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Multivariate analysis is used in the search for one or more types of structure. The statistical zap applies a single method to determine one preselected type of structure. Several zaps suffice to ascertain several types of structure. The statistical shotgun represents an alternative approach. Here, a series of methods is applied to the data with the intent of ascertaining all possible types of structure that may exist. If strong structure is present, an appropriate zap will probably reveal it, and a variety of techniques will determine the same general structure. If only the main structure is required, the zap is adequate. In this situation, the shotgun will display a basic consistency which is at least reassuring. However, zaps may fail to detect a more subtle secondary structure of geological interest which will be displayed by the shotgun. For weakly structured data, a zap will only determine one type of structure but the shotgun reveals all. Study of the ontogeny of Parastylonurus myops(Clarke), a Lower Silurian eurypterid from New York (USA) shows the virtues of the statistical shotgun.  相似文献   
Previous research by our group (e.g., [Chem. Geol. 132 (1996) 25; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64 (2000) 1363]) has shown that an aerobic Pseudomonas mendocina bacterium enhances Fe(hydr)oxide dissolution in order to obtain Fe under Fe-limited conditions. The P. mendocina is incapable of utilizing Fe as a terminal electron acceptor and requires several orders of magnitude lower Fe concentrations than do dissimilatory Fe reducing bacteria. The research reported here compared the effects of the P. mendocina on dissolution of well and poorly ordered Clay Minerals Society Source Clay kaolinites KGa-1b and KGa-2, respectively, under Fe-limited conditions. KGa-1b and KGa-2 contain 0.04 and 0.94 bulk wt.% Fe, respectively, and their surface Fe/Si atomic RATIOS=0.008 and 0.012. Following strong cleaning of the kaolinites in 5.8 M HCl at 85 °C, the surface Fe/Si atomic ratios decreased to 0.004 and 0.008, respectively. Both kaolinites also developed a Si-enriched surface precipitate upon strong cleaning.

Because the P. mendocina take up Fe, we could not measure Fe release from the kaolinite directly, but rather had to monitor it indirectly by comparing microbial populations sizes under Fe-limited growth conditions. We found that microbial growth on uncleaned, weakly cleaned, and strongly cleaned kaolinites increased with the amount of Fe readily available to organic ligands as estimated by dissolution in 0.001 M oxalate (pH 3). This suggests that it is the amount of readily accessible Fe that controls Fe acquisition and hence microbial growth. The trend is based on only a relatively small range of kaolinite Fe contents, and the research thus needs to be expanded to include kaolinites with a broader range of bulk and surface Fe concentrations.

Significant enhancement of Al release was observed in the presence of the bacteria, along with generally some enhancement of Si release. This enhancement of kaolinite dissolution could be related to an observed pH increase from 7–8 to 9 in the presence of the bacteria and/or to production of Al chelating agents. The P. mendocina produce a variety of organic exudates, including siderophores [Chem. Geol. 132 (1996) 25; Geomicrobiology (2001b)], and further studies into the effects of the siderophores on Al complexation and on kaolinite dissolution are ongoing.  相似文献   

26 of the 59 living species of scleractinian corals found in Western Atlantic and Caribbean waters, less than 68 metres deep, and two fungiid genera from the Pacific are analysed in terms of their behaviour, sediment rejecting properties, functional morphology and distribution patterns.The contrasting behaviour and skeletal structure of the two solitary fungiids provides evidence for the construction of a theoretical mechanical model which is applied to the subsequent interpretation of the more complex colonial reef corals from the Atlantic province.Regional distribution patterns, growth forms and calical orientations of the Atlantic species and their associated sediment types were noted in dives across transects in extreme environments in the Caribbean. Representative samples were then selected from the five functional ecological niches in the Florida keys, and subjected to inundations of sized and painted carbonate sand particles in the laboratory. The coral was filmed before the sedimentary influx, on impact and during rejection. The skeletons were then extracted and dissected to construct a mechanical model compatible with their behavioural functions.There are four means of sediment rejection: distension by the stomodeal up-take of water, tentacular action, ciliary beat, and mucus entanglement. Differences in sediment rejection are ascribed to two factors (1) variations in the polyps' distensional capacity, and (2) the geometry of the calice.A theoretical model of characteristic scleractinian distribution patterns on an Atlantic patch reef mirrors regional distribution patterns. The sediment rejecting experiments are used as additional evidence for interpreting other behavioural activities of greater consequence e.g. food gathering and the removal of excrement.Theoretical models are described for the relationship of calical form to polypal function and calcical orientation to distribution patterns on the corallum; and also variations in growth form. Ecological distributions, in local patch reef and regional occurrences, are outlined in terms of the recent scleractinian corals of the Atlantic province. These models are tested against some rugose and tabulate coral distributions in the Irish Carboniferous.
