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Chesil Beach (Dorset) is one of the most famous coastal landforms on the British coast. The gravel beach is over 18 km long and is separated for much of its length from land by a tidal lagoon known as The Fleet. The beach links the Isle of Portland in the east to the mainland in the west. Despite its iconic status there is little available information on its internal geometry and evolutionary history. Here we present a three-fold model for the evolution of Chesil Beach based on a series of nine ground penetrating radar (GPR) traverses located at three sites along its length at Abbotsbury, Langton Herring and at Ferry Bridge. The GPR traverses reveal a remarkably consistent picture of the internal structure of this barrier beach. The first phase of evolution involves the landward transgression of a small sand and gravel beach which closed upon the coast leading to deposition of freshwater peat between 5 and 7 k yr BP. The second evolutionary phase involves the ‘bulking-out’ of the beach during continued sea level rise, but in the presence of abundant gravel supplied by down-drift erosion of periglacial slope deposits. This episode of growth was associated with a series of washover fans which accumulated on the landward flank of the barrier increasing its breadth and height but without significant landward transgression of the barrier as a whole. The final phase in the evolution of Chesil Beach involves the seaward progradation of the beach crest and upper beach face associated with continued sediment abundance, but during a still-stand or slight fall in relative sea level. This phase may provide further evidence of a slight fall in relative sea level noted elsewhere along the South Coast of Britain and dated to between 1.2 and 2.4 k yr BP. Subsequently the barrier appears to have become largely inactive, except for the reworking of sediment on the beach face during storm events. The case study not only refines the evolutionary picture of Chesil Beach, but illustrates the importance of the subtle interplay between relative sea level and sediment supply in the evolution of a barrier system. In addition, it also illustrates the potential of GPR in resolving the evolutionary history of gravel-rich coastal landforms such as Chesil Beach.  相似文献   
Phases with the composition K2MgSi5O12, belonging to the leucite structure group were synthesised under dry and hydrothermal conditions and studied using 29Si NMR. The 29Si spectrum for the dry-crystallised material (which is cubic) consists of a single broad line, suggesting a high degree of disorder. The hydrothermally crystallised material (which is probably monoclinic, with a distorted leucite lattice) has a 29Si spectrum which consists of ten lines of equal intensity, two of which have small chemical shift anisotropies and are therefore assigned to Q4(4Si) sites. These data have been interpreted in terms of a structure with 12 distinct tetrahedral sites over which 2 Mg atoms and 10 Si atoms are fully ordered. A 2-dimensional COSY spectrum shows correlations between some Q4(3Si) silicon atoms and two other Q4(3Si) silicon atoms. This fully constrains the topology of the unit cell. Two schemes of Si/Mg ordering over the unit cell can give good fits to the COSY spectrum. Using the tetrahedral (T) site notation defined for natural tetragonal leucite, the first of these arrangements involves Mg and Q4(4Si) silicon atoms each occupying one T1-type site and one T3-type site, and Q4(3Si) silicons occupying the remaining sites, i.e. four T2-type sites, two T1-type sites and two T3-type sites. In the second arrangement, the T2-type sites are occupied by Mg atoms and Q4(4Si) silicon atoms and all the T1-and T3-type sites are occupied by Q4(3Si) atoms.  相似文献   
Agricultural chemicals are a notoriously intractable source of environmental pollution. Offering enhanced agricultural productivity, they simultaneously risk degrading the ecological basis upon which agriculture depends. This paper considers chemicalisation as a cause of the erosion of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem resilience, focusing on the Hawkesbury-Nepean River and the small-scale horticulturalists who supply the city's fresh vegetable markets, working under the pressure of urbanisation, retail monopolies, indifferent land-use planning, and often without access to information about pesticide use in the languages they understand. Arguing that standard practices of ‘risk management’ are unable to adequately control chemical contamination, the paper presents findings from interviews with actors within the ‘assemblage’ of institutions with responsibility for agriculture, water quality, and environmental protection, in order to assess the effectiveness of pesticide governance in the Greater Sydney Basin. It appears that pesticide pollution is far from being tamed: it is rarely measured nor monitored, neither is it a priority of any particular agency. Arguing that public health, the long-term viability of local farming and the ecological well-being of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River are mutually consistent goals, we conclude that these vital elements of the common-weal are currently subject to a system of ‘organised irresponsibility’. The paper concludes by proposing several ways forward.  相似文献   
