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在新建滨海工程时往往遇到历史上的最高潮位资料不详,不满足设计计算的需求,这就需要通过现场调查找到当年大潮的蛛丝马迹来反算当年的潮高,而这一方法又往往由于高潮发生的年代久远,证据混乱,互相矛盾而造成结论不可信。用数学手段对工程海域历史上的大潮过程进行模拟,从而确认调查结论的可信程度是解决上述问题的一个有效的手段。本文是一个成功运用上述方法确定历史最高水位实例。  相似文献   
应用DFD(Diverse Firewall Design)方法进行防火墙规则集设计时,需使用规则集语义比较算法,判断多个规则集是否语义一致。规则冲突是导致规则集语义不一致的主要原因。因此,需要研究针对规则冲突的规则集语义比较算法。而现有算法时空复杂度较高,性能低下。文中提出了1种基于关键数据包选取映射的规则集语义比较算法(KPCM)。KPCM算法针对规则冲突选取关键数据包,并通过比较这些数据包在不同规则集中的处理动作,判断这些规则集是否语义一致。理论分析和测试表明,KPCM算法时空性能均优于现有算法。  相似文献   
根据地质、地貌及地球物理资料分析,探讨展布于云南边陲哀牢山两侧的北西向断裂组成的红河断裂构造带,在东南亚的延伸特征。提出在该延伸带两侧沉积建造、构造活动,地球物理场和大地构造发展上均有显著差异。并进一步探讨该断裂构造带在大地构造上的意义。  相似文献   
风力对内陆浅水水域磷水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对平度市大泽山水库(面积约0.5平方公里,平均水深约1.5米)的实地观测,研究了风力对内陆浅水水域磷水平的影响。结果表明,影响程度取决于风速、风力作用时间、水深以及风力作用前磷水平的高低等因素。就大泽山水库而言,风速大于2.5米/秒的风力可引起各种形态磷的明显增加。不过对磷酸盐磷来说,如果浓度本来就较高,风力作用下当有大量沉积物颗粒泛起时,会对PO_4~≡产生吸附,因而可能导致水中游离磷酸盐磷含量下降。鉴于此,作者建议对内陆浅水水域进行磷水平调查时应考虑风力的作用。  相似文献   
The interaction of water waves with arrays of bottom-mounted, surface-piercing circular cylinders is investigated theoretically. The sidewall of each cylinder is porous and thin. Under the assumptions of potential flow and linear wave theory, a semi-analytical solution is obtained by an eigenfunction expansion approach first proposed for impermeable cylinders by Spring and Monkmeyer (1974), and later simplified by Linton and Evans (1990). Analytical expressions are developed for the wave motion in the exterior and all interior fluid regions. Numerical results are presented which illustrate the effects of various wave and structural parameters on the hydrodynamic loads and the diffracted wave field. It is found that the porosity of the structures may result in a significant reduction in both the hydrodynamic loads experienced by the cylinders and the associated wave runup.  相似文献   
本文首次报道了在我国豫西晚前寒武系白草坪组中发现的一种可能的蠕虫状后生动物实体化石:Ruyangia Cylindrica Hu et Meng,1989。化石产于砂岩表面浪成波痕之波谷中,圆筒状,已压扁,中空,可见长度4.5~9.5cm,直径4mm左右,虫体外壁具体环,环背间距1.5~2mm,虫体一端较大,具平行纵向边缘的纵纹,可能为头部;另一端渐尖,可能为尾部。与该实体化石伴生的有大量遗迹化石。已知白草坪组的时代超过1400Ma,因此,该实体化石的发现对研究地球上后生动物起源与早期演化等具重要意义。  相似文献   
震前大气电场异常的区域性特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
郝建国  潘怀文 《地震》1993,(6):48-54
在了近场每次较大地震发生前,均能观测到明显的大气电场负异常信息。在观测不到明显的大气电场负异常时,近场近期一般不会有较大地震发生的基础上,本文对北京及其附近地区为例,利用所观测到的在气电场异常资料及1985年后该地区所发生的8次Ml≥4地震资料,较深入地探讨了震前大气电场异常的空间分布特征,取得了一些规律性的认识:(1)异常多发生在距震中不太范围内,且随着震级的增大异常区的范围也增大。(2)较大地  相似文献   
A 3D electrical resistivity imaging survey is presented in this paper. The objective was to investigate an underground wastewater system at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Apparent resistivity data were collected along ten parallel lines using a Wenner-Schlumberger configuration; electrode cables were oriented in the x-direction with 3 m spacing. Roll-along measurements using a line spacing of 3 m were carried out covering a grid of 20 × 10 electrodes. All data sets were merged into a single data file in order to perform a 3D inversion. Two different 3D least squares algorithms, based on the robust inversion method and the smoothness-constrained technique, were used for the inversion of the apparent resistivity data. Both the horizontal and vertical extents of the anomalous zones found by inversion are displayed. The results indicate the superiority of the robust inversion method over the smoothness-constrained technique at this site. The results are in sufficient accordance with previously known information about the investigation area. The results show that 3D electrical resistivity imaging surveys, in combination with an appropriate 3D inversion method, can be highly useful for engineering and archaeological investigations as well as for environmental applications.  相似文献   
西昌市地质灾害发育分布规律及防灾建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西昌市地处川西的安宁河流域,区内地质条环境件复杂,生态环境脆弱,泥石流、滑坡等地质灾害发育,给当地居民生命财产安全及经济发展带来了较大影响。本文通过对西昌市目前发育的153处不同类型的地质灾害进行统计,总结了地质灾害在流域、高程、时段等方面的分布规律;对影响或控制西昌市地质灾害发育的地形地貌、构造、岩土体结构、地震、降雨及人类工程活动等因素进行了分析、总结;并针对西昌市的地质灾害类型及发育分布特征提出了适用于该地区的科学、合理的地质灾害防灾建议。  相似文献   
For a Hamiltonian that can be separated into N+1(N\geq 2) integrable parts, four algorithms can be built for a symplectic integrator. This research compares these algorithms for the first and second order integrators. We found that they have similar local truncation errors represented by error Hamiltonian but rather different numerical stability. When the computation of the main part of the Hamiltonian, H 0, is not expensive, we recommend to use S * type algorithm, which cuts the calculation of the H 0 system into several small time steps as Malhotra(1991) did. As to the order of the N+1 parts in one step calculation, we found that from the large to small would get a slower error accumulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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