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The day–night cycle is one of the strongest geophysical cycles modulating species' behavioral rhythms. However, in deep-water continental margins, where light intensity decreases over depth, interspecific competition may alter behavioral responses to day–night cycles. The burrowing decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus is a large-size predator in benthic communities, exerting despotic territorial behavior. In this study, we analysed how the effect of light intensity cycles on decapod behavioral rhythms is reduced as one moves from shelves to slopes. In the Western Mediterranean, the predatory behavior and interspecific competition for substrate use of Nephrops increases moving from the shelf (100–110 m) to the slope (400–430 m). Vector fitting and generalized additive models were used to assess the effect of light intensity and behavioral rhythms of N. norvegicus on the temporal variation of prey decapods co-occurring in trawl tow catches carried out on the shelf and the slope during October 1999 and June 2000. The combination of diel variations in light intensity and N. norvegicus abundance influences the activity rhythms of prey decapods in a depth- and seasonal-dependent manner. Light modulation is stronger on the shelf and weaker on the slope, where Nephrops population size is greater. Although present regression analysis does not necessarily imply a direct cause–effect relationship between rhythms of predators and prey, we suggest that Nephrops alters the temporal patterning in the behavior of its prey on the slope, where light intensity is reduced. This alteration is stronger in endobenthic species than in benthopelagic species; the former rely on bottom substrate for the expression of behavioral rhythms, experiencing stronger interspecific competitions with Nephrops at time of activity.  相似文献   
The oceanographic setting and the planktonic distribution in the coastal transition zone off Concepción (∼35-38°S, ∼73-77°W), an area characterized by its high biological production, were assessed during two different seasons: austral spring with equatorward upwelling favorable winds and austral winter with predominately northerly winds. Oceanographic and biological data (total chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon, microplankton, large mesozooplankton >500 μm as potential consumers of microplankton) were obtained during two cruises (October 1998, July 1999) together with satellite imagery for wind stress, geostrophic flow, surface temperature, and chlorophyll-a data. The physical environment during the spring sampling was typical of the upwelling period in this region, with a well-defined density front in the shelf-break area and high concentrations of surface chlorophyll-a (>5 mg m−3) on the shelf over the Itata terrace. During the winter sampling, highly variable though weakly upwelling-favorable winds were observed along with lower surface chlorophyll-a values (<2 mg m−3) on the shelf. In the oceanic area (>100 km from the coast), cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies were evident in the flow field during both periods, the former coinciding with higher chlorophyll-a contents (∼1 mg m−3) than in the surrounding waters. Also, a cold, chlorophyll-a rich filament was well defined during the spring sampling, extending from the shelf out to 350-400 km offshore. Along a cross-shelf transect, the micro- and meso-planktonic assemblages displayed higher coastal abundances during the spring cruise but secondary peaks appeared in the oceanic area during the winter cruise, coinciding with the distribution of the eddies. These results suggest that the mesoscale features in this region, in combination with upwelling, play a role in potentially increasing the biological productivity of the coastal transition zone off Concepción.  相似文献   
Bioeroding sponges belong to the most dominant bioeroders, significantly contributing to the erosion of coral reefs. Some species are tolerant or even benefit from environmental conditions such as ocean warming, acidification, and eutrophication. In consequence, increases in sponge bioerosion have been observed on some coral reefs over the last decades. The Abrolhos Bank is the largest coral reef system in the South Atlantic. It has been affected by sedimentation, eutrophication, overfishing, and climate change, mainly affecting coastal reefs, and at lesser intensity outer ones as well. This study aimed to describe spatial and temporal patterns in bioeroding sponge distribution in carbonate substrates in the Abrolhos Bank. Photo‐quadrats were used to compare bioeroding sponge abundance between two shallow reefs: a coastal, Pedra de Leste (PL), and an outer reef, Parcel dos Abrolhos (PAB). Each individual was delimitated over the substrate by determining the sponge surface through a line connecting the outermost papillae. The study was conducted over 6 years in 2008–2009 and 2013–2016. Four species of bioeroding sponges were identified: Cliona carteri Ridley, 1881, C. delitrix Pang, 1973, C. cf. schmidtii Ridley, 1881, and Siphonodictyon coralliphagum Rützler, 1971. The distribution and abundance of species varied between the inner and outer reefs and across the years, and displayed certain selectivity for the calcareous substrates recorded. