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Three ship-based observational campaigns were conducted to survey sea ice and snow in Prydz Bay and the surrounding waters(64.40°S–69.40°S, 76.11°E–81.29°E) from 28 November 2012 to 3 February 2013. In this paper, we present the sea ice extent and its variation, and the ice and snow thickness distributions and their variations with time in the observed zone. In the pack ice zone, the southern edge of the pack ice changed little, whereas the northern edge retreated significantly during the two earlier observation periods. Compared with the pack ice, the fast ice exhibited a significantly slower variation in extent with its northernmost edge retreating southwards by 6.7 km at a rate of 0.37 km?d-1. Generally, ice showed an increment in thickness with increasing latitude from the end of November to the middle of December. Ice and snow thickness followed an approximate normal distribution during the two earlier observations(79.7±28.9 cm, 79.1±19.1 cm for ice thickness, and 11.6±6.1 cm, 9.6±3.4 cm for snow thickness, respectively), and the distribution tended to be more concentrated in mid-December than in late November. The expected value of ice thickness decreased by 0.6 cm, whereas that of snow thickness decreased by 2 cm from 28 November to 18 December 2012. Ice thickness distribution showed no obvious regularity between 31 January and 3 February, 2013.  相似文献   
魏仙样  卢进才  魏建设  李玉宏 《地质通报》2010,29(0203):360-366
根据内蒙古额济纳旗地区X井白垩系额济纳旗组、侏罗系麻木乌苏组、古生界顶面风化壳等不同层段的油气显示特征和钻井泥浆烃类气体组分、甲烷C同位素的分析结果,认为侏罗系和白垩系油气显示特征相同,为油与气显示,气体样品的干燥系数(C1/C总)为0.80~0.87,甲烷C同位素δ13C1为-48.19‰~-50.87‰,表现了低成熟热解气的特征;古生界风化壳为气显示,天然气干燥系数(C1/C总)为0.91~0.92,甲烷C同位素δ13C1为-21.56‰~-30.91‰,表现了高成熟热解气的特征。该井及邻区的中生界、古生界烃源岩干酪根类型及其演化程度具有显著的差别,中生界烃源岩以低成熟混合型干酪根为主,古生界烃源岩为成熟—高成熟(或过成熟)的混合型-腐泥型干酪根。表明该区存在以中生界侏罗系—白垩系低成熟烃源岩为油气源的油气系统和古生界高成熟(或过成熟)烃源岩为气源的油气系统,指示了古生界油气资源前景。  相似文献   
Volcanic rocks of the late Mesozoic are very important reservoirs for the commercial natural gases including hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide and rare gases in the northern Songliao Basin. The reservoir volcanic rocks include rhyolite, andesite, trachyte, basalt and tuff. Facies of the volcanic rocks can be classified into 5 categories and 15 special types. Porosity and permeability of the volcanic reservoirs are facies-controlled. Commercial reservoirs were commonly found among the following volcanic subfacies: volcanic neck (I1) , underground-explosive breccia (I3), pyroclastic-bearing lava flow (II3), upper effusive (III3) and inner extrusive ones (IV1). The best volcanic reservoirs are generally evolved in the interbedded explosive and effusive volcanics. Rhyolites show in general better reservoir features than other types of rocks do.  相似文献   
