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The Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, has typically been considered a tectonically stable region with little significant seismic activity. The region though, is one that is regularly affected by hurricanes. A detailed survey of ca 100 km of the eastern Yucatán and Cozumel coast identified the presence of ridges containing individual boulders measuring >1 m in length. The boulder ridges reach 5 m in height and their origin is associated with extreme wave event activity. Previously modelled tsunami waves from known seismically active zones in the region (Muertos Thrust Belt and South Caribbean Deformed Belt) are not of sufficient scale in the area of the Yucatán Peninsula to have produced the boulder ridges recorded in this study. The occurrence of hurricanes in this region is more common, but two of the most destructive (Hurricane Gilbert 1988 and Hurricane Wilma 2005) produced coastal waves too small to have created the ridges recorded here. In this paper, a new tsunami model with a source area located on the Motagua/Swan Island Fault System has been generated that indicates a tsunami event may have caused the extreme wave events that resulted in the deposition of the boulder ridges.  相似文献   
Marine sediments from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Project (IODP) Site U1314 (56.36°N, 27.88°W), in the subpolar North Atlantic, were studied for their planktonic foraminifera, calcium carbonate content, and Neogloboqudrina pachyderma sinistral (sin.) δ13C records in order to reconstruct surface and intermediate conditions in this region during the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition (MPT). Variations in the palaeoceanography and regional dynamics of the Arctic Front were estimated by comparing CaCO3 content, planktonic foraminiferal species abundances, carbon isotopes and ice‐rafted debris (IRD) data from Site U1314 with published data from other North Atlantic sites. Site U1314 exhibited high abundances of the polar planktonic foraminifera N. pachyderma sin. and low CaCO3 content until Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 26, indicating a relatively southeastward position of the Arctic Front (AF) and penetration of colder and low‐salinity surface arctic water‐masses. Changing conditions after MIS 25, with oscillations in the position of the AF, caused an increase in the northward export of the warmer North Atlantic Current (NAC), indicated by greater abundances of non‐polar planktonic foraminifera and higher CaCO3. The N. pachyderma sin. δ13C data indicate good ventilation of the upper part of the intermediate water layer in the eastern North Atlantic during both glacial and interglacial stages, except during Terminations 24/23, 22/21 and 20/1. In addition, for N. pachyderma (sin.) we distinguished two morphotypes: non‐encrusted and heavily encrusted test. Results indicate that increases in the encrusted morphotype and lower planktonic foraminiferal diversity are related to the intensification of glacial conditions (lower sea‐surface temperatures, sea‐ice formation) during MIS 22 and 20.  相似文献   
Tier-based approaches for landslide susceptibility assessment in Europe   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
In the framework of the European Soil Thematic Strategy and the associated proposal of a Framework Directive on the protection and sustainable use of soil, landslides were recognised as a soil threat requiring specific strategies for priority area identification, spatial hazard assessment and management. This contribution outlines the general specifications for nested, Tier-based geographical landslide zonings at small spatial scales to identify priority areas susceptible to landslides (Tier 1) and to perform quantitative susceptibility evaluations within these (Tier 2). A heuristic, synoptic-scale Tier 1 assessment exploiting a reduced set of geoenvironmental factors derived from common pan-European data sources is proposed for the European Union and adjacent countries. Evaluation of the susceptibility estimate with national-level landslide inventory data suggests that a zonation of Europe according to, e.g. morphology and climate, and performing separate susceptibility assessments per zone could give more reliable results. To improve the Tier 1 assessment, a geomorphological terrain zoning and landslide typology differentiation are then applied for France. A multivariate landslide susceptibility assessment using additional information on landslide conditioning and triggering factors, together with a historical catalogue of landslides, is proposed for Tier 2 analysis. An approach is tested for priority areas in Italy using small administrative mapping units, allowing for relating socioeconomic census data with landslide susceptibility, which is mandatory for decision making regarding the adoption of landslide prevention and mitigation measures. The paper concludes with recommendations on further work to harmonise European landslide susceptibility assessments in the context of the European Soil Thematic Strategy.  相似文献   
Clay mineralogy and whole-rock stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) of Upper Cretaceous marly sediments on the Basque-Cantabrian Basin have been integrated to determine the main effects of diagenesis, palaeoclimate and tectono-sedimentary factors in sections belonging to deep- (Barrika) and platform-marine (Isla de Castro, Villamartín and Olazagutía) settings.The mean values for the clay assemblages and δ18O exhibit notable differences among the sections, partially explainable by the influence of diagenesis. The Barrika sediments, with more diagenetically advanced illite-smectite (I-S) mixed-layer (R1, 70% illite), authigenic chlorite, and low δ18O (−4.05‰ PDB), experienced higher diagenetic grade than Isla de Castro and Olazagutía, which have R0 I-S (20% illite) and heavier δ18O. Villamartín was also affected by higher diagenesis than Isla de Castro and Olazagutía, given the occurrence of R1 I-S (60% illite) and low δ18O (−4.11‰ PDB). However, the absence of other clays in Villamartín (e.g. authigenic chlorite) is indicative of less diagenetic grade than Barrika. These results show the useful integration of clay mineralogy and stable isotopes to detect different diagenetic grades in distinct marine successions of the same basin.Despite being influenced by diagenesis, the clay mineralogy partially preserves its inherited signature. This allows detection of major contents of I-S and mica, and minor kaolinite, interpreted as indicative of warm palaeoclimatic conditions. High kaolinite content in Villamartín and absence of kaolinite in Isla de Castro, though, are considered to be a product of neither diagenesis nor palaeoclimatic influences. Instead, tectono-sedimentary causes, related to unsuitable conditions for clay formation and transport from the local source areas, contributed to original clay differences. The inferred effects of diagenesis, palaeoclimate and tectono-sedimentary factors make this work important to show the potentially great variety of controls on the clay mineralogy of marine sections, which are often uncritically treated in studies concerning the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   
