of the Yushu earthquake is the Yushu section of the Garze-Yushu faults zone.It strikes NWW-NW,23 km long near the Yushu County seat,dominated by left-lateral strike slip,and appearing as a surface rupture zone.The macroscopic epicenter is positioned at Guo-yang-yan -song-duo of Gyegu Town(33°03'11"N,96°51'26"E),where the co-seismic horizontal offset measured is 1.75 m.Geohazards induced by the Yushu earthquake are mainly rockfalls,landslides,debris flows, and unstable slopes.They are controlled by the earthquake-generating fault and are mostly distributed along it.There are several geohazard chains having been established,such as earthquake,canal damage,soil liquefying,landslide-debris flow,earthquake,soil liquefying,roadbed deformation,etc.In order to prevent seismic hazards,generally,where there is a visible surface rupture induced by the Yushu earthquake,reconstruction should be at least beyond 20 m,on each side,from it.Sufficient attention should also be given to potential geohazards or geohazard chains induced by the earthquake.  相似文献   
Zumb.  MA 蓝利 《海洋地质》1999,(2):72-80,71
目前海洋重力主要为海面和海底测量。海面重力测量受水深影响,观测点远离重力源,其分辨率降低;海底测量分辨率不受水层影响,但由于逐点测量的耗时,其覆盖性较差。我们制作了一个重力测量系统,该系统在近海底具有高分辨率、高速采集重力数据的能力,其探头用船拖曳在海底附近的正上方。  相似文献   
The ``combined approach', which is suitable to represent subgrid land surface heterogeneity in both inter-patch and intra-patch variabilities, is employed in the Biosphere/Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) as a land surface component of the regional climate model RegCM3 to consider the heterogeneities in temperature and moisture at the land surface, and then annual-scale simulations for 5 years (1988--1992) were conducted. Results showed that on the annual scale, the models response to the heterogeneities is quite sensitive, and that the effect of the temperature heterogeneity (TH) is more pronounced than the moisture heterogeneity (MH). On the intraannual scale, TH may lead to more (less) precipitation in warm (cold) seasons, and hence lead to larger intraannual variability in precipitation; the major MH effects may be lagged by about 1 month during the warm, rainy seasons, inducing ~6% more precipitation for some sub-regions. Additionally, the modeled climate for the northern sub-regions shows larger sensitivities to the land surface heterogeneities than those for the southern sub-regions. Since state-of-art land surface models seldom account for surface intra-patch variabilities, this study emphasizes the importance of including this kind of variability in the land surface models.  相似文献   
黄河流域冬、夏季水汽输送及收支特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李进  李栋梁  张杰 《高原气象》2012,31(2):342-350
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和我国实测雨量资料,对黄河流域1月和7月多年平均及旱、涝年整层积分的水汽通量、辐合(辐散)及各分区水汽收支进行了研究。结果表明,1月黄河流域无明显的水汽输送,而7月水汽沿西南、东南及西北3条路径输送,前两支气流在多年平均时主要影响黄河下游区。涝年时影响到黄河中、下游区,而上游区水汽流入较小;旱年,黄河中、上游区均无明显的水汽输送,只有下游的小范围地区受西南气流影响。各区净水汽通量分别与其地面降水的时空演变相对应,而经向净水汽通量是影响水汽收支变化及供给流域降水的主要水汽来源;涝年的水汽净收支与各边界水汽流入明显大于旱年。1月,西边界和北边界微弱的水汽输入远小于东边界和南边界的输出,各区均为水汽净辐散,不利于降水;7月,大量的水汽主要来自西边界和南边界,涝年各区均为水汽盈余,多年平均也以净辐合为主,而旱年则以水汽亏损为主。  相似文献   
A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was designed and evaluated for rapid detection of the toxic microalgae Alexandrium catenella and A. minutum, which can produce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Two sets of four specific primers targeting these two species were derived from the sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. The method worked well in less than an hour under isothermal conditions of 65℃. LAMP specificity was validated in closely related algae as a comparison, suggesting the strict specificity of the LAMP primers. Two visual inspection approaches were feasible to interpret the positive or negative results. The detection limits of A. catenella and A. minutum samples using the LAMP assay were found to be 5.6 and 4.5 pg DNA, respectively. The sensitivity of this LAMP assay was 10 or 100-fold higher than Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method in detecting the two microalgae. These characteristics of species specificity, sensitivity, and rapidity suggest that this method has the potentiality in the monitoring of red tide caused by A. catenella and A. minutum.  相似文献   
A continuous terrestrial succession was recovered from the Songke-2(SK-2) borehole in the Songliao Basin, Northeastern China. This borehole provides a unique material for further research on the continental paleoclimate during Cretaceous greenhouse period, following a series of achievements of the Songke-1(SK-1) core. In this study, thorium(Th) logging data were chosen as a paleoclimate proxy to conduct a detailed cyclostratigraphic analysis. The Th series varies quasi-periodically; power spectr...  相似文献   
通常认为海底扇的发育出现于低海面时期。在陆生地体中 ,相对海平面的降低导致从河流和陆架向深海盆搬运的沉积物增加 ,从而促使扇体发育。在一般情况下 ,这是由于三角洲向陆架边缘迁移和陆坡不稳定的增强 ,在陆架上形成下切水道和峡谷 ,从而使河流梯度增加所致。在相对海平面上升时期 ,沉积物圈闭在近岸带 ,阻止了沉积物向深海搬运。然而 ,在海平面上升和高海位时期 ,在陆架边缘的三角洲前缘或与河谷相连的陆架峡谷体系中也发现了浊流沉积作用。在这些研究中 ,海平面信号没有揭示气候和构造背景的影响。这里我们研究了在地貌上存在差异的两…  相似文献   
高温地热生产井碳酸钙结垢定量评价涉及到复杂的物理和化学过程,其中井筒中的两相流研究是评价的基础.本文首先基于质量守恒、能量守恒和动量守恒方程,建立了CO2-H2O体系井筒两相相变稳定流动模型,提出了稳健的求解方法,并验证了其计算结果的可靠性.然后,在西藏羊八井地热田典型井开展了静止和放喷状态下的井筒中的温度和压力测试,并结合放喷试验,采用开发的模型成功评价了高温地热生产井筒两相流动过程.结果显示:气相和液相之间的速度差对井筒中温度和压力的分布有决定性的影响,不考虑气相和液体之间的速度差,会使模型计算结果远远偏离测量值.在开采速率19.10 kg/s的条件下,计算的井口温度和压力分别约为128℃和2.6 bar;井口的气相质量分数在6%~7%之间,对应的井口气相饱和度约为0.84;从闪蒸点往上大概20~30 m气相和液相中CO2质量分数变化较为剧烈,也是碳酸钙结垢严重井段.  相似文献   
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