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A Boolean delay equation (BDE) model is presented for the interdecadal Arctic and Greenland Sea climate cycle recently proposed by Mysak, Manak and Marsden. It is shown that 15- to 20-year oscillations can occur in the model for a variety of time delays in the BDEs. However, both the period and structure of the oscillations are sensitive to the initial conditions. In an extended model, in which the convection in the Greenland Sea is dependent upon the ice conditions during each of several previous years as well as the current year, the solution structure is more realistic, with two jumps per period of oscillation. 相似文献
During the last decades the ruins of Roman-Byzantine cities in the Negev desert of Israel have been the subject of intensive archeoseismic studies. A set of earthquake damage patterns was determined and several large scale earthquakes were identified as having occurred during the 2nd to 7th centuries AD. The ruins of buildings of the small village of Halssa provided a recent study of earthquake damage patterns that evolved quite recently—during the last 110 years. 相似文献
Annemarie Christophersen Nicola Litchfield Kelvin Berryman Richard Thomas Roberto Basili Laura Wallace William Ries Gavin P. Hayes Kathleen M. Haller Toshikazu Yoshioka Richard D. Koehler Dan Clark Monica Wolfson-Schwehr Margaret S. Boettcher Pilar Villamor Nick Horspool Teraphan Ornthammarath Ramon Zuñiga Robert M. Langridge Mark W. Stirling Tatiana Goded Carlos Costa Robert Yeats 《Natural Hazards》2015,79(1):111-135
Ibitira meteorite is interpreted as a strongly metamorphosed, unbrecciated, vesicular eucrite with a primary variolitic and secondary hornfelsic texture dominated by 60% pyroxene (bulk composition En37Fs48Wo15 exsolved into lamellae several micrometers wide of augite En32Fs27Wo41 and pigeonite En40Fs56Wo4) and 30% plagioclase An94 (mosaic extinction and variable structural state). Minor phases are 5% tridymite plates one-quarter occupied by plagioclase (An94) inclusions; several percent intergrowths of ilmenite and Ti-chromite with trace kamacite Fe99Co0.5Ni0.2 and narrow olivine (Fa83) rims; one grain of low-Ti-chromite enclosed in tridymite; trace troilite with kamacite Fe98Co1.0Ni0.9. Euhedral ilmenite, Ti-chromite, plagioclase and merrillite in vesicles indicate vapor deposition. These properties can be explained by a series of processes including at least the following: (1) igneous crystallization under pressure low enough to allow vesiculation, (2) prolonged metamorphism, perhaps associated with vapor deposition and reduction, to produce the coarse exsolution of the pyroxene and the coarse ilmenite-chromite intergrowths, (3) strong shock which affected the plagioclase and tridymite but not the pyroxene, (4) sufficient annealing to allow recrystallization of the plagioclase and tridymite, and partial conversion to the low structural state of the former. 相似文献
SummaryZertrümmerung von harten und weichen Felsen Eine experimentelle Untersuchung der Zertrümmerung von harten und weichen Felsen, nämlich grüner Tonschiefer und Diorit unter stoßartiger Belastung von Stahlkugeln mit 6,35 mm Durchmesser und von gewöhnlicher Munition wurde ausgeführt. Laborprüfungen mit Scheiben beider Materialen von 140 mm Durchmesser und unterschiedlichen Dicken wurden mit Kugeln durchgeführt im Geschwindigkeitsbereich von 50–260 m/s mittels einer Gasdruckkanone und für 340–2500 m/s mittels einer Pulverkanone. Geländeprüfungen an senkrechten Felsklippen aus Tonschiefer, ausgegraben in einem offenen Bergwerk, wurden durch Feuern von 20- und 40-mm-Geschossen mit Geschwindigkeiten von 610–880 m/s vorgenommen.Größe und Verteilung der Bruchstücke der verschiedenen Ziele wurden gemessen und die Geschwindigkeit gewisser Splitter wurde fotografisch bestimmt. Die Dimensionen der Krater und Höhlungen, erzeugt durch die Geschoßflugbahn, wurden bestimmt; plastische