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The Emilia Romagna slope of the Northern Apennines is strewnwith over 32,000 landslides, 5,000 of which are larger than 1 million cubic metres. They representthe remains of geomorphic agents that shaped the Apennines during the Holocene. Dating themby means of radiocarbon methods adds a contribution to the knowledge about the last periodof the geological geomorphological history of the Apennines. They can also be used to examinethe influence of Quaternary climatic changes on the instability of slopes and, for practicalor planning functions, to assess the periodicity of activity phases of the landslides. Thedating has been carried out on wood remnants buried under the landslide bodies. In some cases theentire tree trunk was found.In this paper we present radiocarbon dating of 20 casestudies in the Northern Apennines. Results range approximately from 13790–13670 cal y BP to950–790 cal`y BP. The oldest case is that of the Morsiano earth-flow, while the younger datedevent is represented by the Marano case that represents an example of how radiometric analysescan further enhance the available historical data. In the Cavola case, wood remnants of different ageswere found at different depths (from 9 to 45 m), allowing the dating of the first and followingperiods of activity of the landslide. The results are discussed and some considerations on the correlationbetween landslide occurrence and Holocene climate changes are proposed.  相似文献   
In this two-part paper we evaluate the effect of “endogenizing” technological learning and strategic behavior of agents in economic models used to assess climate change policies. In the first part we show the potential impact of R&D policies or demonstration and deployment (D&D) programs in the context of stringent stabilization scenarios. In the second part we show how game-theoretic methods can be implemented in climate change economic models to take into account three types of strategic interactions: (i) the market power of the countries benefiting from very low abatement costs on international markets for CO2 emissions, (ii) the strategic behavior of governments in the domestic allocation of CO2 emissions quotas, and (iii) the non-cooperative behavior of countries and regions in the burden sharing of CO2 concentration stabilization. The two topics of endogenous learning and game-theoretic approach to economic modeling are two manifestations of the need to take into account the strategic behavior of agents in the evaluation of climate change policies. In the first case an R&D policy or a demonstration and deployment (D&D) program are put in place in order to attain a cost reduction through the learning effect; in the second case the agents (countries) reply optimally to the actions decided by the other agents by exploiting their strategic advantages. Simulations based on integrated assessment models illustrate the approaches. These studies have been conducted under the Swiss NCCR-Climate program.  相似文献   
Accidental release of petroleum hydrocarbons to the subsurface may occur through spills around refineries, leaking pipelines, storage tanks, or other sources. If the spill is large, the hydrocarbon liquids may eventually reach a water table and spread laterally in a pancake-like lens. Hydrocarbons that exist as a separate phase are termed light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs). The portion of the LNAPL that is mobile, not entrapped as residual saturation, is termed "free product."
This paper presents new analytical solutions for the design of long-term free-product recovery from aquifers with skimmer, single- and dual-pump wells. The solutions are for steady-state flow, based on the assumption of vertical equilibrium, and include the effect of coning of LNAPL, air, and water on flow. The solutions are valid for soils of large hydraulic conductivity where the effect of capillary pressure on coning is small.