Zusammenfassung 26 der 59 Korallenarten (Scleractinia), die im westlichen Atlantik und der Karibischen See in weniger als 68 m Wassertiefe leben, und 2 Fungia-Gattungen des Pazifiks werden auf Verhalten, Fähigkeit Sediment abzuschütteln und funktioneller Morphologie untersucht. Aufgrund der Gegensätze in Verhalten und Skelettstruktur der beiden Fungia-Einzelkorallen wird ein theoretisches Modell erarbeitet, das dann auf die komplizierteren koloniebildenden Korallen angewandt wird.Regionale Verteilung, Wuchsformen und Kelchorientierung der atlantischen Korallen und die dazugehörigen Sedimente wurden in Tauchgängen in extremen Bereichen der Karibischen See erfaßt. Repräsentative Korallen-Exemplare wurden dann von fünf ökologisch definierten Bereichen der Florida Keys gesammelt und im Labor mit sortierten und gefärbten Karbonatsandkörnern überschüttet. Die Korallen wurden vor dem Experiment, während des Schüttens und des Abschüttelns gefilmt. Danach wurden die Skelette herauspräpariert und ein mechanisches Modell entwickelt, das die verhaltensbedingten Funktionen berücksichtigt.Das Sediment wird mit Hilfe von vier Mechanismen abgeschütteln: Ausdehnung der Weichteile durch Aufnahme von Wasser, Tentakelbewegungen, Ziliarbewegungen und Schleimumwicklung. Unterschiede in der Fähigkeit, Sediment abzuschütteln, wurden auf 1. Unterschiede in der Fähigkeit des Polypen, sich auszudehnen, und 2. Unterschiede in der Kelchform zurückgeführt.Ein theoretisches Modell der Korallenverteilung auf einem isolierten Riff spiegelt die Grundzüge regionaler Verteilung wider. Die Sedimentabschüttel-Experimente ergeben zusätzliche Anhaltspunkte für die Interpretation anderer Verrichtungen von größerer Bedeutung, z. B. Nahrungsaufnahme und Entfernung von Exkrementen. Theoretische Modelle für das Verhältnis von Kelchform zu Polypenfunktion und von Kelchorientierung zur Position auf dem Korallenstock und zu Wuchformunterschieden werden beschrieben.Ökologische Verteilungen, lokal und regional, werden anhand der rezenten Korallen des Atlantiks aufgezeigt. Diese Modelle werden dann am Beispiel der Verteilung rugosen und tabulaten Korallen im Karbon Irlands getestet.