平原农区是保障国家粮食安全的核心区,土地综合整治与乡村转型发展协同有利于缓解平原农区经济发展、耕地保护、生态保育等多重压力,保障乡村振兴政策落实。本文以“问题研判—策略梳理—机制构建—实证检验”为研究主线,探讨两者协同机制。研究表明:① 平原农区“三生”空间利用冲突显著,生产空间低值低效、生活空间无序空废、生态空间污损衰退共同制约乡村转型发展;② 面向土地价值提升、人居环境改善、产业融合发展的土地综合整治优化策略,有利于推动乡村转型发展;③ 新时期,土地综合整治由“以地为本”单要素调控转向“人、地、业、权”多要素协同综合整治,权利重组、空间重构、产业重塑是推动土地综合整治与乡村转型发展协同的核心机制;④ 平原农区典型地区禹城市,聚焦土地权属调整、空心村整治和现代产业培育,实现土地综合整治与乡村转型发展的协同推进。本文有利于深化平原农区人地系统科学新认知,为构建现代化国土空间治理体系和全面推进乡村振兴提供实践参考。  相似文献   
中小城市家庭生活用能碳排放空间分异——以开封市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2015年开封市居民家庭生活用能的大样本问卷调查数据,采用探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)和标准差椭圆(SDE)方法,探索城市居住区家庭生活用能碳排放空间分布特征。结果表明:① 家庭生活用能碳排放存在以热点区为主的空间正相关特性,碳排放高值集聚发生在城市新建开发区和建成区向外扩张较快区域,以2000年以后新建高档商品房小区和机关事业单位家属院为主,低值集聚区则发生在建成时间长、后续开发力度小的区域,以老商品房小区和胡同社区为主;② 开封市家庭电力消耗碳排放占生活用能总碳排放的67%,但人均生活用能碳排放空间格局由供暖碳排放决定,且人均供暖碳排放空间格局又由集中供暖碳排放空间格局决定,故降低集中供暖能耗、缩小居民供暖用能差异成为居民生活用能碳减排工作的重中之重;③ 家庭经济状况、集中供暖设施分布和城市发展的空间格局是家庭生活用能碳排放空间依赖性和空间异质性形成的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   
A synthesis of Holocene pollen records from the Tibetan Plateau shows the history of vegetation and climatic changes during the Holocene. Palynological evidences from 24 cores/sections have been compiled and show that the vegetation shifted from subalpine/alpine conifer forest to subalpine/alpine evergreen sclerophyllous forest in the southeastern part of the plateau; from alpine steppe to alpine desert in the central, western and northern part; and from alpine meadow to alpine steppe in the eastern and southern plateau regions during the Holocene. These records show that increases in precipitation began about 9 ka from the southeast, and a wide ranging level of increased humidity developed over the entire of the plateau around 8-7 ka, followed by aridity from 6 ka and a continuous drying over the plateau after 4-3 ka. The changes in Holocene climates of the plateau can be interpreted qualitatively as a response to orbital forcing and its secondary effects on the Indian Monsoon which expanded northwards  相似文献   
地层剖面计算表的计算机自动处理 ,涉及剖面是由老地层向新地层测制还是由新地层向老地层测制、褶皱的识别处理、存在回测时 (特别是在回测中又存在背向斜时 )的处理、测段厚度及分层厚度的计算等几个主要环节。文章引入剖面方向系数 η、测段方向系数κ、回测系数 ρ 3个新参数 ,建立了地层剖面计算表自动处理的数学模型 ,可以非常方便地将剖面图及其柱状图以矢量格式输出  相似文献   
1 IntroductionGeographicalinformationsystem (GIS)isanefficientwayandimportanttechniquetomanage,displayandanalyzeAntarcticspatialdata.GIScanbeusedtomakeandre newmapproductsquickly ,evaluateenvironment,supportlogisticmanagementandfieldoperation,providechancetoextractnewknowledge,andtopromoteinformationex changeamongnationsunderthedemandoftheMadridProtocol(AADC 2 0 0 1 ;MAGIC1 998;1 999) .WorkingGroupofGeodesyandGeographicInformation (WG GGI)ofScientificCommitteeonAntarcticResearch (…  相似文献   
本文提出OH超脉泽源的一个具体模型,在该模型中OH超脉泽源由非饱和的球型子源组成.在此估算出超脉泽星系致密射电核的尺度和连续谱亮温度,以及OH源距星系核的最小非饱和距离.计算表明,OH超脉泽源所包含的子源数目可能相当大.R_H~log ρ_(25μm)/ρ_(60μm)图、log L_(OH)/L_(IR)~log ρ_(25μm)/ρ_(60μm)图和其它结果显示,有一部分OH超脉泽源很可能是弱饱和的,本文对此作了解释.  相似文献   
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