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利用天气预报业务中天气环流形势场和有关物理量等资料.对丰镇市2010年4月20-22日出现的一次明显降水天气过程进行分析。分析结果表明:纬向环流不断发展并在贝加尔湖横槽和偏南气流配合下,该区域存在明显的风场切变,对流层中下部又有大量水汽输送,加之地面倒槽的加深,气流辐合系统发展所需能量得到补允,湿度较大的空气垂直上升运动维持时间长,为这次降水过程提供有利的环境和条件。  相似文献   
青海省活动断裂带分布发育特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青海省活动断裂带在印度板块的推挤作用下具有各自不同的空间展布和运动学特征,通过对省内24条活动断裂带的研究,得出NNW向断裂带右旋走滑的同时还具有逆时针旋转的运动特性,柴达木盆地西南边缘的茫崖油沙山断裂的形成可能是阿尔金断裂带左旋走滑的压应力分量和持续板块推挤在青藏高原北部的一种响应,中更新世以来的构造运动决定了现今青海构造地貌的基本形态,现今高原北部的隆升主要集中在柴达木盆地西侧和祁连山地区,挤压应力分布表现为南北强于中部、东部强于西部。  相似文献   
非饱和粘性土中气体渗透特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于气体的进入形成了非饱和带,饱和土层中的气体渗透实质上是非饱和渗透问题。本文借助基于多孔介质气体渗流理论并考虑气体压缩性的、描述非饱和土中气体渗流运动的本构方程,试验研究了上海地区饱和粘性土层中的气体渗透规律。结果表明,饱水粘性土层中,气体渗透存在起始压力值,数值为100~200kPa, 与上海地区粘土的非饱和进气值较为接近;气体渗透速度与外界所施加的压力平方差梯度之间存在明显的分段特征。后者可能与在充满结合水的微孔隙通道中,只有一部分结合水在气压梯度的作用下发生流动,从而形成气体通道,施加的外力越大,形成的气体通道也越大,气体渗流也越明显。非饱和粘性土中气体渗透规律的研究,对于饱和粘土中的气压法施工,具有重要的理论与工程实践意义。  相似文献   
利用2001-2013年8天合成MODIS A1时间序列数据计算改进型垂直干旱指数(MPDI),应用趋势性分析、重标极差(R/S)分析等方法研究了塔里木河流域绿洲与荒漠区干旱时空变化状况及其可能原因。结果表明:在过去13年,塔里木河流域绿洲与荒漠区总体呈湿润趋势,绿洲稳中转湿,湿润趋势较明显且幅度较大;而荒漠区相对稳定,湿润趋势相对较小。绿洲与荒漠大部分地区未来变化趋势与过去13年变化趋势呈现较高的一致性。塔里木河干流上游、中游部分地区、尉犁县部分灌区等区域出现持续性干旱迹象,应引起相关管理部门的重视。  相似文献   
中国软沉积物变形构造及地震岩研究简评   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近30年(1987—2016)来,中国的软沉积物变形构造、地震岩、震积岩及古地震研究,取得了很大的进展和成绩。但是,在国内中文期刊中已发表的约140篇文章和已出版的一些专著中,几乎都把具软沉积物变形构造的岩层当作地震岩。可喜的是,中国石油大学(华东)的老师们和学生们,对山东青岛灵山岛下白垩统中的软沉积物变形构造的研究,却有多种不同的观点,呈现出了一种活跃的学术气氛。笔者等的看法是: (1)软沉积物变形构造是一种沉积构造,它有多种成因,它是一个很好的沉积学和地质学术语,应继续地和更广泛地使用下去。(2)地震岩是专指由地震引起的具软沉积物变形构造的岩层,它是具多成因的软沉积物变形构造的岩层的一种,不能把所有的具软沉积构造的岩层都当作地震岩。有的地质学家建议废弃地震岩这一术语。(3)震积岩是“seismites”(地震岩)的误译,不宜再继续使用。(4)由于地震岩和震积岩这两个术语在国内外已使用多年,要废弃它们或不再继续使用它们,应得到国内外的多数地质学家的同意才行。  相似文献   
The mountainous areas of Central Asia provide substantial water resources, and studying change in water storage and the impacts of precipitation and snow cover in the mountain ranges of Central Asia is of the greatest importance for understanding regional water shortages and the main factors. Data from the GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellites, precipitation products and snow-covered area data were used to analyze the spatio-temporal characteristics of water storage changes and the effects of precipitation and snow cover from April 2002 to December 2013. The results were computed for each mountain ranges, and the following conclusions were drawn. The water storage in the mountainous areas of Central Asia as a whole increases in summer and winter, whereas it decreases in autumn. The water storage is affected by precipitation to some extent and some areas exhibit hysteresis. The area of positive water storage changes moves from west to east over the course of the year. The water storage declined during the period 2002–2004. It then returned to a higher level in 2005–2006 