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Here we present Holocene organic carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, carbon isotope ratio and macrofossil data from a small freshwater lake near Sisimiut in south‐west Greenland. The lake was formed c. 11 cal ka BP following retreat of the ice sheet margin and is located above the marine limit in this area. The elemental and isotope data suggest a complex deglaciation history of interactions between the lake and its catchment, reflecting glacial retreat and post‐glacial hydrological flushing probably due to periodic melting of local remnant glacial ice and firn areas between 11 and 8.5 cal ka BP. After 8.5 cal ka BP, soil development and associated vegetation processes began to exert a greater control on terrestrial–aquatic carbon cycling. By 5.5 cal ka BP, in the early Neoglacial cooling, the sediment record indicates a change in catchment–lake interactions with consistent δ13C while C/N exhibits greater variability. The period after 5.5 cal ka BP is also characterized by higher organic C accumulation in the lake. These changes (total organic carbon, C/N, δ13C) are most likely the result of increasing contribution (and burial) of terrestrial organic matter as a result of enhanced soil instability, as indicated by an increase in Cenococcum remains, but also Sphagnum and Empetrum. The impact of glacial retreat and relatively subdued mid‐ to late Holocene climate variation at the coast is in marked contrast to the greater environmental variability seen in inland lakes closer to the present‐day ice sheet margin. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
张晓  蔡煜琦  林双幸  宋继叶  王健菲 《地质论评》2022,68(2):2022030031-2022030031
铀是世界重要的能源原料,更是国家发展的重要战略资源,随着我国核电产业的快速发展,世界天然铀供需结构将发生巨大变化。本文以权威机构发布的最新数据为基础,总结了当前世界铀资源分布及其生产现状,结合世界及我国核电发展现状和发展趋势,分析了后疫情时代和“两碳目标”下世界天然铀供需结构。目前,世界铀资源可保障核电产业中长期发展需求,但中国铀资源禀赋以及铀生产规模均无法满足当前国内核电发展需求,随着中国核电的快速发展,需依赖国外铀资源以及国际铀市场来补足,随之世界天然铀供需结构亦将发生变化。为了保障我国天然铀长期稳定供给,一方面需要加大国内铀资源勘查开发力度,另一方面要实施“走出去”战略,以提高我国在世界铀资源配置中的地位,保障我国核电可持续发展。  相似文献   
Leng  Yangyang  Kong  Xiangzhao  He  Junyi  Xing  Aiguo  Zhang  Yanbo  Wang  Quan 《Landslides》2022,19(6):1421-1433
Landslides - On July 10, 2020, a catastrophic landslide with a slope angle of only 8° occurred in the red-bed series strata in Qianxi, Guizhou, southwestern China, due to prolonged rainfall,...  相似文献   
In作为一种分散元素,通常极难形成独立矿床,而主要以伴生组分的形式赋存在锡多金属矿床中。香花岭矿田蕴藏着丰富的Sn、Pb、Zn等矿产资源,是我国潜在的In资源基地,但目前该矿田中In的赋存状态、分布规律及成矿潜力尚不清楚。鉴于此,本文以香花岭矿田3个典型锡多金属矿床(新风、铁砂坪、茶山)为研究对象,在野外地质及矿相学观察的基础上,采用ICP-MS、EPMA和LA-ICP-MS开展了全岩地球化学和闪锌矿元素地球化学研究。结果表明,In主要以类质同象的形式富集在闪锌矿中,可能的替代方式为In^(3+)+Cu^(+)2←→Zn^(2+)。不同矿床中In的富集程度明显不同,其中,新风最富In(平均品位213.7g/t),其次为茶山,而铁砂坪最贫In。发现当闪锌矿中Cd含量介于5000×10^(-6)~7000×10^(-6)区间时,对应的In含量最高(>1000×10^(-6))。3个矿床的闪锌矿均富集Fe、Mn、In等高温元素,显著亏损Ga和Ge等低温元素。通过对比发现,这些闪锌矿与典型中高温岩浆-热液矿床(如远端矽卡岩型矿床)中闪锌矿的元素地球化学特征相似,应用闪锌矿地质温度计估算的结晶温度为345~372℃,且新风闪锌矿温度略高。闪锌矿中In的含量主要受温度控制,越靠近岩体、温度越高的闪锌矿越富In。结合前人资料,估算香花岭矿田伴生In资源量超过15000t,潜在经济价值巨大,应予以回收利用。  相似文献   
世界上绝大部分Re赋存在斑岩型矿床的辉钼矿之中,且分布极不均匀。在矿床-矿石-矿物颗粒等不同尺度上,Re含量均存在较大差异,但造成这些差异的因素目前尚不清楚。本文以德兴矿田中富家坞和铜厂二个矿床的辉钼矿为研究对象,在细致的矿相学研究的基础上,对其开展了EPMA、LA-ICP-MS和XRD分析,同时结合前人研究资料,详细探讨了Re在这两个矿床辉钼矿中的分布规律及差异性富集机制。结果显示:富家坞和铜厂均普遍发育两种形态的辉钼矿(细粒集合体型和粗粒片状型),Re在两种辉钼矿中的分布均极为不均,但细粒集合体型相对更富Re,而同一形态辉钼矿铜厂矿床则具有更高的Re含量;同一矿床中辉钼矿结晶越晚,往往越富集Re;个别辉钼矿可见扭结现象,且扭结部位的Re含量更低,暗示后期构造变形可能导致了Re的丢失;两个矿床高Re辉钼矿和低Re辉钼矿的结构均为2H多型,表明Re含量与辉钼矿晶体结构无关。结合前人资料,本文认为成矿流体性质(如温度、盐度等)是导致铜厂和富家坞辉钼矿Re含量差异的主要因素。  相似文献   
登陆热带气旋引发的龙卷过程之个例分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
徐继业  姚祖庆 《气象》2001,27(7):27-29
将卫星云图与物理量场相结合,对9909号热带风暴(WENDY)登陆北上并与西风带系统相互作用,引发上海东南部地区龙卷天气的过程进行分析研究,发现中低纬度系统的相互作用使WENDY倒槽得以维持和发展,并对WENDY残存低压长时间存在并北上起重要作用,当WENDY低压北上与西风带系统相接、叠加时,高层辐散、低层辐合的良好环境使WENDY环流内的对流云团进一步加强发展,中尺度干涌的涌入促使强对流云团群合并发展,并加剧对流辐合体内水平风切变,最终导致龙卷产生。  相似文献   
本文利用历史地球化学的观点,研究了内蒙中部区地台和地槽区各时代常量元素(Si、K、Na、Al、Fe、Ca、Mg)、微量元素(Cu、Pb、Zn、Au、Ag、As、Sb、Hg等)的分布特征,以及稀土元素(La、Ce、Nd、Sm、Gd、Eu、Tb、Yb、Lu)总量变化、元素的配分和稀土元素的组成模式,总结了元素随地质年代由老到新的演化规律,指出了主要成矿元素相对富集的层位,得出内蒙中部区相对富集轻稀土、贫中稀土和重稀土的结论。  相似文献   
