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The results of petrological and volcanological investigations of the Assab area (Ethiopia) are reported. Fissure activity — which produced basaltic lava flows and several spatter cones — and central activity — represented by a cumulus dome and two explosive craters — have been recognized. The area is characterized by E-W and NE-SW tectonic trends, whereas the NNW-SSE « Eritrean trend » is absent. Transverse tectonics is limited to the blocks bordering the Danakil Depression, and never extends into the Depression itself. Mineralogical composition and chemical data point to an alkaline nature of the Assab lavas, which have been classified as: picritic basalts tending to ankaramites; alkali olivine basalts; hawaiites; and all the rock types ranging from mugearites to trachytes. Two rock groups have been identified which could be due to crystal fractionation processes controlled by different degree of oxidation. The petrological difference between the rocks from Afar proper and those from the Danakil block (unquestionably alkaline rock types in the Danakil block, and transitional rock types in Afar) is emphasized.  相似文献   
波段位置和宽度对不同生育期水稻NDVI影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对不同生育期水稻冠层光谱的分析,探讨了不同波段位置和波段宽度对不同生育期水稻NDVI的影响.以及在一定NDVI精度要求下红光波段最大宽度和波段中心位置的相互作用.结果表明,在所有生育期,近红外波段的位置和宽度对NDVI影响不大;红光波段的位置和宽度对NDVI有较大影响,特别是红光波段位置接近红谷极值(670nm附近)时影响尤为显著.相对而言水稻生育前期的NDVI更容易受到波段位置的影响,但是波段位置对不同生育期之间NDVI的差值影响不大.无论红光波段还是近红外波段,当取值处于红边区域(690-740nm)时,对NDVI有较大影响.当保证NDVI偏差在1%以内时,在水稻生长旺期,构成NDVI的红光波段最大宽度随着波段巾心位置向长波移动而逐渐变窄,当到达690nm附近达到最窄,而后略有变宽;对于生长前期和后期,由于在648nm附近变窄而有波动.  相似文献   
Summary Geomagnetic storms belong to the most important phenomena of solar origin which affect the ionosphere and atmosphere. We study the responses of the lower ionosphere, middle stratospheric ozone, total ozone and the troposphere (vorticity area index at 500 hPa) to isolated and major geomagnetic storms. The expected positive effect is observed in the lower ionosphere. No observable effect is detected in the middle stratospheric ozone. An effect (not very significant) can be found in the total ozone and the troposphere.Contribution No, 109/90, Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague.  相似文献   
The initial orientation of 74 active regions is measured in high resolution pictures. As previous works by the author (García de la Rosa, 1984) suggest a different behaviour between large and small active regions, the sample has been divided into those two classes, whose dividing line is roughly set at 5 × 1021 Mx in the magnetic flux. It is observed that only the large regions tend to display the correct inclination (p-part at lower latitude). Their evolution towards a more parallel inclination to the equator is also observed.The first finding is interpreted in terms of the primary nature of the large ARs which are supposed to be directly linked to the basic mechanism of solar activity. The evolution is interpreted as a reaction of the lower layers of the tube to the tilt introduced by the Coriolis effect.  相似文献   
On the basis of MEM spectrum analysis, the main planetary scale fluctuations formed in the lower ionosphere are studied over a period of 3–25 days during the CRISTA campaign (October-November 1994). Three dominant period bands are found: 3–5, 6–8 and 15–23 (mainly 16–18) days. For 7–8 and 16–18 day fluctuations, propagation was eastward with wave numbers K = 3 and K = 1, respectively. The magnitude of planetary wave activity in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the CRISTA campaign seems to be fairly consistent with the expected undisturbed normal/climatological state of the atmosphere at altitudes of 80–100 km.  相似文献   
All rivers in the Hexi inland region of Gansu Province, China, originate from the northern slope of the Qilian Mountains. They are located in the southern portion of the region and respectively belong to the three large river systems from east to west, the Shiyang, Heihe and Shule river basins. These rivers are supplied by precipitation, snowmelt and ice-melt runoff from the Qilian Mountain area. Therefore, changes of precipitation and temperature in the upstream watersheds of these rivers have an important effect on changes of mountainous runoff and reasonable utilization of water resources in this region. For this reason, the Qilian Mountain area, upstream watersheds and runoff forming areas of these rivers are chosen as the study area. The change characteristics and variation trend of temperature and precipitation in this area under the backdrop of global warming are analyzed based on observational data of relational weather and hydrologic stations in the area. Results show that temperatures in the upriver mountain areas of these three large river basins have been increasing, although the increasing degree is differentially affected by global warming. The rising extent of annual and seasonal temperatures in the upstream mountain area of the Shule river basin located in the western Qilian Mountains, were all largest over the past 50 years. Precipitation in the upstream mountain areas of Hexi region’ three river basins located respectively in the western, middle and eastern Qilian Mountains have been presenting an increasing trend to varying degrees as a whole for more than 50 years. This means that climate in the upstream mountain areas of Hexi region’ three river basins are becoming increasingly warmer and moister over the past 50 years, which will be very good for the ecological environment and agricultural production in the region.  相似文献   
