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Railroad operating experience in permafrost conditions has shown that deformations of embankments on thawing foun-dations last for a long time. After an initial period of heat settlement due to permafr...  相似文献   
The rate of the reversible homogeneous disproportionation of polysulfides was studied by following the optical absorbance of polysulfide solutions in a continuous plug flow reactor equipped with an on-line photometric detector. In order to avoid heterogeneous slow reactions involving sulfur colloids or precipitate, the reaction was initiated by an abrupt pH change from an undersaturated solution containing predominantly tetrasulfide species to a pH where pentasulfide is the dominant species. The disproportionation was found to follow first order reversible reaction dynamics. At environmentally relevant conditions the characteristic time of the disproportionation reaction is of the order of 10 s. This characteristic time implies that necessary conditions for speciation of the different polysulfide species by chromatography or another separation and subsequent quantification scheme should be of the order of 1 s.  相似文献   
We present a model of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) related to “very massive” stars. In the framework of our model, the GRB phenomenon is a result of helium burning in degenerate conditions in a massive star (≳130 M ), in which the thermal nuclear burning occurs in the deflagration regime and has a pulsating temporal pattern. The shock runs away from the burning (reaction) zone, which leads to the development of a coronal outflow (jet-like) structure. In our scenario the GRB observable prompt fast rise and decay part can be a result of photon propagation through the hot corona (Comptonization photosphere) of the star. On the other hand, the GRB afterglow is a cooling phase of the expanding and outflowing envelope. Presumably, the X-ray part of the GRB emergent spectrum is formed due to upscattering of soft photons of outer layers of the star off hot coronal electrons, and thus it should have a specific shape of the Comptonization spectrum.  相似文献   
A clue towards a retrieval of the zodiacal brightness gathering along a line of sight in the ecliptic plane consists in introducing the other intersection of that line with the terrestrial orbit (Fig. 1). The distribution of the elemental contribution to the brightness, or of the local quantity D [directional scattering coefficient, i.e. cross-section of the unit-volume, which gives very simple expressions (1), (2) for the brightness integral] can then be approached with reduced uncertainty. The assumptions-steady state of the zodiacal cloud; smooth distribution of D—are strongly suggested by the observations, and are much less controversial than the classical assumption of uniform composition and size everywhere.The scattering coefficient may vary along the line of sight as seen in Fig. 3 : an uncertainty bar highly dependent of the abscissa, and considerably reduced in the vicinity of two “nodes”. Both in abscissae and in ordinates, these nodes are conspicuously insensitive to the arbitrary choice of a mathematical model (Table 1).The node exterior to the Earth's orbit (“martian node”) remains at r ? 1.5 a.u. from the Sun (Fig. 4). It gives access to a range of the scattering phase function near Mars' orbit, deconvolved from any radial dependence of that function (Fig. 5). The backscattering effect obtained is a new confirmation of the non-terrestrial origin of the gegenschein.The node interior to the Earth's orbit remains located not far from the middle of each chord (“quasi-radial node”. Fig. 4). It allows to retrieve the radial dependence of D, partly deconvolved from its angular dependence, between 0.5 and 1 a.u. (Fig. 6 and Table 4).The uncertainty bars on D at the two observing locations yield two uncertainty bars of the phase function σ(θ) at 1 a.u. (Fig. 7). At θ = 30°, the forward scattering efficiency (normalized to θ = 90°) cannot exceed 6 and more likely 4. This disagrees with higher values obtained assuming spherical particles, and even obtained in part of the more realistic studies (assuming irregularly shaped particles, or mainly observational) reviewed in Table 5.All of these results are derived, with fair agreement, from three independent observational sources.  相似文献   
