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Xihuashan tungsten deposit is one of the earliest explored tungsten deposits in southeastern China. It is a vein type deposit genetically associated with the Xihuashan granite pluton. Here we report new dating and zircon geochemistry results. Re–Os isotopic dating for molybdenite intergrowth with wolframite in the oldest generation of the Xihuashan pluton yielded an isochron age of 157.0 ± 2.5 Ma (2σ). Zircon U–Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) dating shows that the pluton crystallized at 155.7 ± 2.2 Ma (2σ). This age is similar to the molybdenite Re–Os age for the ore deposit within error. This, together with published data, suggests that the major W(Mo)‐Sn mineralization occurred between 160–150 Ma in southeastern China. These deposits constitute a major part of the magmatic‐metallogenic belt of eastern Nanlin. The lower Re content in molybdenite of the Xihuashan tungsten deposit shows crustal origin for the ore‐forming material. The limited direct contributions from the subducting slab for the tungsten mineralization in the Nanling region suggest a change of the style of the paleo‐Pacific plate beneath southeastern China.  相似文献   
The formation environment of the main coal seam in Shengli coal mine is analyzed, and the effect of coal ash parameters on the coal-forming environment is mainly discussed according to gray component parameters combined with other coal quality test analysis data. Results show that the hydrodynamic conditions of the main coal during coal accumulation have a general pattern of strong northeast and weak southwest, and lakeside swamp is generally in the retrograde process from south to north. The No.5 coal seam is a water entry cycle, and the No.5lower coal is a water withdrawal cycle. The No.6 thick coal seam is formed in the peat swamp environment where the water is shallow and the groundwater activity is weak. The input of terrestrial debris material was most abundant in the formation period of No.5lower coal, followed by No.5 coal, and that in No.6 coal is the least. Vertically, the peat swamp environment changed from weak reduction to weak oxidation to strong reducing environment. The ash yield was low to high to low from bottom to top. The organic sulfur is the main type of sulfur in the main coal seam. The weaker the hydrodynamic condition, the higher the organic sulfur content in the reduction environment, while lower organic sulfur content in the oxidation environment. The peat swamp water of No.5lower coal is medium alkaline, and the peat swamp water of No.5 and No. 6 coals is weakly alkaline or acidic.  相似文献   
The Haji Abad intrusion is a well-exposed Middle Eocene I-type granodioritc pluton in the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic assemblage (UDMA). The major constituents of the investigated rocks are K-feldspar, quartz, plagioclase, pyroxene, and minor Fe–Ti oxide and hornblende. The plagioclase compositions fall in the labradorite, andesine, and oligoclase fields. The amphiboles range in composition from magnesio-hornblende to tremolite–hornblende of the calcic-amphibole group. Most pyroxenes principally plot in the field of diopside. The calculated average pressure of emplacement is 1.9 kbar for the granodioritic rocks, crystallizing at depths of about 6.7 km. The highest pressure estimated