The closed Tangra Yumco Basin underwent the strongest Quaternary lake-level changes so far recorded on the Tibetan Plateau. It was hitherto unknown what effect this had on local Holocene vegetation development. A 3.6-m sediment core from a recessional lake terrace at 4,700 m a.s.l., 160 m above the present lake level of Tangra Yumco, was studied to reconstruct Holocene flooding phases (sedimentology and ostracod analyses), vegetation dynamics and human influence (palynology, charcoal and coprophilous fungi analyses). Peat at the base of the profile proves lake level was below 4,700 m a.s.l. during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. A deep-lake phase started after 11 cal ka BP, but the ostracod record indicates the level was not higher than ~4,720 m a.s.l. (180 m above present) and decreased gradually after the early Holocene maximum. Additional sediment ages from the basin suggest recession of Tangra Yumco from the coring site after 2.6 cal ka BP, with a shallow local lake persisting at the site until ~1 cal ka BP. The final peat formation indicates drier conditions thereafter. Persistence of Artemisia steppe during the Holocene lake high-stand resembles palynological records from west Tibet that indicate early Holocene aridity, in spite of high lake levels that may have resulted from meltwater input. Yet pollen assemblages indicate humidity closer to that of present potential forest areas near Lhasa, with 500–600 mm annual precipitation. Thus, the early mid-Holocene humidity was sufficient to sustain at least juniper forest, but Artemisia dominance persisted as a consequence of a combination of environmental disturbances such as (1) strong early Holocene climate fluctuations, (2) inundation of habitats suitable for forest, (3) extensive water surfaces that served as barriers to terrestrial diaspore transport from refuge areas, (4) strong erosion that denuded the non-flooded upper slopes and (5) increasing human influence since the late glacial.  相似文献   
The thickness and lateral distribution of sand and mud beds and bedsets on channel bars from the tidally influenced Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada, are quantitatively assessed. Fifty‐six vibracores totalling ca 114 m of vertical section are used to tabulate bed thicknesses. Statistical calculations are undertaken for nine channel bars ranging from the freshwater and tidal zone, to the sustained brackish water and tidal zone. The data reveal that thickness trends can be organized into three groups that broadly correspond to time‐averaged hydrodynamic and salinity conditions in the various distributary channels. Thick sand beds (up to 30 cm) and thin mud beds (up to 5 cm) characterize the freshwater tidal zone. The tidal and freshwater to brackish‐water transition zone comprises thin sands (up to 10 cm) and thicker muds (up to 19 cm), and the sustained brackish water tidal zone consists of thin muds (up to 6 cm) with relatively thicker sands (up to 25 cm). The results suggest that the locus of mud deposition occurs in the tidal freshwater to brackish‐water zone, probably reflecting mud flocculation and deposition at the turbidity maximum. Landward of the turbidity maximum, mud deposition is linked to tidal influence (tidal backwater effect and reverse eddy currents on channel margins) as mud beds thin in the landward direction. These results support the hypothesis that mud deposition is greatest at the turbidity maximum and decreases in both the seaward and landward direction. This study also showcases that mud‐bed thicknesses are greatest towards the turbidity maximum and thin in both the landward and seaward direction. In the rock record, the apex of mud deposition probably marks the position of the palaeo‐turbidity maximum.  相似文献   
Summary Two distinct periods of volcanic activity are distinguishable at Monte Vulture volcanic complex: the first activity started with tephritic and foiditic volcanics, documented by xenoliths in the phonotrachytic (Ph-T) ignimbrites, lava blocks in a basal explosion breccia deposit beneath the Ph-T ignimbrites, sandy lenses rich in volcanic components in fluviatile conglomerates, and ended with emplacement of phonotrachytic deposits (Ph-T ignimbrites and lava domes); whereas subsequent activity produced deposits of foiditic and tephritic composition which built up the central volcano. The volcanics of the two periods do not fit a simple evolutionary model on the basis of geochemical signatures.New whole-rock and microprobe analyses of mafic minerals from volcanics of the first period are presented here, together with the published data on M. Vulture volcanics, to give a more comprehensive picture of the magma evolution.Principal features can be summarized as follows: (i) melanitic garnet occurs as a stable phase only in the volcanics of the first period of activity; (ii) olivine and diopside occur only in the cone building deposits; (iii) pyroxenes from the volcanics of the first stage crystallized under different physico-chemical conditions with respect to those occurring in volcanics of the central edifice; (iv) the analyzed lavas occurring as blocks in the explosion breccia deposit of the first stage display diversities with respect to the lavas of the central volcano, and it is likely that diverse parental magmas fed the first and the subsequent activities. During the first stage, crystal/liquid fractionation processes determined the evolution from the mafic parental magmas towards phonotrachytic compositions, as with the foidite-tephrtte sequence of the second stage (cone building deposits). Mineralogical evidence of mixing processes is present in the volcanics of the sequences of the two stages.
