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根据江苏数字地震台网(包含邻区共享台站)73个数字地震台记录的49次地震事件的波形资料,用Atkinson方法对江苏地区的非弹性衰减Q值进行了计算,得到研究区介质非弹性衰减平均Q值随频率f的关系式为Q(f)=272.1·f~(0.5575),并用Moya方法计算并得到了研究区内63个台站的场地响应。结果表明,江苏境内25个地面基岩台的场地响应为1~20Hz,放大倍数基本在1附近波动,符合基岩台基的特征。14个井下台站场地响应形态相同,表现为低频放大,高频部分迅速衰减。根据Brune模型计算并获得了江苏及邻区2010年10月至2015年3月58个M_L2.5以上地震的震源参数,结果表明,近震震级与地震矩、震源尺度和拐角频率的相关性较好,而与应力降的关系不明显,且应力降与震源尺度的关系也不明显。  相似文献   
富有机质黑色页岩的孔隙结构控制了页岩气的赋存状态和储气量。中国南方地区下志留统是页岩气发育的最重要层位之一。为研究页岩的孔隙特征及其主控因素,对以下志留统龙马溪组页岩气为勘探目标的渝页1井的岩心进行系统的采样,并进行了比表面和孔径、有机质成熟度(Ro)、显微组分、总有机碳(TOC)含量、全岩X射线衍射和粘土矿物含量等一系列分析测试。结果显示,黑色页岩的孔径主要分布于2~5 nm,即以中孔隙为主;中孔体积占总体积的70%左右,微孔体积和宏孔体积分别占10%和20%左右。页岩孔隙结构(微孔体积、中孔体积和宏孔体积)和组成(碎屑矿物成分、粘土矿物成分、TOC和Ro)的相关关系分析表明:粘土矿物对微孔体积和中孔体积都具有控制作用,并且对中孔体积的控制作用更加显著;陆源碎屑含量的增加有利于宏孔体积的增加;有机质成熟度较高时和高成熟度有机碳含量都与宏孔隙体积呈正相关,这可能与高成熟有机质中nm级显微裂缝的发育导致宏孔体积增加有关。  相似文献   
酸化是解除该类储层伤害,恢复、提高油气井产能最主要的手段。对于各种特定的伤害类型若仅采用笼统的酸化措施,往往难以取得理想的增产效果,如何从伤害机理的角度出发对症解除污染是研究者面临的重要课题。NP油田Ed1储层在以往的酸化改造中,由于对钻井泥浆伤害机理认识不够准确,导致酸液选择存在较大的盲目性,严重影响解堵效果。为解决上述问题,提出酸化解堵设计方法,通过泥浆固相粒度和滤液红外波谱分析试验评价,明确了Ed1储层钻井泥浆伤害产生的机理。在此基础上,设计在同一组试验内先模拟泥浆伤害的产生,发现岩心伤害后渗透率降低至基准渗透率的0.12倍,然后比较评价不同类型的酸液解除该类泥浆污染的能力,最终筛选出解堵效果最好的4%多氢酸体系推荐现场施工使用。  相似文献   
沉积盆地基底沉降分解研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对盆地沉降作用的分析,本文提出了对盆地沉降分解的研究方法,使盆地的沉降历史直观地反映了地质演化过程,更符合于陆相沉积盆地的充填演化规律。在理论上初步解决了盆地沉降量值与Dan Mckenzie盆地沉降观测模型计算值不相符的矛盾。通过对盆地沉降量计算方法的讨论,文中给出了盆地构造沉降比重的概念,有利于把握盆地沉降发展的基本规律。对盆地构造沉降比重的计算,可以定量在估计盆地的充填状况。因此将盆地沉  相似文献   
页岩非均质性直接决定了页岩的储层可改造性和含气量,是页岩气勘探开发基础研究的内容之一。以湘鄂西Ld1井龙马溪组页岩为研究对象,在矿物岩石、显微薄片、地球化学和低温N2吸附-脱附实验的基础上,分析了研究区龙马溪组页岩的非均质性。研究发现Ld1井龙马溪组页岩主要发育硅质页岩、混合质页岩和黏土质页岩三大类,三大类页岩在有机质的赋存状态、有机质含量、矿物组成、显微结构和构造、脆性以及微观孔隙类型等方面具有较强非均质性,沉积作用、后期成岩作用和陆源输入是影响页岩非均质性的主要因素。硅质页岩具有有机碳含量高、脆性和孔渗条件好等成藏条件,是后期重点勘探开发层段,但通过FHH分形维数定量研究发现,硅质页岩段孔喉细小且非均质性强,孔隙结构复杂且联通性差,需要进行有效的储层改造才能够适应开采。  相似文献   
Urbanization development quality (UDQ) of urban agglomeration (UA) is one of the important indexes to evaluate if the UA urbanization speed is reasonable, if the population urbanization process is sound, if the economic urbanization process is efficient, if the social urbanization process is harmonious and fair, which is generally composed of three parts, including economic urbanization development quality, social urbanization development quality and spatial urbanization security quality. With the research of evolution rules of UDQ, through the analysis on the interactive coordination relation between UDQ and urbanization level, the paper proposes three dimensional index ball and standard value of comprehensive measures of UDQ, which is composed of three categories of indexes. By introducing Atkinson model, this paper constructs the sub-element measure model and segmental measure model of UDQ, and further makes an overall evaluation on the characteristic of UDQ of UAs in China. Results show that: 1) UDQ of UAs lied at optimization and upgrading phase during 1995–2008 and the quality was low. Population urbanization level did not reflect the UDQ of UAs; 2) the improving speed of the spatial urbanization security quality was higher than the social urbanization development quality, and the improving speed of economic urbanization development quality was the lowest; 3) the coordination between UDQ and urbanization level was not so good; 4) there was a weak correlation relation between UDQ and UA scale, and it was not true that the bigger the UA was, the better the UDQ was.  相似文献   