We discuss the formation of pulsars with massive companions in eccentric orbits. We demonstrate that the probability for a non-recycled radio pulsar to have a white dwarf as a companion is comparable to that of having an old neutron star as a companion. Special emphasis is given to PSR B1820−11 and PSR B2303+46. Based on population synthesis calculations we argue that PSR B1820−11 and PSR B2303+46 could very well be accompanied by white dwarfs with mass ≳1.1 M. For PSR B1820−11, however, we cannot exclude the possibility that its companion is a main-sequence star with a mass between ∼0.7 M and ∼5 M.  相似文献   
In order to improve the reliability of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method in identifying subsurface sinkholes and karst cavities, laboratory investigations have been performed. The main objective of this work was to examine the relationship between horizontal/vertical voids dimensions and wavelengths of various antennas, and the corresponding GPR responses. Emphasis was given to the investigation of the factors that cause the appearance of reverberation phenomena in the signal pattern.The tests were conducted in 5 m × 10 m area by 2-m-deep trench filled with homogenous, dry sand. The voids models (empty fiberglass cylinders in diameters of 0.6 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m and 2.4 m, with various heights) were buried vertically with their tops at depths of between 0.7 and 1.5 m. Investigations were performed for the various model conditions by towing 500, 300 and 100 MHz antennas along a pre-established grid, for the various model conditions.The GPR data collected using the 500 MHz bistatic antenna above the 1.0-m- and the 1.5-m-diameter cylinders, and using the 300 MHz bistatic antenna above the 1.5-m-diameter cylinder, confirmed the presence of a reverberation phenomenon, i.e. a strong convex signal pattern, containing a series of high amplitude extending oscillations with reduced frequency.Based on past practical GPR experience of void detection and presently obtained experimental data, two rules of thumbs may be adopted for the prediction of the appearance of resonant radar pictures:
1. The void diameter larger than the wavelength in air of the antenna used.
2. The vertical size of the empty void not significantly smaller than its horizontal dimension.
The strong reverberations generated by the inner surface of the void targets were found to approximate standing waves generated in cylindrical waveguides and waveguide resonators. The theoretical, experimental and practical results obtained concur.  相似文献   
Airborne and ground-based (correlation spectrometer, cascade impactor, and photoelectric counter together with intake filter probes) measurements are described for the volcanic emissions from Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico) from December 23, 1994 to January 28, 1995. Measurements of SO2 restarted 48 h after the eruption onset of December 21, 1994. Maximum sulfur dioxide (4560 t d−1) plus 3.8×104 t d−1 of particulate matter were ejected on December 24, 1994. The maximum rate of ejection occurred coincidentally with the maximum amplitude of harmonic tremor and the maximum number of seismic type B events. Sulfur dioxide emission rates ranged from 1790 to 2070 t d−1 (December 23–24, 1994). Afterwards, sulfur dioxide emission rates clearly indicated a consistent decline. However, frequent gas and ash emission puffs exhibited SO2 fluxes reaching values as high as 3060 t d−1. The emission SO2 baseline for the period of study (February 1994–January 1995) was about 1000 t d−1. Ejection velocity of particulate matter was approximately 270 m s−1 reaching a height of about 2.5 km over the summit. The immediate aerosol dispersion area was estimated at 6.0×104 km2 maximum. The microscopic structure of particles (aerosol and tephra) showed a fragile material, probably coming from weathered crustal layers. X-ray fluorescence and neutron-activation analysis from the impactor samples found the following elements: Si, Al, Ca, S, P, Cl, K, Ni, Fe, Ti, Sc, Cu, Zn, Mn, Sr, Cr, Co, Y, Br, Se, Ga, Rb, Hg and Pb. Morphological analysis shows that ash samples might be from pulverized basaltic rock indicating that the Popocatépetl eruption of December 21, 1994 was at low temperature. The microscopic structure of puff material showed substance aggregates consisted of fragile rock, water and adsorbed SO2. These aggregates were observed within water droplets of approximately 1 mm and even larger. Sulfur transformations in the droplets occurred intensively. Volcanic ash contained 5–6% of sulfur during the first expulsion hours. Elemental relative concentrations with respect to Al show that both Si and S have relative concentrations >1, i.e., 13.73 and 2.17, respectively in agreement with the photoelectric counter and COSPEC measurements.  相似文献   
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