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Fish skin collagen hydrolysates (FSCH) were prepared from walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) using a mixture of enzymes, namely trypsin and flavourzyme. The degree of hydrolysis of the skin collagen was 27.3%. FSCH was mainly composed of low-molecular-weight peptides and the relative proportion of <1000Da fraction was 70.6%. Free radical and oxygen species scavenging activities of FSCH were investigated in four model systems, including diphenylpicrylhy-drazyl radical (DPPH), superoxide anion radical, hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide model, and compared with that of a native antioxidant, reduced glutathione (GSH). FSCH was also evaluated by water-absorbing and water-holding capacity. The results showed that FSCH was able to scavenge free radical and oxygen species significantly and to enhance water-absorbing and water-holding capacity remarkably. Therefore, FSCH may have potential applications in the medicine and food industries.  相似文献   
Motif的功能概要地说就是对各种Widget的创建、管理和回调。利用Motif工具库为该系统设计人机交互界面的主要步骤为:根据有限元法地震正演模拟系统的总体结构,编程设计系统各层次结构的接口界面,主要包括主窗口、菜单拉杆、下拉菜单和绘图基的创建以及模型数据输入和图形的绘制。有限元法地震正演模拟系统的总体结构由四个层次的内容组成,其主要功能是:输入模型参数和排列参数(包括激发、接收参数);进行有限元法地震正演模拟计算;修改模型参数并重新进行计算。  相似文献   
Simulation of interactions among multiple debris flows   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Adjacent debris flows may interact in many ways: two or more concurrent debris flows may merge; one debris flow can run out over an existing debris flow fan. Such interactions may cause debris flow properties to change in the mixing process as well as more severe adverse effects than those caused by a single debris flow. This paper aims to investigate the interactions among channelized debris flows originated from adjacent catchments. Both concurrent and successive debris flows are considered. If several debris flows originate from different locations concurrently and merge, the volumetric sediment concentration (i.e., the ratio of the volume of solid material to the total volume of debris flow), C v, is a good index to capture the mixing process of these debris flows. The change in C v reflects where mixing occurs and the mixing degree. The debris flow properties (e.g., yield stress and dynamic viscosity) evolve in the mixing process and can be captured by the change in C v. The debris flow with a larger volume dominates the mixing process, and the properties of the mixed debris flow are more similar to those of the larger debris flow. The inundated areas and runout distances of successive debris flows are smaller than those of concurrent debris flows of the same total volume due to the smaller scales of the individual events and blockage by the earlier debris flows. However, the deposit depth in the interacting part of the debris flow fans of successive debris flows can be much larger than that of concurrent debris flows, leading to more destructive cascading hazards (e.g., the formation of debris barrier lakes). The sequence of successive debris flows not only significantly influences the runout characteristics of the debris flows but also substantially affects the cascading hazards.  相似文献   
阿拉善高原干涸湖床沉积物与华北地区沙尘暴   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
文章通过内蒙古阿拉善高原古居延泽干涸湖床沉积物、周缘活动沙丘、沙质草原地表土壤及古代弃荒土地的粒度组成分析,论述干涸湖床沉积物对沙尘天气的影响。古居延泽湖床沉积粒度分析结果表明,干涸湖床的地表湖相沉积物粒径小于10μm的颗粒占64%以上,可以在一般风暴条件下在大气中搬运几千公里,这意味着西北地区干涸湖床产生的粉尘在风暴作用下可以横扫整个东亚北部地区。中国西北地区冬、春季多西北风造成沙尘暴或扬沙天气,西部沙漠、沙地或沙质草场遭遇强风时沙尘被席卷进气流,但其中粗砂粒扬起的高度、搬运的距离有限,当风力稍稍减弱,粗颗粒砂粒沉降,而粉尘继续悬浮运移。当强风途径下一个沙区时新的沙尘加入,沙尘暴呈“接力方式”继续向东南部移动。  相似文献   
采用GFS(全球预报系统)产品预告图形资料,对阿勒泰地区2007-2008年汛期降水过程的预报能力进行统计检验,结果表明:GFS预报产品对汛期降水预报有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
