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HY-2A卫星雷达高度计数据的全球统计评价及质量分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
自HY-2A卫星发射以来,针对HY-2A卫星雷达高度计产品的交叉定标、真实性检验及质量评估工作一直在持续开展。本文主要以HY-2A卫星高度计第44周期的IGDR产品数据为例,通过使用全球分布图、二维直方图和每日均值统计的方法完成了与Jason-2IGDR产品的比对验证,同时对主要环境校正参数及地球物理产品的数据质量稳定性进行了分析,结果显示高度计产品数据质量较稳定,此外利用HY-2A卫星升降轨交叉点海面高度差、与Jason-2卫星交叉点海面高度差以及沿轨海平面异常数据分析的方法进行了HY-2A卫星高度计观测系统的性能评估,结果显示,HY-2A卫星海面高度精度约为7.48cm,精度接近Jason-2,能满足海洋应用与科学研究的需要。  相似文献   
Invasive smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora, hereafter Spartina) has been expanding rapidly in the estuarine wetlands at Chongming Dongtan (East China) at the expense of native sea-bulrush (Scirpus mariqueter, hereafter Scirpus) and common reed (Phragmites australis, hereafter Phragmites). To examine the potential impacts of the Spartina invasion on bird diversity, we compared the abundance and species richness of birds in habitats created by Spartina, Phragmites, Spartina mixed with Phragmites, Scirpus, and the bare intertidal zone at Chongming Dongtan in spring 2008. Most birds were recorded in the native habitats, with songbirds and breeding birds being most abundant in the Phragmites habitats, and waterbirds and migrants being most abundant in the Scirpus habitats and bare intertidal zone. Both species number and population densities of birds were lower in the exotic Spartina habitats than in the other four habitats. Although some songbirds and breeding birds used the Spartina-invaded habitats, and even preferred Spartina-invaded habitats to Scirpus habitats and bare intertidal zone, their densities were lower in the Spartina-invaded habitats than in the native Phragmites habitats. This might have resulted from the dense Spartina stands restricting bird movement and providing insufficient useable food for most birds. We conclude that the spread of exotic Spartina has negative impacts on local bird communities. Because Chongming Dongtan is an important stopover site for energy replenishment of shorebirds in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway, urgent measures are needed to control further spread of Spartina and to restore the native habitats for birds.  相似文献   
陈玉富  刘林  孙丹  黎波 《探矿工程》2012,39(Z1):123-125
川西北高原高寒山区若尔盖铀矿地层“漏失、垮塌、超径、孔斜”,是典型的“五毒俱全”、国内少见的钻探复杂地层。我们通过认真的分析和研究,从工艺技术上改进,采用优质泥浆体系,成功穿越了近300米的炭质板岩层;采用连续造斜器成功实施了深孔定向钻进,为在复杂地层下一基多孔工艺提供了依据。  相似文献   
桐城桐山-庐江大化的飞来峰位于早白垩世杨湾组(K_1y)弱变形的紫红色陆相碎屑岩之上,由下古生界的硅化粗晶灰岩,白云质灰岩及硅质岩组成,岩层强烈碎裂。其中伴生的张裂隙及剪切石香肠指示岩层由南东向北西逆冲。这一飞来峰的形成与郊庐断裂南段平移作用产生的次级逆冲有关。是由此产生的推覆体差异剥蚀的结果,这种次级逆冲推覆作用发生在扬子板块前陆褶冲带的变形之后。  相似文献   
本文在综合整理中国东南沿海一带区域物化探资料的基础上,对羊洲-下桐市-火轩市-酒港一带中生代火山岩铀矿化与深层构造和物化探异常的关系进行了研究。讨论了莫霍面、区域重力场和深层构造的关系;重力梯度带与火山岩铀矿的关系;重力梯度带内浅部重力异常与铀矿的关系。提出了中生代火山岩型铀成矿带与上地幔变异带、重力梯度带之间有密切相关的分布规律,重力梯度带内的浅部重力异常可以确定铀矿的空间位置等看法。此外,水系沉积物的分析结果也反映出Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag以及Ni、Cr、Co等元素的异常,在重力梯度带内有着特定的展布规律,其空间分布与铀元素也具有密切的联系。  相似文献   
华南古岩溶铀矿床的矿物学特征为:表生矿物发育,原生成矿矿物少见;矿化脉体几乎没有;矿石中铀主要呈吸附状态,其次呈显微和超显微沥青铀矿存在。与古岩溶有关铀矿床则出现典型低中温热液矿物组合,矿化脉体期次分明,矿石中铀基本呈可见状沥青矿存在,沥青铀矿具有热液成因标型。鉴于该类矿床成矿前主岩溶为冷水成因,而热液成矿流体是与岩溶无关的体系,故属古岩溶热液叠造成矿   相似文献   
