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Hector Javier Durand-Manterola 《Planetary and Space Science》2009,57(12):1405-1411
The planets magnetic field has been explained based on the dynamo theory, which presents as many difficulties in mathematical terms as well as in predictions. It proves to be extremely difficult to calculate the dipolar magnetic moment of the extrasolar planets using the dynamo theory.Objective
The aim is to find an empirical relationship (justifying using first principles) between the planetary magnetic moment, the mass of the planet, its rotation period and the electrical conductivity of its most conductive layer. Then this is applied to Hot Jupiters.Method
Using all the magnetic planetary bodies of the solar system and tracing a graph of the dipolar magnetic moment versus body mass parameter, the rotation period and electrical conductivity of the internal conductive layer is obtained. An empirical, functional relation was constructed, which was adjusted to a power law curve in order to fit the data. Once this empirical relation has been defined, it is theoretically justified and applied to the calculation of the dipolar magnetic moment of the extra solar planets known as Hot Jupiters.Results
Almost all data calculated is interpolated, bestowing confidence in terms of their validity. The value for the dipolar magnetic moment, obtained for the exoplanet Osiris (HD209458b), helps understand the way in which the atmosphere of a planet with an intense magnetic field can be eroded by stellar wind. The relationship observed also helps understand why Venus and Mars do not present any magnetic field. 相似文献532.
Javier Ruiz Patrick J. McGovern Valle López Jean-Pierre Williams Rosa Tejero 《Icarus》2011,215(2):508-517
Lithospheric strength can be used to estimate the heat flow at the time when a given region was deformed, allowing us to constrain the thermal evolution of a planetary body. In this sense, the high (>300 km) effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere deduced from the very limited deflection caused by the north polar cap of Mars indicates a low surface heat flow for this region at the present time, a finding difficult to reconcile with thermal history models. This has started a debate on the current heat flow of Mars and the implications for the thermal evolution of the planet. Here we perform refined estimates of paleo-heat flow for 22 martian regions of different periods and geological context, derived from the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere or from faulting depth beneath large thrust faults, by considering regional radioactive element abundances and realistic thermal conductivities for the crust and mantle lithosphere. For the calculations based on the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere we also consider the respective contributions of crust and mantle lithosphere to the total lithospheric strength. The obtained surface heat flows are in general lower than the equivalent radioactive heat production of Mars at the corresponding times, suggesting a limited contribution from secular cooling to the heat flow during the majority of the history of Mars. This is contrary to the predictions from the majority of thermal history models, but is consistent with evidence suggesting a currently fluid core, limited secular contraction for Mars, and recent extensive volcanism. Moreover, the interior of Mars could even have been heating up during part of the thermal history of the planet. 相似文献
Javier Ballesteros-Paredes 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2004,292(1-4):193-205
We review the main results from recent numerical simulations of turbulent fragmentation and star formation. Specifically, we discuss the observed scaling relationships, the “quiescent” (subsonic) nature of many star-forming cores, their energy balance, their synthesized polarized dust emission, the ages of stars associated with the molecular gas from which they have formed, the mass spectra of clumps, and the density and column density probability distribution function of the gas. We then give a critical discussion on recent attempts to explain and/or predict the star formation efficiency and the stellar initial mass function from the statistical nature of turbulent fields. Finally, it appears that turbulent fragmentation alone cannot account for the final stages of fragmentation: although the turbulent velocity field is able to produce filaments, the spatial distribution of cores in such filaments is better explained in terms of gravitational fragmentation. 相似文献
Javier Ballesteros-Paredes 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2004,289(3-4):243-254
Molecular clouds (MC) are the densest and coldestcomponent of the interstellar gas, and the sites of starformation. They are also turbulent and fractaland theirmasses and sizes span several orders of magnitude. It is also generally believed that they are close to Virial equilibrium (VE).Since this statement has beenquestioned by a number of authors, with important implicationson molecular clouds’ lifetimes, we will review this subjectwithin the context of a turbulent ISM. In this framework, there issignificant numerical evidence that MCs are not in VE, that there is a strong exchange of mass, momentum and energy between clouds and their surrounding medium, andthat it is difficult (if not impossible) to form quasistatic coresinside MCs, suggesting that they must be transient, short-livedphenomena. Thus, their formation and disruption must be primarily dynamical, and probably not due tojust a single mechanism, but rather to the combination of severalprocesses. This picture seems consistent withrecent estimates of ages of stars in the solar neighborhood. 相似文献
