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地倾斜连续观测是地壳形变观测研究中重要内容。汶川8.0级地震前,布设在四川德阳金河测点的新型BSQ型数字垂直摆倾斜仪观测到了明显的地形变异常现象。分析其观测结果可知,汶川8.0级地震前约半月时间内德阳金河测点的地倾斜运动速度较过去的平均运动水平提高了数十倍,且震前地表快速倾斜的方向在N25°W左右。除此之外,德阳金河BSQ型数字垂直摆倾斜仪测点还观测到较为完整的,对应于可以反映地表应力集中、释放过程的震前地表破裂过程。上述现象为今后研究强震孕育机理提供了重要的信息。介绍与分析了布设在龙门山断裂带附近的其它类型地倾斜仪在震前的观测结果。事实证明,BSQ型数字垂直摆倾斜仪在强震前的浅表过程监测中具有重要意义,值得在今后的地震前兆台网工作中进行推广。  相似文献   
云南石林岩溶发育的古环境研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以地质地貌景观调查、填图为基础,应用区域地层、古地磁资料、植物和孢粉化石、岩石与古土壤的化学成分(含稀土元素)、古土壤粘粒硅铝比值、钙华、溶蚀率等资料,研究了石林岩溶各主要演化阶段的古环境特点。石林地区能保留有早二叠世晚期至第四纪的石林岩溶是源于该区特殊古地理环境演变所控制的不同古环境下的岩溶过程差异。按照岩溶与环境的关系,可将石林岩溶演化的漫长过程分别划分出有利于石林岩溶发育与有利于石林岩溶保存的不同时期。石林地区的石林岩溶经历了古热带湿热海岸边缘、古热带行星风系干旱环境、半干旱山地湖泊环境与热带低海拔湿热气候到高原亚热带干湿季风气候演变。石林地区是研究漫长地质时期的不同环境下石林岩溶发育与保存的较好地点之一。   相似文献   
气温日较差研究进展:变化趋势及其影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从日较差的变化趋势、影响因素以及人类活动对气候变化影响的指示3个方面对日较差的研究进行了总结和概括。观测数据以及气候模式模拟的结果表明,全球气温日较差在近半个多世纪以来呈下降趋势,而这种下降趋势不仅仅是自然变化的结果,还受到人类活动的影响。辐射、云量、气溶胶、下垫面的变化、水汽、降水以及航迹云等因素都能对日较差的变化造成影响。日较差的"周末效应"以及城市化过程中日较差的变化相对于平均气温的变化,能够更有效地指示人类活动对气候变化的影响。  相似文献   
The structure of radar echo in stratiform cloud which was found in mei-yu frontal cloud system is generally inhomogeneous, especially in the structure of bright band echoes. The inhomogeneous structure of warm region in stratiform cloud and the shower feature of precipitation are closely related to the inhomogeneous structure of bright band and convective cells embedded in stratiform cloud.During Summer time the mei-yu cloud system is an important precipitating system in the southern part of China. To study its structure is of great significance for weather forecast and understanding the physical processes of cloud and precipitation. Therefore, we have observed mei-yu frontal cloud system by use of 711 type radar (3 cm) and airplane at Tunxi, Anhui Province since 1979. It was found that the structure of stratiform cloud, especially the structure of its warm region appears to be inhomogeneous1),2). This is a significant feature of cloud structure in mei-yu frontal cloud system. In this paper, we shall further analyse this inhomogeneous structure of stratiform cloud and study its effect on the precipitation.  相似文献   
基于混沌吸引子的复杂农业系统预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生产是自然再生产和经济再生产有机结合的过程,农业系统是高度耦合了自然生态、社会经济系统等的复杂大系统,具有非线性和耗散性特征。复杂农业系统要素非线性作用所表现的系统行为形成农业系统的整个演化轨迹。从长期演化来看,由于系统内部自组织作用、系统协同和外部随机扰动的作用使得农业系统出现混沌现象,故复杂系统具有长期不可预测性。本文根据复杂农业系统的预测规范,重构复杂农业系统相空间,建立了基于“混沌吸引子”的非线性混沌动力学预测模型,并以成都的相关数据进行分析验证。  相似文献   
通过对瓦克环流、哈德莱环流、副热带高压、台风等的分析 ,结合广西降水和气温异常状况 ,认为厄尔尼诺现象发生时 ,赤道东太平洋海温异常升高 ,使瓦克环流和哈得莱环流发生变化 ,引起副热带高压增强 ,台风生成数减少 ,从而产生广西前汛期偏涝 ,后汛期偏旱 ,全年气温偏暖的结果  相似文献   
