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The results of our combined U-Pb, Rb-Sr, and Sm-Nd isotope study of mare basalt 10017 contribute to the understanding of the petrogenetic processes involved in the origin of geochemical diversity in lunar mare basalt sources, as well as the U-Pb isotope systematics of the Moon. The Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and 238U-206Pb isotope systems yield concordant crystallization ages of 3.633 ± 0.057 Ga, 3.678 ± 0.069 Ga, and 3.616 ± 0.098 Ga, respectively. The 235U-207Pb isochron yields an older, though still concordant, age of 3.80 ± 0.12 Ga. Neither the 206Pb-207Pb system nor U-Pb concordia system yields an age for 10017 that is concordant with the age determined from the Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, and 238U-206Pb systems. The initial 87Sr/86Sr of 10017 is 0.69941 ± 7 and the initial εNd is +3.2 ± 0.4. Initial Pb isotopic compositions, determined from the U-Pb isochrons, are 206Pb/204Pbi = 31 ± 11 and 207Pb/204Pbi = 34 ± 15. Together, these initial Pb compositions constrain the μ value of the 10017 source to be 70 ± 30, assuming a single-stage Pb growth model. This is considerably lower than μ values typically estimated for mare basalt sources (∼100-600). Regardless, the μ values calculated for the sources of mare basalts, as well as other lunar samples, show a range that is larger than can be explained by fractionation of U from Pb solely by crystallization of silicate phases and ilmenite during magma ocean solidification and formation of lunar mantle sources. The U-Pb isotope systematics may reflect late-stage formation of a sulfide phase, which strongly fractionates Pb from U but has minimal effect on Rb/Sr or Sm/Nd compositions, during crystallization of the lunar magma ocean.  相似文献   
Detailed Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic analyses have been completed on the lherzolitic shergottites ALH77005 and LEW88516. ALH77005 yields a Rb-Sr age of 185 ± 11 Ma and a Sm-Nd age of 173 ± 6 Ma, whereas the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages of LEW88516 are 183 ± 10 and 166 ± 16 Ma, respectively. The initial Sr isotopic composition of ALH77005 is 0.71026 ± 4, and the initial εNd value is +11.1 ± 0.2. These values are distinct from those of LEW88516, which has an initial Sr isotopic composition of 0.71052 ± 4 and an initial εNd value of +8.2 ± 0.6. Several of the mineral and whole rock leachates lie off the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isochrons, indicating that the isotopic systematics of the meteorites have been disturbed. The Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of the leachates appear to be mixtures of primary igneous phosphates and an alteration component with a low 143Nd/144Nd ratio that was probably added to the meteorites on Mars. Tie lines between leachate-residue pairs from LEW88516 mineral fractions and whole rocks have nearly identical slopes that correspond to Rb-Sr ages of 90 ± 1 Ma. This age may record a major shock event that fractionated Rb/Sr from lattice sites located on mineral grain boundaries. On the other hand, the leachates could contain secondary alteration products, and the parallel slopes of the tie lines could be coincidental.Nearly identical mineral modes, compositions, and ages suggest that these meteorites are very closely related. Nevertheless, their initial Sr and Nd isotopic compositions differ outside analytical uncertainty, requiring derivation from unique sources. Assimilation-fractional-crystallization models indicate that these two lherzolitic meteorites can only be related to a common parental magma, if the assimilant has a Sr/Nd ratio near 1 and a radiogenic Sr isotopic composition. Further constraints placed on the evolved component by the geochemical and isotopic systematics of the shergottite meteorite suite suggest that it (a) formed at ∼4.5 Ga, (b) has a high La/Yb ratio, (c) is an oxidant, and (d) is basaltic in composition or is strongly enriched in incompatible elements. The composition and isotopic systematics of the evolved component are unlike any evolved lunar or terrestrial igneous rocks. Its unusual geochemical and isotopic characteristics could reflect hydrous alteration of an evolved Martian crustal component or hydrous metasomatism within the Martian mantle.  相似文献   
Sulfate reduction and sulfur-iron geochemistry were studied in 5-6 m deep gravity cores of Holocene mud from Aarhus Bay (Denmark). A goal was to understand whether sulfate is generated by re-oxidation of sulfide throughout the sulfate and methane zones, which might explain the abundance of active sulfate reducers deep below the main sulfate zone. Sulfate penetrated down to 130 cm where methane started to build up and where the concentration of free sulfide peaked at 5.5 mM. Below this sulfate-methane transition, sulfide diffused downwards to a sulfidization front at 520 cm depth, below which dissolved iron, Fe2+, accumulated in the pore water. Sulfate reduction rates measured by 35S-tracer incubations in the sulfate zone were high due to high concentrations of reactive organic matter. Within the sulfate-methane transition, sulfate reduction was distinctly stimulated by the anaerobic oxidation of methane. In the methane zone below, sulfate remained at positive “background” concentrations of <0.5 mM down to the sulfidization front. Sulfate reduction decreased steeply to rates which at 300-500 cm depth were 0.2-1 pmol SO42− cm−3 d−1, i.e., 4-5 orders of magnitude lower than rates measured near the sediment surface. The turn-over time of sulfate increased from 3 years at 12 cm depth to 100-1000 years down in the methane zone. Sulfate reduction in the methane zone accounted for only 0.1% of sulfate reduction in the entire sediment column and was apparently limited by the low pore water concentration of sulfate and the low availability of organic substrates. Amendment of the sediment with both sulfate and organic substrates immediately caused a 10- to 40-fold higher, “potential sulfate reduction” which showed that a physiologically intact community of sulfate reducing bacteria was present. The “background” sulfate concentration appears to be generated from the reaction