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汶川地震所见的零星感受与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从一个普通地震工作者的个人角度,叙述了个人在汶川现场1个多月的部分感受和受到的启示。在这里提出来希望与大家共勉和探讨。  相似文献   
本文的工作源于我们在以宽频数字地震计和倾斜、重力仪开展对"慢地震"、"前驱波"等信号连续观测和分析的过程中,观测到不少异常的波动信号.在探讨这些异常信号的产生原因的研究中,发现其中一部分由热带气旋(台风)产生.  相似文献   
杨明 《地理教学》2020,(1):52-55,39
思维是指人脑借助于语言对客观事物的概括和间接反应的过程,以感知为基础,又超越感知的界限,它探索与发现事物的内部本质联系和规律性,是认识过程的高级阶段。目前国内针对地理解题的思维研究相对较少,本文以浙江省历年选考地理试题为例,总结和提炼出六大解题思维,即:逆向思维、收支平衡思维、比较思维、发散思维、空间思维、辩证思维,旨在帮助学生掌握分析和解答地理问题的方法,从而有效提升高中地理学习和复习效果,增强学生学习地理的兴趣。同时在培养学生的地理解题思维过程中,落实地理学科核心素养的培育。  相似文献   
杨绚  李栋梁  汤绪 《中国沙漠》2014,34(3):795-804
选用国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)提供的30个全球大气-海洋耦合模式(AOGCMs)在典型浓度路径(RCPs)情景下气温和降水量的预估结果,采用扰动法,用站点观测资料作为气候背景场替代AOGCM模拟的气候平均,尝试校正气候预估结果的系统性偏差。通过集合方法,用概率的形式给出中国平均气温升高1 ℃,2 ℃和3 ℃以及降水量增加10%,20%和30%概率的空间分布,讨论了中国未来平均气温和降水量可能的变化。结果表明:经过扰动法处理后的气温和降水量预估集合保留了当前气候的局地信息。预估平均气温在中国均有上升,北方地区尤其是青藏高原地区变暖的程度大于南方地区,北方大部分地区平均气温升高的趋势为0.28 ℃/10a。在21世纪初,中国北方地区年平均气温升高1 ℃的可能性超过50%。到了21世纪末期,中国大部分地区平均气温升高2 ℃的可能性超过60%,新疆北部以及青藏高原南部地区气温升高3 ℃的可能性超过50%。预估中国降水量普遍增多,中国北方地区降水量增多的程度要明显大于江淮流域及其以南地区,尤其是西北地区降水量增多非常显著,降水量增多30%的可能性超过70%以上。  相似文献   
Using hindcasts of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model, the relationships between interannual variability (IAV) and intraseasonal variability (ISV) of the Asian-western Pacific summer monsoon are diagnosed. Predictions show reasonable skill with respect to some basic characteristics of the ISV and IAV of the western North Pacific summer monsoon (WNPSM) and the Indian summer monsoon (ISM). However, the links between the seasonally averaged ISV (SAISV) and seasonal mean of ISM are overestimated by the model. This deficiency may be partially attributable to the overestimated frequency of long breaks and underestimated frequency of long active spells of ISV in normal ISM years, although the model is capable of capturing the impact of ISV on the seasonal mean by its shift in the probability of phases. Furthermore, the interannual relationships of seasonal mean, SAISV, and seasonally averaged long-wave variability (SALWV; i.e., the part with periods longer than the intraseasonal scale) of the WNPSM and ISM with SST and low-level circulation are examined. The observed seasonal mean, SAISV, and SALWV show similar correlation patterns with SST and atmospheric circulation, but with different details. However, the model presents these correlation distributions with unrealistically small differences among different scales, and it somewhat overestimates the teleconnection between monsoon and tropical central-eastern Pacific SST for the ISM, but underestimates it for the WNPSM, the latter of which is partially related to the too-rapid decrease in the impact of E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation with forecast time in the model.  相似文献   