from clinopyroxene geobarometry (5 kbar) reflects initial pyroxene crystallization pressure, indicating initial crystallization depth (17.5 km) in the Haji Abad granodiorite. The estimated temperatures using two-feldspar thermometry give an average 724 °C. The calculated average temperature for clinopyroxene crystallization is 1090 °C. The pyroxene temperatures are higher than the estimated temperature by feldspar thermometry, indicating that the pyroxene and feldspar temperatures represent the first and late stages of magmatic crystallization of Haji Abad granodiorite, respectively. Most pyroxenes plot above the line of Fe3+?=?0, indicating they crystallized under relatively high oxygen fugacity or oxidized conditions. Furthermore, the results show that the Middle Eocene granitoids crystallized from magmas with H2O content about 3.2 wt%. The relatively high water content is consistent with the generation environment of HAG rocks in an active continental margin and has allowed the magma to reach shallower crustal levels. The MMEs with ellipsoidal and spherical shapes show igneous microgranular textures and chilled margins, probably indicating the presence of magma mixing. Besides, core to rim compositional oscillations (An and FeO) for the plagioclase crystals serve as robust evidence to support magma mixing. The studied amphiboles and pyroxenes are grouped in the subalkaline fields that are consistent with crystallization from I-type calc-alkaine magma in the subduction environment related to active continental margin. Mineral chemistry data indicate that Haji Abad granodiorites were generated in an orogenic belt related to the volcanic arc setting consistent with the subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath the central Iranian microcontinent.  相似文献   
基于页岩孔隙系统的特殊性,讨论了FESEM-QEMSCAN、FIB-FESEM、NANO-CT、氮气吸附法、小角中子散射等几种页岩孔隙系统研究方法的特点和适用范围。指出场发射扫描电镜以及与之结合的能谱和矿物定量评价系统(FESEM-QEMSCAN)是研究页岩纳米级孔隙类型、大小、形态以及矿物分布的基础手段;聚焦离子束扫描电镜、微纳米CT可刻画页岩孔隙系统在三维空间的展布特征,利用获得的三维数据体进行数值模拟,可进一步计算孔隙度、渗透率等物性参数;氮气吸附法可对小于100nm的极微孔隙的孔径、形态进行求算;小角中子散射则可利用孔隙中存在的气体分子,获得孔隙系统连通性等重要参数。最后从页岩岩石组构的角度,探讨了页岩孔隙控制因素,指出有机质含量与成熟度,黏土矿物类型、含量,碎屑颗粒的含量以及成岩强度是影响页岩孔隙系统的主要因素。  相似文献   
新疆东天山雅西371-西北坡铜金化带中下石炭统火山岩属钙碱性系列。流纹岩类中SiO2(73.96%~78.01%)和Al2O3(11.3%~14.63%)含量高,含Na2O为2.04%~4.15%,K2O为2.74%~3.74%,(Na2O+K2O)为5.34%~7.03%;流纹岩类属过铝质、中钾-高钾火山岩系列。微量和稀土元素分析结果显示:流纹岩类具有Ti、Nb、P和Ta明显负异常、Sr中等负异常,LREE明显富集,La/Nb值为0.4~2.3,La/Th值0.4—1,Th/Ta值高(6~36.5),具有明显δEu(0.17-0.29)负异常,地球化学特征表明流纹岩类可能形成在活动大陆边缘上的陆缘岛弧构造背景中。本区(含矿)酸性火山岩特征对于寻找与长英质火山岩有关的金属硫化物矿床十分有利,因此认为本区具有较大找矿前景。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地孔雀河地区复合含油气系统与有利勘探方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用叠合盆地复合含油气系统的描述方法和评价思路,分析了塔里木盆地孔雀河地区含油气系统复合特征,再现从源岩到圈闭的油气地质演化过程。孔雀河地区含油气系统以断裂复合贯通为主,同时存在不整合面复合贯通,构成寒武系C—(!)—下奥陶统O1(!)—石炭系C(*)—三叠系T(*)—侏罗系J(*)+寒武系—C(!)—下奥陶统O1(*)—志留系S(*)—泥盆系D(*)—侏罗系J(*)改造型复合含油气系统(*)。含油气系统的复合经历3个关键时刻:泥盆纪末是构造格局与古油藏形成期,侏罗纪末和白垩纪末是油气转化、重新分配与油藏调整期。研究区可分为破坏散失区、改造调整区、深埋保存区,其中改造调整区、深埋保存区为有利油气聚集区,处在改造调整区的龙口背斜和维马克—开屏背斜的上古生界和中生界的断背斜圈闭以及下古生界残留古断背斜圈闭是最佳勘探目标。  相似文献   
