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A study of the background corona near solar minimum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The white light coronagraph data from Skylab is used to investigate the equatorial and polarK andF coronal components during the declining phase of the solar cycle near solar minimum. Measurements of coronal brightness and polarization brightness product between 2.5 and 5.5R during the period of observation (May 1973 to February 1974) lead to the conclusions that: (1) the equatorial corona is dominated by either streamers or coronal holes seen in projections on the limb approximately 50% and 30% of the time, respectively; (2) despite the domination by streamers and holes, two periods of time were found which were free from the influences of streamers or holes (neither streamers nor holes were within 30° in longitude of the limb); (3) the derived equatorial background density model is less than 15% below the minimum equatorial models of Newkirk (1967) and Saito (1970); (4) a spherically symmetric density model for equatorial coronal holes yields densities one half those of the background density model; and (5) the inferred brightness of theF-corona is constant to within ±10% and ±5% for the equatorial and polar values, respectively, over the observation period. While theF-corona is symmetric at 2R it begins to show increasing asymmetry beyond this radius such that at 5R the equatorialF-coronal brightness is 25% greater than the polar brightness.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Equivalent circuit method calculations using ‘2,2’ and ‘2,4’ mode semidiurnal winds yield sample variations of electric currents and fields at various latitudes. The positions of the current system foci are found to vary much more with longitude than with season. Observed seasonal changes in lunar current system foci must be due to changes in winds rather than in conductivities.  相似文献   
The laboratory simulation experiments on volatilization from the melts formed due to micrometeoroid impacts on the lunar surface were carried out. The simulation was performed using modulated laser pulses incident on rocks and minerals in vacuum; in so doing microcraters on the targets, glass particles, condensates were formed and gases solved in the bulk of the rock and mineral grains were released. It is shown that volatilization from only the crater glass layers is negligible, which fully confirms the theoretical predictions of Nussinov and Chernyak.The volatilizations from the drops formed by the micrometeoric impacts can be noticeable. For micron-sized drops, predominant among the others after the impact, the volatilization of Na, K and other volatiles can be up to 10 to 20%. For larger-sized (d102 m) drops the volatilization should lead to the appearance of the significant gradients of the element concentrations over the particle cross-section and as a result of their normalization it leads to the surface enrichment by some elements (Si and others).The mechanism of dust formation due to the surface rocks attack by volatilizing alkaline metals (Naughtonet al.) on the Moon probably is not effective. It is the consequence of such a fact that the condensate of the target materials evaporated due to other simultaneous micrometeoric impacts and had the same (as the target has) elemental composition is the very strong background for volatilizing and condensating alkaline elements.Preliminary conclusions about a possible correlation between the composition and the sizes of dust particles in the Solar system and in the Universe (at similar initial composition) have been drawn.  相似文献   
The main results of a study of a catalogue of physical parameters of 1041 spectroscopic binaries are presented. The distribution of spectroscopic binaries over all main parametersM 1, a, e, M1/M2, P, and certain dependencies between some of them have been found.
  1. It appears that among bright (m v?3 m –5 m ) stars withM?1M , about 40% are apparently spectroscopic binaries with comparable masses of components.
  2. The majority of spectroscopic binaries with the ratio of the large semiaxis of the orbit to the radius of the primarya/R 1?20, have eccentricities close to zero. This is probably a consequence of the tidal circularization of orbits of close binaries by viscous friction.
  3. The discovery of duplicity of double-line spectroscopic binaries is possible only if the semiamplitude of radial velocityK 1 is almost 10 times higher than the semiamplitude of the radial velocity of a single-line spectroscopic binary of the same mass.
  4. Double-line spectroscopic binaries witha/R ?6(M 1/M )1/3,M 1M 2?1.5M are almost almost absent, and the number of stars witha/R ?6(M 1/M )1/3,M 1≈1.5M is relatively low.
  5. The distribution of unevolved SB stars over the large semiaxis may be described by the expression d(N d/Nt)≈0.2 d loga for 6(M 1/M )1/3?a/R ?100.
  6. The intial mass-function for primaries of spectroscopic binaries is the same Salpeter function dN d≈M 1 ?2.35 dM 1 for 1?M 1/M ?30.
  7. It is possible to explain the observed ratio of the number of single-line spectroscopic binaries to the number of double-line binaries if one assumes that the average initial mass ratio is close to 1 and that the mass of the postmass-exchange remnant of the primary exceeds the theoretical one and/or that half of the angular momentum of the system is lost during mass-exchange.
  8. The above-mentioned distributions ofM 1 anda and assumptions on the mass of remnant and/or momentum loss also allow us to explain the observed shapes of dN/dM, dN/dq, and dN/da distributions after some selection effects are taken into account.
In the region of the formation of weak and medium-strong lines, the microturbulence increases with height (V ver=0.7–0.9 km s-1, V hor= 1.1–1.5 km s-1), the macroturbulence decreases (V ver=1.6–1.4 km s-1, V hor= 2.4–1.5 km s-1), and the total velocity field (vertical component) is depth-independent (1.7 km s-1). The empirical damping constants for Fe, Ti, Cr, Ni lines are equal 1.36, 1.76, 1.66, 1.66, respectively. The correlation length (the Kubo-Anderson process has been used) in the solar photosphere is 520–550 km.  相似文献   
The goals of the TREK experiment, now in place on the MIR Space Station, are to resolve and measure the composition of both odd-Z and even-Z cosmic-ray nuclei up to uranium, to measure the isotopic composition of Fe-group nuclei, and to search for transuranic nucleic and exotic particles such as strangelets. To collect tracks of ultraheavy cosmic rays, exterior panels holding an array of BP-1 phosphate glass 1.2m2 in area and 16 plates thick are now mounted outside the Kvant-2 module on MIR. Heaters and relays regulate the temperature of the glass at 25°±5°C. The detectors will record 103 cosmic-ray tracks withZ50 during 2.5 years. An interior panel consisting of an array 0.09 m2 in area and 32 plates thick and mounted on the inside wall of the Soyuz spacecraft (attached to the Space Station) will collect tracks of about 13000 Fe and 500 Ni nuclei.  相似文献   
Some potentials for a stationary stellar system model with point-axial symmetry and equatorial plane of symmetry that verifies Chandrasekhar's postulates have been obtained.Paper presented at the 12th European Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on European Astronomers Look to the Future, held 8–11 October, 1990, Davos, Switzerland.  相似文献   
In 1982 a Bolivia-USSR astronomical observatory began its activities near Tarija, Bolivia. Observations of 200 000 faint stars, 2822 bright stars (m6) and Halley's comet have been made with the expedition's astrograph.  相似文献   
Ideal and resistive ballooning modes are investigated for different ratios of a two-layer stratified density region representing a model for the photospheric/coronal boundary. Construction of the ballooning equations using a WKB approach is justified by comparison between the values of the growth rate obtained using Hain-Lüst and ballooning equations together with a WKB integral relation. Different values of the density ratio, radius, and resistivity are considered. Sausage-type and kink-type instabilities are found. One of these, depending on the value of r remained unstable for large density ratios. The other instability tended to marginal stability as the density ratio was increased, and allowed parallel and perpendicular flows across the boundary. This is contrary to the predictions of both the rigid-wall and flow-through conditions.  相似文献   
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