Die Mineralchemie der Monte Vulture Vulkanite: Petrologische Konsequenzen
Zusammenfassung Zwei Stadien vulkanischer Aktivität sind im Monte Vulture Komplex zu unterscheiden. Das erste Stadium ist durch tephritische und foiditische Vulkanite, die als Xenolithe in den phonotrachytischen (Ph-T) Ignimbriten erhalten sind, durch Lava Blöcke in einer basalen Explosionsbrekkzie im Liegenden der Ph-T Ignimbrite und durch Sandlinsen in fluviatilen Konglomeraten, die reich an vulkanogenen Komponenten sind, gekennzeichnet. Es endet mit der Eruption der Phontrachyte (Ph-T Ignimbrite und Lava Kuppen). Während des zweiten Stadiums wurden vulkanogene Ablagerungen foiditischer und tephritischer Zusammensetzung, die heute den Zentralteil des Vulkans aufbauen, eruptiert. Die Geochemie der Vulkanite läßt sich nicht mit Hilfe eines einfachen Bildungsmodelles erklären. Neue Gesamtgesteins- und Mikrosondenanalysen von Vulkaniten des Erststadiums und deren mafischer Minerale werden gemeinsam mit bereits publizierten Daten über die Vulkanite des Monte Vulture präsentiert, um ein zusammenfassendes Bild seiner Magmenentwicklung zu geben.Grundsätzlich kann folgendes festgehalten werden: (i) Granat tritt als stabile Phase nur in den Vulkaniten des ersten Stadiums auf. (ii) Olivin und Diopsid sind auf die Vulkanschlote beschränkt. (iii) Die Pyroxene der Vulkanite des Frühstadiums kristallisierten unter anderem physikalisch-chemischen Bedingungen, als die im Zentralteil des Vulkans. (iv) Die untersuchten Laven, die als Blöcke in der basalen Explosionsbrekkzie auftreten, unterscheiden sich ebenfalls von denen des zentralen Teiles. Wahrscheinlich sind sie von unterschiedlichen Ausgangsmagmen abzuleiten. Durch Fraktionierung entstanden während des ersten Stadiums aus einem ursprünglich mafischen ein phonotrachytisches Magma und während des zweiten die foiditisch-tephritische Abfolge der Vulkanschlote. Hinweise auf Mischungsprozesse liegen vor.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
Abstract. Nematocytes are the specialized stinging cells of cnidarians. So far, Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) nematocytes have never been isolated. Taking in account the notable increase in the population of Pelagia noctiluca ("blooming") in the Strait of Messina in 1999, we performed preliminary studies on the applicability of two different methods for isolating nematocytes from tentacles and mouth arms: a chemical method, namely SCN treatment, and a physical one, namely heat dissociation. These approaches have already been employed to isolate nematocytes from Aiptasia diaphana (Anthozoa). Membrane integrity was assessed by the cytological Trypan blue test. To evaluate cell viability, the capacity to regulate cell volume was investigated under 35 % hyposmotic shock by image computer processing of sagittal sections. The results show that heat dissociation is unsuitable to isolate nematocytes because the cell membrane was damaged as revealed by cytological test. On the other hand, SCN treatment yields 90% anatomically intact, isolated nematocytes from tentacles, but not from mouth arms. Nematocytes isolated by SCN exhibit volume regulation mechanisms (RVD). These results are compared with those described in Aiptasia diaphana (Anthozoa), which lives in a different habitat.  相似文献   
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