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The Nansei Islands in the southern Japanese Archipelago have 15 taxa of seagrasses from seven genera within three families. Seagrasses in this region grow on coral sands or coral debris in shallow reefs and on sandy or muddy substrata in the shallow areas of bays and inlets. Certain Halophila species grow in deep water off some islands. Enhalus acoroides only reaches to Ishigaki I. with winter sea water temperature (WST) at 23 °C, while Okinawa I. (WST at 21.6 °C) is the northern biogeographic limit for Halophila decipiens, H. okinawensis, H. major and H. gaudichaudii. Amami‐oshima I. (WST at 20.7 °C) is the northern border for Thalassia hemprichii, H. minor, H. ovalis, Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis and Halodule pinifolia. Halophila mikii the sole seagrass collected from Yakushima I. (WST at 19.3 °C), is of volcanic origin. The distribution of tropical seagrasses in the Nansei Islands is clearly associated with the warm Kuroshio Current, WST and habitat availability. Zostera japonica is the only temperate species occurring in the region. Meadows of Z. japonica, H. ovalis and Halodule pinifolia have disappeared from certain localities in the Archipelago, due probably to human activities and natural siltation.  相似文献   
Ar-Ar ages, and petrographical and geochemical characteristics of pyroclastics and an overlying lava from Teshima Island, southwest Japan are presented. Although previous geological and age data suggested Teshima pyroclastics were products of magmatism > 3 my prior to lava flows of Setouchi volcanic rocks generated in association with southward migration of the southwest Japan arc sliver during opening of the Sea of Japan backarc basin at ~ 15 Ma, the present results led to the conclusion that a sequence of Setouchi volcanism, induced by slab melting and subsequent melt-mantle reactions, produced both pyroclastics and lava at 14.6–14.8 Ma. This age is oldest among those reported so far and may represent the timing of onset of characteristic Setouchi magmatism immediately posterior to and hence as a result of the mega-tectonic event including rotation of the southwest Japan arc sliver.  相似文献   
Abstract– Recent spacecraft missions to comets have reopened a long‐standing debate about the histories and origins of cometary materials. Comets contain mixtures of anhydrous minerals and ices seemingly unaffected by planetary processes, yet there are indications of a hydrated silicate component. We have performed aqueous alteration experiments on anhydrous interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) that likely derived from comets. Hydrated silicates rapidly formed from submicrometer amorphous silicates within the IDPs at room temperature in mildly alkaline solution. Hydrated silicates may thus form in the near‐surface regions of comets if liquid water is ever present. Our findings provide insight into origins of cometary IDPs containing both anhydrous and hydrated minerals and help reconcile the seemingly inconsistent observations of hydrated silicates from the Stardust and Deep Impact missions.  相似文献   
Babingtonite, Ca2Fe2+Fe3+[Si5O14(OH)] (Z?=?2, space group $ P\overline{1} $ ) from Yakuki mine (Japan), Grönsjöberget (Sweden), Kandivali Quarry (India), Baveno Quarry (Italy), Bråstad Mine (Norway), and Kouragahana (Japan), and manganbabingtonite, Ca2(Mn2+, Fe2+)Fe3+[Si5O14(OH)], from Iron Cap mine (USA) were studied using electron-microprobe analysis (EMPA), 57Fe Mössbauer analysis and single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods to determine the cation distribution at M1 and M2 and to analyze its effect on the crystal structure of babingtonite. Although all studied babingtonite crystals are relatively homogeneous, chemical zonation due to mainly Fe ? Mn substitution is observed in manganbabingtonite. Mössbauer spectra consist of two doublets with isomer shift (I.S.)?=?1.16–1.22 mm/s and quadrupole splitting (Q.S.)?=?2.33–2.50 mm/s and with I.S.?=?0.38–0.42 mm/s and Q.S.?