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It is hypothesized that self-defined mixed-race persons live in residentially mixed areas in the largest metropolitan areas in California. The hypothesis is tested by examining the distribution of mixed-race persons among ethnically and racially diverse and nondiverse neighborhoods in the San Francisco and Los Angeles Metropolitan Areas. The research confirmed that mixed-race individuals are more likely to live in areas with ethnic diversity and that the tendency is greater for the mixed-race population in the San Francisco–Oakland Metropolitan Areas than in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Mixed-race individuals live in neighborhoods which are diverse with mixes of all four major ethnic and racial groups, and in “well-off” (but not the most affluent) neighborhoods. The study also shows that the mixed-race population is youthful. The association of mixed-race individuals and racially integrated neighborhoods will have important implications for the evolving nature of spatial integration in California specifically, and the United States more generally.  相似文献   
Muddy sediments with their potential for containing contaminants are commonly deposited and remobilized by tidal currents in estuarine environments. We examined the mobilization and subsequent redeposition of mud in a coastal plain estuary located in the southeastern United States. Time-series data for salinity, suspended sediment concentrations and quality (percent organic matter and pigment concentrations) were obtained over a 13-hour tidal cycle. We found that fast-settling mud particles are found during the highest tidal current speeds. Particle quality analyses suggest that all the material is of similar origin, and that phaeopigment can be used as a tracer of particles in this system. These particles settle onto the bed when current speeds approach slack conditions. We speculate that the quantity of mud mobilized during neap tide is less than during spring tide resulting in an opportunity for the mud to partially consolidate on the bottom and be removed from resuspension. We further speculate that the muddy sediments are mainly derived from fringing marshes in this estuary.  相似文献   
The increased availability of global datasets and technologies such as global hydrologic models and the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites have resulted in a growing number of global‐scale assessments of water availability using simple indices of water stress. Developed initially for surface water, such indices are increasingly used to evaluate global groundwater resources. We compare indices of groundwater development stress for three major agricultural areas of the United States to information available from regional water budgets developed from detailed groundwater modeling. These comparisons illustrate the potential value of regional‐scale analyses to supplement global hydrological models and GRACE analyses of groundwater depletion. Regional‐scale analyses allow assessments of water stress that better account for scale effects, the dynamics of groundwater flow systems, the complexities of irrigated agricultural systems, and the laws, regulations, engineering, and socioeconomic factors that govern groundwater use. Strategic use of regional‐scale models with global‐scale analyses would greatly enhance knowledge of the global groundwater depletion problem.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a case study on the use of the normalized source strength (NSS) for interpretation of magnetic and gravity gradient tensors data. This application arises in exploration of nickel, copper and platinum group element (Ni‐Cu‐PGE) deposits in the McFaulds Lake area, Northern Ontario, Canada. In this study, we have used the normalized source strength function derived from recent high resolution aeromagnetic and gravity gradiometry data for locating geological bodies. In our algorithm, we use maxima of the normalized source strength for estimating the horizontal location of the causative body. Then we estimate depth to the source and structural index at that point using the ratio between the normalized source strength and its vertical derivative calculated at two levels; the measurement level and a height h above the measurement level. To discriminate more reliable solutions from spurious ones, we reject solutions with unreasonable estimated structural indices. This method uses an upward continuation filter which reduces the effect of high frequency noise. In the magnetic case, the advantage is that, in general, the normalized magnetic source strength is relatively insensitive to magnetization direction, thus it provides more reliable information than standard techniques when geologic bodies carry remanent magnetization. For dipping gravity sources, the calculated normalized source strength yields a reliable estimate of the source location by peaking right above the top surface. Application of the method on aeromagnetic and gravity gradient tensor data sets from McFaulds Lake area indicates that most of the gravity and magnetic sources are located just beneath a 20 m thick (on average) overburden and delineated magnetic and gravity sources which can be probably approximated by geological contacts and thin dikes, come up to the overburden.  相似文献   