页岩油分类与评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
页岩油是以游离(含凝析态)、吸附及溶解(可溶解于天然气、干酪根和残余水等)态等多种方式赋存于有效生烃泥页岩地层层系中且具有勘探开发意义的非气态烃类。根据泥页岩地层中所含烃类相态、成因机理及勘探开发等特点,将页岩类油气划分为页岩气和页岩油等两类八种。结合页岩油特点,指出了我国页岩油形成条件和分布规律,即规模分布的有效生烃泥页岩、形成于深水-半深水相的富有机质泥页岩、较高的有机质丰度和适当的热演化程度以及较好的基质物性条件等是页岩油形成的主要条件。建立了中国陆相断陷湖盆页岩油发育模式,指出概率体积法可以作为页岩油资源评价的主要方法,提出了页岩油远景区、有利区及目标区优选的参数体系和标准。作为非常规油气能源的主要类型之一,页岩油将会对我国能源结构产生重要影响。  相似文献   
Based on 49 digital seismograms recorded by 73 seismic stations in the Jiangsu Telemetered Seismic Network,the paper uses Atkinson's method to calculate the inelastic attenuation coefficient of the Jiangsu area. We find that the frequency-dependent Q in the Jiangsu region is Q( f) = 272. 1·f~(0. 5575). We also use Moya's method to invert the 63 stations' site responses. The results show that the site responses of the 25 stations in Jiangsu are approximately 1 at a range between 1Hz and 20 Hz, which is consistent with their basements on rocks. The response curves of the site responses of the 14 underground stations are similar to each other. Their site responses show an amplification at low frequencies and minimization at high frequencies. The calculation of the Brune model on the waveform data of M_L≥2. 5 earthquakes from Jiangsu Digital Seismic Network between October 2010 and May 2015 in terms of seismic source parameters of 58 seismic waves shows that there are good correlations between seismic magnitude and other source parameters such as seismic moment, source radius and corner frequency, while the correlations between seismic magnitude and stress drop,and stress drop and source radius are not so good.  相似文献   
Based on the seismic phase reports of the Yangbi area from January 1 to June 25, 2021, and the waveform data of M ≥ 4 earthquakes, we obtained the relocation results and focal mechanism solutions of the MS6.4 Yangbi earthquake sequence using the HypoDD and CAP methods. Based on our results, our main conclusions are as follows: (1) the MS6.4 Yangbi earthquake sequence is a typical foreshock-mainshock-aftershock sequence. The foreshocks of the first two stages have the obvious fronts of migration and their migration rate increased gradually. There was no apparent front of migration during the third stage, and the occurrence of the mainshock was related to stress triggering from a M5.3 foreshock. We tentatively speculate that the rupture pattern of the Yangbi earthquake sequence conforms to the cascading-rupture model; and (2) the main fault of the MS6.4 Yangbi earthquake sequence is a NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip fault. As time progressed, a minor conjugate aftershock belt formed at the northwest end of this fault, and a dendritic branching structure emerged in the southern fault segment, showing a complex seismogenic fault structure. We suggested that the fault of the Yangbi earthquake sequence may be a young sub-fault of the Weixi-Weishan fault.  相似文献   
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