=?0.82–0.90 mm/s, assigned to Fe2+ and Fe3+ at the M1 and M2 octahedral sites, respectively. The determined ratio of Fe2+/total Fe in manganbabingtonite (0.26) was smaller than that in the others (0.35–0.44) because of high Mn2+ content instead of Fe2+. The unit-cell parameters of babingtonite are a?=?7.466–7.478, b?=?11.624–11.642, c?=?6.681–6.690 Å, α?=?91.53–91.59, β?=?93.86–93.94, γ?=?104.20–104.34º, and V?=?560.2–562.3 Å3, and those of manganbabingtonite are a?=?7.4967(3), b?=?11.6632(4), c?=?6.7014(2) Å, α?=?91.602(2), β?=?93.989(2), γ?=?104.574(3)º, and V =565.09(5) Å3. Structural refinements converged to R 1 values of 1.64–3.16 %. The <M1-O> distance was lengthened due to the substitution of large octahedral cations such as Mn2+ for Fe2+. The increase of the M1-O8, M1-O8’ and M1-O13 lengths with mean ionic radii is slightly more pronounced than of the other M1-Oi lengths. The lengthened M1-O13 distance leads the positive correlation between Si5-O15-Si1 angle and M1-O13 distance. The increase of Si2-O3-Si1 and Si5-O12-Si4 angles due to the increase of mean ionic radius of M2 is also observed.  相似文献   
The mantle xenoliths in the Quaternary ChangbaishanVolcano in southern Jilin Province contain spinel-facies lherzolites. The equilibration temperatures for these samples range from 902oC to 1064oC based on the two-pyroxene thermometer of Brey and K?hler (1990), and using the oxybarometry of Nell and Wood (1991), the oxidation state was estimated from FMQ-1.32 to -0.38 with an average value of FMQ-0.81 (n?=?8), which is comparable to that of abyssal peridotites and the asthenospheric mantle. The fO2 values of peridotites, together with their bulk rock compositions (e.g., Mg#, Al2O3, CaO, Ni, Co, Cr) and mineral compositions (e.g., Mg# of olivine and pyroxene, Cr# [=Cr/[Cr+Al]] and Mg# [=Mg/[Mg+Fe2+] of spinel), suggest that the present-day subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the Changbaishan Volcano most likely formed from an upwelling asthenosphere at some time after the late Mesozoic and has undergone a low degree of partial melting. The studied lherzolite xenoliths show low concentrations of S, Cu, and platinum group elements (PGE), which plot a flat pattern on primitive-mantle normalized diagram. Very low concentrations in our samples suggest that PGEs occur as alloys or hosted by silicate and oxide minerals. The compositions of the studied samples are similar to those of peridotite xenoliths in the Longgang volcanic field (LVF) in their mineralogy and bulk rock compositions including the abundance of chalcophile and siderophile elements. However, they are distinctly different from those of peridotite xenoliths in other areas of the North China Craton (NCC) in terms of Cu, S and PGE. Our data suggest that the SCLM underlying the northeastern part of the NCC may represent a distinct unit of the newly formed lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   
High-Al chromite from the Kudi chromitites contains a wide range of mineral inclusions. They include clinopyroxene, amphibole, phlogopite, olivine, orthopyroxene, apatite, base-metal sulfides, calcite and brucite. The modal abundance of inclusions vary greatly among different grains of chromite. The common inclusions are clinopyroxene and amphibole, which occur as monomineral or polymineral associated with other minerals. The shapes of these inclusions tend to follow the growth plane of host chromite. Mineral assemblages and textures demonstrate that some inclusions(olivine, clinopyroxene) are trapped during magmatic stage, and most of the inclusions(e.g., amphibole, phlogopite) are trapped during recrystallization of chromite. Sulfide inclusions are pentlandite, chalcopyrite and cubanite. They occur either as isolated grains or together with silicate minerals, and formed from the separation of sulfide-bearing liquid from silicate magma. The parental magma of chromitites contains Al_2O_3 15.0wt%–16.5wt%, TiO_20.30wt%–1.05wt% based on calculation with the composition of chromite, similar to parental magma of high-Al chromitites from elsewhere and the estimated melt composition is comparable with that of MORB. Considering the high-Mg olivine in disseminated chromitite and abundant hydrous inclusions, we propose that Kudi chromitites formed beneath a volcanic front during the subduction initiation of Proto-Tethys.  相似文献   
