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Fish exclosures were deployed within shallow, eutrophic Lake Rotoroa, Hamilton, New Zealand to assess the influence of an alien‐dominated fish population on establishment by charophytes. Replicated mesh exclosures were placed at sites differing in wave exposure and received transplanted charophyte oospores and plants, with identical material placed outside. Charophyte establishment from oospores and plant biomass were greater inside exclosures compared with outside. Wave exposure did not depress germling response and the effect of fish exclosures on charophyte establishment was least apparent at the most exposed site. Exclosures did not have a statistically significant influence on the light climate, and epiphytic algal development was similar or higher inside the exclosures. However, sediment mobilisation was lower inside the exclosures. Results suggest that fish were primarily responsible for the poor performance of unprotected charophytes in Lake Rotoroa, with fish effects on plants operating via direct disturbance or grazing.  相似文献   

The Whangamaire Stream (North Island, New Zealand) has high concentrations of nitrate nitrogen (NO? 3‐N), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), and Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) as a result of catchment land use practices. The lower reaches of the stream drain intensively farmed land and have dissolved oxygen (DO) levels of 10–50% saturation. The dominant riparian vegetation, Apium nodiflorum, provides a large organic loading by intercepting nutrients in run‐off and then decaying in the stream channel. Water quality and reaeration aspects of the stream were studied in order to explain the observed low DO levels. Measurements of the reaeration coefficient at 20°C, K2 20, using methyl chloride (CH3Cl) as a gas tracer, yielded values of 1.1–3.0 d?1 for the upper part of the study reach and 15.5–16.2 d?1 for the lower reach (overall average 12.5 ± 2.5 d?1). These were in agreement with values inferred from single‐station diurnal curve analysis, which also showed that respiration was dominant in the lower reach where photo‐synthetic activity was inhibited by shade. The relatively large reaeration coefficients ensure that parts of the stream do not become anoxic at night time. Better riparian management and reduced nutrient inputs are likely to improve stream water quality.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of Gobiomorphus cotidianus,Retropinna retropinna, Gambusia affinis, and Anguilla australis were compared between two shallow lakes in the lower Waikato River basin, to examine the relationship between turbidity and diet. Lake Waahi and the south arm of Lake Whangape had been turbid (20–40 g suspended solids (SS) m?3) and devoid of submerged macrophytes since the late 1970s and early 1980s, respectively. The main basin of Lake Whangape had been generally clearer (5 g SS m?3) with dense beds of submerged macrophytes, but at the time of sampling (1987) water clarity had deteriorated (> c. 10 g SS m3) and submerged macrophytes had declined. The mysid Tenagomysis chiltoni was an important prey for all species of fish from turbid water bodies but was less important in stomachs of fish in the main basin of Lake Whangape. Apparently, mysids were not an important prey in Lake Waahi before it became turbid. Chironomid larvae and pupae dominated the diets of small fish in the main basin of Lake Whangape. Fish and mysids were the most important prey of shortfinned eels in both lakes, with mysids most important in Lake Waahi. High mysid densities in the turbid water bodies provide an alternative food resource apparently compensating for those lost by fish when water clarity declined and submerged macrophytes collapsed.  相似文献   
The herring roe fishery in Canada's southern Gulf of St. Lawrence is a productive fishery that lies outside the confines of privatized arrangements. Yet, this fishery is compromised by its dependence on the Japanese seafood market. Consideration of the efficiency of this fishery needs to account for the role assumed by this market in setting fishing practices. A more ecologically and economically efficient use of the herring resource requires greater attention to supply chain integration by local harvesters, processors and buyers prior to engaging with distant markets. This is necessary regardless of the property rights regime that is in place.  相似文献   
A set of eight principles is contained in the European Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The principles have been adopted with the minimum of critical review. The six core principles form two groups, one concerned with strategic goals and one that has a local focus. The principles are presented as a menu of free-standing options, with no prioritization either within or between groups. This can produce irreconcilable differences in strategy. The principles require clarification, prioritization of the strategic principles and recognition that they are an indivisible integrated set which should not be used to select principles to advance a particular agenda.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were measured in mussels (Mytilus trossulus) collected between 1990 and 2002 from 11 sites on the shores of Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska, that were heavily oiled by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS). This study, utilizing the methods of the NOAA Status and Trends Mussel Watch Program, found that concentrations of PAH released from spill remnants have decreased dramatically with time and by 2002 were at or near the range of total PAH (TPAH) of 3-355 ng/g dry weight obtained for mussels from unoiled reference sites in PWS. Time-series TPAH data indicate a mean TPAH half-life in mussel tissues of 2.4 years with a range from 1.4 to 5.3, yielding an annual mean loss of bioaccumulated TPAH of 25%. The petroleum-derived TPAH fraction in mussel tissues has decreased with time, reflecting the decreasing release of EVOS residues in shoreline sediments. These results show that PAH from EVOS residues that remain buried in shoreline sediments after the early 1990s are in a form and at locations that have a low accessibility to mussels living in the intertidal zone.  相似文献   
The southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS), located in the Indian Ocean warm pool, is a key-region of the regional climate system. It is suspected to play an important role in the dynamics of the Asian summer monsoon system. The present study reports the salient features derived from a newly harvested observational dataset consisting of repeated fortnightly XBT transects in the SEAS over the period 2002–2008. The fortnightly resolution of such a multi-year record duration is unprecedented in this part of the world ocean and provides a unique opportunity to examine the observed variability of the near-surface thermal structure over a wide spectrum, from intra-seasonal to interannual timescales. We find that most of the variability is trapped in the thermocline, taking the form of upwelling and downwelling motions of the thermal stratification. The seasonal variations are consistent with past studies and confirm the role of the monsoonal wind forcing through linear baroclinic waves (coastally-trapped Kelvin and planetary Rossby waves). Sub-seasonal variability takes the form of anomalous events lasting a few weeks to a few months and occurs at two preferred timescales: in the 30–110 day band, within the frequency domain of the Madden–Julian oscillation and in the 120–180 day band. While this sub-seasonal variability appears fairly barotropic in the offshore region, the sign of the anomaly in the upper thermocline is opposite to that in its lower part on many occasions along the coast. Our dataset also reveals relatively large interannual temperature variations of about 1 °C from 50 to 200 m depth that reflect a considerable year-to-year variability of the magnitude of both upwelling and downwelling events. This study clearly demonstrates the necessity for sustained long-term temperature measurements in the SEAS.  相似文献   
The Lophelia pertusa community at Viosca Knoll (VK826) is the most extensive found to date in the Gulf of Mexico. As part of a multi-disciplinary study, the physical setting of this area was described using benthic landers, CTD transects and remotely operated vehicle observations. The site was broadly characterised into three main habitats: (1) dense coral cover that resembles biogenic reef complexes, (2) areas of sediment, and (3) authigenic carbonate blocks with sparse coral and chemosynthetic communities. The coral communities were dominated by L. pertusa but also contained numerous solitary coral species. Over areas that contained L. pertusa, the environmental conditions recorded were similar to those associated with communities in the north-eastern Atlantic, with temperature (8.5–10.6 °C) and salinity (~35) falling within the known species niche for L. pertusa. However, dissolved oxygen concentrations (2.7–2.8 ml l?1) and density (σΘ, 27.1–27.2 kg m?3) were lower and mass fluxes from sediment trap data appeared much higher (4002–4192 mg m?2 d?1). Yet, this species still appears to thrive in this region, suggesting that L. pertusa may not be as limited by lower dissolved oxygen concentrations as previously thought. The VK826 site experienced sustained eastward water flow of 10–30 cm s?1 over the 5-day measurement period but was also subjected to significant short-term variability in current velocity and direction. In addition, two processes were observed that caused variability in salinity and temperature; the first was consistent with internal waves that caused temperature variations of 0.8 °C over 5–11 h periods. The second was high-frequency variability (20–30 min periods) in temperature recorded only at the ALBEX site. A further pattern observed over the coral habitat was the presence of a 24 h diel vertical migration of zooplankton that may form part of a food chain that eventually reaches the corals. The majority of detailed studies concerning local environmental conditions in L. pertusa habitats have been conducted within the north-eastern Atlantic, limiting most knowledge of the niche of this species to a single part of an ocean basin. Data presented here show that the corals at VK826 are subjected to similar conditions in temperature, salinity, and flow velocity as their counterparts in the north-east Atlantic, although values for dissolved oxygen and density (sigma-theta: σΘ) are different. Our data also highlight novel observations of short-term environmental variability in cold-water coral habitat.  相似文献   
Coastal areas are among the world's most vulnerable landscapes to impacts related to climate change, including inundation from sea-level rise (SLR), increased exposure to shoreline erosion, and greater frequency and intensity of storms. The status of research on the physical, ecological, and socio-economic effects of vulnerability to SLR and progress toward planning for its consequences varies from region to region worldwide. Here, we synthesize the results of three decades of SLR research and the development of coastal management policies in North Carolina, USA. We identify the major factors responsible for opening new policy ‘windows’ that address SLR, including how stakeholders have developed an increased understanding of the risks, the extent of public dialogue about potential response strategies, and advances in political receptivity to policy change. Research and policy progress in North Carolina continue to provide a model for other regions to help guide and evaluate the development of coastal policies.  相似文献   
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