Résumé 26 espèces vivantes de coraux scléractiniens sur 59, furent découvertes dans l'Atlantique-Ouest et les eaux des Caraïbes, à moins de 68 m de fond; 2 genera fungiid du Pacifique sont analysés en fonction de leur comportement, des propriétés de rejet des sédiments dont ils font preuve, de leur morphologie fonctionelle et de leurs reséaux de distribution.Le contraste dans le compartement et dans la structure squelettique des deux fungiids solitaires, justifie la construction d'un modèle théorique mécanique qui est appliqué à l'interprétation suivante des coraux de récif coloniaux et plus complexes que l'on trouve dans la région atlantique.Les réseaux de distribution régionale, les formes de croissances d'orientations calicales de l'espèce atlantique et les types de sédiments qui leur sont associés, ont été remarqués lors de plongées aux environs extrêmes de la mer Caraïbe. Des échantillons représentatifs ont ensuite été sélectionnés dans les cinq niches écologiques fonctionelles des cayes de Floride. Puis ont été soumis, en laboratoire à des inondations de particules de sable carbonaté taillées et teintes. Le corail a été filmé avant l'entrée des sédiments, pendant l'opération et pendant le rejet. Les squelettes, ont ensuite été extraits et disséqués pour construire un modèle mécanique compatible avec leurs fonctions de compartement.Il existe quatre modes de rejet des sédiments: dilatation par absorbsion stomodéal d'eau, action tentaculaire, action ciliaire et enveloppement de mucus.Les différences dans le rejet de sédiments sont imputables a deux facteurs (1) les variations de la capacité dimensionelle du polype et (2) la géométrie du calice. Un modèle théorique des réseaux le distribution scléractiniènne, charactéristique sur un petit récif atlantique, réflecte des sébeaux de distribution régionale. Les expériences sur le rejet de sédiments, sont utilisées comme preuve supplémentaire à l'interprétation d'autres activités de comportement, comme par exemple, la recherche de nourriture ou l'émission d'éxcréments.Les modèles théoriques sont décrits pour permettre le rapport entre la forme calicale et la fonction polypale, plus entre l'orientation calicale et les résaux de distribution sur le corallum, ainsi que pour étudier les variations dans les formes de croissance. L'étude des coraux scléractiniens récents de la province atlantique, permet d'établir une ébauche de leur répartition écologique, aussi bien sur les petits récifs locaux qu'au niveau des incidences régionales. Les modèles sont également testés grace à des répartitions de coraux rugueux et tabulates dans le Carbonifière Irlandais.

Fungia , , . , . . . . , . 4 : 1) ; 2) ; 3) , 4) . : 1) , 2) . . , .: . , . , , .
This study focused on chemical weathering and bacterial ecology in the hyporheic zone of Green Creek, a McMurdo Dry Valley (Antarctica) stream. An in situ microcosm approach was used to observe dissolution features on the basal-plane surface of muscovite mica. Four mica chips were buried in December 1999 and dug up 39 d later. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of the basal-plane surfaces revealed small, anhedral ∼10-Å-deep etch pits covering ∼4% of the surfaces, from which an approximate basal-plane dissolution rate of 8.3 × 10−18 mol muscovite cm−2 s−1 was calculated (on the basis of the geometric surface area) for the study period. This is an integrated initial dissolution rate on a fresh surface exposed for a relatively brief period over the austral summer and should not be compared directly to other long-term field rates. The observation of weathering features on mica agrees with previous stream- and watershed-scale studies in the Dry Valleys, which have demonstrated that weathering occurs where liquid water is present, despite the cold temperatures.AFM imaging of mica surfaces revealed biofilms including numerous small (<1 μm long), rounded, oblong bacteria. The AFM observations agreed well with X-ray photoelectron microscopy results showing increased organic C and N. Bacteriologic analysis of the hyporheic zone sediments also revealed <1-μm-long bacteria. α-Proteobacteria were observed, consistent with the oligotrophic conditions of the hyporheic zone. Nitrate-reducing bacteria were found, in agreement with a previous tracer test at Green Creek that suggested nitrate reduction occurs in the hyporheic zone. The results of this study thus provide direct evidence of dynamic geochemical and microbial processes in the hyporheic zone of a Dry Valley stream despite the extreme conditions; such processes were inferred previously from stream-scale hydrogeochemical studies.  相似文献   
