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The Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences recently prepared four certified reference materials for hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in water, which are called ‘China Standard Water' (CSW)‐HO1–HO4 (hereafter referred to as HO1–HO4). These reference materials are intended for calibration purposes and provide reference values of their relative difference in 2H/1H and 18O/16O isotope‐amount ratios expressed in delta notation, normalised to the VSMOW–SLAP scale. The certified values of the reference materials were determined by an interlaboratory comparison of results from eleven participating laboratories. This paper describes in detail the production and certification procedure of the four reference materials. The first analytical data for the reference materials are also provided using a variety of analytical techniques, namely CO2–H2O equilibration and laser spectroscopy for δ18O and Cr reduction, as well as H2–H2O equilibration, laser spectroscopy, and high‐temperature conversion for δ2H. The reference values for materials HO1–HO4 and their associated uncertainties are assigned.  相似文献   
濮阳市多时间尺度气温变化及对粮食生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用线性分析方法,分析濮阳多时间尺度气温的变化特征及气候趋暖对粮食生产的影响。结果表明:冬、夏季和年平均气温升、降温趋势分别为0.23~0.46℃/10a、-0.05~-0.11℃/10a和0.14℃/10a;年高(≥35℃)、低(≤-10℃)温日数分别以3.36天/10a和2.35天/10a的趋势减少;日平均气温稳定通过0℃的初日提前4.91/10a、终日推后1.02天/10a,日平均气温稳定通过20℃的终日延长2.0天/10a;1987年以来濮阳相继出现17个暖冬,严重暖冬年份皆出现在1995年以后。当地引种的小麦品种冬性减弱,播种期推后,越冬期缩短,生育期延长。病虫害有加重趋势,农药、化肥用量增加。 结论认为:当地气侯变化具有冬趋暖夏趋凉的特征,高低温危害减少,积温的有效性增加,作物生长期与灌浆期延长;自上世纪90年代中期以来,异常暖冬事件增多,近10年是50年以来最暖的10年。同时冬季平均气温年际间波幅增大,春季气温不稳定,气温变化的不确定性增加。气候变暖对当地粮食生产有利因素较多,但不利因素也很突出,如何趋利避害,确保粮食安全是需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
阳原台石英水平摆倾斜仪数字化改造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年10月由张家口中心地震台和中国地震局地球物理研究所地震仪器厂,共同对阳原台SQ-70型石英摆倾斜仪进行了数字化改造。改造后的仪器,经过6个月的运行,目前,该仪器运行良好,产出资料稳定、可靠、精度高。  相似文献   
干旱遥感监测方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对国内外学者在干旱遥感监测方面所做的工作进行了总结。根据选取资料的不同,将国外进行干旱遥感监测的情况归纳为5类,分别介绍了主要方法及其进展。同时,对国内开展干旱遥感监测的情况从空间尺度、时间尺度、监测手段、监测方法等4个方面进行了分析,并讨论了干旱遥感监测在实际应用中存在的问题。  相似文献   
针对水产养殖中的精准投喂问题,以大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)为研究对象,提出一种基于鱼体运动特征和图像纹理特征的鱼群摄食活动强度量化方法,进行鱼类摄食行为识别研究。利用自适应背景差分及光流法得到运动鱼体的速度、转角,并通过信息熵统计速度和转角的分布,之后通过灰度共生矩阵提取能量、熵、对比度、相关性和逆差距5个图像纹理特征值。最后,结合鱼体运动特征及图像纹理特征,对鱼类摄食行为进行识别和检测。实验结果表明,该方法的识别准确率达到了94.17%,相较于单一特征检测本研究的检测精度更高。  相似文献   
以某省《森林资源地图集》编制为例,介绍了如何将森林资源专题数据进行分类整理,使之与基础地理底图相结合,并加工编制为森林地图集的总体编制方案及工艺流程,为专题地图集设计和编制方案提供参考。  相似文献   
以疏勒河源区为研究区,自2018年12月至2019年11月分别采集河水、泉水和雪样样品44个、4个和7个,综合运用Piper三线图、Gibbs图、离子比值法定性分析不同水体水化学特征及控制因素,利用质量平衡法(正向地球化学模型)量化不同来源对不同季节河水水化学成分的贡献率。结果表明:疏勒河源区不同水体水化学特征存在差异,TDS含量为泉水>河水>冰川融水>雪水,河水水化学类型冬季为HCO3--Mg2+?Ca2+型,春季为HCO3--Ca2+?Mg2+?Na+型,夏、秋季均为HCO3--Ca2+?Mg2+型,泉水和雪水分别为HCO3--Ca2+?Mg2+型、HCO3--Ca2+型;受多种因素共同影响,不同季节河水主离子时空变化均存在差异;河水和泉水水化学组成受岩石风化作用控制,主离子来源于以白云石为主的碳酸盐岩风化、硅酸盐岩风化和盐岩、石膏、硫酸盐矿物等蒸发岩溶解;正向地球化学模型计算结果表明冬春季河水阳离子主要来源于硅酸盐岩风化溶解,夏秋季碳酸盐岩对河水阳离子贡献率大于硅酸盐岩,总体河水阳离子主要来源于碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩风化。  