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The results of the geophysical and VLF (10–16 kHz) radio propagation measurements on the net of observatories during the solar proton event on 16 February 1984 are analysed. It is shown that the abnormal ionization region caused by solar protons consisted of two parts. One of them was the direct access zone in the middle and morning side of the polar cap, the other was the precipitation region of the quasi-trapped particles in the mid-day and evening sectors of the auroral zone. The probable profiles of the lower ionosphere electron density are determined from the VLF and satellite data of the energetic spectra at the maximum penetration. It is shown that the effective electron concentration at the height 45 km was close to 103 cm−3.  相似文献   
We have started a program of high-resolution (0.4/pixel) 10m imaging of bipolar outflow sources using the 10m camera CAMIRAS. We present recent results obtained at the Canada France Hawaii Telescope which reveal extended emission or IR companions in several luminous objects. The extended emission we detected probably arises from transiently heated very small grains, while the newly discovered companions could contribute significantly to the outflow activity and extended far-IR emission usually attributed to the main optical source.  相似文献   
We present a study of the long-term evolution of the cloud of aerosols produced in the atmosphere of Jupiter by the impact of an object on 19 July 2009 (Sánchez-Lavega, A. et al. [2010]. Astrophys. J. 715, L155-L159). The work is based on images obtained during 5 months from the impact to 31 December 2009 taken in visible continuum wavelengths and from 20 July 2009 to 28 May 2010 taken in near-infrared deep hydrogen-methane absorption bands at 2.1-2.3 μm. The impact cloud expanded zonally from ∼5000 km (July 19) to 225,000 km (29 October, about 180° in longitude), remaining meridionally localized within a latitude band from 53.5°S to 61.5°S planetographic latitude. During the first two months after its formation the site showed heterogeneous structure with 500-1000 km sized embedded spots. Later the reflectivity of the debris field became more homogeneous due to clump mergers. The cloud was mainly dispersed in longitude by the dominant zonal winds and their meridional shear, during the initial stages, localized motions may have been induced by thermal perturbation caused by the impact’s energy deposition. The tracking of individual spots within the impact cloud shows that the westward jet at 56.5°S latitude increases its eastward velocity with altitude above the tropopause by 5-10 m s−1. The corresponding vertical wind shear is low, about 1 m s−1 per scale height in agreement with previous thermal wind estimations. We found evidence for discrete localized meridional motions with speeds of 1-2 m s−1. Two numerical models are used to simulate the observed cloud dispersion. One is a pure advection of the aerosols by the winds and their shears. The other uses the EPIC code, a nonlinear calculation of the evolution of the potential vorticity field generated by a heat pulse that simulates the impact. Both models reproduce the observed global structure of the cloud and the dominant zonal dispersion of the aerosols, but not the details of the cloud morphology. The reflectivity of the impact cloud decreased exponentially with a characteristic timescale of 15 days; we can explain this behavior with a radiative transfer model of the cloud optical depth coupled to an advection model of the cloud dispersion by the wind shears. The expected sedimentation time in the stratosphere (altitude levels 5-100 mbar) for the small aerosol particles forming the cloud is 45-200 days, thus aerosols were removed vertically over the long term following their zonal dispersion. No evidence of the cloud was detected 10 months after the impact.  相似文献   
This study investigates the benthic microbial responses to organic matter (OM) variations in quantity and sources in two shallow water bays (Fortaleza and Ubatuba Bays) on the SE coast of Brazil on six occasions during the year. The pelagic and benthic compartments of the bays were evaluated by: (i) nutrients and chlorophyll a (Chl a) in the water column; (ii) quantity and sources of OM in the sediment (Chl a, total organic carbon and total nitrogen and lipid biomarker composition); and (iii) microbial biomass in sediments as an indicator of active benthic response. Although there were changes in water‐column nutrients during the year, Chl a was fairly constant, suggesting a regular supply of microalgae‐derived OM to the sea bottom. Based on the composition of lipid biomarkers in sediments, OM sources were classified as mostly marine and with high contributions of labile (microalgae‐derived) OM. Labile OM composition varied from diatoms in the summer to phytoflagellates in the winter and tended to accumulate in areas protected by physical disturbances in one of the bays. Microbial biomass followed this trend and was 160% higher in protected than in exposed areas. This study suggests that the coupling between labile OM and benthic microbial biomass occurs primarily in protected areas, irrespective of the time of the year. Since meio‐ and macrofaunal assemblages depend upon secondary microbial production within the sediments, this coupling may have an important role for the benthic food‐web.  相似文献   
Based on an analysis of the transformation of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna of West Siberia in the Holocene, the classification and periodization of the main faunal trends are presented. Against the background of changing environmental conditions, the key regularities of the faunal dynamics, and the ways some species penetrate into the territory of the region and others disappear from the beginning of the Holocene to the present time have been indicated. Three global and four fluctuating trends are identified. The anthropogenic trend is ascertained separately. A conclusion is made about the prevailing causes of these changes, associated primarily with periodic climatic processes of different levels, determined by planetary geological and cosmic cycles. It is emphasized that, in the historical period, anthropogenic factors play a significant role in the regional faunal dynamics.  相似文献   
We present a two-dimensional, two-phase model for non-cohesive sediment transport. This model solves concentration-weighted averaged equations of motion for both fluid and sediment phases. The model accounts for the interphase momentum transfer by considering drag forces. A collisional theory is used to compute the sediment stresses, while a two-equation (kε) fluid turbulence closure is implemented. A benchmark sediment transport problem concerning the scouring downstream of an apron is carried out as an example and numerical results agree with existing experimental data.  相似文献   