Cleaning of lake sediment samples for diatom oxygen isotope analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detrital grain contamination in a diatom sample can considerably influence the δ18Odiatom signal. In order to obtain a meaningful signal, pure samples must be used. This can be achieved via a series of cleaning stages including organic and carbonate material removal, sieving, differential settling and heavy liquid separation. The method described here works best for sediments with >20% diatom content. Based on testing various clean-up methods, we propose a sequence of four clean-up stages to produce pure diatom samples from a range of lake sediments types starting with a few grams of sediment. The diatom content and the oxygen isotope composition of the samples at each stage were measured in order to assess the effect of differential amounts of contamination. Results show that a four stage clean-up is necessary to produce clean diatom samples and that contamination by silt and clay causes lower δ18O values.  相似文献   
George VI Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula and its northern margin marks the southern most latitudinal limit of recent ice shelf retreat. As part of a project to reconstruct the long-term (Holocene) history of George VI Ice Shelf we studied two epishelf lakes impounded by the ice shelf at Ablation Point, on the east coast of Alexander Island. These lakes, Moutonnée and Ablation, are stratified water bodies with a lower marine layer and an upper freshwater layer. To determine if their sediment records could be used to detect past changes in the presence or absence of the ice shelf it was necessary to describe their present-day limnology and sedimentology. We measured water column chemistry and sampled the water column and sediments of the lakes along vertical and horizontal transects. We analysed these samples for diatoms, stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H, δ13CDIC, δ13Corg), geochemistry (TOC, TN, C/N ratios) and physical sedimentology (grain-size). This was supplemented by chemical and biological reference data from the catchments. Results showed that the water columns of both lakes are nutrient limited and deficient in phytoplankton. Benthic productivity is low and decreases with depth. Comparison of water column chemistry with an earlier survey shows a net increase in the thickness of the freshwater layer in Moutonnée Lake between 1973 and 2001, which could indicate that George VI Ice Shelf has thinned during this period. However, a similar trend was not observed in Ablation Lake (5 km to the north) and an alternative explanation is that the changes are a seasonal phenomena. Data from the surface sediment transects identified a number of proxies that respond to the present day stratification of the water column including diatom species composition, stable isotopes and geochemistry, particularly in Moutonnée Lake. Collectively these data have been used to develop a conceptual model for determining past ice shelf configuration in epishelf lakes. Specifically, periods of past ice shelf loss, and the removal of the ice dam, would see the present stratified epishelf lake replaced by a marine embayment. It is suggested that this change would leave a clear signature in the lake sediment record, notably the deposition of an exclusively marine biological assemblage, increased ice rafted debris and δ13Corg values that are indicative of marine derived organic matter. These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
华北燕山中—新元古代震积岩系列及其地震节律   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
段吉业  刘鹏举等 《地质学报》2002,76(4):441-445,T001,T002
在燕山北缘河北平泉地区中,上元古界中,鉴别出一系列震积岩。主要类型有脆性型,塑性型,液化型及复合型四种。提出了啸积岩与风暴岩的鉴别标志,指出鲍马序列模式的真正拥有者是啸积岩与风暴岩,而非典型的半深海浊积岩。根据其在纵向上出现的类别和频率,划分出10个地震活跃期,其地震节律为60-80Ma,这一地震节律反映了燕山裂陷槽裂陷的历程,裂陷高峰期在高于庄至雾迷山期。  相似文献   
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