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Plankton studies in Kachemak Bay, Alaska were combined with short-term sediment trap deployments in order to show the relationships of fluxes of Cu and Mn in organic particulate matter with biological processes occurring in the overlying water column. A large spring bloom decrease throughout the summer, due to decreasing nutrient levels and increasing grazing pressure by zooplankton. The concentration of organically bound Cu and Mn in the sediment trap particulate material increased throughout the summer reaching a maximum in August while fecal pellet production exhibited a similar increase. The fluxes of total particulate matter and organic carbon reached a maximum in June and represented a 30% increase over the corresponding fluxes in May. In contrast, the fluxes of organically bound Cu and Mn and fecal pellets in August represented 200%, 360% and 760% increases, respectively, over their respective fluxes in May. These results suggest that the enrichment of Cu and Mn in the organic particulate matter during August was a result of bioaccumulation of these metals into fecal material. The increase in the flux of the organically bound metals indicates a strong coupling between biological processes in the water column and their vertical transport. Thus, the production and subsequent sinking of fecal pellets may govern the transport of trace metals to the underlying water column and may also govern the transfer of a primary source of food and its associated trace metals to benthic communities.  相似文献   
The magnitude of sheet flow in a small South Carolina salt marsh was evaluated by comparing the storage curve for the basin based on topographic data with that based on current measurements in the main channel. The results indicate that on spring tides more than 50% of the volume of water that enters the basin enters as sheet flow over the grassy flats of the marsh. The current data also suggest that the actual storage curve may be a hysteresis loop with separate flood and ebb segments.  相似文献   
This paper explores how changes in sea level and biome distribution may have affected the habitats occupied by hunter‐gatherers in East Asia. Using a model‐based reconstruction of changing sea level from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to present day, our analysis reveals that the exposure of a large continental shelf during the LGM sea level lowstand created a wealth of wooded, estuarine, and coastal biomes that could have been exploited intensively by Late Pleistocene hunter‐gatherers. Models explaining hunter‐gatherer subsistence changes and migrations in this period should take into account the large area that has been lost to rising sea level since the LGM.  相似文献   
Quantifying the energy balance above plant canopies is critical for better understanding of water balance and changes in regional weather patterns. This study examined temporal variations of energy balance terms for contrasting canopies [corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)]. We monitored energy balance for 4 years using eddy-covariance systems, net radiometers, and soil heat flux plates in adjacent production fields near Ames, Iowa. On an annual basis, soybean exhibited 20% and 30% lower sensible heat flux (H) and Bowen ratio than corn, respectively. As canopies developed, a gradual shift in turbulent fluxes occurred with decreasing H and increasing latent heat flux (LE), but with a more pronounced effect for corn. Conversely, during mid-growing season and as both canopies progressively senesced, H in general increased and LE decreased; however, soybean exhibited slightly greater LE and much lower H than corn. These temporal variations in magnitude and partitioning of turbulent fluxes translated into a pronounced energy imbalance for soybean (0.80) and an enhanced closure for corn (0.98) in August and September. These discrepancies could be directly associated with differences in momentum transport as shown by friction velocities of 0.34 and 0.28 m s?1 for corn and soybean, respectively. These results support influential roles of plant canopy on intensity and mode of surface energy exchange processes.  相似文献   

A basic component of any hydrogeological study is the magnitude and temporal variation of groundwater recharge. This can be difficult to assess accurately, particularly in arid and semi-arid rainfed mid-mountain zones, as is the situation in the rural, low population density zones of North-Central Chile. In this study, recharge in the Punitaqui Basin, North-Central Chile, was characterized, contrasting the results of two methods: a modified Thornthwaite-Mather (MTM) and discharge recession analysis (DRA). We found a recharge rate of between 1 and 4% of average annual precipitation. Average recharge estimated by the MTM method is consistently higher than that estimated by DRA. Also, DRA tends to smooth the recharge values, resulting in a lower inter-annual variation coefficient. Both methods identified a threshold value of total annual precipitation, above which recharge can be expected to occur, of the order of 180 mm year?1, consistent with values reported in similar areas.  相似文献   
This study shows how wavelet analysis can be used on well log and drill core data to identify cyclicity in sedimentary sequences. Three possible methods for determining wavelength were investigated: the Morlet wavelet, the Fourier transform, and the semivariogram. When applied to several hypothetical signals similar to those observed in petrophysical measurements in hydrocarbon reservoirs, all three methods could identify the presence of cyclicity. Only the wavelet scalogram, however, gave a clear indication of when the cyclic element was present and where frequency changes occurred in the signal. To illustrate the wavelet analysis, we processed well log and core data from a well in the Ormskirk Sandstone and determined the wavelet coefficients for each zone and the wavelengths of the strongest cyclicities. The cyclicities observed corresponded well with sedimentary features of the formation (e.g., channels and channel sets). Also, ratios of the cyclicity wavelengths corresponded with ratios of the Milankovitch precession, obliquity, and eccentricity periods. This result is in agreement with other investigators, who have proposed that Milankovitch-driven climate changes exercised an important control on Ormskirk Sandstone deposition.  相似文献   