黑龙江杂岩作为存在于佳木斯地块西缘的牡丹江洋俯冲—增生的唯一直接记录,对限定佳木斯地块晚古生代—中生代的构造演化具有关键作用。本文主要对依兰和牡丹江地区出露的黑龙江蓝片岩和云母片岩分别进行了地球化学和40Ar-39Ar年代学方面的分析。研究结果显示,依兰和牡丹江地区的蓝片岩原岩均为碱性玄武岩,与 OIB的地球化学性质相一致,指示其形成于洋岛环境。结合作者在依兰地区发表的蓝片岩原岩结晶年龄为~288 Ma,表明在早二叠世时期,佳木斯地块与松嫩地块之间存在古洋盆,即牡丹江洋。此外,在牡丹江地区黑龙江杂岩中获得的云母片岩白云母40Ar-39Ar年龄为187±2 Ma,其与变基性岩常常相伴产生,表明二者共同经历了牡丹江洋的俯冲消亡过程,因此代表了黑龙江蓝片岩的形成时代,即早侏罗世。综上,本文对佳木斯地块晚古生代—中生代的构造演化历史提出了新的解释,即:早二叠世,牡丹江洋一直存在于佳木斯地块与松嫩地块之间;早侏罗世,牡丹江洋向松嫩地块之下发生俯冲消减,进而造成佳木斯地块与松嫩地块发生碰撞拼贴。  相似文献   
Earthquakes are one of the natural disasters that pose a major threat to human lives and property. Earthquake prediction propels the construction and development of modern seismology;however, current deterministic earthquake prediction is limited by numerous difficulties. Identifying the temporal and spatial statistical characteristics of earthquake occurrences and constructing earthquake risk statistical prediction models have become significant;particularly for evaluating earthquake risks and addressing seismic planning requirements such as the design of cities and lifeline projects based on the obtained insight. Since the 21 st century, the occurrence of a series of strong earthquakes represented by the Wenchuan M8 earthquake in 2008 in certain low-risk prediction areas has caused seismologists to reflect on traditional seismic hazard assessment globally. This article briefly reviews the development of statistical seismology, emphatically analyzes the research results and existing problems of statistical seismology in seismic hazard assessment, and discusses the direction of its development. The analysis shows that the seismic hazard assessment based on modern earthquake catalogues in most regions should be effective. Particularly, the application of seismic hazard assessment based on ETAS(epidemic type aftershock sequence)should be the easiest and most effective method for the compilation of seismic hazard maps in large urban agglomeration areas and low seismic hazard areas with thick sedimentary zones.  相似文献   
We introduce a probabilistic framework for vulnerability analysis and use it to quantify current and future vulnerability of the US water supply system. We also determine the contributions of hydro-climatic and socio-economic drivers to the changes in projected vulnerability. For all scenarios and global climate models examined, the US Southwest including California and the southern Great Plains was consistently found to be the most vulnerable. For most of the US, the largest contributions to changes in vulnerability come from changes in supply. However, for some areas of the West changes in vulnerability are caused mainly by changes in demand. These changes in supply and demand result mainly from changes in evapotranspiration rather than from changes in precipitation. Importantly, changes in vulnerability from projected changes in the standard deviations of precipitation and evapotranspiration are of about the same magnitude or larger than those from changes in the corresponding means over most of the US, except in large areas of the Great Plains, in central California and southern and central Texas.  相似文献   
胶州湾沧口潮间带生态学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国从30年代开始就对潮间带生态学进行过研究,动物学界前辈张玺教授领导考察团,对胶州湾进行多次考察。50年代又对我国沿海有代表性的潮间带进行调查。在这个基础上,我们在1963年8月到1964年12月连续17个月,对胶州湾沧口泥沙滩进行了逐月的潮间带生态调查。主要目的是详细地了解我国北方海区潮间带泥沙底质生态类型的生物种类组成、垂直分布和数量变动,并对某些经济种类的生物学概况进行探讨。 将我们的调查材料与张玺早期的资料作一比较就可发现,虽然经过三十多年的时间,但胶州湾沧口泥沙滩潮间带的生物种类组成和分布基本上没有多大变化,它反映了污染前自然生态的面貌。本文详细阐明沧口泥沙滩潮间带的生态结构,表现沧口滩涂自然生态平衡的本底情况。 近十多年来,随着工业的发展,近岸工厂的污水及其他污染物排放入海,沧口泥沙滩潮间带的生态结构发生了变化,某些种类的分布下移,数量减少,某些种类已绝迹。近几年来,全国开展的海岸带和海涂综合调查需要有过去的本底资料进行对比,以便对现有资源量和将来可能发生的资源变动进行估计。为此,我们把以前的调查结果整理发表,为水产养殖、环境保护和海洋生态学研究提供必要的资料。  相似文献   
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