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In this paper we summarize and analyze the results of observation of linear polarization of H
α emission for solar flares and moustaches obtained earlier. Basic structural and evolutional properties of the observed polarization
are formulated and presented. A conclusion is drawn that polarization data obtained from rough time and spatial averaging
of Stokes parameters distort the true picture of polarization of H
α emission in flares and moustaches. 相似文献
The correlation between the polar cap geomagnetic variations (H-traces) and the changes of the azimuthal (YSE) and vertical (ZSE) components of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during undisturbed periods is examined. It is shown that peak-to-peak correlation between YSE and geomagnetic horizontal component variations may be generally observed in the daytime cusp region, independently of the magnitude and polarity of the ZSE. The existence of the DP3 disturbances associated with the northward component ZSE > 0 is confirmed. It is shown that the disturbances due to the vertical component of the IMF dominate in the region near the pole. In so far as the southward component of the IMF generates both polar cap disturbances and geomagnetic substorms, the disturbances in the region near the pole, associated with ZSE < 0, may be regarded as a precursor of a substorm. On this basis a new index of the polar cap magnetic activity PCL, characterizing the changeability of the magnetic field is proposed. It is shown that the increase of the PCL index is followed in 1–2 hr by a substorm in 70% of events considered. 相似文献
A. M. Finkelstein A. V. Ipatov Yu. N. Gnedin D. V. Ivanov M. A. Kharinov I. A. Rakhimov 《Astronomy Letters》2004,30(6):368-375
We present the radio observations of the afterglow from the intense cosmic gamma-ray burst GRB 030329 performed with the radio telescopes of the Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, at the Svetloe (λ=3.5 cm) and Zelenchuk (λ=6 cm) Observatories. The difference between the fluxes measured in two different polarization modes suggests the existence of a circular polarization in the radio afterglow from GRB 030329. However, since the measurement errors of the fluxes with different circular polarizations are large, we cannot draw a firm conclusion about its detection; we can only set an upper limit on its value. An analysis of the possible generation mechanisms for the circular polarization of the relativistic jet suggests that there is a helical magnetic field in the jet. The existence of significant flux densities at various wavelengths during a long (≥10 days) period leads us to conclude that the hydrodynamic evolution of the relativistic bow shock takes place in the stellar wind, not in the interstellar medium. We have estimated the total GRB energy (E=1051 erg) (under the assumption of isotropic radiation) and the plasma density of the stellar wind from the presupernova (n=3 cm?3). The magnetic-field strength in the relativistic jet can be estimated as B≈100 G. 相似文献
J. A. CARTWRIGHT K. D. OCKER S. A. CROWTHER R. BURGESS J. D. GILMOUR 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2010,45(8):1359-1379
Abstract– Xenon‐isotopic ratios, step‐heating release patterns, and gas concentrations of mineral separates from Martian shergottites Roberts Massif (RBT) 04262, Dar al Gani (DaG) 489, Shergotty, and Elephant Moraine (EET) 79001 lithology B are reported. Concentrations of Martian atmospheric xenon are similar in mineral separates from all meteorites, but more weathered samples contain more terrestrial atmospheric xenon. The distributions of xenon from the Martian and terrestrial atmospheres among minerals in any one sample are similar, suggesting similarities in the processes by which they were acquired. However, in opaque and maskelynite fractions, Martian atmospheric xenon is released at higher temperatures than terrestrial atmospheric xenon. It is suggested that both Martian and terrestrial atmospheric xenon were initially introduced by weathering (low temperature alteration processes). However, the Martian component was redistributed by shock, accounting for its current residence in more retentive sites. The presence or absence of detectable 129Xe from the Martian atmosphere in mafic minerals may correspond to the extent of crustal contamination of the rock’s parent melt. Variable contents of excess 129Xe contrast with previously reported consistent concentrations of excess 40Ar, suggesting distinct sources contributed these gases to the parent magma. 相似文献
Solar Physics - New observations of solar oscillations are reported. Power density spectra derived from these observations reveal narrow-band oscillations that are spatially global, have spatial... 相似文献
J. W. Truran W. D. Arnett S. Tsuruta A. G. W. Cameron 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1968,1(1):129-146
The implications of recent studies of the dynamics of the cores of highly evolved massive stars are considered with regard to the general problems of nucleosynthesis. The typical conditions estimated for these models are shown to be very promising for the process of element synthesis by neutron capture on a fast time scale (ther-process ofBurbidge
et al., 1957). 相似文献
M. Focardi A. M. Di Giorgio M. Farina M. Pancrazzi R. Ottensamer T. L. Lim S. Pezzuto G. Micela E. Pace 《Experimental Astronomy》2015,40(2-3):813-839
EChO is a three-modules (VNIR, SWIR, MWIR), highly integrated spectrometer, covering the wavelength range from 0.55 μ m to 11.0 μ m. The baseline design includes the goal wavelength extension to 0.4 μ m while an optional LWIR module extends the range to the goal wavelength of 16.0 μ m. An Instrument Control Unit (ICU) is foreseen as the main electronic subsystem interfacing the spacecraft and collecting data from all the payload spectrometers modules. ICU is in charge of two main tasks: the overall payload control (Instrument Control Function) and the housekeepings and scientific data digital processing (Data Processing Function), including the lossless compression prior to store the science data to the Solid State Mass Memory of the Spacecraft. These two main tasks are accomplished thanks to the Payload On Board Software (P-OBSW) running on the ICU CPUs. 相似文献
Theoretical investigation has been made to study the envelope excitations of ion-acoustic solitons (IAS) in plasma composed of electrons, positrons, ions and dust particles. A nonlinear Schrödinger equation which describes the modulational instability of the IAS is derived by using the multiple scale method. The dispersive and nonlinear coefficients are obtained which depend upon the temperature of the ions, concentration of the positrons, electrons and dust particles. The modulationally stable and unstable regions are studied numerically for a wide range of parameters. It is found that these parameters play significant role in the formation of bright and dark envelope solitons in this plasma system. 相似文献