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对博斯腾湖东南陆地风场数据进行计算,结合湖陆风效应初步建立夏半年各月风场日变化模型,得出风场日变化的4个典型时段。结果表明,区域测站一致性系数和风场有较好的对应关系,一致性系数小于50说明风向不稳定且风速较小,一致性系数大于80说明风向趋于稳定且风速一般较大,弱风时段主要出现在日出日落前后,且具有2h左右的持续时间。该方法为该地区弱风时段预报提供了思路,在稳定的高压脊形势下效果尤为明显。  相似文献   
基于双波段图像的玉米长势自动观测方法研究  相似文献   

The per capita CO2 emissions (PCCE) of many developing countries like China have been rising faster than total CO2 emissions, and display spatial divergence. Such temporal growth and spatial divergence will have a significant influence on efforts to mitigate CO2 emissions. Given the research gap on the impact of the structural transition in population on PCCE, we constructed an econometric model using the dynamic panel method. The results reveal that the population structural transition has a significant nonlinear impact on PCCE, as the rate of population growth in China decelerates. Both demographic ageing and urban-rural migration have a stronger impact on PCCE than other factors. This effect, however, decreases beyond a certain threshold. An increase in the number of households due to urbanization and family downsizing has resulted in a positive effect on PCCE, without a threshold turning point. The research also finds that an increased share of the service sector in employment can reduce PCCE only if the sector employs more than 31.56% of the total employed population. Overall, these findings indicate that policymakers should pay attention to the prominence of the demographic structural transition for effective climate policy.

Key policy insights
  • Policymakers should address rising per capita carbon emissions (PCCE) and their spatial divergence in future climate policies, not just total CO2 emissions.

  • The transitioning demographics of ageing and urbanization in China show a nonlinear, inverted U-shaped effect on PCCE instead of a continuously positive effect.

  • Based on the nonlinear effect of employment structure on PCCE, policymakers should focus on the relationship between the structural transition of the economy and PCCE in future climate mitigation policies.

史岚  万逸波  张狄  王茜雯  杨娇 《气象科学》2018,38(5):616-624
以2001—2010年中国地面自动站降水资料为基准,对中国大陆范围内CMPA(CMPA_Daily)降水资料进行精度评价研究,并与CMORPH1.0(CPC MORPHing technique gauge-satellite)、TRMM3B43V7(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3B43)降水资料精度进行对比,并进一步结合高程、坡度、坡向、坡向修正因子分析地形因子对数据质量的影响并探讨不同地貌类型下数据的精度。结果显示:CMPA在年、月尺度上均能较好地反映降水的多寡,与站点实测数据具有较高的相关性,误差波动较为平稳,数据质量及稳定性优于CMORPH与TRMM;从时间序列曲线显示CMPA的精度呈现较为明显的季节性差异,均方根误差夏季高于冬季,相关系数、百分比偏差、平均相对误差冬季高于夏季,总体而言CMPA夏季的误差高于冬季,由于夏季降水的基数大而导致了百分比偏差以及平均相对误差较低;分析地形的影响表明,高程、坡度对数据质量的影响大于坡向与坡向修正因子;在复杂地形下,高海拔与高坡度地区CMPA精度均有所降低,但降水资料的精度仍然优于CMORPH与TRMM。  相似文献   
Perspectives on Chinese ground water resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jiao JJ  Wen D 《Ground water》2004,42(4):488-490
Through detailed field mapping, the tectonic deformation in the front area of the Tianjingshan fault zone is discussed in this paper. The result shows that there are two Quaternary thrust (oblique) fault-fold belts, namely: the Miaoshan and Hongjianshan fault-fold belts, in the front area of the south wall's strike-slip movement of the Tianjingshan fault zone. The Hejiakouzi Quaternary anticline, which is a part of the Miaoshan fault-fold belt, is mainly discussed. It is pointed out that the fold began to grow in the middle part near Hejiakouzi in the mid-late stage of middle Pleistocene epoch and then gradually developed towards the ends in late Quaternary. Based on the Cenozoic structural features, the genesis of the Miaoshan and Hongjianshan fault-fold belts and the kinematic relation they bear with the Tianjingshan fault zone are analyzed.  相似文献   
地震台站的仪器多采用集成电路、集成块等高精密电子元件,承受外部环境能力相对较弱,容易遭受雷电的侵害。在分析雷电如何危害地震台站仪器设备基础上,针对地震台站工作实际,探讨应用雷电防护技术,减轻雷电对地震观测技术系统仪器设备的损害,及对地震台站雷电防护的参考意义。  相似文献   
Science China Earth Sciences - This paper briefly introduces the conception and research history of the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) in the early Paleoproterozoic and summarizes the primary...  相似文献   
Mountain and lowland watersheds are two distinct geographical units with considerably different hydrological processes. Understanding their hydrological processes in the context of future climate change and land use scenarios is important for water resource management. This study investigated hydrological processes and their driving factors and eco-hydrological impacts for these two geographical units in the Xitiaoxi watershed, East China, and quantified their differences through hydrological modelling. Hydrological processes in 24 mountain watersheds and 143 lowland watersheds were simulated based on a raster-based Xin'anjiang model and a Nitrogen Dynamic Polder (NDP) model, respectively. These two models were calibrated and validated with an acceptable performance (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficients of 0.81 and 0.50, respectively) for simulating discharge for mountain watersheds and water level for lowland watersheds. Then, an Indicators of Hydrological Alteration (IHA) model was used to help quantify the alterations to the hydrological process and their resulting eco-hydrological impacts. Based on the validated models, scenario analysis was conducted to evaluate the impacts of climate and land use changes on the hydrological processes. The simulation results revealed that (a) climate change would cause a larger increase in annual runoff than that under land use scenario in the mountain watersheds, with variations of 19.9 and 10.5% for the 2050s, respectively. (b) Land use change was more responsible for the streamflow increment than climate change in the lowland watersheds, causing an annual runoff to increase by 27.4 and 16.2% for the 2050s, respectively. (c) Land use can enhance the response of streamflow to the climatic variation. (d) The above-mentioned hydrological variations were notable in flood and dry season in the mountain watersheds, and they were significant in rice season in the lowland watersheds. (e) Their resulting degradation of ecological diversity was more susceptible to future climate change in the two watersheds. This study demonstrated that mountain and lowland watersheds showed distinct differences in hydrological processes and their responses to climate and land use changes.  相似文献   
结合夏县中心地震台CIC-200型离子色谱仪实际观测,从仪器输液系统、分离系统、基线、管路等方面详细阐述色谱仪常见故障,逐一分析原因,并给出相应故障排除方法,为同类仪器维护提供参考,并为获得准确观测数据,延长仪器使用寿命,提出日常维护方法及建议。  相似文献   
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