Research on land use cover change (LUCC) has reached a mature stage and has formed a relatively complete scientific system. However, most studies analyzed the LUCC process from the view of land use types ignoring the integrality and systematicness of the land use system, which brought certain constraints to understanding the complexity and systematicness of land use process scientifically. Using the Modern Yellow River Delta (MYRD) of China as the study area, this research introduced the complex network analysis method to the study of the LUCC process by using 9 periods of land use data between 1976 and 2014 to build 8 stages of complex networks. The values of node degree, betweenness, changing proportions, and average shortest path in the networks were calculated to identify the key land use types, changing models of land use types, and the stability of land use system. Additionally, main parts of complex networks of the period from 1976 to 1995 and the period from 1995 to 2014 were selected to evaluate the changing characteristics of the LUCC process. The results indicated the area and proportion of natural wetland kept reducing, but the area and proportion of artificial wetland or non-wetland continued rising. The bare land, reed, bush, and cultivated land were the key land use types of the LUCC process. In the past 38 years, beach, bare land, reed and bush had been the output types, and the building land and salt pan had been the input types. The LUCC process has been a transfer process of natural wetland to artificial wetland and non-wetland in the past 38 years, which could be divided into land accretion process (1976 to 1995) and construction process (1995 to 2014). The land ecosystem was unstable for the period from 1990 to 2006.  相似文献   
红柱石微粉对高铝矾土熟料制品的补强作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高铝矾土熟料制品是除粘土制品之外使用范围最广、用量最大的耐火材料,在各种工业窑炉中都有广泛应用。生产铝矾土熟料制品一般采用不同粒级的铝矾土熟料与塑性粘土为原料,用倒焰窑烧成时,烧成温度为1430~1450℃,保温40h;用隧道窑烧成时,烧成温度为1550~1560℃。其工艺关键是控制二次莫来石化产生的体积效应。当制品的Al2O3含量在70%以下时,铝矾土熟料制品的高温性能取决于莫来石晶相与液相间的数量比例。Al2O3含量越高,制品中莫来石含量越高,玻璃相相应减少,制品的高温性能越好。在生产中提高…  相似文献   
北极地区地质构造及主要构造事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北极地区范围很广,北极圈面积达2 100×104 km2,区域地质复杂。通过对北极地区区域地质编图,笔者认为前寒武纪主要由波罗的、劳伦和西伯利亚三大克拉通,以及其间的微板块或地块组成。主要造山带包括新元古代-早寒武世的贝加尔造山带、晚志留世-早石炭世的加里东造山带、晚古生代-早中生代的海西造山带、晚中生代的上扬斯克造山带、新西伯利亚造山带与楚科奇-布鲁克斯造山带。根据北极地区区域地质构造特征,显生宙以来经历的构造事件大致包括:新元古代-早寒武世的贝加尔运动,致使波罗的古陆与斯瓦尔巴-喀拉地块碰撞造山;晚泥盆世-早石炭世的加里东运动,在劳伦古陆周边形成规模巨大的加里东造山带;晚古生代的海西运动,波罗的古陆与西伯利亚古陆的碰撞造山形成海西造山带;北极阿拉斯加-楚科奇微板块裂离加拿大边缘,侏罗纪加拿大海盆开始张开;早白垩世,阿拉斯加-楚科奇微板块继续与西伯利亚碰撞,阿纽伊洋(Anyui Ocean)消亡,形成上扬斯克-布鲁克斯造山带。受北极调查程度影响,许多问题有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
The Jinman copper deposit,which is situated on the northern margin of the Lanping-Simao back-arc basin,western Yunnan Province,is a silver-bearing,high-grade vein-type copper deposit.Comprehensive element geochemical studies of the host rocks and hydrothermal minerals revealed the regularities in the distribution,mobilization and transport of elements from the host rocks to hydrothermal minerals.In conjunction with the fluid inclusion and isotope data,it is suggested that the ore-forming fluid was derived mainly from a deep source characterized by CO2 enrichment and reduction in nature.It is also suggested that the oreforming materials come largely from a deep source.although the contribution of the country rocks should not be ruled out.It is also found that some hydrothermal minerals are possessed of MREE-enrichment patterns.It is deduced that the REEs in the deep-source ore fluid were transported in the form of CO3^2- complexes and were deposited in a continental basin(or a hot-spring basin).  相似文献   
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