Verformung des Tonschiefers war in manchen Fällen vorhanden. In den ersten Versuchsreihen wurde auch die auf ein ballistisches Pendel übertragene Energie gemessen. Man bemühte sich, die Energie der durch den Stoß erzeugten Wellen in den Dioritscheiben zu messen, welches eine speziell zusammengesetzte, mit Dehnungsmeßstreifen ausgestattete Probe verlangte. Das Rißmuster auf einem diametralen Schnitt, verdeutlicht durch eine Farbflüssigkeit, wurde fotografisch vergrößert und vermessen.Man fand, daß in einem Bereich von sechs Dekaden der Schlagenergie die Tiefe des Loches im Tonschiefer eine gute Korrelation sowohl zu Anfangsimpuls als auch zu Anfangsenergie zeigte, und daß das Phänomen gut durch ein rein viskoses Ziel modelliert werden konnte. Die Zertrümmerungsenergie, welche die Differenz zwischen Anfangsenergie der Kugel und gemessenen Energien der Wellen im Ziel, Abprall der Kugel und Bewegung der Bruchteile ist, erreichte eine Größenordnung von 70–85 Prozent. Für die zur Bildung neuer Rißflächen benötigte Energie konnten wegen der Unsicherheit in der Bestimmung dieser Flächen nur obere und untere Grenzen ermittelt werden. Obwohl die Oberfläche der Ausbruchteile aus der gemessenen Größenverteilung und ihrer Gestalt, welche nur von einer Dimension abhing, bestimmt wurde, ist es nötig, die augenblickliche Forschung noch viel weiter zu treiben um eine komplette Analyse des Zerkleinerungs- und Ausstoßungsprozesses zu gewinnen.
With 15 Figures 相似文献
ZusammenfassungImpact and Comminution Processes in Soft and Hard Rock An experimental investigation was conducted to study the fragmentation of soft and hard rock, green shale and diorite, under conditions of impact by 6.35-mm (1/4-in.) diameter steel spheres and standard ammunition. Laboratory tests were conducted with the spheres at velocities from 50–260 m/sec (160–860 ft/sec) using a compressed gas gun and at speeds ranging from 340–2500 m/sec (100–8500 ft/sec) produced by a powder gun on 140-mm (5.5-in.) diameter disks of various thicknesses of both rocks. Field tests were also conducted with 20 and 40 mm ammunition fired at velocities in the range from 610–880 m/sec (2000–2900 ft/sec) against the excavated vertical green shale walls of a large open pit mine.Information has been collected on the size and distribution of the fragments dislodged from the various targets, and by means of photographic techniques, of the velocity of some of the ejecta. Crater and penetrating hole measurements have been performed and the compaction of the shale was noted in some instances. The energy transferred to a ballistic pendulum initially employed in the tests was determined. A major effort was exerted to measure the energy contained in the waves generated by impact in the diorite disks, involving a specially sectioned and straingaged composite sample; the crack pattern on a diametral section, delineated with the aid of a dye penetrant, was observed with suitable enlargement.It was found that, over a range of six decades of energy of the striker, the penetration depth in shale scaled reasonably well with both initial momentum and initial energy, and that the phenomenon could be satisfactorily modeled by a purely viscous target material. The energy of comminution for diorite, consisting of the difference between initial striker energy and the measured energies due to waves in the target, rebound of the projectile and motion of the ejecta was found to be of the order of 70 to 85 percent. Only upper and lower bounds could be established for the energy required to produce unit new surface in this event due to uncertainties in the establishment of crack surface generation. While the ejecta surface area was determined from the measured size distribution and a geometric configuration governed by a single linear dimension, a complete analytical representation of the comminution and ejection process will require considerable further study and experimentation.
