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High-pressure in situ X-ray diffraction experiment of Fe- and Al-bearing phase D (Mg0.89Fe0.14Al0.25Si1.56H2.93O6) has been carried out to 30.5 GPa at room temperature using multianvil apparatus. Fitting a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state to the P–V data yields values of V 0 = 86.10 ± 0.05 Å3; K 0 = 136.5 ± 3.3 GPa and K′ = 6.32 ± 0.30. If K′ is fixed at 4.0 K 0 = 157.0 ± 0.7 GPa, which is 6% smaller than Fe–Al free phase D reported previously. Analysis of axial compressibilities reveals that the c-axis is almost twice as compressible (K c  = 93.6 ± 1.1 GPa) as the a-axis (K a  = 173.8 ± 2.2 GPa). Above 25 GPa the c/a ratio becomes pressure independent. No compressibility anomalies related to the structural transitions of H-atoms were observed in the pressure range to 30 GPa. The density reduction of hydrated subducting slab would be significant if the modal amount of phase D exceeds 10%.  相似文献   
Recently 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation techniques have been able to access changes in pore structures through surface and diffusion based relaxation measurements. This research investigates the applicability of these methods for measuring pore and surface changes due to biofilm growth in various model porous systems and natural geological media. Model bead packs of various construction containing 100 μm borosilicate and soda lime glass beads were used to demonstrate how changes in the measured relaxation rates can be used to non-invasively verify and quantify biofilm growth in porous media. However significant challenges are shown to arise when trying to implement the same techniques to verify biofilm growth in a natural geological media.  相似文献   
We determined the melting phase relations, melt compositions, and melting reactions of carbonated peridotite on two carbonate-bearing peridotite compositions (ACP: alkali-rich peridotite + 5.0 wt % CO2 and PERC: fertile peridotite + 2.5 wt % CO2) at 10–20 GPa and 1,500–2,100 °C and constrain isopleths of the CO2 contents in the silicate melts in the deep mantle. At 10–20 GPa, near-solidus (ACP: 1,400–1,630 °C) carbonatitic melts with < 10 wt % SiO2 and > 40 wt % CO2 gradually change to carbonated silicate melts with > 25 wt % SiO2 and < 25 wt % CO2 between 1,480 and 1,670 °C in the presence of residual majorite garnet, olivine/wadsleyite, and clinoenstatite/clinopyroxene. With increasing degrees of melting, the melt composition changes to an alkali- and CO2-rich silicate melt (Mg# = 83.7–91.6; ~ 26–36 wt % MgO; ~ 24–43 wt % SiO2; ~ 4–13 wt % CaO; ~ 0.6–3.1 wt % Na2O; and ~ 0.5–3.2 wt % K2O; ~ 6.4–38.4 wt % CO2). The temperature of the first appearance of CO2-rich silicate melt at 10–20 GPa is ~ 440–470 °C lower than the solidus of volatile-free peridotite. Garnet + wadsleyite + clinoenstatite + carbonatitic melt controls initial carbonated silicate melting at a pressure < 15 GPa, whereas garnet + wadsleyite/ringwoodite + carbonatitic melt dominates at pressure > 15 GPa. Similar to hydrous peridotite, majorite garnet is a liquidus phase in carbonated peridotites (ACP and PERC) at 10–20 GPa. The liquidus is likely to be at ~ 2,050 °C or higher at pressures of the present study, which gives a melting interval of more than 670 °C in carbonated peridotite systems. Alkali-rich carbonated silicate melts may thus be produced through partial melting of carbonated peridotite to 20 GPa at near mantle adiabat or even at plume temperature. These alkali- and CO2-rich silicate melts can percolate upward and may react with volatile-rich materials accumulate at the top of transition zone near 410-km depth. If these refertilized domains migrate upward and convect out of the zone of metal saturation, CO2 and H2O flux melting can take place and kimberlite parental magmas can be generated. These mechanisms might be important for mantle dynamics and are potentially effective metasomatic processes in the deep mantle.  相似文献   
