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Two high value species, yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and hāpuku (groper, Polyprion oxygeneios), have been identified as suitable new candidates for New Zealand aquaculture. This paper reviews the research by NIWA and collaborators conducted to test the biological, technological and economic feasibility of farming these two species. NIWA now has the capability to produce sufficient kingfish fingerlings per year to meet the needs of the early stages of an industry. Advances in hāpuku aquaculture have also been significant, from spawning in captivity through to the selection of juveniles for improved growth. Recently, the first spawning of captive hāpuku F1 broodstock and production of F2 eggs, larvae and juveniles was achieved. Although hāpuku larval survival remains variable, the ability to close the life cycle, and the availability of domesticated broodstock, provide a significant step forward and increase the chances of this species being commercially farmed. 相似文献
The drainage pattern in the northeast and central Tufts Abyssal Plain is described in detail. Satellite navigation on the systematic survey has allowed precise location of the major channel systems of the northeast Pacific Ocean. Two hundred channel profiles were collected from the echograms showing the Moresby-Scott, Mukluk, and Horizon Channel Systems trending in either a southwestward or westward direction across this section of the Tufts Plain. The channel profiles illustrate the prominence of the higher and wider right-hand levee (facing downstream). The Moresby-Scott Channel System disperses in the form of several distributaries throughout the area studied, and is probably responsible for much of the sediment deposits. Unlike the Moresby-Scott, the Mukluk extends throughout the survey area as a solitary channel with one minor branch. The Horizon Channel crosses the Sedna Fracture Zone east of the Sedna Seamount and terminates in distributary fashion in the central portion of the Tufts Plain. The Moresby-Scott, Mukluk, and Horizon Channels form one major system which encompasses the entire northeast and central Tufts Abyssal Plain. 相似文献
A post-tectonic Caledonian granite in southern Ny Friesland has been fully mapped and the following new names are proposed: the Chydeniusbreen granitoid suite, consisting of the Raudberget granitoid body in the north; the Newtontoppen granitoid body in the middle; and the Ekkoknausane granitoid body in the south
The contact relationships, internal structures and distribution of various rock types infer an asymmetric lopolith or a harpolith-like body, a large sickle-shaped intrusion stretched in the direction of general tectonic transport, for the Newtontoppen granitoid body.
Seven rock types are described in the Newtontoppen granitoid and four emplacement stages are recognised. The major rock types seem to have an alkali-calcic to alkalic bulk rock chemistry and show a transition between I- and S-type granite derived from anatectic melting of various protoliths under relatively high temperature conditions. Possible later K2 0 introduction modified the earlier formed rock types.
A Rb-Sr whole rock age of 432 ± 10 Ma has been obtained by a seven point isochron with MSDW = 2.59 and an initial Sr isotope ratio = 0.715. This age is approximately 30 Ma older than the previously obtained K-Ar whole rock and Rb-Sr biotite ages, ca. 400 Ma, which represents the period of cooling. The high initial Sr isotope ratio supports the interpretation of an anatectic origin. 相似文献
The contact relationships, internal structures and distribution of various rock types infer an asymmetric lopolith or a harpolith-like body, a large sickle-shaped intrusion stretched in the direction of general tectonic transport, for the Newtontoppen granitoid body.