This study represents the first paleoseismic approach in Spain in which archaeological remains are considered. The ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia (1st–4th centuries AD), located at the axial zone of the Gibraltar Strait (Cadiz, south Spain), contains abundant disrupted architectural relics and ground collapses (i.e. landsliding, liquefacion) probably related to historic earthquake damage of intensity IX–X MSK. The archaeological stratigraphy of the city evidence two major episodes of abrupt city destruction bracketed in AD 40–60 and AD 350–395 separated by an intervening horizon of demolition for city rebuilding, otherwise characteristic for many earthquake-damaged archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. The second episode led the eventual city abandonment, and it is evidenced by good examples of column collapse, distortion, failure and breakdown of house and city walls, and pavement warping and disruptions documented during different archaeological excavations, which can be catalogued as secondary coseismic effects. Main damaged relicts observable today are the set of pop-up like arrays and warping developed in the ancient Roman pavement. Their analysis indicate an anomalous westwards ground displacement oblique to the main gentle southward slope of the topography, as also evidence failures, collapses and breakdown of walls and columns, suggesting that stress acted in a broad SW–NE/WSW–ENE orientation consistent whit the expectable motion along the largest NE–SW strike-slip faults of the zone, which in turn can be catalogued as seismic sources of moderate events (ca. 5 mb). Major disruptions and city abandonment were hesitantly related to relatively far strong earthquakes occurred during the late 4th century AD in the Mediterranean or western coast of Iberia by Menanteau et al. [Menanteau, L., Vanney, J.R., Zazo, C., 1983. Belo II : Belo et son environment (Detroit de Gibraltar), Etude physique d'un site antique. Pub. Casa de Velazquez, Serie Archeologie 4., Ed. Broccard, París.]. However, this study indicates that the occurrence of close moderate earthquakes jointly with the unstable character of the ground at the zone (site effect) is a more reliable hypothesis to explain the observed deformations.  相似文献   
Remotely sensed measurements of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emitted by Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica) are reported for the period September 2009–January 2011. These measurements were obtained using images from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflexion radiometer, Ozone Monitoring Instrument and a ground-based UV camera. These three very different instruments provide flux measurements in good agreement with each other, which demonstrate that they can be integrated for monitoring SO2 fluxes. Fluxes from Turrialba increased fourfold in January 2010, following a phreatic explosion that formed a degassing vent in the W crater of Turrialba. Since then, the SO2 flux has remained high (30–50?kg/s) but seems to be showing a slowly decreasing trend. We interpret this evolution as the start of open vent degassing from a recently intruded magma body. The opening of the degassing vent decreased the confining pressure of the magma body and allowed the gases to bypass the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
Understanding how Amazonian rainforests deal with extended droughts is critical in the face of changing climate. This research analyze the physical properties and the soil water dynamics of a deep soil profile in an area of primary forest in central Amazonia to elucidate these processes under drought and nondrought conditions. Physical soil properties derived from soil cores exhibited a distinctive layer between 480 and 880 cm deep, characterized by higher microporosity and low plant water availability. In situ soil moisture measurements collected during the period from January 2003 through February 2006 and for depths ranging from 10 to 1,430 cm suggest that, in the study site, the top 480 cm of the soil profile satisfied most of the transpirational demands in normal climatological years. However, during exceptionally dry periods, such as the 2005 drought, root uptake occurs below 480 cm. As concluded by previous studies, most of the uptake is concentrated in the first meter of the soil profile: More than 40% of the total demand for transpiration is supplied by the top meter of soil. Because deep root uptake occurred at greater depths than normal during the 2005 drought, our results suggest that this is a fundamental mechanism to cope with prolonged droughts.  相似文献   
The kinetics of smectite illitization in shale samples from eight wells have been modeled using the equation −dS/dt = kK0.25S5 [Cuadros, J., Linares J., 1996. Experimental kinetic study of the smectite-to-illite transformation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta60, 439-453], where S is the proportion of smectite layers in illite-smectite (I-S), t is time, k is the rate constant and K is the concentration of potassium. The I-S compositions and the physical parameters were obtained from the literature. Potassium concentration is the only unknown parameter and it was chosen to fit the experimental data. I propose that this variable is termed “effective K concentration,” as it is affected not by the actual K concentration alone but also by those of other cations that compete with K for the smectite interlayer sites, especially Ca, by ion mobility in the sediments and possibly by other variables. The kinetic equation allows an accurate fit to the experimental data in all the wells, reproducing both the illitization onset and the patterns of the plots of % smectite vs. depth. The relative changes of the values of “effective K concentration” compare well with K/Ca equivalent ratios in the whole rock. Three of the modeled wells, located in near proximity, produced similar “effective K concentration” patterns. These results support the validity of the equation used in the models. They also suggest that this equation can be used to assess K concentrations in sediments and K mobility within basins.  相似文献   
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