】应用晶体光学中的光率体原理对宝石折射仪测试应用问题作较为详尽的论述,特别对一轴晶、二轴晶宝石测试所遇到的各种现象作进一步全面探讨,并给予确切的解释。  相似文献   
皖浙赣断裂带的界定及其基本特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以往文献中及众多研究者所指的“皖浙赣断裂带”实际上包括了不同时代形成的、方向有变化的多组规模巨大的区域性断裂带;最早的断裂带形成于新元古代,最晚的形成于晚中生代。在地壳演化过程中,随着构造应力场的变化,不同时代的断裂带方向变化较大,新元古代晋宁期为北东向,早古生代加里东期为近东西向—北东东向,晚中生代为北北东向;每一期断裂带都有它们自己的大地构造背景和指示意义。文中认为,不同阶段形成的断裂带不能混为一谈。新元古代晋宁期的北东向断裂带南段基本上以赣东北蛇绿混杂岩带为代表,向北东延至皖南伏川断裂带,具有板块(或地体)边界断裂的性质;加里东期以近东西向祁门—歙县断裂带为代表,其西段被后期牵引成北东向,造成两侧的变质基底特征明显不同;二者均不属于皖浙赣断裂带的组成部分。而通常意义上所指的具有区域控岩控矿作用的皖浙赣断裂带,是晚中生代北北东向的赣东北—五城—歙县—绩溪—宁国断裂带,控制了侏罗—白垩纪红色盆地及燕山期岩浆岩的形成和分布,是一条具有控矿作用的重要的构造岩浆岩带。  相似文献   
借助遥感、GIS技术,利用1975年MSS、2000年ETM和2007年CBERS数据、气温和降水数据,采用基于像元的灰色关联度方法,研究1975-2007年气候因素扰动下中国沙质荒漠化时空变化规律。研究结果表明,中国沙质荒漠化虽然在2000-2007年面积减少、程度减轻,但在1975-2007年面积依然呈小幅增加趋势(增加面积为6 179.8 km2,其中重度沙质荒漠化增加面积最大),程度加重。通过对内蒙古、新疆2个典型区的灰色关联度分析,进而研究全国范围可知,气温对沙质荒漠化变化的作用(沙质荒漠化减轻/加重与气温的相关系数分别为0.973,0.976)大于降水(沙质荒漠化减轻/加重与降水的相关系数分别为0.884,0.882)。气候因素扰动下,沙质荒漠化变化的总体趋势为,沙质荒漠化与气温变化呈正比,与降水呈反比。该趋势以甘肃、陕西为界,界线以西较为明显,而最显著区集中在新疆北部、东部,西藏北部。  相似文献   
Although there has been substantial research done on adsorption of metals/metalloids by Al (oxy)hydroxides, little is known regarding the adsorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Al (oxy)hydroxides, especially those formed in the presence of organic acid. This paper investigated the adsorption of phenanthrene on Al (oxy)hydroxides formed with initial tannate/Al molar ratios (MRs) 0, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 (referred to MR0, MR0.001, MR0.01, and MR0.1, respectively) through batch adsorption experiments and FTIR study. The results showed that Al (oxy)hydroxides were important sorbents for phenanthrene. The adsorption kinetic data were fitted well with the pseudo-second-order equation. According to a modified Freundlich model, the adsorption capacities of Al (oxy)hydroxides followed a descending order of MR0.1 > MR0 ≥ MR0.01 > MR0.001, which was inconsistent with the organic carbon content in the Al (oxy)hydroxides. Adsorption capacity correlated with the specific surface area, micropore area, and micropore diameter of Al (oxy)hydroxides, yet the relationships were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). FTIR results showed that physical interaction was essential in phenanthrene adsorption onto the Al (oxy)hydroxides, which could be explained by an entropy-driven process. Surface hydrophobicity of Al (oxy)hydroxides played a key role in phenanthrene adsorption. Additional π–π electron donor–acceptor interaction of phenanthrene (acting as electron donor) with aromatic ring of tannic acid (electron acceptor) could be also important in phenanthrene adsorption by high MR Al (oxy)hydroxides, yet it needs further study. The findings obtained in the present study are of fundamental significance in understanding the mechanism of immobilization of PAHs in low organic matter but oxide-rich soils.  相似文献   
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