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Chloritoid stability in very iron-rich altered pillow lavas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conclusions Our major conclusions are that the strong correlation of P2O5 and light REE abundances in basalts does not (a) require residual apatite or whitlockite during partial melting, or (b) imply that P2O5 and REE-rich magmas are derived from more refractory sources than the source of magmas with lower P2O5 and REE contents.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide concentration in the upper D-region is estimated by comparing empirically derived ratios of Lyman- and X-ray contributions to the total radio-wave absorption (2775 kHz. A3 method) in medium latitudes with model ratios. Typical NO concentrations are about 8.5×1013 m–3, at 90 km and 6.5×1013 m–3 at 78 km. These values are higher than generally accepted model NO concentrations, but lie within the broad range of experimental values.  相似文献   
Summary A series of absorption measurements covering more than two years, carried out by the A3 method (oblique incidence) on 1538 kHz at the Panská Ves Observatory, is studied. The measuring equipment is shortly described, as well as calibration and the measuring path. Both the diurnal variation of absorption, including its asymmetry, and the seasonal variation of absorption, including the winter anomaly, are observed in a predicted form. The computed height profile of absorption shows that nearly all the absorption is formed in the middle and upper D-region. The 1538 kHz absorption measurements could serve as a very good tool for studying the D-region, but there are still some difficulties attributed to the determination of the zero level of absorption. Suggestions are given how to remove this difficulty.  相似文献   
Summary The assymetry of the diurnal variation of radio-wave ionospheric absorption, measured by the A3 method on the 2775 kHz Kiel — Panská Ves circuit, is studied. Almost full symmetry of absorption is observed in winter and autumn. It is explained by electron concentration variations. A remarkable diurnal asymmetry of absorption is observed in spring and particularly in summer. The observed diurnal asymmetry of the electron concentration seems to be insufficient to account completely for the great absorption asymmetry observed.  相似文献   
Summary The results of microprobe analyses of clinopyroxenes from alkaline melasyenites and layered melagabbros, produced by intra-plate magmatism of Paleocene age at Punta delle Pietre Nere, are here given and discussed.The analysed pyroxenes range from diopsidic to acmite-rich compositions.The first crystallized pyroxenes (diopside) show AlVI contents suggesting shallow depths of crystallization. In addition pyroxenes from melasyenite and those from melagabbro display different Cr contents, Al/Ti and Mg/(Mg+Fe2++Fe3+) ratios confirming their crystallization from melts produced by different parental liquids.Diopsides and salites show an overall trend towards high Al, Ti and Fe3+, suggesting that the crystallization occurred under decreasing SiO2/Al2O3 ratios and under relatively highpH2O–pO2 conditions.Pyroxenes from the Pietre Nere melasyenite show a progressive variation towards acmite rich compositions at Mg/(Mg+Fe2++Fe3+) lower than 0.5; those from the layered melagabbro, instead, show a continuous enrichment in Ca Fe3+ AlSiO6. This different behaviour is due to the co-crystallization, with the latest pyroxenes, of phases with different K/Na and Si/Al ratios.
Kristallisations-Tendenzen der Pyroxene aus Alkali-Subvulkaniten auf Punta delle Pietre Nere (Gargano, Süditalien)
Zusammenfassung Es werden die Ergebnisse der Mikrosonden-Untersuchungen von Klinopyroxenen aus Alkali-Melasyeniten und schichtigen Alkali-Melagabbros, die durch Intra-plate-Magmatismus paläozenen Alters auf Punta delle Pietre Nere entstanden sind, beschrieben und erörtert.Die untersuchten Pyroxene reichen von diopsidischen bis zu Akmit-reichen Zusammensetzungen.Die zuerst kristallisierten Pyroxene (Diopsid) zeigen AlVI-Gehalte, die auf geringe Tiefe des Kristallisationsvorganges hinweisen. Dazu zeigen die Pyroxene aus dem Melasyenit und aus dem Melagabbro unterschiedliche Cr-Gehalte; die Al/Ti- und Mg/(Mg+Fe2++Fe3+)-Verhältnisse bestätigen deren Kristallisation aus Schmelzen, die aus unterschiedlichen Ursprungsmagmen stammen.Die Diopside und Salite zeigen eine einheitliche Tendenz zu hohem Al-, Ti- und Fe3+-Gehalt; dies deutet darauf hin, daß die Kristallisation unter abnehmenden SiO2/Al2O3-Verhältnissen und unter relativ hohenpH2O–pO2-Bedingungen stattfand.Die Pyroxene aus dem Punta delle Pietre Nere-Melasyenit zeigen eine zunehmende Änderung zu Akmit-reichen Zusammensetzungen bei weniger als 0,5 Mg/(Mg+Fe2++Fe3+); die Pyroxene aus dem schichtig differenzierten Melagabbro zeigen dagegen eine allmähliche Zunahme von CaFe3+AlSiO6. Dieses unterschiedliche Verhalten rührt daher, daß Mineralphasen mit unterschiedlichen K/Na- und Si/Al-Verhältnissen zugleich mit den zuletzt gebildeten Pyroxenen kristallisierten.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
Effects on the Ionosphere Due to Phenomena Occurring Below it   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The terrestrial thermosphere and ionosphere form the most variable part of theEarth's atmosphere. Because our society depends on technological systems thatcan be affected by thermospheric and ionospheric phenomena, understanding,monitoring and ultimately forecasting the changes of the thermosphere–ionosphere system are of crucial importance to communications, navigation and the exploration of near-Earth space. The reason for the extreme variability of the thermosphere–ionosphere system isits rapid response to external forcing from various sources, i.e., thesolar ionizing flux, energetic charged particles and electric fields imposed via the interaction between the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere, as well as coupling from below (meteorological influences) by the upward propagating, broad spectrum,internal atmospheric waves (planetary waves, tides, gravity waves) generated in thestratosphere and troposphere. Thunderstorms, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes andeven seismological events may also have observable consequences in the ionosphere.The release of trace gases due to human activity have the potential to cause changes inthe lower and the upper atmosphere.A brief overview is presented concerning the discoveries and experimentalresults that have confirmed that the ionosphere is subject to meteorologicalcontrol (especially for geomagnetic quiet conditions and for middle latitudes).D-region aeronomy, the winter anomaly of radiowave absorption, wave-liketravelling ionospheric disturbances, the non-zonality and regional peculiaritiesof lower thermospheric winds, sporadic-E occurrence and structure, spread-Fevents, the variability of ionospheric electron density profiles and Total ElectronContent, the variability of foF2, etc., should all be considered in connection withtropospheric and stratospheric processes. Ionospheric weather, as a part of spaceweather, (i.e., hour-to-hour and day-to-day variability of the ionospheric parameters)awaits explanation and prediction within the framework of the climatological, seasonal,and solar-cycle variations.  相似文献   
A quantitative study of particle morphology of samples from Monte Pilato-Rocche Rosse deposits, Lipari (Aeolian islands, Italy) shows a significant variability in particle structure and texture. The study consisted of image processing techniques and multivariate statistical methods in analysis of the quantitative particle morphology data, with the goal of identifying the genetic processes responsible for the formation of the deposits. From these investigations we numerically define the form of the clasts, thus avoiding subjectivity in the classification of clast morphology. Starting from this clast definition, we then construct diagrams in which clasts due to different genetic processes (i.e., magmatic vs. hydromagmatic fragmentation), are discriminated based on simple nondimensional parameters. The application of the methods used seems to be of general interest in discriminating the fragmentation and transportation dynamics responsible for the formation of pyroclastic deposits.  相似文献   
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