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李国平  杨艺  徐祯  李涛 《世界地理研究》2020,29(6):1091-1101
新型冠状病毒疫情扩散范围广、感染人数多,被世界卫生组织列为“国际公共卫生紧急事件”。以2003年中国非典型肺炎、2009年墨西哥甲型H1N1流感、2015年韩国中东呼吸道综合症和截至目前的2020年全球新冠疫情作为典型案例,比较全球重大疫情的经济影响与各地的响应措施,有助于积极探索更好地应对本次新冠疫情经济影响的政策响应途径。在历次疫情影响下,中国、墨西哥、韩国、美国等国家的经济系统都受到了突发疫情的重大影响。2003年中国第二季度GDP增速环比降低1.98%,交通运输、住宿、餐饮等第三产业首当其冲;墨西哥2009年GDP增长率降至-5.286%,旅游、零售餐饮与猪肉行业受到较大冲击;韩国2015年GDP增速由2014年的3.3%降至2.79%,旅游业与零售业的市场需求受到极大抑制;美国2020年第二季度实际GDP按年率计算下滑32.9%,是自1947年以来的最大降幅。为此,各国政府积极响应和应对,多策并举减轻疫情对经济系统的短期冲击:一是通过设立专项资金、增加财政预算,全面支持经济复苏;二是通过为企业提供经营补贴、延缓税收缴纳等举措,减轻企业尤其中小企业的经营负担;三是通过电商平台、城市宣传、简化签证手续等举措,振兴旅游业和商业发展。为了更好地应对此次新型冠状病毒疫情对经济系统的影响,各国应当统筹疫情防控与经济发展,积极采取减费降税、减少企业负担、扶持第三产业等响应举措,尽快恢复正常的世界经济秩序。  相似文献   
褚亚平先生是中国著名的地理教育学家和地名学家.他长期从事地理教育研究与实践,完善了中学地理教学法学科体系,创造性的提出地理教材"三系统"理论,提出以学生为本,促进学生全面发展与深入教学研究,培养高质量师资队伍并行的地理教育理论,他对地理教育的研究成果推动了中国地理教育学的发展.他重视地名研究与管理人才培养,撰写专著力图构建地名学的基础理论,并对新时期地名管理,地名规划,地名商品化等问题提出自己的看法.  相似文献   
设计了一套基于图像测量技术的花键套端面尺寸检测系统,采用高分辨率工业相机获取零件图像信息,使用相机标定技术标定相机参数,以校正光学系统导致的零件图像畸变,通过图像处理技术处理并分析图像,得到图像特征尺寸信息,最后采用分区域标定像素当量的方法得到零件实际尺寸.使用该检测系统与三坐标测量仪检测系统进行对比实验,实验结果显示,该系统尺寸检测结果与三坐标测量仪检测结果比照相差不超过10 μm.每个零件检测时间不超过20 s,速度远远快于平均检测时间需约2 min的三坐标测量仪检测方法,因此在满足检测精度的基础上大大提高了检测速度,实现了花键套尺寸批量检测.  相似文献   
廉毅  王雅君 《地理科学》2007,27(Z1):97-102
地处中高纬度的中国东北地区西部正在发展的土地荒漠化,已经引起国内学者的共识和关注.综述了近十几年这一领域研究的进展.侧重介绍土地荒漠化与区域气候变化的研究成果,并对将来研究中应思考的问题提出某些建议.在全球变暖的背景下,对东北地区西部生态环境的恶化趋势,如何采取系统和大规模的工程整治和保护措施,不仅对保障国家重要的东北地区中部产粮区的安全生产有重要战略意义,而且对人类适应、减缓和应对气候变暖具有典型的示范作用.进一步鼓励和支持开展东北地区土地荒漠化与气候变化的研究是十分必要的,建议加强有关气候变化、环境干旱化、土地覆盖变化的固定和野外观测系统建设,加强多要素的气候系统观测工作,加强多学科交叉研究立项工作,不仅要掌握卫星遥感信息,更要掌握器测的地表有关要素的信息,从中准确得出该区土地覆盖变化的频繁和敏感区的分布,为研究土地覆盖动力学和制定对策奠定科学基础.  相似文献   
太湖水体氮、磷浓度演变趋势(1985-2015年)   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
戴秀丽  钱佩琪  叶凉  宋挺 《湖泊科学》2016,28(5):935-943
分析了太湖水体氮、磷浓度1985-2015年的演变趋势.结果表明,近30年来,全太湖水体氮、磷指标总体呈先恶化、后好转的波动变化趋势.总氮(TN)浓度年均值在1.79~3.63 mg/L之间,30年平均值为2.62±0.03 mg/L,总磷(TP)浓度年均值在0.04~0.15 mg/L之间,30年平均值为0.086±0.001 mg/L,1996年全太湖TN (3.84 mg/L)和TP (0.15 mg/L)浓度年均值均达历史峰值.氮、磷逐月浓度变化情况显示,TN浓度呈明显季节性变化规律,最高值集中出现在3、4月,概率分别为67%和33%,最低值则分布在8、9、10、11月,概率分别为18%、41%、29%和12%,而TP浓度则没有明显的季节性变化规律.太湖各湖区水体氮、磷浓度变化空间异质性明显,西部水域和北部水域变化幅度大于东部水域、南部水域和湖心区.太湖水体氮、磷浓度的长期变化趋势显然和流域经济发展及各项环保管理措施的实施密切相关,同时也受到重大水情变化的影响.此外,在相对封闭的局部湖湾水体可以通过水利调度等综合治理措施短时期内改善氮、磷指标,但大太湖水质的改善任重而道远.  相似文献   
The hydraulic properties of aquitards are not easily obtained because monitoring wells are usually installed in aquifers for groundwater resources management. Earthquake‐induced crust stress (strain) triggers groundwater level variations over a short period of time in a large area. These groundwater anomalies can be used to investigate aquifer systems. This study uses a poroelastic model to fit the postseismic variations of groundwater level triggered by the Chi‐Chi earthquake to evaluate the hydraulic properties of aquitards in the Jhoushuei River alluvial fan (JRAF), Taiwan. Six of the adopted eight wells with depths of 70 to 130 m showed good agreement with the recovery theory. The mean hydraulic conductivities (K) of the aquifers for the eight wells are 1.62 × 10?4 to 9.06 × 10?4 m/s, and the thicknesses are 18.8 to 46.1 m. The thicknesses of