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In order to clarify detailed current structures over the continental shelf margin in the East China Sea, ADCP measurements were carried out in summers in 1991 and 1994 by the quadrireciprocal method (Katoh, 1988) for removing diurnal and semidiurnal tidal flows from observed flows, together with CTD measurements. We discussed the process of the Tsushima Current formation in the East China Sea. The Tsushima Current with a volume transport of 2 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3s–1) was found north of 31°N. A current with a volume transport of 0.4 Sv was clearly found along the 100 m isobath. Between the Kuroshio and the current along the 100 m isobath, southeastward component of velocity was dominant compared to northwestward one. Four eastward to southeastward currents were found over the sea bed shallower than 90 m depth. Total volume transport of these four currents was 1 Sv, and they seemed to be originated from the Taiwan Strait. Intrusion of offshore water into the inner shelf northwest of Amami Oshima was estimated to have a volume transport of 0.6 Sv. It is concluded that the Tsushima Current is the confluence of these currents over the continental shelf margin with the offshore water intruding northwest of Amami Oshima.  相似文献   
Revisiting ocean thermal energy conversion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing concerns regarding oil spills, air pollution, and climate change associated with fossil fuel use have increased the urgency of the search for renewable, clean sources of energy. This assessment describes the potential of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) to produce not only clean energy but also potable water, refrigeration, and aquaculture products. Higher oil prices and recent technical advances have improved the economic and technical viability of OTEC, perhaps making this technology more attractive and feasible than in the past. Relatively high capital costs associated with OTEC may require the integration of energy, food, and water production security in small island developing states (SIDSs) to improve cost-effectiveness. Successful implementation of OTEC at scale will require the application of insights and analytical methods from economics, technology, materials engineering, marine ecology, and other disciplines as well as a subsidized demonstration plant to provide operational data at near-commercial scales.  相似文献   
Earthquakes in active-folding zones often trigger long-lasting landform changes. Since an underground structure closely follows the motion of its surrounding soils and rocks even after it was damaged in an intense earthquake, experts in charge of reconstruction have to wait until they are convinced that the soils and rocks have been stabilized. Kizawa tunnel was seriously cracked during the 23 October 2004 Mid-Niigata Earthquake. The upper half of the tunnel's cross-section near the north mouth shifted about 0.5 m sideways. Since a ring-shaped cross-section of a tunnel sustains the surrounding soil pressure, this crack pattern seemed to be serious. The authors collaborated with the Nagaoka Regional Development Bureau, Niigata Prefectural Government, in investigating the causes of the damage and in conducting long-term observation of the soils and rocks. This paper summarizes some findings for rational rehabilitations through the investigations.  相似文献   
The empirical bay shape model proposed by Hsu and Evans in 1989 for predicting the static planform of a pocket beach is expanded to enable the calculation of three-dimensional beach changes on a pocket beach with a seawall. The original formulation was developed on the basis of a second-order regression analysis. Unlike the one-line model of shoreline changes, the model of Hsu and Evans does not require repeated calculations of the wave field and shoreline position, because it was derived on the assumption of null sediment movement within a pocket beach in static equilibrium, hence without the need of applying the continuity condition of total sand volume in the calculation. The expanded model proposed by the present authors satisfies the total sand budget on a pocket beach, by taking into account the concept of depth change due to longshore sand transport. Model tests were carried out and the new model was further applied to the beach changes at Kemigawa on the northeast of Tokyo Bay in Chiba Prefecture, as well as at Oarai in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. On both locations, seawall has been installed as countermeasures against beach erosion, where wave sheltering effect of the main breakwater and beach changes in front of the seawall has also been observed. With this expansion, the present model can be applied to predict the three-dimensional beach changes on a coast with seawall on a pocket beach.  相似文献   

Government efforts to industrialise and modernise the Lao economy through intensive resource development are having adverse effects on rural livelihoods as resources are degraded and access to limited land and natural resources has intensified. In one of the country's key river basins, Nam Ngum, a series of resource developments including hydropower, mining and agricultural plantations have modified the landscape over the last four decades. Uncoordinated resource developments are putting intense pressure on increasingly scarce natural resources and affecting the lives of people who are dependent on them. Economic diversification of rural households in Feuang District in the Nam Ngum River Basin has created significant discrepancies between the rich and the poor, yet all households remain primarily dependent on agriculture. Land is of enduring importance to rural livelihoods. National development intervention has failed to secure basic livelihoods for rural households.  相似文献   
