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A new mineral species has been discovered at the calc-skarnoid occurrence near the mouth of the Tashelga River, Kuznetsky Alatau, Gorny Shoria, Russia, and named after the locality of its discovery. Associated minerals are calcite, hibonite, grossular, vesuvianite, hercynite, magnetite, corundum, perovskite, scapolite, diopside, and apatite. The new mineral occurs as prismatic or finely fibrous crystals up to 1.5–2.0 mm in length, their parallel intergrowths, and felty aggregates as large as 10 mm across. Tashelgite is bluish green, translucent to transparent, with vitreous luster; D calc = 3.67 g/cm3. The IR spectrum does not contain bands of OH groups. Tashelgite is biaxial (−), with α = 1.736(2), β = 1.746(2), γ = 1.750(2); 2V meas = −20(2)°. Dispersion is strong, r < ν. Pleochroism is distinct: X (blue-green) > Y (yellowish green) > Z (almost colorless). Chemical composition (electron microprobe, average of five-point analyses, Fe2O3 is estimated from the ratio of intensities I(FeKb5 )/I(FeKb1 )I(Fe_{K\beta _5 } )/I(Fe_{K\beta _1 } ) in the X-ray spectrum, H2O was determined as a weight loss on heating in vacuum up to 1000°C), wt %: 7.98 CaO, 6.75 MgO, 0.45 MnO, 11.32 FeO, 1.40 Fe2O3, 70.70 Al2O3, 1.8(2) H2O, 100.40 in total. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 17 oxygen atoms is H1.27Ca0.90Mg1.06Mn0.04 Fe1.002+Fe0.113+Al8.80O17.00. The idealized formula is CaMgFe2+Al9O16(OH). According to single-crystal X-ray structural data, tashelgite is monoclinic, pseudoorthorhombic, space group Pc; unit cell parameters are: a = 5.6973(1), b = 17.1823(4), c = 23.5718(5)?; β = 90.046(3)°; V = 2307.5(1)?3, Z = 8. The crystal structure of tashelgite is unique and characterized by ordering of all cations; Al occupies sites with octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. The cation ordering has also been confirmed by IR spectroscopy. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d, ?]-I[hkl] are: 11.79–48 [002], 2.845–43 [061], 2.616–100 [108], 2.584–81 [146], 2.437–44 [163], 2.406–61 [057], 2.202–72 [244]. The type specimen of tashlegite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.  相似文献   
Inter-annual variations of phytoplankton abundance and community organization were observed over a two-decade period along with the ancillary parameters at the land–ocean boundary associated with the Sundarban mangrove forest (21°32′ and 22°40′ N and 88°05′ and 89° E), along the NE Coast of the Bay of Bengal. The number of definable Bacillariophyceae species exceeded Dinophyceae taxa, and the total number of bloom-forming species declined from a maximum of ten in 2000 and a minimum of two in 2007. Blooms of the diatom Coscinodiscus radiatus were common in 2000 and 2007. Tide cycles and the onset of the monsoon season played important roles in diurnal and seasonal variability of phytoplankton. Phytoplankton biovolume showed seasonality, with the highest levels during post-monsoon periods and lowest levels during the monsoon period. Phytoplankton abundance was correlated to rainfall patterns, which may be altered by long-term changes in climate.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - Overview maps of tsunami hazards for the Far Eastern coast of the Russian Federation are created. The methodological principles of the PTHA (Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard...  相似文献   
The pilot hole of the Continental Deep Borehole (KTB) drilling project is located in the Bavarian Oberpfalz at the western margin of the Bohemian Massif. The 4-km deep borehole penetrated various paragneisses and minor orthogneisses with intercalations of amphibolites and metagabbros. The different lithologies have systematically different whole-rock oxygen isotope values and give little evidence for large scale water-rock interaction. Minor fluid interaction is well documented during retrograde metamorphism by non-equilibrium fractionations between refractory minerals (quartz, garnet and hornblende) and altered minerals (chlorite/biolite and feldspar). Ubiquitous vein mineralisation indicates fluid-induced retrogression at temperatures between 150°C and 400°C. The D values of hydroxylbearing minerals are very uniform in all lithologic units. The calculated hydrogen isotope composition of the fluid in equilibrium with matrix and vein minerals increases from -45 for metabasic rocks, to -20 for gneisses, to about -5 for vein minerals. The oxygen isotope composition of the fluid has been buffered by the rock and decreases with decreasing temperature because of increasing fractionations at low temperatures and low water-rock ratios. Modern fluids sampled from open cavities within the borehole have isotopic compositions that suggest a continuous fluid evolution during retrogression in a closed system. The 13C values of calcite and graphite also indicate closed system mixing processes.  相似文献   
The genesis potential parameter (GPP) consists of two dynamical variables low-level relative vorticity and vertical wind shear, and two thermodynamic variables middle tropospheric relative humidity and instability are analysed during pre-cyclone watch period over the Bay of Bengal. The pre-cyclone watch period is taken as the period prior to 72-h from the formation of a Depression. The GPP values for 30 tropical disturbances that formed over the Bay of Bengal during the period 2001–2010 are analysed. An independent evaluation of the parameter and possible applications to operational forecasting are presented using data from the year 1998 to 1999. The variables of GPP are calculated using the ECMWF interim reanalysis 1.5° × 1.5° resolution data, averaged within an area of 5° × 5° box on the centre of tropical disturbances and also over the 5° × 5° boxes over the adjacent surrounding