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本文提出了或许能解释在同一孕震区经常观测到的地震多次发生的模型。这种地震序列或震群可能包含在空间上相距几十公里、在时间上相隔几天至数月的一些事件。本模型考虑了一条埋在弹性半空间内的长垂直走滑断层。断层的强度和一滑动类型(地震或无震)是非均匀的,并受到缓慢增加的周围剪切应力的作用。我们假设,断层面的一部分存在有稳定无震滑动的条件,并伴有非稳定的凹凸体。假设产生该序列中一次地震的凹凸体破裂,引起了远离  相似文献   
中国唐山实验台阵的近场强震加速度记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家地震局工程力学研究所与美国加州理工学院(C.I.T.),南加州大学(U.S.C.)以及地质调查局(U.S.G.S.)于1981年正式开始了一项中美双边强震观测的合作研究计划。作为这项计划的一部分,1982年6月底在中国唐山地震(1976.7.28,M_s=7.8)的余震区,布设了一个实验性的强震仪器台阵。这个台阵由12台三分量数字磁带记录式强震仪组成。从1982年7月至1983年3月,该台阵共取得了震级M_L=1.2—6.2的133个地震的285张近场加速度记录,其中大部分保留了初至P波和相应的精确到时。 本文介绍了实验台阵的运行情况和所获取的典型的近场加速度记录,展示了1982年10月19日卢龙M_L=6.2地震时距震中仅4公里的地点所获取的十分珍贵的近场加速度记录,其水平向最大加速度为0.23g,竖向最大加速度为0.128g。 本文还根据所获取的资料,进行了初步分析,给出了有关震源情况的若干基本数据和近场地震动的衰减规律。  相似文献   
日本的各个地震观测台网共有500个固定台。这些台站分属于许多个台网:由日本气象厅管理的全国性台网。以及由一些国立大学和其院所管理的区域性和地方性的台网,包括防灾科学技术研究所。大多数非JMA台网是在全国预报计划之下建立的,该计划于1965年开始。JMA台网已有百余年的历史,现在包括约190个配备有短周期和中周期的地震仪的台,其他的多大数台网所配备的仪器则是高灵敏度的短周期地震仪,其典型的固有周期为  相似文献   
滞回阻尼结构能量的输入和逸散特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The proximity of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park to areas of intensive agriculture and increasing urbanisation places the park under potential threat of contamination by land-based pollutants. Passive samplers were deployed at inshore reef and river mouth sites in the Wet Tropics region of the GBR during a dry and a wet season to measure levels of land-based organic pollutants in this environment. Two types of passive sampling devices were deployed: (i) a polar sampler, which can be used to monitor polar herbicides and (ii) semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) which sequester more hydrophobic compounds (e.g. PAHs, chlorpyrifos). Herbicides (diuron, simazine, atrazine, hexazinone and/or flumeturon) were detected at low concentrations (ng L−1) at all sites sampled and in both seasons. Chlorpyrifos was not detected while PAHs were present in SPMDs at levels below limits of detection. The results show that the GBR environment does contain low levels of organic pollutants and that passive sampling provides a sensitive monitoring tool for measuring waterborne organic pollutants.  相似文献   
This survey provides baseline information on sediment characteristics, porewater, adsorbed and plant tissue nutrients from intertidal coastal seagrass meadows in the central region of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Data collected from 11 locations, representative of intertidal coastal seagrass beds across the region, indicated that the chemical environment was typical of other tropical intertidal areas. Results using two different extraction methods highlight the need for caution when choosing an adsorbed phosphate extraction technique, as sediment type affects the analytical outcome. Comparison with published values indicates that the range of nutrient parameters measured is equivalent to those measured across tropical systems globally. However, the nutrient values in seagrass leaves and their molar ratios for Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervis were much higher than the values from the literature from this and other regions, obtained using the same techniques, suggesting that these species act as nutrient sponges, in contrast with Zostera capricorni. The limited historical data from this region suggest that the nitrogen and phosphorus content of seagrass leaves has increased since the 1970s concomitant with changing land use practice.  相似文献   
Eighteen sandy beaches were sampled along the 1659 km of the Galician coast (NW Spain) six months after the Prestige oil-spill to study the impact of the fuel and the clean-up activities on the macroinfauna community. A transect was extended at each beach, from above the drift line to below the swash line at five sampled levels; at each level six 0.05 m2 replicates were taken to a depth of 30 cm and sieved through a 1mm mesh, and the organisms collected and preserved. Results were compared with previous data obtained using the same procedures. The macroinfauna was numerically dominated by the amphipod Pontocrates arenarius, the isopod genus Eurydice, the polychaete Scolelepis squamata, and the amphipod Talitrus saltator. As a result of the Prestige oil-spill and the clean-up activities, beach populations were reduced, with Eurydice and S. squamata as the most affected taxa.  相似文献   
A study was made of seasonal and spatial variability of metallothionein (MT) concentrations, determined spectrophotometrically in the soluble fraction of the digestive gland of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, collected between 1999 and 2001 from several coastal and estuarine locations along the central Eastern Adriatic coast (Croatia). The seasonal influence on the MT and metal concentrations (higher values in winter-spring season, than in summer-autumn season) is more pronounced than the local site-specific influence. Furthermore, within each season a significant site-specific dependence on the MT and trace metal variations can be detected. An inverse relationship of mussel condition index (CI) and temperature with MT and trace metals levels indicates the influence of food abundance and mussel annual reproductive cycle. Substantially higher concentrations of both MT and Cd were recorded in mussels inhabiting estuarine locations, possibly indicating a markedly higher Cd bioavailability at these locations. The positive correlations obtained between MT and Cd in all seasons except autumn support an argument for application of digestive gland MT as a biomarker of Cd exposure, providing evidence for assessing the most appropriate season for mussel sampling.  相似文献   
This paper reports for the first time the detection and occurrence of nitroarenes (NPAHs) in marine organisms. Mussels and oysters collected from Osaka Bay, Japan, had total NPAHs concentrations that ranged from 2380 to 24,688 pg/g dry and 2672 to 25,961 pg/g dry, respectively. Relatively higher concentrations were detected in sampling sites located near the central district and suburbs of Osaka City implying that the most probable sources of NPAHs in the two bivalves are exhaust gases and smokes emitted by automobiles and industrial plants. Bivalves had relatively higher residues of 1-nitronaphthalene, 2-nitronaphthalene, 3-nitrophenanthrene, and 9-nitrophenanthrenes. Residues of 2-nitrofluorene, 1-nitropyrene, 4-nitropyrenes, and 6-nitrochrysene were much lower compared to nitronaphthalenes and nitrophenanthrenes. Inter-species differences was only observed for 2-nitronaphthalene with oysters exhibiting significantly higher residues than mussels.  相似文献   
应力扰动影响地震的复发,并对了解地震周期和地震危险性具有重要的作用。加州帕克菲尔德圣安德烈斯断层上的大量重复地震为检查重复事件对中强地震发生的反应提供了难得的机会。使用高分辨率地震台网目录获得的187个M-0.4~1.7级地震重复序列,我们发现重复事件序列的复发时间到接近M4—5地震时缩短了,说明是由大地震触发的。该触发效应在5km左右的距离内最明显,相应的静态同震应力变化为0.6~26.6kPa,并随距离衰减。我们还发现从1993至1998年复发间隔相应地缩短了。这种几年经久不衰复发加速反映了1990年代初断层滑动加速并提高了加载速率。  相似文献   
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