This study assesses a simple sediment source tracing method using major- (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Si, Ti) and trace-element (Ba, Be, Ce, Co, Cr, Mo, Nd, Pb, Sr, Th, V, Y, Zn) signatures of stream suspended particulate matter (SPM), bed sediments and soils in a small agricultural catchment in NE Scotland. Whilst most erosion studies characterise the large amounts of material mobilised at the highest flows, this study aimed to assess properties of sediments during moderate to low flow periods. These occur more frequent than intense storms and are important in linking stream sediments, near-channel sources and aquatic ecosystem impacts. Data were transformed by multivariate statistical methods to compare elemental signatures of SPM (ranging from 3 to 53 mg L−1 in the stream) and stream bed sediments with a limited number of near-channel source soils. Increased concentrations of Ce, Nd, Th and Y in subsoils contributed to the ability to discriminate between surface fieldslope and stream bank erosion sources. Stream bed sediments showed close matches with compositions of stream bank and arable surface soils, but signatures of SPM differed greatly from any of the sources. Large concentrations of Cr, Pb and Zn in SPM, particularly during summer (677, 177 and 661 mg kg−1, respectively) exceeded water quality standards and were linked to an accumulation of trace elements associated with biological material. The potential for within-stream alteration of SPM in relation to erosion sources was confirmed by changes in the nature of the SPM organic matter observed by IR spectroscopy. Thus the potential is shown for multi-element signatures to give information on catchment sediment sources to aid land management decisions, given careful consideration of the effects of in-stream alteration of eroded material. However, this combined information may be beneficial to process understanding linking land use and stream ecosystems at critical ecological periods.  相似文献   
We present observations of Asteroid 21 Lutetia collected 2003–2008 using the SpeX instrument on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) covering 2–4 μm. We also reevaluate NSFCam observations obtained in 1996 (Rivkin, A.S., Lebofsky, L.A., Clark, B.E., Howell, E.S., Britt, D.T. [2000]. Icarus 145, 351–368). Taken together, these show deeper 3-μm band depths (of order 3–5%) in the southern hemisphere of Lutetia, and shallower band depths (of order 2% or less) in the north. Such variation is consistent with observations at shorter wavelength by previous workers (Nedelcu, D.A. et al. [2007]. Astron. Astrophys. 470, 1157–1164; Lazzarin, M. et al. [2010]. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 408, 1433–1437), who observed hemispheric-level variations from C-like spectra to X-like spectra.While the shallowness of absorption bands on Lutetia hinders identification of its surface composition, goethite appears plausible as a constituent in its southern hemisphere (Beck, P., Quirico, E., Sevestre, D., Montes-Hernandez, G., Pommerol, A., Schmitt, B. [2011]. Astron. Astrophys. 526, A85–A89). Mathematical models of space weathered goethite are most consistent with Lutetia’s southern hemisphere spectrum, but more work and further observations are necessary to confirm this suggestion.  相似文献   
The physical, biological, and oceano‐graphic characteristics of seamounts of the New Zealand region of the South Pacific Ocean are poorly known. The aim of this study was to present a synopsis of the physical characteristics of seamounts within the region, and to present a preliminary classification using biologically meaningful variables. Data for up to 16 environmental variables were collated and used to describe the distribution and characteristics of the c. 800 known seamounts in the New Zealand region. Seamounts span a wide range of sizes, depths, elevation, geological associations and origins, and occur over the latitudinal range of the region, lying in different water masses of varying productivity, and both near shore and off shore. As such, it was difficult to generally describe New Zealand seamounts, as there is no “typical” feature. Thirteen environmental variables were included in a multivariate cluster analysis to identify 12 seamount similarity groupings, for a subset of over half the known seamounts. The groupings generally displayed an appreciable geographic distribution throughout the region, and were largely characterised by a combination of four variables (depth at peak, depth at base, elevation, and distance from continental shelf). In the future, the findings of the present study can be tested to determine the validity and usefulness of the approach for directing future biodiversity research and informing management of seamount habitat.  相似文献   
We report on a field test of a transportable version of a superconducting gravimeter (SG) intended for groundwater storage monitoring. The test was conducted over a 6-month period at a site adjacent to a well in the recharge zone of the karstic Edwards Aquifer, a major groundwater resource in central Texas. The purpose of the study was to assess requirements for unattended operation of the SG in a field setting and to obtain a gravimetric estimate of aquifer specific yield. The experiment confirmed successful operation of the SG, but water level changes were small (<0.3 m) leading to uncertainty in the estimate of specific yield. Barometric pressure changes were the dominant cause of both water level variations and non-tidal gravity changes. The specific yield estimate (0.26) is larger than most published values and dependent mainly on low frequency variations in residual gravity and water level time series.  相似文献   
Targets for improvements in water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) have been set through the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (Reef Plan). To measure and report on progress towards the targets set a program has been established that combines monitoring and modelling at paddock through to catchment and reef scales; the Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting Program (Paddock to Reef Program). This program aims to provide evidence of links between land management activities, water quality and reef health. Five lines of evidence are used: the effectiveness of management practices to improve water quality; the prevalence of management practice adoption and change in catchment indicators; long-term monitoring of catchment water quality; paddock & catchment modelling to provide a relative assessment of progress towards meeting targets; and finally marine monitoring of GBR water quality and reef ecosystem health. This paper outlines the first four lines of evidence.  相似文献   
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