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) were the main substrate excavated by the most abundant bioeroding species, C. carteri, and represented 70% of the substrate types occupied by this sponge (CCA, coral overgrown by CCA and plain coral). The highest abundance of bioeroding sponges observed in photo‐quadrats was 21.3 individuals/m2 at the outer reefs (PAB) in 2014. The abundances or areal extents of bioeroding sponges were up to 10 times greater on the outer reefs than on the coastal ones, where sedimentation is higher and more strongly influenced by siliciclastic material. Moreover, a higher herbivorous fish biomass has been reported on outer reefs which could also influence the higher abundance of bioeroding sponges in outer reefs. During the study period of 6 years, an increase in bioeroding sponge abundance was observed at the outer reefs (PAB), with the sea surface temperature increase. As CCA have an important role in reefal cementation and carbonate production in the Abrolhos reefs, a bioerosion impact might be expected, in particular, on the outer reefs.  相似文献   
A numerical model to predict landslide movements along pre‐existing slip surfaces from rainfall data is presented. The model comprises: a transient seepage finite‐element analysis to compute the variations of pore water pressures due to rainfall; a limit equilibrium stability analysis to compute the factors of safety along the slip surface associated with transient pore pressure conditions; an empirical relationship between the factor of safety and the rate of displacement of the slide along the slip surface; an optimization algorithm for the calibration of analyses and relationships based on available monitoring data. The model is validated with reference to a well‐monitored active slide in central Italy, characterized by very slow movements occurring within a narrow band of weathered bedrock overlaid by a clayey silt colluvial cover. The model is conveniently divided and presented in two parts: a groundwater model and a kinematic model. In the first part, monthly recorded rainfall data are used as time‐dependent flow boundary conditions of the transient seepage analysis, while piezometric levels are used to calibrate the analysis by minimizing the errors between monitoring data and computed pore pressures. In the second part, measured inclinometric movements are used to calibrate the empirical relationship between the rate of displacement along the slip surface and the factor of safety, whose variation with time is computed by a time‐dependent stability analysis. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present a detailed multiwavelength photometric study of giant H  ii regions NGC 592 and NGC 588 in the nearby small spiral galaxy M33. We use data taken with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on board the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ). We detect several massive stars in both ionizing clusters. Six Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars are known to exist within those regions and we are able to constrain their physical properties by comparing their photometry to the latest grid of model atmospheres for WR stars of the nitrogen sequence (WN subclass). We estimate the age and mass of both regions by fitting our photometry to models of integrated stellar populations.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates an innovative role for experts in supporting participatory policy processes with an application to landslide risk management in the Italian town of Nocera Inferiore. Experts co-produce risk mitigation options based on their specialized knowledge taking account of local knowledge and values by directly coupling stakeholder discourses with option design. Drawing on the theory of plural rationality and based on a literature review, interviews and a public questionnaire, stakeholder discourses are elicited on the landslide risk problem and its solution. Armed with the discourses and in close interaction with stakeholders, experts provide a range of technical mitigation options, each within a given budget constraint. These options are subsequently deliberated in the participatory process with the intent of reaching compromise recommendations for landslide risk mitigation. As we show in an accompanying paper, “Compromise not consensus. Designing a participatory process for landslide risk mitigation” (this issue), the provision of multiple co-produced policy options enhances stakeholder deliberation by respecting legitimate differences in values and worldviews.