Fully implicit time-space discretizations applied to the two-phase Darcy flow problem leads to the systems of nonlinear equations, which are traditionally solved by some variant of Newton’s method. The efficiency of the resulting algorithms heavily depends on the choice of the primary unknowns since Newton’s method is not invariant with respect to a nonlinear change of variable. In this regard, the role of capillary pressure/saturation relation is paramount because the choice of primary unknowns is restricted by its shape. We propose an elegant mathematical framework for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media resulting in a family of formulations, which apply to general monotone capillary pressure/saturation relations and handle the saturation jumps at rocktype interfaces. The presented approach is applied to the hybrid dimensional model of two-phase water-gas Darcy flow in fractured porous media for which the fractures are modelled as interfaces of co-dimension one. The problem is discretized using an extension of vertex approximate gradient scheme. As for the phase pressure formulation, the discrete model requires only two unknowns by degree of freedom.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that pedogenic carbonate coatings on stones in archaeological sites can be used to reconstruct late Quaternary environmental changes in the area of the Fertile Crescent. This research compares a pedogenic carbonate record from southeastern Turkey with three other local or regional sources of palaeoenvironmental information in order to evaluate the correlation of this new proxy with other independent data from the area: (1) ancient plant macroremains from archaeological sites as ecological indicators, (2) stable carbon isotope composition of ancient plant macroremains available in the literature and from our own investigations in six mid-Holocene archaeological sites, and (3) modelled Holocene precipitation and temperature changes in the northern Fertile Crescent. Comparison involved selected palynological and isotopic data from lacustrine sediments as well as speleothem isotopic records in Near Eastern locations available in the literature. Although the data show a certain amount of variation of proxy records on the regional scale, for the northern Fertile Crescent (Upper Mesopotamia) they suggest three pronounced features of the Holocene environmental history: (1) a trend toward warmer temperatures may have affected the area during the early Holocene (between ca. 10,000–6000 cal BP), (2) increased moisture availability and relatively high temperatures in the mid-Holocene (ca. between 5000 and 4000 cal BP), and (3) a significant decrease in moisture availability around 4000 cal BP.Further research is needed to enhance the chronological resolution of both pedogenic carbonate and plant macrofossil records. This study stresses the complexity of the Holocene palaeogeography of the Near East and underlines the need for careful analysis of local sources of palaeonvironmental information in the region.  相似文献   
We performed an experimental study, designed to reproduce the formation of an unusual merwinite?+?olivine-bearing mantle assemblage recently described as a part of a Ca-rich suite of inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds, through the interaction of peridotite with an alkali-rich Ca-carbonatite melt, derived from deeply subducted oceanic crust. In the first set of experiments, we studied the reaction between powdered Mg-silicates, olivine and orthopyroxene, and a model Ca-carbonate melt (molar Na:K:Ca?=?1:1:2), in a homogeneous mixture, at 3.1 and 6.5 GPa. In these equilibration experiments, we observed the formation of a merwinite?+?olivine-bearing assemblage at 3.1 GPa and 1200 °C and at 6.5 GPa and 1300–1400 °C. The melts coexisting with this assemblage have a low Si and high Ca content (Ca#?=?molar 100?×?Ca/(Ca?+?Mg)?>?0.57). In the second set of experiments, we investigated reaction rims produced by interaction of the same Ca-carbonate melt (molar Na:K:Ca?=?1:1:2) with Mg-silicate, olivine and orthopyroxene, single crystals at 3.1 GPa and 1300 °C and at 6.5 GPa and 1400 °C. The interaction of the Ca-carbonate melt with olivine leads to merwinite formation through the expected reaction: 2Mg2SiO4 (olivine)?+?6CaCO3 (liquid)?=?Ca3MgSi2O8 (merwinite)?+?3CaMg(CO3)2 (liquid). Thus, our experiments confirm the idea that merwinite in the upper mantle may originate via interaction of peridotite with Ca-rich carbonatite melt, and that diamonds hosting merwinite may have a metasomatic origin. It is remarkable that the interaction of the Ca-carbonate melt with orthopyroxene crystals does not produce merwinite both at 3.1 and 6.5 GPa. This indicates that olivine grain boundaries are preferable for merwinite formation in the upper mantle.  相似文献   