the aquitards are 11.3 to 42.0 m. Under the isotropic assumption for K, the estimated values of K for the aquitards are 3.0 × 10?8 to 2.1 × 10?6 m/s, corresponding to a silty medium. The results match the values obtained for the geological material of the drilling core and those reported in previous studies. The estimated values were combined with those given in previous studies to determine the distribution of K in the first two aquitards in the JRAF. The distribution patterns of the aquitards reflect the sedimentary environments and fit the geological material. The proposed technique can be used to evaluate the K value of aquitards using inverse methods. The inversion results can be used in hydrogeological analyses, contaminant modeling, and subsidence evaluation.  相似文献   


In the soil slope supported by bolts, longitude waves instead of transverse waves, generated by earthquakes, first reach the slope surface. With the dynamic response of the P (pressure) wave along the anchorage structure, first, a theoretical study was conducted to investigate the propagation characteristics of the interference superposition, generated by the SV (shear-vertical) and the P waves. The SV wave was formed by the wave, originating from the bottom and reflected from the free surface of the slope, whereas the latter was the incident P wave, propagating in the slope. In addition, the structural measures, restraining the seismic wave, and the characteristics of the restraint effect at the free segment of the bolt were investigated. According to the wave-way difference between the incident P wave and the reflected SV wave, the minimum critical slope angle, influenced by the interference at the shallow slope, and the maximum influencing depth of the dynamic response, acting vertically to the slope surface, were obtained. The results indicate that the maximum influencing depth linearly correlated with the slope angle. Furthermore, based on the propagation characteristics of the P wave along the bolt, and the coupled relation between the wave length and the anchorage design parameters, the axial acceleration of the wave propagating along the bolt axis was obtained. Then, the theoretical length of the anti-seismic bolt, subjected to seismic waves, and the compensation force of the anchorage structure were obtained. Finally, a numerical study, based on FlAC3D, properly verified the theoretical conclusions.  相似文献   
2019年夏季对沿黄、东海至西太平洋跨越黑潮一个断面(122°E~145°E)的表层砂壳纤毛虫群落进行调查,研究了黑潮中砂壳纤毛虫与相邻水体的差异.根据水文环境及各站位所处的空间位置,我们将研究区域划分为大洋边缘区域、黑潮区域和大洋区域.各站位砂壳纤毛虫的丰度范围为3.95~31.94 ind·L–1,种丰富度范围为6...  相似文献   
-Considering both the seabed foundation and wave, an analytic model of "J" type is proposed for offshore pipeline-laying. The governing differential equation is also obtained for the pipeline on the seabed and for the suspension sections. By utilizing weighted- residual method and dual iteration technique, an approximate solution is obtained, too. In the end, calculation examples are given for analyzing the changeable relationship among the major parameters.  相似文献   
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