and featured lower levels in 2007–2009 Subsequently, the water storage increased gradually from 2010 to 2013. The Eastern Tianshan Mountains and Western Tianshan Mountain subzones examined in this study display similar tendencies, and the trends observed in the Karakorum Mountains and the Kunlun Mountains are also similar. However, the Eastern Tianshan Mountains and Western Tianshan Mountains were influenced by precipitation to a greater degree than the latter two ranges. The water storage in Qilian Mountains showed a pronounced increasing trend, and this range is the most strongly affected by precipitation. Based on an analysis of all investigated subzones, precipitation has the greatest influence on total water storage relative to the snow covered area in some areas of Central Asia. The results obtained from this study will be of value for scientists studying the mechanisms that influence changes in water storage in Central Asia.  相似文献   
以沾化凹陷渤南洼陷罗63井和义21井沙一段取心段为例,依据研究样品的热解、全岩与黏土矿物X射线衍射、有机岩石学、孔隙度、氩离子抛光+扫描电镜以及微孔隙结构等分析结果,开展了沙一段湖相富有机质烃源岩岩石学与孔隙结构特征研究,结果表明:罗63井和义21井沙一段取心段富有机质烃源岩主要由碳酸盐矿物、黏土矿物和石英组成,另含少量长石、黄铁矿和石膏,其中黏土矿物主要由伊/蒙混层、伊利石组成,由取心段顶部至底部,碳酸盐矿物质量分数明显增高,而黏土矿物和石英则显著降低,呈现由钙质或灰质泥岩至演变为泥质灰岩的特征,岩石构造类型包括层状、纹层状和块状3类;罗63井和义21井沙一段取心段富有机质烃源岩平均孔隙度分别为2.09%和4.43%,具纹层状构造的烃源岩具有相对高的孔隙度;主要发育矿物基质孔隙(即粒间孔隙和粒内孔隙)和裂缝型孔隙两大类,而有机质孔隙不发育,孔隙半径从十几微米至几纳米的孔隙均有分布,以发育孔径50 nm以上的宏孔为主。  相似文献   
Xu  Chong  Cui  Yulong  Xu  Xiwei  Bao  Pengpeng  Fu  Gui  Jiang  Wenliang 《Natural Hazards》2019,99(1):599-608

On March 20, 2019, a landslide (named Yagu landslide) occurred in eastern Tibetan Plateau. It produced a 10-m-high dam, resulting in a lake on the Songmai River, a tributary of the Jinsha River. This paper describes this slope failure and analyzes the process and cause of the landsliding based on the combination of Google Earth images, PlanetScope satellite optical images, field photography and geologic data. It is speculated that this event was likely induced by local human activity, such as quarrying rather than natural factors. This example raises a challenging issue whether the ongoing projects along the Jinsha River can induce landslides. In addition, the emergency responses of the government and the effort for risk removal of the dammed lake are presented.

Assimilation systems absorb both satellite measurements and Argo observations. This assimilation is essential to diagnose and evaluate the contribution from each type of data to the reconstructed analysis, allowing for better configuration of assimilation parameters. To achieve this, two comparative reconstruction schemes were designed under the optimal interpolation framework. Using a static scheme, an in situ-only field of ocean temperature was derived by correcting climatology with only Argo ...  相似文献   
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