Sorption of rare earth elements (REEs) and Ce oxidation on natural and synthetic Mn oxides have been investigated by many researchers. Although Mn(II)-oxidizing microorganisms are thought to play an important role in the formation of Mn oxides in most natural environments, Ce oxidation by biogenic Mn oxide and the relevance of microorganisms to the Ce oxidation process have not been well understood. Therefore, in this study, we conducted sorption experiments of REEs on biogenic Mn oxide produced by Acremonium sp. strain KR21-2. The distribution coefficients, Kd(REE), between biogenic Mn oxide (plus hyphae) and 10 mmol/L NaCl solution showed a large positive Ce anomaly and convex tetrad effect variations at pH 3.8, which was consistent with previous works using synthetic Mn oxide. The positive Ce anomaly was caused by oxidation of Ce(III) to Ce(IV) by the biogenic Mn oxide, which was confirmed by analysis of the Ce LIII-edge XANES spectra. With increasing pH, the positive Ce anomaly and convex tetrad effects became less pronounced. Furthermore, negative Ce anomalies were observed at a pH of more than 6.5, suggesting that Ce(IV) was stabilized in the solution (<0.2 μm) phase, although Ce(III) oxidation to Ce(IV) on the biogenic Mn oxide was confirmed by XANES analysis. It was demonstrated that no Ce(III) oxidation occurred during sorption on the hyphae of strain KR21-2 by the Kd(REE) patterns and XANES analysis. The analysis of size exclusion HPLC-ICP-MS showed that some fractions of REEs in the filtrates (<0.2 μm) after sorption experiments were bound to organic molecules (40 and <670 kDa fractions), which were possibly released from hyphae. A line of our data indicates that the negative Ce anomalies under circumneutral pH conditions arose from Ce(III) oxidation on the biogenic Mn oxide and subsequent complexation of Ce(IV) with organic ligands. The suppression of tetrad effects is also explained by the complexation of REEs with organic ligands. The results of this study demonstrate that the coexistence of the biogenic Mn oxide and hyphae of strain KR21-2 produces a specific redox chemistry which cannot be explained by inorganic species.  相似文献   
Rare earth element (REE) pattern is a unique geochemical tracer and has been measured for various natural materials. Among these, the REE distribution pattern between bacteria and water exhibits anomalous enrichment in the heavy REE (HREE) part, which can act as a signature of bacteria-related materials in natural samples. In this study, the REE binding site on the cell surface of a Gram-positive bacterium (Bacillus subtilis) responsible for HREE enrichment has been identified using extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) coupled with a study of the variation in REE distribution patterns. The EXAFS data showed that the HREEs form complexes with multiple phosphate site (including phosphoester site) with a larger coordination number (CN) at lower REE-bacteria ratios ([REE]/[bac]), while light and middle REEs form complexes to the phosphate site with a lower CN. The fraction coordinated to carboxylate increased for all REEs with increasing [REE]/[bac] ratio. On the other hand, the enrichment of HREE in the REE distribution patterns of the bacteria was less marked with increasing [REE]/[bac] ratio. This result is consistent with the EXAFS data, because the REE pattern of surface complex with multiple phosphate in a reference material exhibits a monotonous increase for heavier REE, while phosphate surface complex with a low CN and a carboxylate site reach a maximum around Sm and Eu. Based on these results, it is clear that the REE are primarily bound to the phosphate site and subsequently to the carboxylate site on the bacterial cell surface.Regarding the pH dependence in the range (3 < pH < 7), both the EXAFS and REE pattern data indicate that the fraction of REE-carboxylate increased as the pH increases. The results above obtained for B. subtilis were also valid for Escherichia coli, a Gram-negative bacterium, showing that similar phosphate and carboxylate sites are also available in the cell walls of E. coli, or other Gram negative bacteria. In all our results, the variation in REE patterns correlated with the binding site indicated by EXAFS, showing that the REE pattern itself reflects the binding site of the REE at the bacterial surface for various parameters (pH and [REE]/[bac] ratio). Thus, the REE patterns can be used to estimate the binding sites for lower [REE]/[bac] ratios where spectroscopic techniques cannot be applied.The average bond length between the REE and oxygen was compared for various REE sorbed on bacteria, showing that the bond length for HREE (Er to Lu) was much shorter than those extrapolated from the trend between La and Dy, because of the selective binding of the HREE as the multiple phosphate surface complexes. Our results are consistent with the selective enrichment of the HREE at the bacterial cell surfaces, considering that chemical species with a shorter bond length are more stable. Thus, it is clear that the HREE enrichment at the bacterial cell surfaces is caused by the formation of the multiple phosphate surface complexes. Based on these results, it is suggested that materials having such phosphate sites such as bacteria and bacteria-related materials can induce anomalous HREE enrichment in natural systems.  相似文献   
Radio meteor observations by Ham-band beacon or FM radio broadcasts using “Ham-band Radio meteor Observation Fast Fourier Transform” (HROFFT) an automatic operating software have been performed widely in recent days. Previously, counting of meteor echoes on the spectrograms of radio meteor observation was performed manually by observers. In the present paper, we introduce an automatic meteor echo counting software application. Although output images of the HROFFT contain both the features of meteor echoes and those of various types of noises, a newly developed image processing technique has been applied, resulting in software that enables a useful auto-counting tool. There exists a slight error in the processing on spectrograms when the observation site is affected by many disturbing noises. Nevertheless, comparison between software and manual counting revealed an agreement of almost 90%. Therefore, we can easily obtain a dataset of detection time, duration time, signal strength, and Doppler shift of each meteor echo from the HROFFT spectrograms. Using this software, statistical analyses of meteor activities is based on the results obtained at many Ham-band Radio meteor Observation (HRO) sites throughout the world, resulting in a very useful “standard” for monitoring meteor stream activities in real time.  相似文献   
2011年3月11日,一次大的板间地震(MW9.0)发生在日本东北宫城县附近的板块交界处。根据余震分布推测的震源区为约500km长、200km宽的近海区(Japan Meteo-rological Agency,2011)。  相似文献   
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