RésuméFragmentation des rocs mous et durs On rapporte des expériences faites pour étudier la fragmentation de rocs mous et durs, en particulier: du schiste vert et du diorite, soumis aux chocs produits par des boules d'acier de 6,35 mm de diamètre ou par des balles. Les spécimens de rocs au laboratoire étaient des disques de 140 mm de diamètre et d'épaisseurs diverses. La vitesse d'impact des boules lancées d'un canon à gaz comprimé était comprise entre 50 et 260 m/s, tandis que celle des balles tirées d'un canon à poudre était comprise entre 340 et 2500 m/s. On a aussi fait des expériences à l'extérieur en lançant des projectiles d'artillerie de 20 et 40 mm de diamètre contre un mur vertical de schiste vert dans une carrière; la vitesse d'impact était comprise entre 610 et 880 m/s.On a déterminé la taille et la distribution des fragments détachés des diverses cibles, et dans certains cas par une technique photographique la vitesse des fragments. On a mesuré la taille des cratères et des trous produits par les projectiles et, dans certains cas, la déformation plastique du schiste vert a été notée. En plus, dans quelques expériences initiales, l'énergie transférée à un pendule balistique a été determinée. Un effort majeur a été consacré à la mesure de l'énergie des ondes produites par le choc dans les disques de diorite en utilisant une éprouvette sectionnée, munie de jauges de contrainte électrique, et recollée. La conformation des fissures le long d'une coupe diamètrale a été coloriée pour la rendre visible et pour la photographier.Sur un domaine de six décades d'énergie initiale, la profondeur de pénétration dans le schiste correspond d'une manière assez satisfaisante à l'impulsion et à l'énergie initiale; donc le phénomène peut être représenté dans ce domaine par une cible visqueuse. L'énergie de fragmentation, égale à la différence entre l'énergie initiale et la somme de trois termes: l'énergie des ondes dans la cible, l'énergie cinétique des fragments et celle du projectile sortant, est de l'ordre de 70 a 85 pourcent.On n'a pu que déterminer des limites supérieures et inférieures de l'énergie requise pour former les surfaces des fissures à cause de la difficulté de déterminer l'aire de ces surfaces. La surfaces des fragments a été établie, d'après l'hypothèse que la distribution de leurs tailles et leurs configurations géométriques pouvaient être déterminées par une seule mesure de longeur. Cependant, pour arriver à une théorie complète concernant la perte d'énergie et le processus de fragmentation, il faudra une étude et des expériences beaucoup plus étendues.
With 15 Figures 相似文献
Origin of fine-scale sheeted granites by incremental injection of magma into active shear zones: examples from the Pilbara Craton, NW Australia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In the Archaean Pilbara Craton of Western Australia, three zones of heterogeneous centimetre- to metre-scale sheeted granites are interpreted to represent high-level, syn-magmatic shear zones. Evidence for the syn-magmatic nature of the shear zones include imbricated and asymmetrically rotated metre-scale orthogneiss xenoliths that are enveloped by leucogranite sheets that show no significant internal strain. At another locality, granite sheets have a strong shape-preferred alignment of K-feldspar, suggesting magmatic flow, while the asymmetric recrystallisation of the grain boundaries indicates that non-coaxial deformation continued acting upon the sheets under sub-solidus conditions. Elsewhere, randomly oriented centimetre-wide leucogranite dykes are realigned at a shear zone boundary to form semi-continuous, layer-parallel sheets within a magma-dominated, dextral shear zone.
It is proposed that the granite sheets formed by the incremental injection of magmas into active shear zones. Magma was sheared during laminar flow to produce the sheets that are aligned sub-parallel to the shear zone boundary. Individual sheets are fed by individual dykes, with up to 1000s of discrete injections in an individual shear zone. The sheets often lack microstructural evidence for magmatic flow, either because the crystal content of the magma was too low to record internal strain, or because of later recrystallisation. 相似文献
The coastal zone of the Nile Delta is a promising area for energy resources and industrial activities. It also contains important
wetland ecosystems. This coastal area witnessed several changes during the last century. A set of four satellite images from
the multi-spectral scanner (MSS), thematic mapper (TM) and Systeme Pour l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT) sensors were utilized
in order to estimate the spatio-temporal changes that occurred in the coastal zone between Damietta Nile branch and Port-Said
between 1973 and 2007. Image processing applied in this study included geometric rectification; atmospheric correction; on-screen
shoreline digitizing of the 1973 (MSS) and 2007 (SPOT) images for tracking the shoreline position between Damietta promontory
and Port-Said; and water index approach for quantifying Manzala lagoon surface area change using 1973 (MSS), 1984 (TM) and
2003 (TM) images. Results showed that coastal erosion was severe near Damietta promontory and decreased eastward, however,
accretion was observed near Port-Said. About 50% of the coastal strip was under erosion and 13% was under accretion. In addition,
a remarkable decline (34.5%) of the Manzala lagoon surface area was estimated. These changes were attributed mainly to the
control of the River Nile flooding and the land use change by anthropogenic activities. 相似文献