The results show how to estimate the maximum rate of inflow of LNAPL for skimmer wells, i.e., wells in which LNAPL is recovered with little or no water production. The paper also shows how to calculate the increase in LNAPL recovery when water is pumped by single- or dual-pump wells. A simple equation is given that can be used to adjust the water rate to avoid smearing of the LNAPL below the water table.  相似文献   
Ocean Dynamics - The Oceanographic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) focuses on scientific and technological development of operational oceanography in Brazil considering both numerical...  相似文献   
We report on new paleomagnetic results obtained from 27 sites sampled in the Plio–Pleistocene sequences at the external front of the central–northern Apennines. Previous analyses of Miocene (Messinian) sediments indicated that the present shape of the northern Apenninic arc is due to the oroclinal bending of an originally straight belt oriented around N320° and that vertical axis rotations accompanied the migration of the thrust fronts toward the Adriatic foreland [F. Speranza et al., J. Geophys. Res. 102 (1997) 3153–3166]. We tried to provide new paleomagnetic constraints for the timing and rates of the oroclinal bending process during the Pliocene and the Pleistocene. The results suggest that CCW rotations observed in the northern part of the studied area are possibly younger than 3 Ma. No regional rotation is recorded in the Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments from the southern part of the study area, analogously to the Messinian sediments of the ‘Acquasanta’ domain of Speranza et al. [F. Speranza et al., J. Geophys. Res. 102 (1997) 3153–3166]. A local significant CCW rotation (23°±10°) is identified in the Early Pleistocene sediments that crop out along the Adriatic coast between Ascoli and Pescara, indicating differential motion of the thrust sheets. This rotation must be younger than 1.43 Ma.  相似文献   
On September 26, 1997, at 00.33 h(GMT), a Mw 5.7 earthquake occurred in the axial zone of theUmbria-Marche Apennines of central Italy, in the Colfiorito basin area. At09.40 h (GMT), a Mw 6.0 earthquake again struck the area withinthe Colfiorito basin, a major intramontane basin filled with Quaternarycontinental deposits. The two main shocks, and the associated aftershockswere within a roughly NNW-SSE trending zone of largest damage (Imax10), in which ground deformation has been observed. Along this trend,Cello et al. (1997a) had mapped a few capable faults, showingtranstensional to pure extensional kinematics. Field inspection of themapped faults, carried out after the main shocks, revealed that some ofthem were locally reactivated (for lengths of several hundreds metres andsurface slip in the range of 2–8 cm) during the September 26, 1997earthquakes.  相似文献   
Pottery from the Bronze Age of southwest Spain has traditionally been approached from a “typological” stand seeking the establishment of chronological sequences. This article examines ceramics from two different Bronze Age sites, a settlement (El Trastejón) and a necropolis (La Traviesa), from an archaeometric viewpoint. The methodology involved includes mineralogical characterization by XRD and optical microscopy, chemical analysis by XRF, and morphometric analysis through digital processing of thin sections. The analytical results are contextualized within the general framework of our current archaeological knowledge of both sites and their general background, and then a preliminary interpretation is proposed in terms of the prehistoric technology of pottery manufacture and functionality. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract— We present a database of magnetic susceptibility measurements on 971 ordinary chondrites. It demonstrates that this parameter can be successfully used to characterize and classify ordinary chondrite meteorites. In ordinary chondrites, this rapid and non‐destructive measurement essentially determines the amount of metal in the sample, which occurs in a very narrow range for each chondrite class (though terrestrial weathering can result in a variable decrease in susceptibility, especially in finds). This technique is particularly useful not only for a rapid classification of new meteorites, but also as a check against curation errors in large collections (i.e., unweathered meteorites, the measured susceptibility of which lies outside the expected range, may well be misclassified or misidentified samples). Magnetic remanence, related to magnetic field measurements around asteroids, is also discussed.  相似文献   
Slickenside studies in regions of crustal spreading such as Iceland and the Afar Depression, East Africa, reveal that a significant number of faults parallel and close to rift axes are strike-slip rather than normal. Therefore, the pattern of brittle deformation in these regions does not conform to the classic two-dimensional schemes of oceanic tectonics and pre-oceanic rifting. Dip-slip and strike-slip faulting presumably alternated along or in the vicinity of spreading axes, indicate a varying stress field and a combination of transverse and longitudinal movements. In Iceland, strike-slip faults parallel to rifts are observed both west and east of the rift system as well as in a median area between overlapping rifts; the mechanisms proposed for their origin include accommodation of oblique convergence or divergence of crustal sections due to variations of spreading directions along axis and the interaction of overlapping rifts. In the Afar Depression this kind of fault is recorded west of the rift of Asal and can be imputed to reflect an interaction among rifts in the vicinity of the Afar triple junction. Rift-parallel strike-slip faults cannot however be assumed to be a feature of all crustal spreading axes due to the peculiarity of the examined regions: both of them are hot-spot areas and the Afar Depression lies at a triple junction.  相似文献   
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