areas. The results show that maximum value is observed over the genesis region at 48- and 24-h lead time for both the cases of cyclones and Depressions. The threshold value of GPP is found to be 9.3, 6.3 and 2.7 during pre-cyclone watch period at 24-, 48- and 72-h lead time, respectively. A distinction in GPP values above threshold value for cyclonic and a Depression system is also observed for the cyclogenesis region in 69, 75 and 75 % of cases at 72-, 48- and 24-h lead time, respectively. However, the individual case studies show that the GPP could indicate the genesis of a tropical cyclone with a 2-day lead time. The mean GPP values are 11.8, 8.5 and 3.8 for cyclonic systems and 6.9, 4.2 and 1.6 for Depression systems over an area of a box 5° × 5° on the systems at 24-, 48- and 72-h lead time, respectively, from the stage of Depression. The result of the study is found to be providing probable area of genesis and intensification of a tropical disturbance at a 2 day lead time from the stage Depression.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Lösungsrückstand glaukonitführender Gesteine des bayerischen Helvetikums und der Regensburger Oberkreide enthÄlt Glaukonit der 1-M-Glimmermodifikation in den Glaukonitkörnern und in der Feintonfraktion < 2 Ø. Die einige zehntel- gro\en Glaukonitglimmer sind in den helvetischen Gesteinen als unregelmÄ\ig oder hexagonal begrenzte BlÄttchen ausgebildet, in den OberpfÄlzer Gesteinen als unregelmÄ\ig begrenzte oder leistenförmige Kristallite. Bei den helvetischen Gesteinen ist der Glaukonitglimmer in den Körnern und in der Feintonfraktion mit Chlorit (± Montmorillonit), in den oberpfÄlzischen Gesteinen dagegen mit Montmorillonit vergesellschaftet. Die Assoziation Glaukonit/Chlorit oder Glaukonit/Montmorillonit dürfte durch unterschiedliche marine Fazies bedingt sein. Es fehlt eine Korrelation zwischen dem diagenetisch gebildeten Dolomit und dem Chloritgehalt der Gesteine. Die Morphologie der Glaukonitkörner in allen helvetischen Gesteinen und im Regensburger Grünsandstein deutet auf eine authigene Bildung der Körner, dagegen sind im turonen Regensburger Glaukonitmergel die Körner abgerollt.
The residue of glauconite-bearing rocks from the Bavarian Helvetic zone and the Upper Cretaceous of Regensburg contains glauconitic mica of the 1 M mica-type in the glauconite pellets as well as in the clay fraction < 2 Ø. The glauconite mica of the helvetic rocks are developed as irregular or hexagonaly shaped flakes, those from the rocks of the Upper Palatinate are irregular or form ledges. In the helvetic rocks the glauconitic mica of the fraction < 2 is associated with chlorite (± montmorillonite), in the rocks of the Upper Palatinate on the contrary only montmorillonite could be detected besides glauconitic mica. The association glauconite/chlorite or glauconite/ montmorillonite may be caused by differing marine facia. There is no correlation between dolomite formed by diagenesis and content of chlorite in the rocks. The morphology of the glauconite pellets in all Helvetic rocks and in the Grünsand from Regensburg indicates an authigenic formation of the pellets, whereas the pellets of the Turonic glauconitic marl from Regensburg are rounded by transport.

Résumé Le résidu de dissolution des roches glauconieuses provenant de l'Helvétien bavarois et du Crétacé supérieur de Ratisbonne contient des micas glauconieux de la modification micacée 1 M dans les grains de glaucome et dans la fraction < 2 Ø. Les micas glauconieux de quelques dizaines de des roches de l'Helvétien ont des contours irréguliers ou des silhouettes hexagonales, tandis que les roches glauconieuses du Haut Palatinat ont des micas irréguliers ou montrent des agrégats de mica de forme plus allongée. Dans les roches helvétiques, le mica glauconieux est associé dans les grains de glauconie et dans la fraction < 2 Ø avec de la chlorite (± montmorillonite); dans les roches du Haut Palatinat au contraire, il est associé avec de la montmorillonite. L'association glauconite/chlorite ou glauconita/montmorillonite semble Être due à des différences de faciés marin. Il n'existe pas de corrélation entre la dolomie d'origine diagénétique et la teneur en chlorite des roches. La morphologie des grains de glauconie dans les roches helvétiques et dans les grès verts de Ratisbonne démontre une formation authigène des grains; par contre les grains des marnes à glauconie turoniennes de Ratisbonne sont arrondis.

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Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft danken wir für die Unterstützung der Arbeit durch eine Sachbeihilfe. Herrn Dr. W.Schmitt vom Institut für Technische Chemie der TU München verdanken wir die Erlaubnis zur Benutzung des Elektronenmikroskopes. Die Herren Dr. J.Kröger, Dr. M.Freimoser und Dr. A.Buchner stellten uns dankenswerterweise Probenmaterial zur Verfügung.  相似文献   
Optical and SEM observations of phosphorites reveal that mineralization is concentrated on ooids and micro-oncoids. The coated grains occur within microbial mats. Microbial mats represent the formational environment of the ooids and oncoids. Both coated grains and mats exhibit similar filamentous micro-organisms. The mat filaments show no fixed orientation and they merge with the concentrically oriented filaments of the coated grains. The branching nature and chlamydospore-like structures of filaments suggest that both mat and coated grains have been formed by fungi. Some coated grains appear to have been slightly disturbed and sometimes mobilized from their sites of formation due to separation from the parent mat resulting perhaps from contraction/fragmentation. The voids so created within the mat had been later filled with either micrite or sparite.  相似文献   
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