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为了提高金刚石钻头的时效和寿命,将钎焊法引入到高胎体金刚石钻头的设计和加工中。首先利用热压法加工耐磨性能好的金刚石孕镶块;然后加工自带两层水口和水槽的新型钻头钢体,且两水口之间预留焊接槽;最后采用钎焊法,将金刚石孕镶块焊接到钻头钢体上。野外试验表明,试制的2只Φ75/54.5 mm高胎体金刚石钻头,与现场使用的孕镶金刚石钻头相比,钻进效率分别提高41.7%和8.3%,使用寿命分别提高50.4%和32.9%。采用二次钎焊法加工的金刚石钻头,兼顾了热压法的优点,解决了工作层高度过高导致钻头胎体折断、掉块的难题,明显提高了金刚石钻头的使用寿命。  相似文献   
采用支撑向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)模型进行GPS高程拟合时,拟合精度受模型参数(核参数和惩罚因子)选择影响较大,传统交叉验证法存在计算复杂,易陷入局部最优的问题.本文将粒子群(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)算法引入SVM模型,利用PSO全局搜索能力强...  相似文献   
Multi-electrodes Resistivity Imaging Survey (MRIS) is an array method of electrical survey. In practice how to choose a reasonable array is the key to get reliable survey results. Based on four methods of MRIS such as Wenner, Schlumberger, Pole-pole and Dipole-dipole the authors established the model, by studying the result of the forward numerical simulation modeling and inverse modeling, and analyzed the differences among the different forms of detection devices.  相似文献   
测绘资料档案管理及应用探析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了河南省建国以来测绘成果资料的保管、分发与应用工作,讲述了测绘成果应用在国民经济建设中取得的成就。  相似文献   
基于AO的栅格分析在土地淹没统计中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简单介绍了ESRI公司ArcObjects组件工具,并基于该组件库的强大空间分析功能,结合可视化开发语言,详细阐述了土地淹没统计分析模块开发方式和实现过程。  相似文献   
Due to its unique geological location, the Bering Sea is an ideal place to investigate the water exchange and ecosystem connectivity of the Pacific Ocean–Arctic Ocean and subarctic–Arctic region. Based on a number of summer surveys(July to September, 2010, 2012 and 2014), macrobenthic communities and their spatial-temporal patterns are exhibited for the majority of the Bering Sea(53°59′–64°36′N). The results show that the macrobenthic communities were dominated by northern cold-water species and immigrant eurythermic species, and the communities assumed a dispersed and patchy distribution pattern. Polychaetes(Scoloplos armiger), crustaceans(Ceradocus capensis) and sea urchins(Echinarachnius parma) were the main dominant groups in the shallow shelves; the sea star(Ctenodiscus crispatus) and the brittle star(Ophiura sarsii) were the main dominant groups in the continental slope; whereas small polychaetes(Prionospio malmgreni) dominated the basin area. Sediment type, water depth, and currents were the major factors affecting the structure and spatial distribution of the macrobenthic communities. Compared with other seas, the shallow areas of the Bering Sea showed an extremely high-standing biomass. In particular, the northern shelf area(north of St. Lawrence Islands and west of 170°W),which is primarily controlled by Anadyr Water, is an undersea oasis. In contrast, a deficiency in the downward transport of particulate organic carbon has resulted in a desert-like seabed in the basin area. By comparing our results to previous studies, we found that macrobenthic communities of the Bering Sea have undergone significant structural changes in recent decades, resulting in a decrease in abundance and an increase in biomass.In addition, populations of amphipods and bivalves in the northern shelves have decreased significantly and have been gradually replaced by other species. These changes might be associated with advanced seasonal ice melting,changes in organic carbon input, and global warming, indicating that large-scale ecosystem changes have been occurring in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   
基于IDL的三峡永久船闸三维可视化的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IDL(Interactive Data Language,交互式数据语言)是进行二维及三维数据可视化显示、分析及应用开发的理想工具。详细介绍了IDL语言的特点,并以三峡永久船闸为例,阐述了基于IDL的三维建模方法,利用IDL图形对象提供的接口,建立模型对象与数据库的连接,实现数据的交互式可视化查询以及查询结果的可视化显示,对数据的可视化查询分析做了初步尝试。  相似文献   
对包兰铁路沙坡头段枝条阻沙栅栏流场结构进行风洞模拟试验。结果表明:气流在经过横向、竖向阻沙栅栏时均出现了明显的流速分区。气流在经过阻沙栅栏时速度会减弱,但是竖向枝条阻沙栅栏的综合阻风防沙效果明显优于横向阻沙栅栏,同时竖向枝条阻沙栅栏制作上具有工序简单、原材料广泛及不受枝条长度限制的特性,因此,在防沙治沙应用中,竖向枝条阻沙栅栏更适合推广。虽然孔隙度是阻沙栅栏设计的重要技术参数,但栅栏结构对风沙流场产生直接影响,是决定着其对风沙活动防护效应高低的关键因子。  相似文献   
夏翠珍  廖杰  郭建军  刘慧  高扬 《中国沙漠》2019,39(3):107-116
政策工具是政府实施政策的手段。结合盐池县1983-2017年出台的生态治理政策,运用内容分析法,从政策工具视角,对盐池县生态治理政策的类型与变化进行了分析,并深入探讨其原因。结果表明:强制型和混合型政策工具占主导地位,其中,规制、直接提供、信息与劝诫、补贴与奖励4种工具使用频率最高,自愿型工具的使用还很缺乏。政策工具的运用受到中央政策的显著影响。以后应当开发更多可利用的政策工具,并对不同政策工具进行优化组合。通过本研究可深入了解生态脆弱区地方政府生态政策的政策工具使用情况,为生态脆弱区生态保护的政策工具选择与优化组合提供参考。  相似文献   
受全球气候变化和人类活动影响,青藏高原上的土地沙漠化正呈现加速发展态势。沙漠化产生的风沙堆积势必改变地表辐射和能量平衡状况,对较为敏感和脆弱的多年冻土环境造成影响,并可能影响青藏铁路路基的稳定性。因此,研究积沙对多年冻土的影响对于高原沙害防治、多年冻土保护和道路工程建设都具有重要的理论及现实意义。目前,前人已在青藏高原地表能量平衡研究方面取得了一些成果,并开始关注积沙对冻土温度影响问题。然而,由于已有观测资料的连续性、同步性和可比性等局限,对积沙地表辐射和能量平衡方面的研究还比较薄弱,积沙对冻土温度过程影响的研究结果尚不一致,而积沙对路基影响的问题也亟待开展研究。为此,本文提出了加强定位观测、开展室内低温实验以及数值模拟等建议,以期对今后的深入研究起到抛砖引玉作用。  相似文献   
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