Javier Bonatti 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1994,214(1-2):103-114
In the last years, the interest in explaining the existence of a singularity at low frequencies ( = 0) in the differential cross section of photon scattering by electrons, in a homogeneous magnetic field, for the transitions between the Landau levelsN = 1 andN = 0, has greatly increased. It is the purpose of this paper to present a calculation of the cross section for the absorption of radiation by an electron in a strong magnetic stellar field, using the Wigner-Weisskopf approximation to better understand this kind of singularity in the Compton cross section.Presented at the 2nd UN/ESA Workshop, held in Bogotá, Colombia, 9-13 November, 1992. 相似文献
Ambient air particulate matter concentrations were measured at three locations in semi-arid SE Spain during 2005-2007. Sites representative of urban and rural background levels, as well as one representative of a rural area influenced by local mineral industry, were selected.The contribution of coarse particle resuspension (mainly crustal) in the area was assessed by studying the influence of wind speed, human activity and African dust outbreaks on the daily mass concentration and the aerosol number size distribution. Wind and soil characteristics in the area, typical of many semi-arid environments, are not conducive to major dust entrainment events.Twenty-four hour PM10 mass concentrations, subjected to air quality regulation, present a net decrease as wind speeds increase at the three study sites. Size-resolved measurements in the diameter range 0.25-32 μm with higher temporal resolution, however, show a net increase in the coarse particle concentrations with increasing wind speed, while the smallest particles are diluted. Although suspension is found to occur at all wind speeds, threshold values for an increase in particulate concentration can be identified and show some dependence on the particle size.African dust outbreaks, human activity and wind speed are (in this order) the main contributors for increasing particle sizes. 相似文献
Elva Escobar Briones Javier Alcocer Edith Cienfuegos Pedro Morales 《International Journal of Salt Lake Research》1998,7(4):345-355
Carbon stable isotope ratios were determined in dominant biotic components of pelagic and littoral systems in Alchichica crater-lake.
Results showed that carbon signatures were significantly different between both systems. The pelagic environment was more
depleted (−26.15 to −15.14 per mille) than the littoral zone (−21.03 to −17.91 per mille). The potential source end-point
in the simplified pelagic community was established to be diatomaceous phytoplankton; its predicted value was −21.7 per mille.
There is a clear evidence thatNodularia does not sustain the pelagic food chain. In contrast, the highly diverse littoral community was sustained by epiphytes. No
allochthonous sources seemed to influence this food web.13C enrichment was observed along the components of both systems with fractionations of 0.8 to 1.4 per mille. The contribution
of the seagrassRuppia maritima is probably associated with the detritus pathway. Carbon source partitioning between both systems was not recorded. The δ13C in Alchichica crater-lake was more enriched than in other saline lakes and could be attributed to different salinity and
CO2 concentrations among lakes. 相似文献
Anabella Medina Machín Javier Marcello Antonio I. Hernández-Cordero Javier Martín Abasolo Francisco Eugenio 《地理信息系统科学与遥感》2019,56(2):210-232
Vegetation mapping is a priority when managing natural protected areas. In this context, very high resolution satellite remote sensing data can be fundamental in providing accurate vegetation cartography at species level. In this work, a complete processing methodology has been developed and validated in a complex vulnerable coastal-dune ecosystem. Specifically, the analysis has been carried out using WorldView-2 imagery, which offers spatial and spectral resolutions. A thorough assessment of 5 atmospheric correction models has been performed using real reflectance measures from a field radiometry campaign. To select the classification methodology, different strategies have been evaluated, including additional spectral (23 vegetation indices) and spatial (4 texture parameters) information to the multispectral bands. Likewise, the application of linear unmixing techniques has been tested and abundance maps of each plant species have been generated using the library of spectral signatures recorded during the campaign. After the analysis conducted, a new methodology has been proposed based on the use of the 6S atmospheric model and the Support Vector Machine classification algorithm applied to a combination of different spectral and spatial input data. Specifically, an overall accuracy of 88,03% was achieved combining the corrected multispectral bands plus a vegetation index (MSAVI2) and texture information (variance of the first principal component). Furthermore, the methodology has been validated by photointerpretation and 3 plant species achieve significant accuracy: Tamarix canariensis (94,9%), Juncus acutus (85,7%) and Launaea arborescens (62,4%). Finally, the classified procedure comparing maps for different seasons has also shown robustness to changes in the phenological state of the vegetation. 相似文献