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After compositing three representative ENSO indices,El Nio events have been divided into an eastern pattern(EP) and a central pattern(CP).By using EOF,correlation and composite analysis,the relationship and possible mechanisms between Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) and two types of El Nio were investigated.IOD events,originating from Indo-Pacific scale air-sea interaction,are composed of two modes,which are associated with EP and CP El Ni o respectively.The IOD mode related to EP El Nio events(named as IOD1) is strongest at the depth of 50 to 150 m along the equatorial Indian Ocean.Besides,it shows a quasi-symmetric distribution,stronger in the south of the Equator.The IOD mode associated with CP El Nio(named as IOD2) has strongest signal in tropical southern Indian Ocean surface.In terms of mechanisms,before EP El Nio peaks,anomalous Walker circulation produces strong anomalous easterlies in equatorial Indian Ocean,resulting in upwelling in the east,decreasing sea temperature there;a couple of anomalous anticyclones(stronger in the south) form off the Equator where warm water accumulates,and thus the IOD1 occurs.When CP El Nio develops,anomalous Walker circulation is weaker and shifts its center to the west,therefore anomalous easterlies in equatorial Indian Ocean is less strong.Besides,the anticyclone south of Sumatra strengthens,and the southerlies east of it bring cold water from higher latitudes and northerlies west of it bring warm water from lower latitudes to the 15° to 25°S zone.Meanwhile,there exists strong divergence in the east and convergence in the west part of tropical southern Indian Ocean,making sea temperature fall and rise separately.Therefore,IOD2 lies farther south.  相似文献   
Self-organization of typhoon vortex in a baroclinic environment is studied based on eight numerical experiments with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). The results show that, when there are only two 400-km-away mesoscale axisymmetric vortices with a radius of 500 km in the initial field, the two vortices move away from each other during co-rotating till the distance between them greater than a critical distance named co-rotating critical distance. Then, they stop co-rotating. The situation is changed when a small vortex with a radius of 80 kin is introduced in between the two vortices in the initial field, with the two initially separated vortices approaching each other during their co-rotation, and finally self-organizing into a typhoon-like vortex consisting of an inner core and spiral bands. This result supports both Zhou Xiuji's view in 1994 and the studies in the barotropic framework concerning the interactions between the same and different scales of vortices. Six other experiments are carried out to study the effects of the initial vortex parameters, including the initial position of the small-scale vortex, the distance and intensity of the initially axisymmetric binary mesoscale vortices. It is found that the distance between the initial axisymmetrie mesoscale vortices is the most important parameter that influences the self-organizing process of the final typhoon-like vortex. This conclusion is similar to that obtained from barotropical model experiments.  相似文献   