Mafic xenoliths from the Paleozoic Fuxian kimberlites in the North China craton include garnet granulite, and minor pyroxene amphibolite, metagabbro, anorthosite and pyroxenite. The formation conditions of the amphibolites are estimated at 745–820 °C and 7.6–8.8 Kb (25–30 km); the granulites probably are derived from greater depths in the lower crust. LAM-ICPMS U–Pb dating of zircons from four granulites reveals multiple age populations, recording episodes of magmatic intrusion and metamorphic recrystallisation. Concordant ages and upper intercept ages, interpreted as minimum estimates for the time of magmatic crystallisation, range from 2,620 to 2,430 Ma in three granulites, two amphibolites and two metagabbros. Lower intercept ages, represented by near-concordant zircons, are interpreted as reflecting metamorphic recrystallisation, and range from 1,927 to 1,852 Ma. One granulite contains two metamorphic zircon populations, dated at 1,927±55 Ma and 600–700 Ma. Separated minerals from one granulite and one amphibolite yield Sm–Nd isochron ages of 1,619±48 Ma (143Nd/144Nd)i=0.51078), and 1,716±120 Ma (143Nd/144Nd)i=0.51006), respectively. These ages are interpreted as recording cooling following metamorphic resetting; model ages for both samples are in the range 2.40–2.66 Ga. LAM-MC-ICPMS analyses of zircon show a range in 176Hf/177Hf from 0.28116 to 0.28214, corresponding to a range of Hf from –34 to +12. The relationships between 207Pb/206Pb age and Hf show that: (1) the granulites, amphibolites and metagabbro were derived from a depleted mantle source at 2.6–2.75 Ga; (2) zircons in most samples underwent recrystallisation and Pb loss for 100–200 Ma after magmatic crystallisation, consistent with a residence in the lower crust; (3) metamorphic zircons in several samples represent new zircon growth, incorporating Hf liberated from breakdown of silicates with high Lu/Hf; (4) in other samples metamorphic and magmatic zircons have identical 176Hf/177Hf, and the younger ages reflect complete resetting of U–Pb systems in older zircons. The Fuxian mafic xenoliths are interpreted as the products of basaltic underplating, derived from a depleted mantle source in Neoarchean time, an important period of continental growth in the North China craton. Paleoproterozoic metamorphic ages indicate an important tectonic thermal event in the lower crust at 1.8–1.9 Ga, corresponding to the timing of collision between the Eastern and Western Blocks that led to the final assembly of the North China craton. The growth of metamorphic zircon at 600–700 Ma may record an asthenospheric upwelling in Neoproterozoic time, related to uplift and a regional disconformity in the North China craton.  相似文献   
The effects of morning magnetospheric substorms in the variations in near-Earth atmospheric electricity according to the observations of the electric field vertical component (E z ), at Hornsund polar observatory (Spitsbergen). The E z, data, obtained under the conditions of fair weather (i.e., in the absence of a strong wind, precipitation, and fog), are analyzed. An analysis of the observations indicated that the development of a magnetospheric substorm in the Earth’s morning sector is as a rule accompanied by positive deviations in E z, independently of the Hornsund location: in the polar cap or at its boundary. In all considered events, Hornsund was located near the center of the morning convection vortex. In the evening sector, when Hornsund fell in the region of evening convection vortex, the development of a geomagnetic substorm was accompanied by negative deviations in E z., It has been concluded that the variations in the atmospheric electric field E z), at polar latitudes, observed during the development of magnetospheric substorms, result from the penetration of electric fields of polar ionospheric convection (which are intensified during a substorm) to the Earth’s surface.  相似文献   
The build-up of methane in the hypolimnion of the eutrophic Lake Rotsee (Lucerne, Switzerland) was monitored over a full year. Sources and sinks of methane in the water column were characterized by measuring concentrations and carbon isotopic composition. In fall, high methane concentrations (up to 1 mM) were measured in the anoxic water layer. In the oxic layer, methane concentrations were much lower and the isotopic composition shifted towards heavy carbon isotopes. Methane oxidation rates peaked at the interface between oxic and anoxic water layers at around 8–10 m depth. The electron balance between the oxidants oxygen, sulphate, and nitrate, and the reductants methane, sulphide and ammonium, matched very well in the chemocline during the stratified season. The profile of carbon isotopic composition of methane showed strong indications for methane oxidation at the chemocline (including the oxycline). Aerobic methane oxidizing bacteria were detected at the interface using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Sequencing the responsible organisms from DGGE bands revealed that aerobic methanotrophs type I closely related to Methylomonas were present. Sulphate consumption occurred at the sediment surface and, only towards the end of the stagnation period, matched with a zone of methane consumption. In any case, the flux of sulphate below the chemocline was not sufficient to oxidize all the methane and other oxidants like nitrate, iron or manganese are necessary for the observed methane oxidation. Although most of the methane was oxidized either aerobically or anaerobically, Lake Rotsee was still a source of methane to the atmosphere with emission rates between 0.2 mg CH4 m?2 day?1 in February and 7 mg CH4 m?2 day?1 in November.  相似文献   
A new method of determining the anisotropy parameters of small-scale irregularities in the ionospheric F region is presented and experimental results are shown. The method is based on observations of amplitude fluctuations of radio waves transmitted by satellites flying above the F region. In practice, Russian navigational satellites are used and both the amplitude and the phase of the signal is measured on the ground level. The method determines both the field-aligned anisotropy and the field-perpendicular anisotropy and orientation of the spatial spectrum of the irregularities, assuming that the contours of constant power have an elliptic shape. A possibility of applying the method to amplitude tomography is also discussed. Using a chain of receivers on the ground level, one could locate the regions of small-scale irregularities as well as determine their relative intensities. Then the large-scale background structures could be mapped simultaneously by means of ordinary ray tomography using the phase observations, and therefore the relations of small-scale and large-scale structures could be investigated.  相似文献   
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