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With the rapid economic development during the last 30 years in China, more and more disparities have emerged among different regions. It has been one of the hot topics in the fields of physical geography and economic geography, and also has been the task for Chinese government to handle. Nevertheless, to quantitatively assess the impacts of physio-geographical patterns (PGP) on the regional development disparity has been ignored for a long time. In this paper, a quantitative method was adopted to assess the marginal effects of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity using the partial determination coefficients. The paper described the construction of the evaluation model step by step following its key scientific thinking. Total GDP, per capita GDP, primary industrial output value and secondary industrial output value were employed in this study as the indicators to reflect the impacts of PGP on the regional development disparity. Based on the evaluation methods built by researchers, this study firstly analyzed the temporal impacts of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity of the regional development in China during the past 50 years, and then explained the spatial differences at each development stage. The results show that the spatio-temporal disparity in China is highly related to the PGP, and that the marginal contribution rate could be employed as an effective way to quantitatively assess the impact of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity of the regional development. 相似文献
Based on remote sensing and GIS techniques, land use maps in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in China′s coastal zone were produced, and structural raster data of land use were further generated to calculate land use intensity comprehensive index(LUICI) for analyzing land use spatial-temporal characteristics at 1 km scale. Results show that: 1) from the perspective of spatial patterns of landforms at a macro scale, there is a significant difference in land use intensity between the north and the south of China′s coastal zone. Hotspots of changes mainly concentrated in metropolitan areas, estuaries and coastal wetlands; 2) elevation is an important factor that controlling land use spatial patterns at local scale. Land use intensity is much higher within areas below the elevation of 400 m and it decreased significantly as the elevation increasing; 3) there is a significant land-ocean gradient for land use intensity, which is low in island and near-shore areas, but high in the regions that 4–30 km far away the coastline because of much intensive human activities; however, in recent decades land use intensity had been promoted significantly in low near-shore area due to extensive sea reclamations; 4) significant differences of land use intensity were also found among provincial administrative units. A rising trend of land use intensity was found in provincial-level administrative units from 2000 to 2010. To sum up, elevation, land-ocean gradient, socio-economic status and policy are all influencing factors to the spatial patterns and temporal variations of land use intensity in China′s coastal zone. 相似文献
GIS与土壤溶质运移模型结合研究进展 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
地理信息系统对土壤溶质模型研究而言,使用者的要求与GIS所能提供的功能之间,还存在巨大的差距。出于对环境问题的关注,土壤中水分及溶质运移的规律及其对环境的影响,成为当前研究的热点。随着对土壤溶质运移模型研究的深入,一方面由于田间土壤特性具有很大的空间变异;另一方面,在实际应用中,往往溶质运移的宏观特征而非微观特征,具有更重要的意义。将溶质运移模型与GIS技术结合,定量研究空间尺度的溶质运移,成为溶质运移研究的必然发展趋势。由于计算机软硬件技术的发展,GIS正处于一个高速发展的时期。将GIS与溶质运移模型相结合,或者进一步,以GIS理论和技术为基础,建立基于GIS的溶质运移模型,将对溶质运移的规律及其对环境的影响,做出更深入和准确的描述。 相似文献
CunDe Xiao ZhongQin Li Lin Zhao ShiChang Kang YuanQing He Xiang Qin XiaoBo He 《寒旱区科学》2012,4(1):0001-0012
In coordination with Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) initiated by World Meteorology Administration (WMO), a regional observation
network is proposed based on existing stations/sites over High Asia and cryospheric elements required by GCW. Thus,
High Asian Cryosphere (HAC) network is preliminary designed, composing of seven "supersites", each containing several reference
sites. The network covers major mountain ranges in High Asia, such as East Tianshan, Qilian, Tanggula, Nyainqentanglha,
Himalayas as well as the central and eastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Although multiple cryospheric elements were observed
at the existing HAC network, many others, which are required by Integrated Global Observation System-Cryosphere
Theme (IGOS-Cryosphere), are not yet included. More comprehensive observations are necessary to be included into "supersites"
of HAC, so that the basic requirements for validation of satellite data, assimilation and coupled regional models can be met. 相似文献
较为详细地介绍了大洋钻探计划(ODP)的科学目标,研究主题及其重要的科学意义,大洋钻探计划是当今举世瞩目的国际性海洋科学研究计划,其前身深海钻探计划(DSDP)孕育了20世纪70年代的地学革命,为“新全球构造理论”--板块构造学说的发展提供了关键性的证据。自1985年开始的ODP成功地探查了地质历史演化中塑造我们这颗星球并决定了其现今环境状态的各种地质过程,揭示了控制地壳形成,海洋化学,海洋的深部和表面循环的各种地质以及生物圈和环境物理化学间相互作用的复杂性,DSDP和ODP的成功为实施新世纪海洋钻探-综合海洋钻探项目(IODP)的目标铺平了道路,IODP是在21世纪初即将实施的新的大洋钻探计划。 相似文献
离散裂隙渗流方法与裂隙化渗透介质建模 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
流体渗流模拟的连续介质方法通常适用于多孔地质体,并不一定适用于裂隙岩体,由于裂隙分布及其特征与孔隙差异较大。若流体渗流主要受裂隙的控制,对于一定尺寸的裂隙岩体,多孔介质假设则较难刻划裂隙岩体的渗流特征。离散裂隙渗流方法不但可直接用于模拟裂隙岩体非均质性和各向异性等渗流特征,而且可用其确定所研究的裂隙岩体典型单元体及其水力传导(渗透)张量大小。主要讨论了以下问题:(1)饱和裂隙介质中一般的离散流体渗流模拟;(2)裂隙岩体中的REV(典型单元体)及其水力传导(渗透)张量的确定;(3)利用离散裂隙网络流体渗流模型研究裂隙方向几何参数对水力传导系数和REV的影响;(4)在二维和三维离散裂隙流体渗流模型中对区域大裂隙和局部小裂隙的处理方法。调查结果显示离散裂隙流体渗流数学模型可用来评价不同尺度上的裂隙岩体的水力特征,以及裂隙方向对裂隙化岩体的水力特征有着不可忽视的影响。同时,局部小裂隙、区域大裂隙应当区别对待,以便据其所起的作用及水力特征,建立裂隙化岩体相应的流体渗流模型。 相似文献