利用中尺度模式MM5对1999年6月下旬发生在长江中下游地区的一次锋上西南低涡发展的梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了研究。通过敏感性试验, 探讨了低涡对锋强、 锋生的敏感性, 锋生、 锋消与低涡发展演变的时间空间上的联系等问题\.结果表明, 低涡对中层锋面强度的变化敏感, 中层锋强发生改变会导致整层涡度发生同位相的变化。中层系统对梅雨锋气旋的发展起主要作用, 中层锋面对低涡发展的影响比边界层锋更关键。中层锋面强度改变会激发出中低层的垂直次级环流, 低层的辐合上升运动发生改变, 最终影响到低涡强度的发展。敏感性试验证明, 锋面强度变化对低涡发展造成的影响有超前性, 中层锋面先发生变化, 6 h左右以后低涡强度发生改变。锋区强度和低涡强度发生变化的地理位置基本在同一经度上, 锋强变化的位置在涡强变化位置的北面。  相似文献   
基于概念模型的麦田土壤水分动态模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王仰仁  李松敏  王文龙  孙新忠  韩娜娜 《气象》2010,36(12):102-108
农田土壤水分模拟是农业用水管理的重要依据。以根区土体水量平衡方程为依据,考虑根区下界面水分通量,构建了农田土壤水分变化模拟模型,该模型由作物蒸散量模型、根区下界面水分通量模型以及水量平衡方程等组成。采用山西水利职业技术学院试验基地2007年和2008年2个年度冬小麦试验资料,确定了模型参数。结果表明,土壤储水量模拟计算值与实测值有较好的一致性,其相关系数达到0.9555;F检验结果达到极显著水平,所建立的麦田土壤水分动态模型可用于作物蒸散量、根区下界面水分通量和田间土壤水分的模拟计算;计算精度平均达到3%~11%。表明该模型可较好地描述农田士壤水分转化过程。  相似文献   
夏季黄河下游地区中尺度对流系统的气候特征分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
卓鸿  赵平  李春虎  蒲章绪 《大气科学》2012,36(6):1112-1122
利用1996~2008年逐小时卫星资料、NCEP再分析资料及统计方法, 研究了位于黄河下游地区的中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System, 简称MCS)的气候特征, 其中包括中尺度对流复合体(Mesoscale Convective Complex, 简称MCC)、持续拉长状对流系统(Permanent Elongated Convective System, 简称PECS)、β中尺度对流复合体(Meso-β Scale MCC, 简称MβCCS>)、β中尺度持续拉长状对流系统(Meso-β Scale PECS, 简称MβECS)4类。结果表明:MCC和PECS是黄河下游地区影响夏季降水的主要MCS, 其中7月份MCC最多, 并且MCC的数量明显大于PECS;与发生在美国的MCS比较, 发生在黄河下游地区的MCC和PECS在成熟期的面积和平均偏心率较大、生命史较长, 但MβCCS和MβECS的生命史较短、平均偏心率变化不大;黄河下游地区PECS表现出成熟较快和消亡较慢的特征, 其最低相当[A1] 黑体温度 (BlackBody Temperature, 缩写为TBB) 平均值为-72℃, 比MCC低1℃左右, 生命史比MCC长0.9 h;在MCC的形成、成熟及消亡期, 其日循环特征均表现为明显的双峰特征, 而PECS却呈现出单峰特征;黄河下游地区MCC的发生时间主要集中在2个时段, 一个是在下午形成, 傍晚成熟, 凌晨消亡, 另一个则在后半夜形成, 凌晨成熟, 上午甚至中午才消亡;MCS具有明显的年际变化特点, 在MCS较少的1999年, 500 hPa的副热带高压偏南, 华北地区位势高度较常年明显偏高, 而在MCS较多的2001年, 副高异常偏强, 华北地区位势高度较常年明显偏低, 850 hPa上为一低压槽, 黄河下游地区主要受副高边缘的西南气流影响。  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR全球2.5°×2.5°月平均再分析资料和中国国家气候中心(NMC)提供的743站降水和温度资料分析了1976年大气环流突变前后中国四季降水量异常和温度的年代际对比特征,发现1976年后,春季中国华南降水偏多、温度偏低,长江流域西部降水偏少、温度偏低。夏季降水主要呈现华南少、长江流域多、华北少和东北多的"-、+、-、+"的分布形势,温度表现为华南增暖、长江淮河流域冷却和北方增暖的分布特征。秋季中国大部分地区降水量异常是减少的、温度是上升的。冬季华南地区降水量异常虽有增加但不显著,整个中国区域几乎呈增暖趋势。中国平均温度的年代际变化在春季和夏季的降温主要受最高温度变化影响、升温主要受最低温度影响;秋季的整体增暖受最低温度影响更大,而冬季的整体增暖受最高温度影响更大。造成以上变化的原因与1976年大气环流突变前后,四季哈德来环流上升支和下沉支的南北推移、西风急流的增强和位置的南北移动、大气层结的干湿状况以及水汽输送的来源密切相关。  相似文献   
