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We investigate the effects of an isolated meso-\(\gamma \)-scale surface heterogeneity for roughness and albedo on the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) height, with a case study at a semi-arid forest surrounded by sparse shrubland (forest area: \(28~\text{ km }^2\), forest length in the main wind direction: 7 km). Doppler lidar and ceilometer measurements at this semi-arid forest show an increase in the ABL height over the forest compared with the shrubland on four out of eight days. The differences in the ABL height between shrubland and forest are explained for all days with a model that assumes a linear growth of the internal boundary layer of the forest through the convective ABL upwind of the forest followed by a square-root growth into the stable free atmosphere. For the environmental conditions that existed during our measurements, the increase in ABL height due to large sensible heat fluxes from the forest (\(600~\text {W~m}^{-2}\) in summer) is subdued by stable stratification in the free atmosphere above the ABL, or reduced by high wind speeds in the mixed layer.  相似文献   
中程无线功率传输(WPT)可以采用几种不同的方式实现,如通过电感或电容耦合、谐振或非谐振网络实现.本文主要研究了通过感应耦合谐振器实现的WPT链路,而且只着重研究了利用2个谐振器的链路(直接链路)并工作在主谐振频率下的情况.研究结果表明,当工作在主谐振频率下,可以根据网络参数来对传输效率或负载功率进行优化.  相似文献   
林志强  马艳鲜  德庆  边多 《气象科技》2014,42(6):1147-1153
基于遥感技术(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS),利用由基于DEM演算的地面最高温度、最小相对湿度和最大风速等格点化气象要素,FY2静止气象卫星逐日降水反演产品和AVHRR积雪监测产品计算网格森林火险天气等级,结合由植被类型、NDVI、地形要素和公路、人口聚居地等要素评估的森林火险风险等级,综合计算得到网格化的西藏森林火险等级。该项业务程序基于MeteoInfo组件建立,能够实现全自动化业务运行。对于森林火灾事件,通过与基于气象站的森林火险天气等级相比,该方法的准确性更高,能为西藏林区森林防火工作提供有效参考。  相似文献   
Remote sensing measurements provide a vauable means of determining the extent of burning areas and of estimating the overall distribution of pollutant sources (identified from experimental studies) in time and space. This distribution has to be taken into account in the boundary conditions of chemistry atmospheric models.Recent methods developed for the remote sensing of active fires in tropical or temperated forest zones, have been found to be completely inadequate for fire detection on West African savannas. In order to accurately estimate the active fire distribution in the function of different sorts of West African savannas (Sahelian, Sudanian and Guinean) and forests, a multispectral methodology has been developed based on NOAA/11-AVHRR satellite data, with the purpose of eliminating as much as possible the problems related to large surface heterogeneity, confusion and bias, produced by clouds, smoke, haze, background emissivities, etc.Unlike other methods, the results show that the multispectral method, in spite of its selectivity, provides realistic results, and does not under- or over-estimate the number of fires that can be sensed by the satellite. Consequently, this methodology is more appropriate than the simplest ones for a systematic sensing of this phenomenon.  相似文献   
采用车贝雪夫正交多项式分解方法展开重庆地区夏季降水场, 揭示了最近40年来重庆地区夏季降水时空分布特征.研究结果表明:大部分年份重庆各地夏季降水变化趋势一致; 近40年来重庆地区夏季降水80年代中期以前有增加趋势,而80年代后期至今则有减少趋势, 洪涝灾害主要集中发生在80年代,70年代干旱姓频繁,从80年代末期开始至今,重庆地区又进入了一个干旱的相对高发期.  相似文献   
对2000年春季一次高空槽快速移动影响的暴雨天气过程发生的特殊性进行分析,寻找这次暴雨过程发生的前期特征.  相似文献   
The spatial-temporal features of the extremely severe drought and the anomalous atmospheric circulation in summer 2006 are analyzed based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the characteristic circulation indices given by the National Climate Center of China, and the daily precipitation data of 20 stations in the east of Southwest China (ESC) from 1959 to 2006. The results show that the rainless period started from early June and ended in early September 2006 with a total of more than 80 days, and the rainfall was especially scarce from around 25 July to 5 September 2006. Precipitation for each month was less than normal, and analysis of the precipitation indices shows that the summer precipitation in 2006 was the least since 1959. The extremely severe drought in the ESC in summer 2006 was closely related to the persistent anomalies of the atmospheric circulation in the same period, i.e., anomalies of mid-high latitude atmospheric circulation, western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), westerlies, South Asian high, lower-level flow, water vapor transport, vertical motion, and so on. Droughts usually occur when the WPSH lies anomalously northward and westward, or anomalously weak and eastward. The extreme drought in summer 2006 was caused by the former. When the WPSH turned stronger and shifted to the north and west of its normal position, and the South Asian high was also strong and lay eastward, downdrafts prevailed over the ESC and suppressed the water vapor transfer toward this area. At the same time, the disposition of the westerlies and the mid-high latitude circulation disfavored the southward invasion of cold air, which jointly resulted in the extremely severe drought in the ESC in summer 2006. The weak heating over the Tibetan Plateau and vigorous convective activities over the Philippine area were likely responsible for the strong WPSH and its northwestward shift in summer 2006.  相似文献   
