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影响人体体感温度的气象要素主要包括温度、湿度、风以及太阳辐射,依据这些气象要素影响人体体感温度的原理,确定了平均气温与体感温度相同时的临界相对湿度、风速及太阳辐射值.以全国有水平面直接辐射曝辐量观测项目的77个气象台站的历年逐日4次定时观测资料为基础,把相邻两个白昼(夜间)的气温差作为因变量,相对湿度差、风速差、垂直辐射差(白昼)作为自变量,以旬为时问分辨率,建立了逐旬多元回归方程.各地所建立的逐句多元线性拟合方程拟合优度相当高,F统计量检验也充分证明线性回归方程总体成立,从气候意义、统计角度来看该方法都具有充分的可行性.  相似文献   
GIS技术在房地产市场信息系统中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了当前国内房地产现状、存在的问题,以及房地产市场信息系统(Real Estate Market Information System,以下简称REMIS)当前所处的发展背景.指出房产GIS在标准和应用上存在的一些问题.对房地产管理和REMIS对GIS的需求情况进行了分析.根据需求分析作者提出了GIS技术在REMIS中的几种应用模式,并指出基于楼盘表为核心的GIS应用模式将是未来房产GIS发展的方向.针对房产GIS应用的不同模式采用的几种关键技术也做了相应描述.  相似文献   
通过遥感解译对日照市海水入侵现状进行分析,对海水入侵程度进行评价,发现养殖池和河滩面积在大幅增加,盐田、滩涂、沙滩等均在减少。在日照沿海地区,地下水的储备与人类的用水需求之间存在矛盾,人类过量开采地下淡水是产生海水入侵的主导因素。建议采取兴建地下水库、减少地下水开采和人工回灌等措施防治海水入侵。  相似文献   
平阴县土壤中重金属元素异常成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对平阴县周边及其西部农田区采样调查,平阴县周边元素异常具有异常衬度较高,富集系数大等特征,西部农田区异常具有各元素套合关系好,多数异常衬度不高,富集系数小的特点。结果表明,西部农田区异常是以As,Cd为主要成分的异常,元素含量与SiO2,Al2O3,Fe2O3等常量组分间具有显著的相关性,随SiO2含量的增加而降低,随Al2O3,Fe2O3含量的增加而增加,说明土壤常量组分及其所决定的土壤质地是导致异常形成的主要因素;而平阴城区异常是以S,Hg,As,Zn,Mn等元素为主的异常,是典型的人为综合因素(化工烟尘、工厂污水、生活垃圾)产生的异常。  相似文献   
3月6日,山东省国土资源厅厅长徐景颜在全省国土资源工作会议上透露,山东省深部找矿再传喜报,在鲁西南曹县一定陶一带发现了一处资源量超过30亿t,其中1500m以浅资源量达20亿t的优质大型煤田——曹县煤田。曹县煤田的发现,是山东省继金矿、铁矿深部找矿取得显著成效之后的又一重大突破。对于缓解山东省及华东地区优质炼焦用煤的缺口,促进地方经济发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
新疆和田玉是世界软玉品种中最好的一种,有“玉王”之称。该文对和田玉的矿物组成、化学成分及物理性质进行了鉴定分析,提出了和田玉原料及玉器的评估方法。  相似文献   
Polysiphonia urceolata is one type of potential commercial red seaweeds used for breeding and cultivation, because of its significant biochemical and biomedical application. However, the information of breeding and seedling incubation for cultivation is limited, especially the early development. In this study, tetrasporohyte and gametophyte of P. urceolata were taken as the study materials in Huiquan Bay, Qingdao, China. The cleaned and sterilized tetrasporophytes and gametophytes were pre-cultured in sterilized seawater, then nurtured at 18°C, 25 μmol photons m−2 s−1 in 12:12 h (light:dark) photoperiod. Continuous observation under microscope showed that the early development consists of bipolar division stage and seedling stage. In the division stage, tetraspores germinate into bipolar sporelings that further differentiate into a colorless rhizoidal portion and a lightly pigmented upright shoot. The lightly pigmented rhizoidal cell develops to a rhizoid and the larger pigmented cell transforms to an erect axis. In the seedling stage, several quasi-protuberances appear on the erect axis and form juvenile seedlings. The results demonstrate the culture of P. urceolata from tetraspores under laboratory conditions. Supported by National Key Technology Support Program, Development Program of China (No.2006AA09Z21), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40618001 and N_CUHK438/06) and Shandong Agricultural Seed Stock Breeding Project  相似文献   
The ability of several ab initio models to predict experimental 29Si-NMR chemical shift is examined. The shielding values of trimethylsilyl chloride (A), t-butyldimethylsilyl chloride (B) and allytrimethylsilane (C) are calculated by GIAO, CSGT and IGAIM methods, using HF/6–31G*, B3LYP/6-31G*, HF/6–311+G**, B3LYP/6–311+G** and MPW1PW91/6–311+G** models respectively. The 29Si chemical shifts calculated by GIAO method using HF/6–311+G** model are highly in agreement with those obtained experimentally. All of the models above reproduce the trends of chemical shifts in all cases studied, suggesting that the models are of practical value.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheKuroshioisthewesternboundarycurrentintheNorthPacificandisthecounterpartoftheGulfStreamintheNorthAtlantic.TheoriginoftheKuroshioisthenorthwardflowingbranchoftheNorthEquatorialCurrentwhichisdividedintotwocurrentsonapproachingthewesternbo…  相似文献   
差分InSAR处理及其应用分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文结合实例分析和介绍了影响In SAR处理结果的几个重要环节。如: 数据源及像对选择 ;影响In SAR处理的因素等。目前有4~5种雷达卫星数据可以用于In SAR的处理,ERS-1/2卫星数据效果最好; 差分In SAR处理的工作步骤中,亚像元精度的配准、相干性分析、全相位恢复等是其中的关键技术。In SAR的精度和噪声水平是In SAR能否实用的重要条件,噪声影响地物的相干性,噪声较大部位相干性消失,在整幅图像中噪声区域不大于30% ,将不影响整体的In SAR测量结果。  相似文献   
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