Scale-free discs have no preferred length or time-scale. The question has been raised whether such discs have a continuum of unstable linear modes or perhaps no unstable modes at all. We resolve this paradox by analysing the particular case of a gaseous, isentropic disc with a completely flat rotation curve (the Mestel disc) exactly . The heart of the matter is this: what are the correct boundary conditions to impose at the origin or central cusp? We argue that the linear stability problem is ill-posed and that similar ambiguities may afflict general disc models with power-law central cusps. From any finite radius, waves reach the origin after finite time but with logarithmically divergent phase. Instabilities exist, but their pattern speeds depend upon an undetermined phase with which waves are reflected from the origin. For any definite choice of this phase, there is an infinite but discrete set of growing modes. The ratio of growth rate to pattern speed is independent of the central phase. This ratio is derived in closed form for non-self-gravitating normal modes and is shown to agree with approximate results obtained from the shearing sheet in the short-wavelength limit. This provides the first exact, analytically solved stability analysis for a differentially rotating disc. For self-gravitating normal modes, the ratio of growth rate to pattern is found numerically by solving recurrence relations in Mellin-transform space.  相似文献   
Tiny cryptanthe (Cryptantha minima Rydb.) is an endangered annual plant adapted to prairie sand dunes of Canada. Thermal time and hydrothermal time models were used to quantify the effect of temperature and water potential on seed germination and to relate it to field conditions. Tiny cryptanthe seeds had a base temperature of ?3.9 °C for germination. Final germination percentage was highest at temperatures near the freezing point. Seeds required approximately 130.6 °C d to reach 50% germination under optimal water conditions. Seed germination was sensitive to water stress and large seeds had lower germination than small ones especially at reduced water potentials and higher temperatures. The high potential germination and low seed dormancy indicate that tiny cryptanthe lacks a dormancy mechanism, but the unique germination response to temperature enables it to fully utilize water from spring snowmelt before drought in the summer. Future climate change with higher temperatures could reduce regeneration success of this species unless there is an associated increase in winter and spring precipitation.  相似文献   
Seismic velocities have been measured as a function of confining pressure to 8 kbar for crustal xenoliths from the Moses Rock Dike and Mule Ear Diatreme, two kimberlite pipes on the Colorado Plateau. Rock types measured include rhyolite, granite, diorite, metasedimentary schists and gneisses, mafic amphibolites and granulites. Many of our samples have been hydrothermally altered to greenschist facies mineral assemblages during transport to the earth's surface. The velocity of compressional waves measured on altered amphibolites and granulites are too low by 0.1–0.3 km/s for such rock types to be characteristic of deep crustal levels. A direct correlation exists between progressive alteration and the presence of microcracks extending into the xenoliths from the kimberlitic host rock. Velocities of pristine samples are compatible with existing velocity profiles for the Colorado Plateau and we conclude that the crust at depths greater than 15 km has probably not undergone a greenschist facies metamorphic event. The xenolith suite reflects a crustal profile similar to that exposed in the Ivrea-Verbano and Strona-Ceneri zones in northern Italy.  相似文献   
