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The design and use of a lightweight, retrievable, bottom-mounted current meter for taking current measurements to ocean depths of 1800 m are described.  相似文献   

Instream processes alter the concentration and bioavailability of nutrients as they are transported downstream. By relating primary production and periphyton composition to changes in nutrient concentration in a gravel-bed river this study made inferences about recycling and attenuation. Where dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was abundant, concentrations decreased linearly with distance but by less than required to meet the nitrogen demand of primary production. Where DIN was barely measurable photosynthesis was reduced but only by 50%. We infer that recycling sustained primary production even when DIN concentrations were negligibly small. One implication is that DIN removal underestimates attenuation. Further experimental research on recycling and improved modelling is required to better quantify the length of streams adversely affected by nutrients.  相似文献   
Overwash is a major controlling factor in the morphology of the mixing zone of coastal aquifers. Conceptual models of the mixing zone describe an interface controlled by tidal oscillations, wave run-up, and other factors; however, few describe the influence of large storm events. In August 1993, Hatteras Island, North Carolina, USA, experienced a 3-m storm surge due to Hurricane Emily. Sound-side flooding infiltrated a wellfield, causing a dramatic increase in TDS levels that persisted for more than 3 years. Two-dimensional simulations with SUTRA, the USGS finite-element model, are calibrated to the TDS breakthrough data of this storm to infer model dispersivity values. Simulations using the calibrated dispersivity values, predicted flooding levels, and 54 years of hurricane records to determine the influence of the overwash events suggest that it is rare for the mixing zone to approximate the conceptual morphology. Even during quiescent periods such as between 1965 and 1975, TDS levels do not return to theoretical levels before being elevated by a subsequent storm event. Thus, while tidal oscillations and other factors are important to mixing zone development, basic wind events and more severe storm events may have more influence and lasting effect on the morphology of the mixing zone.  相似文献   
In a previous paper Adams, Cary and Cohen (1994) presented a model of a supernova. In that paper the equations of General Relativity describing the evolution of a spherically symmetric, radiating star were solved analytically. The evolution of the star was determined by the application of boundary conditions at the center and at the edge. Due to lmitations in the presupernova model, only the very slow inward motion of an unstable, degenerate core could be considered. The solution was also limited by the need to exclude a runaway term, one that increased exponentially with time. Without the exclusion of the runaway, the luminosity would have increased without bound and the mass would have become negative.This paper presents a completely analytic solution to the equations of General Relativity describing the evolution of a Type II supernova. Professor S.E. Woosley kindly gave us data on the physical variables of a 12M 0 presupernova star. In our model the core collapses within 1 s, leaving a 1.3M 0 remnant. Shortly afterward 10.6M 0 is ejected to infinity, and 0.17M 0 is radiated away in the form of neutrinos. The distance of the edge from the center increases proportionally to the two-thirds power of the time. The luminosity decreases proportionally to the inverse four-thirds power.Although the runaway solution was modified by the exploding rather than a static envelope, it must still be excluded by adjusting initial conditions. Its character is changed from an exponential to a very large power (55) of time. The removal of a degree of freedom by this exclusion leads to physically non-sensical results such as negative luminosity. The inclusion of a term describing motion of the mantle due to neutrino interactions provides the additional degree of freedom necessary for physically reasonable results.  相似文献   
Zooplankton collected from vertical net tows were related to the environmental variables from 98 lakes from the Interior Plateau of British Columbia. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that both salinity and ionic composition (pH and Mg) of the lake-water made major and significant contributions to the first two ordination axes (=0.42 and 0.11 respectively,P<0.05). BothArtemia franciscana andMoina hutchinsoni had their highest relative abundance in meso-hypersaline waters. However,Artemia franciscana preferred waters that were higher in Mg and Ca, whileMoina hutchinsoni was found in waters that were lower in Mg and Ca. Similarly, at intermediate salinities,Daphnia pulex and the calanoid copepods preferred waters slightly lower in Mg and Ca, whereasCeriodaphnia laticaudata andSimocephalus spp. were relatively more common in waters higher in Mg and Ca. Because the freshest lakes studied varied much less in ionic composition, the zooplankton in these lakes did not show a preference to ionic composition. As expected, multi-generic groups, such as the calanoid copepods, cyclopoid copepods and nauplii, had wider tolerances to conductivity than groups identified to lower taxonomic levels. Significant weighted-averaging regression and calibration models of conductivity were developed based on zooplankton species composition from the study lakes (r 2=0.56,P<0.05). Samples composed largely of multi-generic taxa yielded the worst estimates of salinity in the reconstruction model. This study suggests that zooplankton community composition may be developed into a useful proxy for paleosalinity reconstruction.  相似文献   