A set of micro-meteorological data collected over a horizontal, uniform terrain (the plain of La Crau, France) in June 1987 is analysed. Conditions were predominantly sunny and arid, while due to the Mistral the wind speed could exceed 10 m/s. Verification of several methods to evaluate surface fluxes of heat, momentum and water vapour from the standard deviation of temperature, wind and specific humidity is presented. Also, a similar approach using the structure parameter of temperature is considered. These methods are all based on Monin-Obukhov (M-O) similarity theory. It is found that the standard deviation of temperature, vertical and horizontal wind speed as well as the structure parameter for temperature behave according to M-O similarity. It is shown that the sensible heat flux and friction velocity can be determined from a fast response thermometer and a cup anemometer. Also, it appears that the analytic solution of the set of governing equations as derived by the first author yields good results. M-O theory does not appear to work for the standard deviation of specific humidity. This may be due to the relative importance of large eddies.  相似文献   
重庆“5.6”强风雹天气过程成因分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
陈贵川  谌芸  乔林  刘德  李强  张亚萍  王文芳  张焱 《气象》2011,37(7):871-879
利用常规观测、NCEP分析场及雷达、自动站等资料对重庆"5.6"强风雹天气的成因进行了分析,结果表明:冷锋和副热带高空急流在风雹发生地近乎重叠的配置结构促进了次级环流的形成并有利于上升运动的强烈发展;风暴天气发生前,下垫面强烈加热、低层增温增湿、中高层干冷对大气对流不稳定性增强的作用显著;对流有效位能(CAPE)、K指数、SI指数高值区边缘的强指数梯度区、对流抑制(CIN)的小值区以及较强的垂直风切变对大风冰雹的预报有重要的指示意义;雷达回波显示多单体风暴具有三体散射、弱回波区等冰雹回波特征,中层径向辐合和反射率因子核心的反复上升下降也是形成地面大风和冰雹的重要特征;四川盆地东部东北西南向山脉对冷空气的移动有阻挡作用,山脉之间的槽状地形为多单体风暴的持续发展保留了较大的空间,明月山南麓的地形起到了强迫抬升和触发的作用,由于地形的阻挡形成狭管效应,加强了下击暴流形成的地面大风,是形成11级大风的重要因素。  相似文献   
This study investigates the influence of Simplified Arakawa Schubert (SAS) and Relax Arakawa Schubert (RAS) cumulus parameterization schemes on coupled Climate Forecast System version.1 (CFS-1, T62L64) retrospective forecasts over Indian monsoon region from an extended range forecast perspective. The forecast data sets comprise 45 days of model integrations based on 31 different initial conditions at pentad intervals starting from 1 May to 28 September for the years 2001 to 2007. It is found that mean climatological features of Indian summer monsoon months (JJAS) are reasonably simulated by both the versions (i.e. SAS and RAS) of the model; however strong cross equatorial flow and excess stratiform rainfall are noted in RAS compared to SAS. Both the versions of the model overestimated apparent heat source and moisture sink compared to NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. The prognosis evaluation of daily forecast climatology reveals robust systematic warming (moistening) in RAS and cooling (drying) biases in SAS particularly at the middle and upper troposphere of the model respectively. Using error energy/variance and root mean square error methodology it is also established that major contribution to the model total error is coming from the systematic component of the model error. It is also found that the forecast error growth of temperature in RAS is less than that of SAS; however, the scenario is reversed for moisture errors, although the difference of moisture errors between these two forecasts is not very large compared to that of temperature errors. Broadly, it is found that both the versions of the model are underestimating (overestimating) the rainfall area and amount over the Indian land region (and neighborhood oceanic region). The rainfall forecast results at pentad interval exhibited that, SAS and RAS have good prediction skills over the Indian monsoon core zone and Arabian Sea. There is less excess rainfall particularly over oceanic region in RAS up to 30 days of forecast duration compared to SAS. It is also evident that systematic errors in the coverage area of excess rainfall over the eastern foothills of the Himalayas remains unchanged irrespective of cumulus parameterization and initial conditions. It is revealed that due to stronger moisture transport in RAS there is a robust amplification of moist static energy facilitating intense convective instability within the model and boosting the moisture supply from surface to the upper levels through convergence. Concurrently, moisture detrainment from cloud to environment at multiple levels from the spectrum of clouds in the RAS, leads to a large accumulation of moisture in the middle and upper troposphere of the model. This abundant moisture leads to large scale condensational heating through a simple cloud microphysics scheme. This intense upper level heating contributes to the warm bias and considerably increases in stratiform rainfall in RAS compared to SAS. In a nutshell, concerted and sustained support of moisture supply from the bottom as well as from the top in RAS is the crucial factor for having a warm temperature bias in RAS.  相似文献   
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