Lead isotope compositions for individual grains of galena and altaite (PbTe) were determined in situ using a secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS). Galena was collected from the Ross deposit and altaite from the Kirkland Lake (KL) deposits in the southern Abitibi greenstone belt, Superior Province of Canada. The samples from KL are more radiogenic than those from the Ross deposit. Isotopic compositions vary significantly between different grains in each deposit and form broad linear arrays in 207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb diagrams. The linear arrays of Pb-isotope data are attributed to mixing of Pb from different sources. At least two sources are required for individual deposits: one with low U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios and the other with high ratios. Lead minerals occurring with Au are less radiogenic than those that are not obviously associated with Au, suggesting that Au was supplied from low U/Pb sources such as sulphides or older ultramafic-mafic rocks. While most data are consistent with the derivation from local rocks, highly radiogenic Pb with relatively low 207Pb/206Pb ratios recorded at KL require post-Archaean mineralization or derivation of the Pb from an unusual crustal source with low . The latter interpretation is favored because of the lack of textural evidence and because it is difficult to dissolve and precipitate altaite at low temperatures. The presence of a Pb reservoir with low is also inferred from the data of Archaean banded iron formations and volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. Different isotopic patterns of the two deposits suggest different sources of metals in the two deposits. While this conclusion does not reject the derivation of fluids from the lower crust or mantle, the data are not in accord with conceptual models invoking a common source reservoir for metals. The study suggests that fluids, which may have a common origin, leached metals and other constituents from the upper crustal rocks during their ascent. The proposed model, different origins for different constituents, explains much of the conflicting evidence presented by Archaean Au deposits, including provinciality of mineralogy and relatively uniform fluid inclusion and C-isotope data from many Au deposits.  相似文献   
鲁西莱芜晚中生代高镁闪长岩中含丰富的超镁铁质捕虏体,主要为纯橄岩(>80%),少量方辉橄榄岩(<5%)和橄榄辉石岩(<15%)。测定了代表性捕虏体的亲铁、亲铜元素含量,根据其矿物化学成分计算了捕虏体的氧化-还原状态。方辉橄榄岩遭受了不同程度富Si熔体的交代,全岩富含Cr、Co、Ni和IPGE,高IPGE/PPGE值,是地幔深度部分熔融的残留。纯橄岩由铬铁矿和高Mg橄榄石组成,全岩富含Cr、Co、Ni,贫IPGE,低IPGE/PPGE值,可能为一种镁铁质熔体的堆晶岩。纯橄岩中橄榄石成分表现出一定的变化范围,局部镁橄榄石(Fo)成分高达94,可能是堆晶中橄榄石与足够的铬铁矿反应的结果,原始熔体可能为玻镁安山质岩浆。方辉橄榄岩和纯橄岩都显示高fO2值,FMQ+1.4~+2.4,与研究区早古生代相对还原的陆下岩石圈地幔(fO2低于C-CO2缓冲反应)形成鲜明对比。数据表明,中生代扬子大陆和华北克拉通碰撞之前,特提斯大洋板块和扬子大陆边缘相继俯冲到华北克拉通东缘之下,导致当时岩石圈地幔的fO2陡升。  相似文献   
Microbiological contribution to the formation of the manganese deposits in Sambe hot springs, Shimane, was investigated in combination with water chemistry, characterization of sediments and microbial community structure. Analysis of bacterial and fungal community structure based on DNA extracted from a Mn‐oxidizing enrichment culture indicated close matches with Pseudomonas putida, Phoma sp. and Plectosphaerella cucumerina, all Mn‐oxidizing microorganisms. These sediments were poorly crystalline and formed at neutral pH values, which is characteristic of biogenic precipitates. The EPMA results demonstrated a positive correlation between Mn and Ba contents in well‐crystalline Mn oxide grains. Substantial Ba contents were observed inside Mn oxide grains. These findings indicated that Ba contents in sediments are influenced by not only aqueous Ba2+ concentrations but also crystallinity of biogenic birnessite. Barium would be incorporated in birnessite during biomineralization.  相似文献   
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