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Wu  Jing  Wu  Li  Sun  Miao  Lu  Ya-ni  Han  Yan-hua 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2022,40(3):1363-1372
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) of blasting seismic wave monitoring signal with noise can get IMFs with serious modal confusion and endpoint...  相似文献   
The response of low‐ductility reinforced concrete (RC) frames, designed typically for a non‐seismic region, subjected to two frequencies of base excitations is studied. Five half‐scaled, two‐bay, two‐storey, RC frames, each approximately 5 m wide by 3.3 m high, were subjected to both horizontal and/or vertical base excitations with a frequency of 40 Hz as well as a lower frequency of about 4 Hz (close to the fundamental frequency) using a shake table. The imposed acceleration amplitude ranged from 0.2 to 1.2g. The test results showed that the response characteristics of the structures differed under high‐ and low‐frequency excitations. The frames were able to sustain high‐frequency excitations without damage but were inadequate for low‐frequency excitations, even though the frames exhibited some ductility. Linear‐elastic time‐history analysis can predict reasonably well the structural response under high‐frequency excitations. As the frames were not designed for seismic loads, the reinforcement detailing may not have been adequate, based on the crack pattern observed. The effect of vertical excitation can cause significant additional forces in the columns and moment reversals in the beams. The ‘strong‐column, weak‐beam’ approach for lateral load RC frame design is supported by experimental observations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The calcarean sponge Paraleucilla magna is classified as being an invasive species on the Mediterranean Sea, where it causes economic damages to mollusc farms. On the Brazilian coast, this species is considered to be cryptogenic, and information on its ecology is scarce. The same is true for Sycettusa hastifera, another calcarean sponge with a worldwide distribution. Data on the ecology of these species could help in elucidating their potential to become a threat if they are found to be exotic species in Brazil. In the present work, we studied habitat selection, growth and mortality of early juveniles of P. magna and habitat selection of S. hastifera in a Marine Reserve from Southeastern Brazil, where these species are abundant in the benthic community. Granite plates were used for habitat selection analysis, varying in substrate inclination (vertical and horizontal) and exposure to light and hydrodynamism (exposed and sheltered). To analyse the growth and mortality rates, sponges were mapped and then measured once a week for 10 weeks. If a monitored sponge was not found in the following week, it was considered to be dead. Our results showed that, although P. magna and S. hastifera are capable of inhabiting substrates exposed to different environmental conditions, they showed habitat preferences. Growth of the juveniles of P. magna seemed not to have damaged any neighbouring invertebrates. The mortality of juveniles of this species was higher during the first 2 weeks of life but its causes could not be elucidated.  相似文献   
集安群片麻岩中石榴子石和黑云母接触带两侧边缘广泛发育Fe-Mg交换反应所形成的扩散环带,但晶体内部各自保持变质峰期的成分,中温带石榴子石可保留生长环带。经微区化学成分详细研究后,正确运用Grt-Bt温度计获得进变质阶段,变质高峰期和修期后Fe-Mg交换反应停止时的温度条件。按石榴子石和斜长石的微区钙含量变化确定了峰期和退变质阶段压力。据此建立起逆时针形式的变质作用p-T-t轨迹,反映该区早元古代陆壳内裂陷带的闭合过程。  相似文献   
淄博市洪山、寨里煤矿区隐伏的奥陶系灰岩裂隙岩溶水污染严重。水质污染突发于矿坑全面闭坑以后,污染范围与矿坑水区一致,地下水污染组份与矿坑水的高含量组份相同。水质恶化主要由矿坑水串层污染所致。在此针对串层污染形成原因及影响因素,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   
On the basis of analyzing and researching the current algorithms of cycle-slip detection and correction, a new method of cycle-slip detection and correction is put forward in this paper, that is, a reasonable cycle-slip detection condition and algorithm with corresponding program COMPRE (COMpass PRE-processing) to detect and correct cycle-slip automatically, compared with GIPSY and GAMIT software, for example, it is proved that this method is effective and credible to cycle-slip detection and correction in GPS data pre-processing.  相似文献   
对广西夏季降水量进行EMD分解后,利用均生函数相关法,比较不同IMF分量组合建模的预测,不同组合试验预测显示,用前二个IMF分量组合建模预测是最佳的组合方案。经对2001—2010年共10年广西夏季降水量实际预测检验表明,趋势预测准确率达70%以上,对夏季降水量预测较有参考价值。为基层台站的气候预测及服务提供一个客观预测方法。  相似文献   
西藏尼玛县达查金矿床同位素地球化学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
西藏达查金矿的成矿物质来源问题一直存在很大的争议。达查金矿床矿物中硫、铅、硅同位素及包裹体水中的氢、氧同位素研究表明 ,矿区内黑色炭质板岩、浸染状黄铁绢英岩化闪长玢岩和石英黄铁矿脉中的δ3 4SCDT值分布范围为 1 1‰~ 1 6‰ ,平均为 1 4‰ ,与陨石硫或深源岩浆硫接近。地层铅、岩浆岩铅和矿石铅在构造模式图上主要落在造山带线附近。石英包裹体的均一温度为 44 0 8~ 5 0 1 8℃ ,δDV -SMOW 值为 - 12 6‰~ - 98‰ ,δOV -SMOW 在 2 0 8‰~ 8 84‰之间 ,为典型的岩浆水 ;矿石中热液石英的硅同位素δ3 0 SiNBS -2 8   值的极差主要集中在 - 0 5‰~- 0 6‰之间 ,与成矿密切相关的硅质可能来源于基性或中基性岩浆岩。岩金矿的成矿物质可能有 3个主要的源区 :一是木嘎岗日群第二、三岩组 ,该岩组的海底热水沉积物含有大量的成矿物质 ;二是深部隐伏的原来特提斯海底的基性或中基性岩浆岩 ,它是金与硅的主要供给者 ;三是本区的中酸性岩浆岩 ,它是多种成矿物质最终集中成矿的主要中介。本区的成矿流体主要为受到大气降水或海水强烈改造的岩浆热液  相似文献   
???????????????????????У?????????????б?????У???λ??У??????10 nm??  相似文献   
脱水反应的热力学计算确定本区太古宙麻粒岩系变质峰期水活度很低,太平寨地区富铝片麻岩和紫苏黑云片麻岩麻粒岩中aH 2O值一般均在0.10~0.20之间,娄子山地区相对稍高,一般为0.15~0.25.全区峰期氧逸度lgfO2在-8~-14之间.(μH2O/XBt Mg)和(μO2/XBtMg)系数平均值太平寨地区分别为- 0.293和-1.60,娄子山地区分别为-0.364和-1.42.全区aH2O很低,同一地区上述各种数值相当均匀,不同地区则有一定差异,这些特征与\"碳质变质\"机理相符,说明峰期水活度可能受深源CO2流渗透的控制,属于外部缓冲性质.  相似文献   
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