Based on a large number of energy-economic and integrated assessment models, the Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) 27 study systematically explores the implications of technology cost and availability for feasibility and macroeconomic costs of energy system transformations toward climate stabilization. At the highest level, the technology strategy articulated in all the scenarios in EMF27 includes three elements: decarbonization of energy supply, increasing the use of low-carbon energy carriers in end-use, and reduction of energy use. The way that the scenarios differ is in the degree to which these different elements of strategy are implemented, the timing of those implementations, and the associated macroeconomic costs. The study also discusses the value of individual technologies for achieving climate stabilization. A robust finding is that the unavailability of carbon capture and storage and limited availability of bioenergy have the largest impact on feasibility and macroeconomic costs for stabilizing atmospheric concentrations at low levels, mostly because of their combined ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere. Constraining options in the electric sector such as nuclear power, wind and solar energy in contrast has a much smaller impact on the cost of mitigation. 相似文献
A survey of classes of elliptical orbits outside the usual ones due to the attractive direct power and inverse square force laws reveals some extremely interesting orbits with surprising dynamical characteristics. Particular elliptical orbits of interest in celestial mechanics are discussed. 相似文献
Significant gold deposits in the western Tanami region of Western Australia include deposits in the Bald Hill and Coyote areas. The ca. 1,864 Ma Bald Hill sequence of turbiditic and mafic volcanic rocks hosts the Kookaburra and Sandpiper deposits and a number of smaller prospects. The ca. 1,835 Ma turbiditic Killi Killi Formation hosts the Coyote deposit and several nearby prospects. The Kookaburra deposit forms as a saddle reef within a syncline, and the Sandpiper deposit is localized within graphitic metasedimentary rocks along a limb of an anticline. Gold in these deposits is hosted by anastomosing quartz–(–pyrite–arsenopyrite) veins within quartz–sericite schist with disseminated arsenopyrite, pyrite, and marcasite (after pyrrhotite). Based on relative timing relationships with structural elements, the auriferous veins are interpreted to have been emplaced before or during the ca. 1,835–1,825 Ma Tanami Orogeny (regional D1). Gold deposition is thought to have been caused by pressure drops associated with saddle reef formation (Kookaburra) and chemical reactions with graphitic rocks (Sandpiper). The Coyote deposit, the largest in the western Tanami region, consists of a number of ore lenses localized along the limbs of the Coyote Anticline, which formed during the Tanami Orogeny. The largest lenses are associated with the Gonzalez Fault, which is located along the steeply dipping southern limb of this fold. Gold was introduced at ca. 1,790 Ma into dilatant zones that formed in local perturbations along this fault during later reactivation (regional D5) towards the end of a period of granite emplacement. Gold is associated with quartz–chlorite–pyrite–(arsenopyrite–galena–sphalerite) veins with narrow (<?5 mm) chloritic selvages. A quartz–muscovite–biotite–K–feldspar–(tourmaline–actinolite–arsenopyrite) assemblage, which is interpreted to relate to granite emplacement, overprints the regional greenschist facies metamorphic assemblage. The mineralogical similarity between this overprinting assemblage and the vein assemblage suggests that the auriferous veins at the Coyote deposit are associated with the granite-related metamorphic–metasomatic assemblage. Gold deposition is thought to have been caused by pressure drops within dilatant zones. 相似文献
Summary This study deals with the influence of sunspots on the summer rainfall of 30 selected Stations of the Mediterranean, having records covering at least 4 cycles of sunspots. — It was found that the minimum of summer rainfall occurs near the maximum of sunspots and the maximum of rainfall in the beginning or at the end of sunspots cycle. — The variation of summer rainfall during the sunspots cycle presents four typesA: simple oscillation,B andC: double oscillation andD: triple oscillation.
Résumé Cette étude s'occupe de l'influence des taches solaires sur la pluie estivale des 30 Stations de la Mediterranée, choisies parmi celles qui couvrent au moins 4 cycles des taches solaires. — On a trouvé que le minimum des pluies estivales a lieu près du maximum des taches solaires et que le maximum des pluies aussi a lieu au commencement ou à la fin du cycle de l'activité solaire. — La variation de la pluie durant le cercle des taches solaires presente 4 typesA: une oscillation simple,B etC une oscillation double etD une oscillation triple.