The late Holocene environmental history of the Lesotho highlands, southern Africa, is poorly understood with few detailed studies to date. At Likoaeng, Senqu Valley, Lesotho, a 3 m stratified sedimentary sequence from an open-air archaeological site records vegetation development for the period 3400-1070 cal. BP. Phytolith analyses and bulk sediment organic matter δ13C indicate that C4 grassland dominated the lower part of the sequence until approximately 2960 cal. BP when there was a switch to C3 Pooid grassland (2960-2160 cal. BP). Also noted was a change from hunting mainly bovids to a dominance of fishing at the site. The change in grassland type and archaeological subsistence strategies corresponds with an episode of neoglacial cooling and the expansion of Alpine sourgrasses into lower altitudes. From 2160 to 1600 cal. BP grassland became a mix of C3 and C4 types and by 1600-1070 cal. BP there was a return to C4 dominated grassland. During this latter phase there was a reversal from fishing to hunting again (and eventually some keeping of domestic livestock) at the site. These data outline the vegetation response to latitudinal shifts of frontal systems, and relatively strong atmospheric circulation variability, perhaps underpinned by variations of polar water into the Benguela Current during the late Holocene.  相似文献   
Surface sediment samples at 89 locations and 300-cm cores from 43 sites in the Mississippi Sound were examined for evidence of pollutant impact upon this coastal environment. Chemical variables determined were total organic carbon, Kjeldahl nitrogen, phenols, and hydrocarbons. Values of these pollutant indicators were about the same or lower in Gulf of Mexico samples compared to Missippi Sound sediments and considerably lower than those from rivers and bays emptying into the sound, indicating limited impact from sites of pollutant sources into the sound. Concentrations of sedimentary pollutants peaked in the Pascagoula River where levels of total organic carbon (TOC), Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phenols, and hydrocarbons exceeded sound values by one to three orders of magnitude. Analysis of cores shows pollutant intrusion to sediment strata predating industrial development. The level of pollution varies from site to site but fortunately is only serious at localized sites within the sound.  相似文献   
Knowledge coproduction between practitioners and scientists offers promising opportunities for the emerging research field of the geography of sustainability transitions. Drawing on experiences from an international research project on urban green building transitions, this article explores the potentials and challenges of interactive and collaborative knowledge generation methods in understanding sustainability transitions. Our results show that ongoing engagement with local experts and practitioners through interactive World Café workshops and follow-up exchanges allows for a better understanding of the research context and knowledge exchange to all participants involved in the research process.  相似文献   
As part of the KErguelen: compared study of the Ocean and the Plateau in Surface water (KEOPS) project in late summer 2005, we examine the phytoplankton community composition and associated primary production in the waters surrounding the Kerguelen Archipelago, with the emphasis on two contrasted environments: (i) the Kerguelen Plateau, where a large bloom occurs annually, and (ii) the high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) offshore waters. A biomarker pigment approach was used to assess the community composition in terms of chlorophyll biomass of three phytoplankton size classes, namely micro-, nano-, and picophytoplankton. The second objective was to evaluate a global class-specific approach for estimating the contribution of the three pigment-based size classes to the primary production in the study area. To do so, primary production rates associated with each phytoplankton class were computed from the class-specific chlorophyll biomass coupled to a class-specific primary production model, and compared with in situ measurements of size-fractionated 13C-based primary production. The iron-enriched bloom region was dominated by microphytoplankton (diatoms), which contributed 80–90% to the total primary production (of ≈1 g C m?2 d?1). In the HNLC area, the primary production was about 0.30 g C m?2 d?1, mainly (65%) achieved by small diatoms and nanoflagellates. The model results show a good overall agreement between predicted and measured total primary production rates. In terms of size classes, agreements were higher for the bloom region than for the HNLC waters. Discrepancies in this complex iron-limited area may be explained essentially by the smaller size of diatoms, or a different set of photophysiological properties.  相似文献   
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