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宁夏煤矿资源的可持续发展与采矿区生态保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对可持续发展的认识和意义进行简单论述的基础上,着重介绍了宁夏的煤炭资源概况、发展现状及采矿区的地质灾害,并提出了宁夏煤炭资源实现可持续发展、矿区地质灾害的防治和生态保护应坚持的原则与采取的办法及措施。  相似文献   
Based on the estimation of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and carbon sequestration of the total conversion of marshlands (TMC), marshlands conversion to paddy fields (MCPFs) and marshlands conversion to uplands (MCULs), this study revealed the contribution to the global warming mitigation (CGWM) of paddy fields versus uplands converted from marshlands in the Sanjiang Plain (excluding the Muling‐Xingkai Plain on south of Wanda Mountain), Heilongjiang Province, northeast China. The results showed that the total area of MCPFs and MCULs was 504.23 × 103 ha between 1982 and 2005. The CGWM per unit area was 45.53 t CO2eq/ha for MCPFs and that was 23.95 t CO2eq/ha for MCULs, with an obvious 47.40% reduction. The MCPFs and MCULs ecosystems acted as the carbon sink all of the year. As far as CGWM per unit area is concerned, MCPFs mitigated the greenhouse effect which was greater than MCULs. And it was effective that the implementation of the uplands transformed into paddy fields in Northeast China with regard to marshlands protection and croplands (including paddy fields and uplands) reclamation.  相似文献   
A closed-cell marine stratocumulus case during the Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) aircraft field campaign is selected to examine the heterogeneities of cloud and drizzle microphysical properties and the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. The spatial and vertical variabilities of cloud and drizzle microphysics are found in two different sets of flight legs: Leg-1 and Leg-2, which are parallel and perpendicular to the cloud propagation, respectively. The cloud along Leg-2 was close to adiabatic, where cloud-droplet effective radius and liquid water content linearly increase from cloud base to cloud top with less drizzle. The cloud along Leg-1 was sub-adiabatic with lower cloud-droplet number concentration and larger cloud-droplet effective, but higher drizzle droplet number concentration, larger drizzle droplet median diameter and drizzle liquid water content. The heavier drizzle frequency and intensity on Leg-1 were enhanced by the collision-coalescence processes within cloud due to strong turbulence. The sub-cloud precipitation rate on Leg-1 was significantly higher than that along Leg-2. As a result, the sub-cloud accumulation mode aerosols and CCN on Leg-1 were depleted, but the coarse model aerosols increased. This further leads to a counter-intuitive phenomenon that the CCN is less than cloud-droplet number concentration for Leg-1. The average CCN loss rates are ?3.89 \begin{document}$\mathrm{c}{\mathrm{m}}^{-3}\;{\mathrm{h}}^{-1}$\end{document} and ?0.77 \begin{document}$\mathrm{c}{\mathrm{m}}^{-3}\;{\mathrm{h}}^{-1}$\end{document} on Leg-1 and Leg-2, respectively. The cloud and drizzle heterogeneities inside the same stratocumulus can significantly alter the sub-cloud aerosols and CCN budget. Hence it should be treated with caution in the aircraft assessment of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions.  相似文献   