论东亚夏季风的特征、驱动力与年代际变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文是以新的资料和研究结果对东亚夏季风的基本特征、驱动力和年代际变化所作的重新分析与评估。内容包括四个部分:(1)东亚夏季风的基本特征;(2)东亚夏季风的驱动力;(3)东亚夏季风的年代际变率与原因;(4)东亚夏季风与全球季风的关系。结果表明:东亚夏季风是亚洲夏季风的一个重要有机部分,主要由来源于热带的季风气流组成,并随季节由南向北呈阶段性推进,它是形成夏季东亚天气与气候的主要环流和降水系统。驱动夏季风的主要强迫有三部分:外部强迫、耦合强迫与内部变率,其中人类活动引起的外强迫(气候变暖、城市化、气溶胶增加等)是新出现的外强迫,它正不断改变着东亚夏季风的特征与演变趋势。海洋与陆面耦合强迫作为自然因子是引起东亚夏季风年际和年代际变化的主要原因,其中太平洋年代尺度振荡(PDO)与北大西洋多年代尺度振荡(AMO)的协同作用是造成东亚夏季风30~40年周期振荡的主要原因。1960年代以后,东亚夏季风经历了强—弱—强的年代际变化,相应的中国东部夏季降水型出现了“北多南少”向“南涝北旱”以及“北方渐增”的转变。最近的研究表明,上述东亚夏季风年代际变化与整个亚非夏季风系统的变化趋势是一致的。在本世纪主要受气候变暖的影响,夏季风雨带将持续北移,中国北方和西部地区出现持续性多雨的格局。最后本文指出,亚非夏季风系统相比于其他区域季风系统更适合全球季风的概念。  相似文献   
卢萍  杨康权  李英 《大气科学》2017,41(6):1234-1245
本文利用中国气象局成都高原气象研究所西南涡加密观测试验获取的探空资料及地面台站资料,对比分析了高原东侧的四川省境内不同海拔高度台站的边界层特征,结果表明:高海拔地区地表大气受陆面的影响更为剧烈,日变化幅度更大,且极值出现时间更早。温度/比湿/风速的差异都主要体现在低层边界层大气中,越靠近地面,差异越显著。其中,温度递减率在02:00(北京时,下同)最小,14:00最大,高海拔测站受陆面影响的大气层厚度比低海拔测站大,低海拔测站在近地层300 m以下大气中存在明显的逆温现象。14:00近地层大气的比湿最小,午夜02:00近地层大气的比湿最大,高海拔地区低层大气的平均比湿递减率小于低海拔地区。高海拔地区风速日变化幅度大,4个时次的风速廓线形态差异也大;低海拔地区风速变化幅度小,4个时次的风速廓线形态也比较一致。高海拔台站地表大气的日变化幅度大,极值出现时间略早。  相似文献   
一次高原低涡过程的数值模拟与结构特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
宋雯雯  李国平 《高原气象》2011,30(2):267-276
利用非静力中尺度数值模式MM5,模拟了2009年7月29~31日的一次高原低涡过程,结果表明,TBB卫星资料显示出在低涡发展过程中具有同热带气旋类低涡相似的涡眼结构.MM5模式能较好地模拟出低涡的降水落区、强度以及内部结构,正位涡区随着低涡的东移而东移.在动力结构上,低涡发展过程中,涡心处散度和涡度的变化不大,垂直速度...  相似文献   
Cloud structure and evolution of Mesoscale Convective Systems(MCSs) retrieved from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager(TRMM TMI) and Precipitation Radar(PR) were investigated and compared with some pioneer studies based on soundings and models over the northern South China Sea(SCS).The impacts of Convective Available Potential Energy(CAPE) and environmental vertical wind shear on MCSs were also explored.The main features of MCSs over the SCS were captured well by both TRMM PR and TMI.However,the PR-retrieved surface rainfall in May was less than that in June,and the reverse for TMI.TRMM-retrieved rainfall amounts were generally consistent with those estimated from sounding and models.However,rainfall amounts from sounding-based and PR-based estimates were relatively higher than those retrieved from TRMM-TMI data.The Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) modeling simulation underestimated the maximum rain rate by 22% compared to that derived from TRMM-PR,and underestimated mean rainfall by 10.4% compared to the TRMM-TMI estimate,and by 12.5% compared to the sounding-based estimate.The warm microphysical processes modeled from both the WRF and the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble(GCE) models were quite close to those based on TMI,but the ice water contents in the models were relatively less compared to that derived from TMI.The CAPE and wind shear induced by the monsoon circulation were found to play critical roles in maintaining and developing the intense convective clouds over SCS.The latent heating rate increased more than twofold during the monsoon period and provided favorable conditions for the upward transportation of energy from the ocean,giving rise to the possibility of inducing large-scale interactions.  相似文献   
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