The influence of gravity wave drag induced by cumulus convection (GWDC) on a simulated boreal summer climate was evaluated in a general circulation model. For this, the GWDC scheme developed by Chun and Baik was implemented into a version of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) global spectral model (GSM). Ensemble simulations with the two different convection schemes, the simplified Arakawa-Schubert (SAS) scheme and Community Climate Model (CCM) convection scheme, were conducted for the boreal summer of 1996. A cloud factor to modulate the stress intensity with respect to the cloud type was introduced in this study, in order to prevent unrealistic behaviors of the GWDC scheme in GSM. The effect of gravity wave drag on the zonal mean of wind and temperature fields was focused. On the whole, the effect of GWDC in this study is positive on the simulated seasonal climate. It is evident that biases in temperature in the polar region as well as in the zonal and meridional winds in the upper atmosphere are reduced. The percentage of reduction of the bias in zonal winds is about 10–20%. Such a response of the GWDC forcing widely appears not only in tropical regions but also in mid-latitude regions. These characteristics are prominent in the case of the SAS scheme, which is due to the various convective cloud types. The magnitude of GWDC forcing is generally small, but still positive, in the case of the CCM scheme, which is due to rather homogeneous cloud types. It is also found that the role of a particular GWDC forcing depends upon the inherent systematic biases of a particular model. It is concluded that incorporation of the GWDC parameterization in GCMs should be taken into account to improve the seasonal prediction.  相似文献   
使用NCEP/NCAR的海表温度(SST)、海面10 m风场的月平均再分析资料,用联合SVD(CSVD)的方法研究了不同季节南海的海气耦合模的时空分布特征及其与中国夏季降水的关系。通过对不同季节的海-气耦合模的年际变化特征的分析。结果发现:第一模态为最显著模态,模态协方差贡献比在四季均超过80%,空间上SST表现为与南海等深线相一致的海盆模态,风场上主要表现为弱的冬季风或弱的夏季风,各个季节的海-气耦合模态都主要反映了SST-蒸发-风反馈这样1种正反馈的海-气相互作用过程,而且冬季风期间这种相互作用要更强烈些。时间系数均主要表现为一致的上升趋势和1976年前后的年代际突变,以及与ENSO相关的年际变化特征。冬、夏季弱的季风对应暖SST的特征体现了这种耦合模态隔季相关的特征,都对应夏季华南旱(涝)、江南涝(旱),华北、山东半岛旱(涝),东北涝(旱)这样1种波列状的旱涝相间分布。  相似文献   
陈平  王锦地  梁顺林 《遥感学报》2012,16(3):505-519
运用DBM(Data Based Mechanistic)方法,使用MODIS数据,建立了遥感观测反射率数据与叶面积指数(LAI)在时间序列上的统计关系模型(LAI_DBM模型),并结合部分Bigfoot站点实测LAI数据进行了模型检验。结果显示,LAI_DBM模型能够较好表达时间序列反射率与LAI的动态变化关系。LAI_DBM模型使用遥感观测数据实时估算得到的LAI,在数据质量和时间连续性上比MODISLAI有改进。  相似文献   
面向对象的高分遥感影像信息提取技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以World View-2高分遥感影像数据为例,采用规则集开发的模式进行地图要素提取,对主要制图要素图像进行了分割、分类试验,实现了多尺度分割的层次构建和制图地物要素分级分类。  相似文献   
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