舒适度测量仪探测系统主要由采集器、传感器、支架、供水系统、通信模块、数据采集软件6个部分组成.除通信模块之外,其他5个部分都是全新设计.采集器是系统的核心,负责数据的采集、处理和传输;数据采集软件安装在中心服务器上,负责数据的采集、处理、显示和存储,并能远程监测和遥控探测现场的设备.此外,对舒适度的相关理论进行分析,给出适合广州地区的舒适度指数分级标准,并对舒适度测量仪探测数据进行分析.近一年的试运行表明,系统运行稳定、探测数据可靠、适合业务组网的要求.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal alteration mapping with spaceborne hyperspectral data was simulated in the Comstock mining district, Nevada in order to evaluate the mineral mapping capabilities of the proposed Australian Resource Information and Environment Satellite (ARIES‐1). As a result, a suite of hydrothermal alteration minerals, including kaolinite, dickite, illite, chlorite, alunite and carbonate was identified from the simulated data in the 0.4–2.5 μm wavelength region and their areal abundance variations mapped accordingly. The recognised alteration zoning shows a major change in alteration assemblages across the Comstock and Silver City Faults, and a gradual variation from north to south along the faults. In the bleached Miocene volcanic rocks, dickite, kaolinite, illite and alunite were recognised. Coexistence of dickite of relatively high temperature, high‐crystallinity kaolinite of medium temperature and low‐crystallinity kaolinite of low temperature suggests supergene processes overprinting earlier hypogene alteration. The bleached rocks probably represent hydrothermal alteration in the fluid up‐flow zones in the central and shallower parts of the hydrothermal system. Illite in the bleached zones is characterised by relatively short AI–OH band wavelengths (2190–2200 nm), indicating no or very low Fe and/or Mg contents. Fault‐controlled propylitic alteration is mapped in the central part of the district mainly in the footwall of the Comstock Fault. The associated illite is characterised mainly by medium AI–OH band wavelengths (2200–2208 nm). This propylitic alteration may be contemporaneous with Au–Ag mineralisation. Additional and more extensive propylitic zones, containing illite with long AI–OH band wavelengths (2204–2216 nm), were mapped in the southern part of the district. These zones resulted from either a pre‐mineralisation propylitic alteration, or the peripheral hydrothermal alteration in the fluid down‐flow zones of the Miocene hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
正Orogens can generally be divided into two types:accretionary and collisional.The fundamental differences in deep-crustal compositions and architecture from accretion to collision and how to identify them is not well understood.This is one of the major aims of the IGCP 662 project (www.igcp662.org.cn).The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is a typical and the world's largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogenic belt and the  相似文献   
烧变岩岩石学及稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄雷  刘池洋 《地球科学》2008,33(4):515-522
烧变岩的研究有益于对煤层形成以来所经历的构造运动、古气候和古地理的探讨.为了获得有关烧变岩基本特征的数据资料, 本文利用扫描电镜、能谱测试、古地磁及ICP-MS等测试手段对陕北神木地区烧变岩进行了系统的岩石学及稀土元素地球化学的分析研究.剖面上将烧变岩分成烧熔岩和烧烤岩两个序列.扫描电镜观察及能谱测试显示, 各矿物均显示烧熔迹象, 除伊利石外未发现其他类型粘土矿物; 磁化率测试显示烧变岩具异常高的磁化率; 地球化学分析显示烧变岩稀土元素配分特征近于沉积岩(原岩) 特征; 纵向剖面上, 随烧变程度增大(由烧烤岩至烧熔岩) 其稀土元素总量逐渐减小, 烧熔岩稀土元素总含量较烧烤岩的要明显低; 另外, 烧熔岩表现为较明显的Ce负异常, 而烧烤岩则表现为无Ce异常, 有些甚至表现为偏正异常.   相似文献   
山旺盆地的成因及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗照华  李凤麟 《现代地质》1992,6(1):30-38,T001
前人一般认为山旺盆地是一个深度不大的封闭性淡水剥蚀盆地。笔者认为它是一个火山口成因的封闭—半封闭盆地。盆地的发展经历了3个发展阶段:早期为火山喷发作用形成火山口,并造成火山碎屑物堆积:中期堆积了较厚层的沉积物,主要为粘土质岩石,如硅藻质页岩、泥岩,此外,还有少量的砂岩、砾岩;晚期为玄武岩充填,致使整个盆地完全封闭。在盆地发展过程中,早期为封闭环境,中、晚期为半封闭环境。火山碎屑物的再堆积和分解对于生物死亡和埋藏可能具有重要的意义;该区第三纪中心式火山作用非常强烈,通过详细的区域地质调查,有可能找到更多的化石产地和硅藻土矿。  相似文献   
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