A von Neumann stability analysis of the discretized conservation equation for single-phase porous media flows is performed, where non-Newtonian and non-Darcy effects are accounted for using a velocity (or mass flux)-dependent mobility factor. Comprehensive results in three dimensions for two low-order finite-volume discretizations typically encountered in reservoir simulation are provided, based on edge-centered and upstream cell-centered mobility calculations. It is found that common semi-implicit schemes, where the pressure gradient driving the flow is taken implicitly while the velocity-dependent mobility is evaluated explicitly, are subject to restrictions on the logarithmic derivative of mobility with respect to velocity. A remarkable new result is nevertheless obtained: for any physically acceptable strength of non-Newtonian and non-Darcy effects, there exists a stable and explicit method to evaluate the mobility, rendering the need to implement costly fully implicit schemes more difficult to justify.  相似文献   
Water inflows are a major challenge in tunnelling and particularly difficult to predict in geological settings consisting of heterogeneous sedimentary rock formations with complex tectonic structure. For a high-speed railway line between Bologna and Florence (Italy), a series of seven railway tunnels was drilled through turbiditic formations, ranging from pelitic rocks with thin arenitic layers over sequences including thick-bedded sandstone to calcareous rocks showing chemical dissolution phenomena (karstification). The tunnels were built as draining tunnels and caused significant impacts, such as drying of springs and base-flow losses at mountain streams. A comprehensive hydrological monitoring programme and four multi-tracer test were done, focusing on four sections of the tunnel system. The tracer tests delivered unprecedented data on groundwater flow and transport in turbiditic aquifers and made it possible to better characterize the differential impacts of tunnel drainage along a geological gradient. The impact radius is 200 m in the thin-bedded sequences but reaches 2.3–4.0 km in calcareous and thick-bedded arenitic turbidites. Linear flow velocities, as determined from the peaks of the tracer breakthrough curves, range from 3.6 m/day in the thin-bedded turbidites to 39 m/day in the calcareous rocks (average values from the four test sites). At several places, discrete fault zones were identified as main hydraulic pathways between impacted streams and draining tunnels. This case shows that ignoring the hydrogeological conditions in construction projects can cause terrible damage, and the study presents an approach to better predict hydraulic impacts of draining tunnels in complex sedimentary rock settings.  相似文献   
This paper reviews a detailed stratigraphic and sedimentologic study of a carbonate complex developed on the foreland side of the Neuquén Embayment, a protected shallow-water epicratonic site behind the active edge of the South American plate. Superb outcrops at the core of basement-involved Andean structures expose the shelf-to-basin transition and reveal with clarity the external and the internal architecture of the depositional sequences and component system tracts. Platform carbonates are largely represented by ooid and mainly rhodoid grainstones, with associated patches of coral framestone. The deeper platform and slope facies are composed of oncoidal and skeletal micritic limestones with scattered coral-sponge-algal build-ups. The overall composition and facies pattern bears resemblance to other Late Jurassic carbonate complexes form Europe and with the Smackover Formation from the Gulf Coast Basin of North America.

Analysis based on mapping of the stratal patterns and facies associations in outcrops allowed the recognition of four depositional sequences. Timing provided by ammonite biochronology suggests that eustatic fluctuations were a major factor influencing the carbonate-margin architecture, and regulated episodes of condensed sedimentation, shifts of the depositional belts, and development of stratigraphic discontinuities. The onset and the end of carbonate sedimentation were associated with episodes of marine retreat and accumulation of evaporites and eolian-fluvial deposits at basin-centre locations. However, most of the marine fluctuations recorded within the carbonate complex were insufficient to expose the shelf break (Type 2), and accordingly lowstand system tracts are poorly represented. On the shelf the transgressive system tracts are represented by thin grain-supported carbonate blankets. These taper out downslope into omission surfaces or are replaced by patches of small sponge buildups. Highstand system-tract organization changes through time, reflecting changes in productivity and accomodation, presumably tied to second-order sea-level changes. Callovian highstand accumulation featured a catch-up carbonate system and produced a thin-aggradational ramp configuration, whereas conditions during middle-late Oxfordian allowed a keep-up system and produced outbuilding depositional geometries with steeper slopes.  相似文献   

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