Auger electron spectroscopy has been used to study K-feldspar that has been reacted with both aqueous 10% HF and a 50% mixture of a 10% HF/0.1 N H2SO4 solution. In the feldspar/HF system, the resulting feldspar surface was shown to have been fluorinated; depth profiling, using argon ion sputtering, showed the fluorination to have occurred substantially into the mineral bulk. In the feldspar/ system, the resulting surface contained both fluorine and sulfur. The fluorination had again penetrated into the bulk, but the sulfur could be removed with mild argon ion sputtering. The signal ratio was much lower on the feldspar surface treated with the 10% HF/0.1 N H2SO4 solution than the feldspar surface treated with the weaker 10% HF acid solution. 相似文献
Mesozooplankton samples were collected between March 2005 and November 2008 in St Lucia, the largest estuarine lake system in South Africa. St Lucia experienced an extended period of drought before and during the present study. This drought led to natural closing of the estuary mouth as a result of flood-tide marine sediment deposition in 2002. In March 2007 the mouth was washed open by exceptionally high tidal and wave conditions. This resulted in an influx of a large volume of seawater. The mouth closed again in August 2007. Before opening of the mouth salinities in the Estuary were below 10 and large parts of North Lake dried up while South Lake retained a relatively stable waterbody with salinities between 10 and 30. When the mouth opened seawater flooded the system and salinities changed to about 35. After the mouth had closed again in August 2007 salinities increased in the lakes and decreased in the Estuary. The mesozooplankton community was dominated by copepods during all sampling sessions, especially by the estuarine calanoids Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni and Acartia natalensis. Mean mesozooplankton densities were significantly higher in South Lake before the mouth opened in March 2007. While zooplankton density decreased when the mouth opened species richness increased with the influx of coastal marine species, especially in the Estuary. Overall zooplankton densities declined progressively as salinity increased to hypersaline levels after mouth closure. Multivariate analyses supported significant differences between the lakes and the Estuary in terms of mesozooplankton community composition. Taxa mostly responsible for the similarities within and dissimilarity between sections of the system were the copepods P. stuhlmanni and A. natalensis with the meroplankton, crab zoeae and mollusc larvae, also contributing significantly after the mouth-opening event. 相似文献
The High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) was flown on a NASA sounding rocket on 11 July 2012. The goal of the Hi-C mission was to obtain high-resolution (≈?0.3?–?0.4′′), high-cadence (≈?5 seconds) images of a solar active region to investigate the dynamics of solar coronal structures at small spatial scales. The instrument consists of a normal-incidence telescope with the optics coated with multilayers to reflect a narrow wavelength range around 19.3 nm (including the Fe xii 19.5-nm spectral line) and a 4096×4096 camera with a plate scale of 0.1′′?pixel?1. The target of the Hi-C rocket flight was Active Region 11520. Hi-C obtained 37 full-frame images and 86 partial-frame images during the rocket flight. Analysis of the Hi-C data indicates the corona is structured on scales smaller than currently resolved by existing satellite missions. 相似文献
A model of a multivariate covariance function with an ellipsoidal directional correlation scale has been developed. The axes of the ellipsoidal scale are related to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix B which characterizes the ellipsoid of the range of influence. The matrix B is found to be related to a matrix T which can be estimated directly from sparse sampling data and can be used to determine estimates of the matrix B. The method has been applied to both two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases. The numerical results show that the satisfactory accuracy is obtained with sparse sampling data from an anisotropic random function. 相似文献
Biogrouting is a new ground improvement method that has been studied in recent years. This method involves mainly the use of a microbially induced calcite precipitation process to bind soil particles to increase the strength or to fill in the pores of soil or joints of rock for seepage control. There are two major challenges in the use of biogrout for seepage control through rock joints. The first is how to inject the biogrout solutions, and the second is to understand the mechanisms for the formation of calcite under seepage flow. In this paper, a study on the injection of biogrout solution and the formation of precipitates along a circular 1D flow channel is presented. To minimize the influence of flow, a new one-phase injection method to inject bacterial solution and cementation agents simultaneously was adopted in this study. Factors affecting the formation and distribution of precipitates along the flow channel such as flow velocity, flow rate, and aperture of flow channel were investigated. The experimental results indicated that less calcite was precipitated at locations further away from the injection point due to depletion of the reactants’ concentrations along the flow path. Using the one-phase injection method, the bacterial activity had a major effect on the accumulation of the calcite on the inner surface of the flow channel. The total calcite precipitated on the surface of the flow channel increased slightly with increasing bacterial activity or flow rate. An equation to predict the distance travelled by the biosolution has been derived based on the testing results.