The Mount Brome complex of the Monteregian province of southern Quebec, Canada, consits of several major intrusions ranging compositionally from gabbro to syenite. The relative ages of these intrusives have been investigated with high-resolution 40Ar/39Ar analyses, including a specially designed irradiation configuration to cancel the effects of fluence gradients. Small yet distinct apparent age differences are observed. While a number of analytical and geological factors could be proposed to explain the small variations, evaluation of these suggests the age differences reflect those in emplacement times. The gabbro and nepheline diorite were emplaced within a short span 123.1 Ma ago. Generally more evolved lithologies (biotite monzodiorite, pulaskite, nordmarkite) appear to have been emplaced within a restricted interval 1.4±0.3 Ma later. Whole-rock Rb-Sr systematics do not give acceptable isochrons because of significant scatter interpreted to reflect initial 87Sr/86Sr heterogeneities resulting from crustal contamination. Considering the variations in initial ratio, the Rb-Sr data are consistent with the 40Ar/39Ar age.  相似文献   
K–Ar clay fraction ages of brittle faults often vary with grain size, decreasing in the finer size fractions, producing an inclined age–grain‐size spectrum. K–Ar ages and mineralogical characterization of gouges from two normal faults in the Kongsberg silver mines, southern Norway, suggest that inclined spectra derived from brittle fault rocks reflect the mixing of inherited components with authigenic mineral phases. The ages of the coarsest and finest fractions constrain faulting at c. 260–270 Ma and reactivation around 200–210 Ma, respectively. This study demonstrates how wall‐rock contamination influences the K–Ar age of the coarsest size fractions and that authigenic illite and K‐feldspar can crystallize synkinematically under equivalent conditions and thus yield the same K–Ar ages.  相似文献   
The British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) was highly dynamic during the Late Quaternary, with considerable regional differences in the timing and extent of its change. This was reflected in equally variable offshore ice-rafted debris (IRD) records. Here we reconcile these two records using the FRUGAL intermediate complexity iceberg–climate model, with varying BIIS catchment-level iceberg fluxes, to simulate change in IRD origin and magnitude along the western European margin at 1000-year time steps during the height of the last BIIS glaciation (31–6 ka bp ). This modelled IRD variability is compared with existing IRD records from the deep ocean at five cores along this margin. There is general agreement of the temporal and spatial IRD variability between observations and model through this period. The Porcupine Bank off northwestern Ireland was confirmed by the modelling as a major dividing line between sites possessing exclusively northern or southern source regions for offshore IRD. During Heinrich events 1 and 2, the cores show evidence of a proportion of North American IRD, more particularly to the south of the British Isles. Modelling supports this southern bias for likely Heinrich impact, but also suggests North American IRD will only reach the British margin in unusual circumstances.  相似文献   
The Ascutney Mountain complex of eastern Vermont, USA, is a composite epizonal pluton of genetically related gabbro to granite intrusives. Nd isotopic data are reported for mafic rocks, granites, and nearby country rock. The parental mafic magma producing the complex 122 m.y. ago had 87Sr/86Sr=0.7039, 143Nd/144Nd=0.512678 ( Nd=+3.8) and 18O=6.1, indicating a mantle source with time-integrated lithophile element depletion. Uniform initial radiogenic isotope ratios for granites, which are undistinguishable from those for the most primitive gabbro, suggest that the granite magma evolved from the mafic magma without crustal contamination and that the increase in 18O, to about 7.8, is the result of fractional crystallization. Mafic rocks show a large range in initial 143Nd/144Nd ratio, from about 0.51267 to 0.51236 ( Nd= +3.7 to –2.5), which is correlated with elevated 87Sr/86Sr ratios and 18O. These data substantiate the production of mafic lithologies by fractional crystallization of the parental magma accompanied by assimilation of up to about 50% crust. The local country rocks include gneiss and schist and assimilation involved representatives of both rock types. The isotopic and chemical relationships preclude derivation from a single batch of magma undergoing contamination and indicate that a large magma body at depth evolved largely by fractionation with batches of melt issued from this chamber being variably contaminated at higher levels or at the level of emplacement.The Precambrian gneisses of the Chester dome and overlying lower Paleozoic schists have essentially identical Nd isotope systematics which suggest a crustal formation age of about 1.6. b.y. The parental sediments for the schists were apparently derived from a protolith similar to the gneissic basement without appreciable Sm/Nd fractionation.  相似文献   
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