闽粤台沿海北西西向最新构造带与大震构造背景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
毕福志  袁又申 《地震地质》1990,12(2):183-192,T001
闽粤台沿海自台湾运动以来逐渐形成了多条北西西向隆起—拗陷的最新活动构造带,与已知的北东—北北东向隆起、拗陷带构成了区域性镶嵌构造格局。 研究区内除板块相互碰撞、俯冲及上地幔物质上涌形成大震构造背景外,莫霍面隆起或隆起断距大、低速层厚、地壳变薄、近两、三千年地表抬升差异活动显著以及台东近海有北西西向构造活动等,也都是发生大震的重要构造背景  相似文献   
研究并开发应用于水下自主航行观测平台的高可靠CAN总线技术,实现高可靠性、实时、单多帧、大数据量数据传输。具有很好的系统兼容性,能够同基于8051、PC104、ARM等不同硬件系统的CAN节点进行高速数据通讯,为复杂分布式系统集成提供极具应用价值的通讯网络。  相似文献   
纳米颗粒与重金属元素相结合发生反应,可能产生一系列相互作用关系。这些作用过程是取决于多个环境条件共同作用的复杂过程,尤其是在土壤这种复杂的典型非均质环境介质中。这些作用关系可分为协同促进和拮抗抑制两大类关系。对于土壤中的重金属元素离子而言,纳米态粒子对其环境有效性究竟是协同促进还是拮抗抑制作用,关键取决于纳米粒子的表面修饰特性、二者间的界面反应以及反应后重金属元素的最终赋存状态这三个方面。协同促进或拮抗抑制作用与否则最终决定了这些污染重金属离子的生物可利用性和生态毒性响应。本文对近年来纳米颗粒-重金属共环境行为国内外研究现状进行综述讨论。纳米-重金属界面吸附解吸和土壤中迁移持留过程研究涉及多个热力学、动力学解析方法,科学家结合静态批实验和动态迁移实验等实验室模拟手段,对纳米颗粒、重金属离子、有机质三因子在土壤介质中的相互作用影响和共行为方式展开深入探讨。在重金属离子-纳米颗粒表面吸附机制、赋存形态以及重金属纳米吸附态土壤迁移固定机制研究中,多种定性表征方法的综合应用,如透射电镜(TEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线吸收近边结构光谱/扩展X射线吸收精细结构光谱(XANES/EXAFS)等方法相结合,被公认是揭示这一系列过程机制的重要技术手段。针对不同土壤环境中有机质存在条件,正确评价纳米态物质对重金属的迁移性及生物可利用性的影响作用,将为纳米环境效应评估和纳米修复技术等相关应用提供重要的数据支持和机理依据。  相似文献   
Lead isotope ratio data were obtained with good precision and accuracy using a 266 nm femtosecond laser ablation (fLA) system connected to a multi‐collector ICP‐MS (MC‐ICP‐MS) and through careful control of analytical procedures. The mass fractionation coefficient induced by 266 nm femtosecond laser ablation was approximately 28% lower than that by 193 nm excimer laser ablation (eLA) with helium carrier gas. The exponential law correction method for Tl normalisation with optimum adjusted Tl ratio was utilised to obtain Pb isotopic data with good precision and accuracy. The Pb isotopic ratios of the glass reference materials NIST SRM 610, 612, 614; USGS BHVO‐2G, BCR‐2G, GSD‐1G, BIR‐1G; and MPI‐DING GOR132‐G, KL2‐G, T1‐G, StHs60/80‐G, ATHO‐G and ML3B‐G were determined using fLA‐MC‐ICP‐MS. The measured Pb isotopic ratios were in good agreement with the reference or published values within 2s measurement uncertainties. We also present the first high‐precision Pb isotopic data for GSE‐1G, GSC‐1G, GSA‐1G and CGSG‐1, CGSG‐2, CGSG‐4 and CGSG‐5 glass reference materials obtained using the femtosecond laser ablation MC‐ICP‐MS analysis technique.  相似文献   
收集前人研究成果,归纳河流—地下水水流模型的解析模型和数值模型,分析河流—地下水水流模型的模拟中影响最敏感的因素,讨论河流污染质入渗到含水层后对含水介质渗透性能的影响,河流—地下水模型最主要的问题在于河流参数的求取和河流的处理,分析河流—地下水水流模型研究存在的问题。  相似文献   
单敬福  路杨  纪友亮 《地质找矿论丛》2007,22(2):125-130,151
储层非均质性对油气田的勘探和开发效果影响很大.结合测井资料二次解释的孔隙度(Φ)、泥质含量(Vsh)、粒度中值(Md)、束缚水饱和度(Swi)等资料,借助BP网络对渗透率进行预测.对萨尔图油田中部葡萄花油层组的非均质性进行了定量半定量的研究,认为萨尔图油田中部葡萄花油层组PI2小层层内非均质性最严重,与沉积微相密切相关.单砂层垂向上渗透率的变化以正韵律和复合式韵律为主,局部发育反韵律模式.葡萄花油层组PI1-PI4小层层内非均质性强弱依次为PI2a,PI3,PI2b,PI1,PI4;层间非均质性在PI3和PI4间表现得最强,其他相对要弱;各小层平面非均质性相差无几,整体表现为较强的非均质性.  相似文献   
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