Here we examine the consequences of strong tidal mixing on spatial and temporal distributions of biota and sea ice above Kashevarov Bank, Sea of Okhotsk, using data from field surveys (hydrography, pressure gauge and current meter moorings, and bio-acoustic soundings) and remote sensing (NOAA AVHRR). Fortnightly variations in the amplitude of diurnal tidal currents, primarily resulting from the K1–O1 interaction, are shown to dominate water motion over the bank. These currents (with maximum velocities 2 m s−1) create a sharp tidally-mixed front that separates well-mixed water above the bank from stratified water along its flanks. Such mixing draws water upward from the cold dichothermal layer (100–150 m) into the surface layer, and thus serves to ventilate the intermediate layers of the Sea of Okhotsk. In summer, fortnightly modulation of the tidal mixing creates temporal variations in water column stratification, a critical factor in the joint supply of nutrients and light required to sustain phytoplankton growth. As such, chlorophyll-a and oxygen values vary in response to the fortnightly cycle, and zooplankton likewise form dense aggregations within the tidally-mixed front in response to the phytoplankton production. It is further noted that the brood cycle of dominant zooplankton species on the bank matches the fortnightly modulation of the tidal currents. In winter, tidal mixing draws relatively warm water upward from mid-depth to maintain a polynya that cyclically opens and closes in response to fortnightly variation in vertical heat flux.  相似文献   
Abstract. The dependence of the vertical distribution of sessile macrobenthos upon environmental physical factors was studied in a community inhabiting rocky substrata at 2 to 15 m depth near the Rimsky‐Korsakov Islands (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). Three separate groups of species were distinguished within this community. The main dominant species are the anthozoan Metridium senile and the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus. Water movement, bottom inclination and topographic position of the studied sites in respect to prevailing water flows influence the spatial structure of sessile invertebrates. No vertical zonation in the scale of the studied sublittoral area below the 2 m depth level was observed. The studied factors are believed to condition the observed mosaic of patches characterized by specific composition, with a single species being dominant.  相似文献   
The distribution of dominant coral genera and their response to the recent sea temperature anomalies in the last three decades are analyzed across reefs of the Maldivian Archipelago, which spans 860 × 120 km in the central Indian Ocean. The Maldives suffered one of the worst coral mortality rates in the Indian Ocean in the 1998 warming event and experienced two sub‐lethal thermal anomalies in 2003 and 2010. The results showed that the Acropora proved an important driver of post‐1998 recovery and has become a major dominant genus in most Maldivian reefs at present. The average coral cover and proportion of acroporids have decreased from south to north and represent correspondently 70.6/59% for the southern atoll, 62/53% for the central atoll and 33/10.3% for the northernmost atoll. Stylophora, Seriatopora and the hydrocoral Millepora were not found and are considered candidates for local extirpation from the Maldives. Higher thermal variability and frequency of thermal stress might lead to the decrease in the abundance of susceptible taxa in the northernmost atoll. No phase‐shift to algae‐dominated reefs was observed in any of the three locations. Factors contributing to coral recovery and acclimatization are discussed.  相似文献   
Ultra fast marine vehicles can substantially benefit from aerodynamic unloading. The subject of this study is aerodynamics of a hybrid trimaran that comprises three wave-piercing planing hulls and a wing-shaped superstructure. This configuration is characterized by high efficiency and good seaworthiness at speeds about twice those of contemporary fast ferries and combat ships. Aerodynamic coefficients of the above-water structure of the hybrid trimaran were measured in a wind tunnel. A computer code based on the vortex lattice method is applied for modeling steady aerodynamics of this structure in a range of attack angles. The application of an interceptor at the pressure side of the wing is shown to produce significant increase in aerodynamic lift.  相似文献   
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