of downwards diffusing sulfide with deeply buried Fe(III) species, such as poorly-reactive iron oxides or iron bound in reactive silicates. The oxidation of sulfide to sulfate in the sulfidic sediment may involve the formation of elemental sulfur and thiosulfate and their further disproportionation to sulfide and sulfate. The net reaction of sulfide and Fe(III) to form pyrite requires an additional oxidant, irrespective of the formation of sulfate. This could be CO2 which is reduced with H2 to methane. The methane subsequently diffuses upwards to become re-oxidized at the sulfate-methane transition and thereby removes excess reducing power and enables the formation of excess sulfate. We show here how the combination of these well-established sulfur-iron-carbon reactions may lead to the deep formation of sulfate and drive a cryptic sulfur cycle. The iron-rich post-glacial sediments underlying Holocene marine mud stimulate the strong sub-surface sulfide reoxidation observed in Aarhus Bay and are a result of the glacial to interglacial history of the Baltic Sea area. Yet, processes similar to the ones described here probably occur widespread in marine sediments, in particular along the ocean margins.  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic mechanisms responsible for the genesis and facies variability of shallow-marine sandstone storm deposits (tempestites) have been intensely debated, with particular focus on hummocky cross-stratification. Despite being ubiquitously utilized as diagnostic elements of high-energy storm events, the full formative process spectrum of tempestites and hummocky cross-stratification is still to be determined. In this study, detailed sedimentological investigations of more than 950 discrete tempestites within the Lower Cretaceous Rurikfjellet Formation on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, shed new light on the formation and environmental significance of hummocky cross-stratification, and provide a reference for evaluation of tempestite facies models. Three generic types of tempestites are recognized, representing deposition from: (i) relatively steady and (ii) highly unsteady storm-wave-generated oscillatory flows or oscillatory-dominated combined-flows; and (iii) various storm-wave-modified hyperpycnal flows (including waxing–waning flows) generated directly from plunging rivers. A low-gradient ramp physiography enhanced both distally progressive deceleration of the hyperpycnal flows and the spatial extent and relative magnitude of wave-added turbulence. Sandstone beds display a wide range of simple and complex configurations of hummocky cross-stratification. Features include ripple cross-lamination and ‘compound’ stratification, soft-sediment deformation structures, local shifts to quasi-planar lamination, double draping, metre-scale channelized bed architectures, gravel-rich intervals, inverse-to-normal grading, and vertical alternation of sedimentary structures. A polygenetic model is presented to account for the various configurations of hummocky cross-stratification that may commonly be produced during storms by wave oscillations, hyperpycnal flows and downwelling flows. Inherent storm-wave unsteadiness probably facilitates the generation of a wide range of hummocky cross-stratification configurations due to: (i) changes in near-bed oscillatory shear stresses related to passing wave groups or tidal water-level variations; (ii) multidirectional combined-flows related to polymodal and time-varying orientations of wave oscillations; and (iii) syndepositional liquefaction related to cyclic wave stress. Previous proximal–distal tempestite facies models may only be applicable to relatively high-gradient shelves, and new models are necessary for low-gradient settings.  相似文献   
Aggradation and fluvial incision controlled by downstream base-level changes at timescales of 10 to 500 kyr is incorporated in classic sequence stratigraphic models. However, upstream climate control on sediment supply and discharge variability causes fluvial incision and aggradation as well. Orbital forcing often regulates climate change at 10 to 500 kyr timescales while tectonic processes such as flexural (un)loading exert a dominant control at timescales longer than 500 kyr. It remains challenging to attribute fluvial incision and aggradation to upstream or downstream processes or disentangle allogenic from autogenic forcing, because time control is mostly limited in fluvial successions. The Palaeocene outcrops of the fluvial Lebo Shale Member in north-eastern Montana (Williston Basin, USA) constitute an exception. This study uses a distinctive tephra layer and two geomagnetic polarity reversals to create a 15 km long chronostratigraphic framework based on the correlation of twelve sections. Three aggradation–incision sequences are identified with durations of approximately 400 kyr, suggesting a relation with long-eccentricity. This age control further reveals that incision occurred during the approach of – or during – a 405 kyr long-eccentricity minimum. A long-term relaxation of the hydrological cycle related to such an orbital phasing potentially exerts an upstream climate control on river incision. Upstream, an expanding vegetation cover is expected because of an increasingly constant moisture supply to source areas. Entrapping by vegetation led to a significantly reduced sediment supply relative to discharge, especially at times of low evapotranspiration. Hence, high discharges resulted in incision. This study assesses the long-eccentricity regulated climate control on fluvial aggradation and incision in a new aggradation–incision sequence model.  相似文献   
Hydrocarbon leakage interpreted on seismic data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In an active petroleum system the amount of trapped hydrocarbons is the difference between the volumes charged and the volumes that have leaked or are otherwise destroyed. This paper focuses on the leakage processes taking place above a hydrocarbon-filled trap and how leakage is expressed on seismic data. A variety of seismic anomalies related to hydrocarbon leakage are interpreted and illustrated.  相似文献   
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