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration (ET) plays an important role in exchange of water budget and carbon cycles over the Inner Mongolia autonomous region of China (IMARC). However, the spatial and decadal variations in terrestrial ET and drought over the IMARC in the past was calculated by only using sparse meteorological point-based data which remain quite uncertain. In this study, by combining satellite and meteorology datasets, a satellite-based semi-empirical Penman ET (SEMI-PM) algorithm is used to estimate regional ET and evaporative wet index (EWI) calculated by the ratio of ET and potential ET (PET) over the IMARC. Validation result shows that the square of the correlation coefficients \((R^{2})\) for the four sites varies from 0.45 to 0.84 and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) is  \(0.78\) mm. We found that the ET has decreased on an average of 4.8 mm per decade (\(p=0.10\)) over the entire IMARC during 1982–2009 and the EWI has decreased on an average of 1.1% per decade (\(p=0.08\)) during the study period. Importantly, the patterns of monthly EWI anomalies have a good spatial and temporal correlation with the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) anomalies from 1982 to 2009, indicating EWI can be used to monitor regional surface drought with high spatial resolution. In high-latitude ecosystems of northeast region of the IMARC, both air temperature \((T_{a})\) and incident solar radiation \((R_{s})\) are the most important parameters in determining ET. However, in semiarid and arid areas of the central and southwest regions of the IMARC, both relative humidity (RH) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) are the most important factors controlling annual variation of ET.  相似文献   
神狐-一统暗沙隆起中部新生代地层层序划分及沉积演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用中德合作"南海地球科学联合研究"SO-49航次所采集的地震测线,对南海北部陆缘神狐-一统暗沙隆起中部的新生代地层层序进行了划分,并与北部的珠江口盆地的层序进行了对比.共识别出SB1、SB2、SB3、SB4和Tg5个主要反射界面,对比表明:Tg 反射面为新生界基底反射,SB1、SB2、SB3、SB4相当于珠江口盆地的二级层序界面,层序界面年龄分别为:10.5 Ma 、21.0 Ma 、25.0 Ma 、39.4 Ma.在此基础上,对隆起区新生代沉积环境及其演化进行了分析,认为隆起区新生代沉积经历了断陷湖泊-滨浅海-深海相的演变过程,隆起区主要隆升时期为晚渐新世-早中新世.并就珠江口盆地早第三纪海侵方向和隆起的成因进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
An investigation of the rock magnetic properties using stepwise isothermal remanence (IRM) acquisition, thermomagnetic analysis and temperature-dependent susceptibility history, identifies magnetite as the carrier of the main fraction of the remanence, associated with maghemite and hematite in Malan loess (L1), Holocene soil (S0) and last-glacial paleosol (S1). The presence of short-lived direction fluctuations indicates that no significant smoothing occurs in L1 when its remanence is locked, and thus L1 is capable of recording the geomagnetic secular variation (PSV), while the PSV has been severely smoothed or wiped out by pedogenic processes during S1 formation. It has been suggested that the Mono Lake and Laschamp excursions are two independent geomagnetic events based on this study.  相似文献   
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