Joint pollen and oxygen isotope data from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1234 in the southeast Pacific provide the first, continuous record of temperate South American vegetation and climate from the last 140 ka. Located at 36°S, 65 km offshore of Concepcion, Chile, Site 1234 monitors the climatic transition zone between northern semi-arid, summer dry-winter wet climate and southern year-round, rainy, cool temperate climate. Dominance of onshore winds suggests that pollen preserved here reflects transport to the ocean via rivers that drain the region and integrate conditions from the coastal mountains to the Andean foothills. Down-hole changes in diagnostic pollen assemblages from xeric lowland deciduous forest (characterized by grasses, herbs, ferns, and trees such as deciduous beech, Nothofagus obliqua), mesic Valdivian Evergreen Forest (including conifers such as the endangered Prumnopitys andina), and Subantarctic Evergreen Rainforest (comprised primarily of southern beech, N. dombeyi) reveal large rapid shifts that likely reflect latitudinal movements in atmospheric circulation and storm tracks associated with the southern westerly winds. During glacial intervals (MIS 2-4, and 6), rainforests and parkland dominated by Nothofagus moved northward into the region. At the MIS 6/5e transition, coeval with the rapid shift to lower isotopic values, rainforest vegetation was rapidly replaced by xeric plant communities associated with Mediterranean-type climate. An increased prominence of halophytic vegetation suggests that MIS 5e was more arid and possibly warmer than MIS 1. Although rainforest pollen rises again at the end of MIS 5e, lowland deciduous forest pollen persists through MIS 5d and 5c, into MIS 5b. Substantial millennial-scale variations occur in both interglacial and glacial regimes, attesting to the sensitivity of the southern westerly belt to climate change. Comparison of the cool, mesic N. dombeyi rainforest assemblage from Site 1234 with δ18O in the Byrd Ice core shows that on time scales longer than 10 ka, cool-moist conditions in central Chile were coherent with and occurred in phase with Antarctic cooling. This is also likely at millennial scales, although rainforest pollen lags Antarctic cooling with exponential response times of about 1000 years, which plausibly reflects the ecological response time to regional climate change.  相似文献   
Transmissivity estimates derived from non-steady-state, single well, constant discharge, aquifer tests in laterally heterogeneous environments generally are questioned relative to their representativeness of aquifer conditions. Drawdown in pumping wells reflects the removal of water from storage in the aquifer and transient refraction of groundwater path-lines during the evolution of a non-symmetrical cone of depression. Simulations of single-well aquifer tests in aquifers with simple, arbitrary distributions of block heterogeneities suggest that transmissivity (T) values derived by the Cooper–Jacob (1946) method generally reflect volumetric, weighted mean T values of all of the heterogeneities contacted by the cone of depression at a particular time. This finding suggests that early-time drawdown data for single well aquifer tests reflect rapidly changing, volumetric, weighted mean T values proximal to the pumping well while late-time drawdown data reflect stabilized conditions and spatially averaged, volumetric weighted mean T out to a considerable distance from the pumping well.
Resume Los estimados de transmisividad derivados de estados no estables, pozos individuales, descarga constante, pruebas de acuíferos en ambientes heterogéneos laterales generalmente se cuestionan en cuanto a su representatividad de las conidiones de los acuíferos. La extracción de agua en pozos de bombeo refleja la extracción de agua del depósito en el acuífero y la refracción transitoria de líneas de trayectoria del agua subterránea durante la evolución de un cono no simétrico de depresión. Las simulaciones de pozos individuales, pruebas de acuíferos en acuíferos con distribuciones simples, arbitrarias de heterogeneidades de bloque sugieren que los valores de transmisividad (T) derivados por el método Cooper–Jacob (1946) generalmente reflejan valores medios volumétricos potenciales (weighted) de todas las heterogeneidades en contaco con el cono de la depresión en un momento particular. Este descubrimiento sugiere que los datos de extracción tempranos de pruebas de pozos individuales reflejan valores medios potenciales volumétricos que cambian rápidamente en la proximidad del pozo de bombeo mientras que los valores de extracción tardíos reflejan condiciones estabilizadas y medias potenciales volumétricas a una distancia considerable del pozo de bombeo.

Resumé Les estimés de transmissivité dérivés dessais de pompage en régime transitoire dans un seul puits contenu dans une formation latéralement hétérogène sont généralement questionable en ce qui concerne la représentativité des conditions de laquifère. Le rabattement dans les puits de pompage reflète lextraction deau provenant de lemmagasinement de laquifère et la réfraction en régime transitoire des lignes découlement durant lévolution dun cone de dépression non symétrique. Des simulations dessai de pompage dans un seul puits contenu dans un domaine avec des blocs hétérogènes distribués arbitrairement suggèrent que les valeurs de transmissivité obtenus avec la méthode dinterprétation de Cooper–Jacob (1946) sont généralement représentatifs du volume moyen pondéré de toutes les hétérogénéités en contact avec le cone de dépression à un temps particulier. Cette découverte suggère que les données de rabattement au début dun essai pour un seul puits reflètent un changement rapide des valeurs moyennes proximales pondérées tandis que le rabattement à un temps tardif reflète les conditions stabilisées et la moyenne spatiale jusquà une distance considérable du puits de pompage.
Annual variations in water storage and precipitation in the Amazon Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We combine satellite gravity data from the gravity recovery and climate experiment (GRACE) and precipitation measurements from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center’s (CPC) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), over the period from mid-2002 to mid-2006, to investigate the relative importance of sink (runoff and evaporation) and source (precipitation) terms in the hydrological balance of the Amazon Basin. When linear and quadratic terms are removed, the time-series of land water storage variations estimated from GRACE exhibits a dominant annual signal of 250 mm peak-to-peak, which is equivalent to a water volume change of ~1,800 km3. A comparison of this trend with accumulated (i.e., integrated) precipitation shows excellent agreement and no evidence of basin saturation. The agreement indicates that the net runoff and evaporation contributes significantly less than precipitation to the annual hydrological mass balance. Indeed, raw residuals between the de-trended water storage and precipitation anomalies range from ±40 mm. This range is consistent with stream-flow measurements from the region, although the latter are characterized by a stronger annual signal than our residuals, suggesting that runoff and evaporation may act to partially cancel each other.  相似文献   
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