Two widely-used techniques to estimate the volume of remaining oil and gas resources are discovery process modeling and geologic assessment. Both were used in a recent national assessment of oil and gas resources of the United States. Parallel estimates were obtained for 27 provinces. Geological-based estimates can typically see into areas not available to discovery process models (that is areas with little or no exploration history) and thus, on average, yield higher estimates. However, a linear relation does exist between the mean estimates obtained from these two methods. In addition, other variables were found in a multiple regression model that explained much of the difference. Thus, it is possible to perform discovery process modeling and adjust the estimates to yield results that might be expected from geological-based assessments.  相似文献   
This article is the first in a series designed to gain insight into the stellar oscillation problem from a somewhat novel point of view: that of potential scattering, well-known in the quantum mechanical literature. In this paper the known theoretical foundations are developed and applied in the context of the astrophysical problem, wherein the star itself (rather than any portion of it) is the potential which scatters waves and traps them. The basis for the identification of a precisely defined scattering problem is the existence of a linear Schrödinger equation associated both globally (Section 2) and locally (Section 8) with the nonlinear eigenvalue equation for nonradial stellar pulsations. The paper is also designed to be a fairly complete account of the relevant mathematical topics that are germane to a study of this kind. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Zdenèk Kopal, who was a great source of professional encouragement to me during the last fifteen years of his life.  相似文献   
Abstract The crystallography and crystal chemistry of a new calcium-titanium-aluminosilicate mineral (UNK) observed in synthetic analogs to calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) from carbonaceous chondrites was studied by electron diffraction techniques. The unit cell is primitive hexagonal or trigonal, with a = 0.790 ± 0.002 nm and c = 0.492 ± 0.002 nm, similar to the lattice parameters of melilite and consistent with cell dimensions for crystals in a mixer furnace slag described by Barber and Agrell (1994). The phase frequently displays an epitactic relationship in which melilite acts as the host, with (0001)UNK | (001)mel and <10T0>UNK | <100>mel. If one of the two space groups determined by Barber and Agrell (1994) for their sample of UNK is applicable (P3ml or P31m), then the structure is probably characterized by puckered sheets of octahedra and tetrahedra perpendicular to the c-axis with successive sheets coordinated by planar arrays of Ca. In this likely structure, each unit cell contains three Ca sites located in mirror planes, one octahedrally coordinated cation located along a three-fold axis and five tetrahedrally coordinated cations, three in mirrors and two along triads. The octahedron contains Ti but, because there are 1.3–1.9 cations of Ti/formula unit, some of the Ti must also be in tetrahedral coordination, an unusual but not unprecedented situation for a silicate. Tetrahedral sites in mirror planes would contain mostly Si, with lesser amounts of Al while those along the triads correspondingly contain mostly Al with subordinate Ti. The structural formula, therefore, can be expressed as with Si + Ti = 4. Compositions of meteoritic and synthetic Ti-bearing samples of the phase can be described in terms of a binary solid solution between the end-members Ca3TiAl2Si3O14 and Ca3Ti(AlTi)(AlSi2)O14. A Ti-free analog with a formula of Ca3Al2Si4O14 synthesized by Paque et al. (1994) is thought to be related structurally but with the octahedral site being occupied by Al, that is   相似文献   
A mapping model is constructed to describe asteroid motion near the 3 : 1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter, in the plane. The topology of the phase space of this mapping coincides with that of the real system, which is considered to be the elliptic restricted three body problem with the Sun and Jupiter as primaries. This model is valid for all values of the eccentricity. This is achieved by the introduction of a correcting term to the averaged Hamiltonian which is valid for small values of the ecentricity.We start with a two dimensional mapping which represents the circular restricted three body problem. This provides the basic framework for the complete model, but cannot explain the generation of a gap in the distribution of the asteroids at this resonance. The next approximation is a four dimensional mapping, corresponding to the elliptic restricted problem. It is found that chaotic regions exist near the 3 : 1 resonance, due to the interaction between the two degrees of freedom, for initial conditions close to a critical curve of the circular model. As a consequence of the chaotic motion, the eccentricity of the asteroid jumps to high values and close encounters with Mars and even Earth may occur, thus generating a gap. It is found that the generation of chaos depends also on the phase (i.e. the angles andv) and as a consequence, there exist islands of ordered motion inside the sea of chaotic motion near the 3 : 1 resonance. Thus, the model of the elliptic restricted three body problem cannot explain completely the generation of a gap, although the density in the distribution of the asteroids will be much less than far from the resonance. Finally, we take into account the effect of the gravitational attraction of Saturn on Jupiter's orbit, and in particular the variation of the eccentricity and the argument of perihelion. This generates a mixing of the phases and as a consequence the whole phase space near the 3 : 1 resonance becomes chaotic. This chaotic zone is in good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   
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