Seven rock types are described in the Newtontoppen granitoid and four emplacement stages are recognised. The major rock types seem to have an alkali-calcic to alkalic bulk rock chemistry and show a transition between I- and S-type granite derived from anatectic melting of various protoliths under relatively high temperature conditions. Possible later K
A Rb-Sr whole rock age of 432 ± 10 Ma has been obtained by a seven point isochron with MSDW = 2.59 and an initial Sr isotope ratio = 0.715. This age is approximately 30 Ma older than the previously obtained K-Ar whole rock and Rb-Sr biotite ages, ca. 400 Ma, which represents the period of cooling. The high initial Sr isotope ratio supports the interpretation of an anatectic origin. 相似文献
One of the most striking and persistent features in high latitude regions as seen by the ISIS-2 scanning auroral photometer is a fairly uniform belt of diffuse auroral emission extending along the auroral oval. Indications are that this region follows, contributes to, and may in a sense actually define the auroral oval during quiet times.The diffuse belt is sharply defined at its equatorward edge, which is located at an invariant latitude of about 65° in the midnight sector during relatively low magnetic activity (Kp = 1?3). The poleward edge of the region is not as sharply defined but is typically at about 68°. Discrete auroras (arcs and bands) are located, in general, near the poleward boundary of the diffuse aurora. The position of the belt appears to be relatively unaffected by the occurrence of individual substorms, even when discrete forms have moved well poleward. Representative intensities at 5577 Å are 1–2 kR (corrected for albedo) at quiet times and may reach 5 kR during an auroral substorm.It appears that the mantle aurora and proton aurora constitute this diffuse aurora in the midnight sector. Precipitating protons and electrons both contribute to the emissions in this region. 相似文献
Isaac R. Santos Jason de Weys Douglas R. Tait Bradley D. Eyre 《Estuaries and Coasts》2013,36(1):56-73
Four months of daily nutrient and radon (a natural groundwater tracer) observations at the outlet of a heavily drained coastal wetland illustrated how episodic floods and diffuse groundwater seepage influence the biogeochemistry of a sub-tropical estuary (Richmond River, New South Wales, Australia). Our observations downstream of the Tuckean Swamp (an acid sulphate soil floodplain) covered a dry stage, a flood triggered by a 213-mm rain event and a post-flood stage when surface water chemistry was dominated by groundwater discharge. Significant correlations were found between radon and ammonium and N/P ratios and between radon and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) during the post-flood stage. While the flood lasted for 14?% of the time of the surface water time series, it accounted for 18?% of NH4, 32?% of NO x , 66?% of DON, 58?% of PO4 and 55?% of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) catchment exports. Over the 4-month study period, groundwater fluxes of 35.0, 3.6, 36.3, 0.5 and 0.7?mmol?m?2?day?1 for NH4, NO x , DON, PO4 and DOP, respectively, were estimated. The groundwater contribution to the total surface water catchment exports was nearly 100?% for ammonium, and <20?% for the other nutrients. Post-flood groundwater seepage shifted the system from a DON to a dissolved inorganic N-dominated system and doubled N/P ratios in surface waters. We hypothesise that the Richmond River Estuary N/P ratios may reflect a widespread trend of tidal rivers and estuaries becoming more groundwater-dominated and phosphorus-limited as coastal wetlands are drained for agriculture, grazing and development. 相似文献
Spectral lag of gamma‐ray bursts caused by the intrinsic spectral evolution and the curvature effect
Assuming an intrinsic ‘Band’ shape spectrum and an intrinsic energy‐independent emission profile we have investigated the connection between the evolution of the rest‐frame spectral parameters and the spectral lags measured in gamma‐ray burst (GRB) pulses by using a pulse model. We first focus our attention on the evolution of the peak energy, E0,p, and neglect the effect of the curvature effect. It is found that the evolution of E0,p alone can produce the observed lags. When E0,p varies from hard to soft only the positive lags can be observed. The negative lags would occur in the case of E0,p varying from soft to hard. When the evolution of E0,p and the low‐energy spectral index α0 varying from soft to hard then to soft we can find the aforesaid two sorts of lags. We then examine the combined case of the spectral evolution and the curvature effect of fireball and find the observed spectral lags would increase. A sample including 15 single pulses whose spectral evolution follows hard to soft has been investigated. All the lags of these pulses are positive, which is in good agreement with our theoretical predictions. Our analysis shows that only the intrinsic spectral evolution can produce the spectral lags and the observed lags should be contributed by the intrinsic spectral evolution and the curvature effect. But it is still unclear what cause the spectral evolution (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Y. C. Whang 《Solar physics》1994,149(2):347-362
We study a nonplanar model of magnetic reconnection associated with conical slow shocks, assuming that the shock surfaces are two identical cones with circular cross sections symmetrical about the ±x-axis. In the inflow region upstream of the shocks, two oppositely directed magnetic fields are separated by a current sheet. The model treats the current sheet as a tangential discontinuity and treats shocks and tangential discontinuity as surfaces of zero thickness. The dynamical structure of the global magnetic field in the continuous regions is studied using compressible, non-resistive MHD equations. In the inflow region, nonplanar magnetic field lines first move toward the current sheet. Near the sheet, the middle sections of the field lines become highly flattened, almost parallel to the sheet. Eventually, then oppositely directed field lines merge across the tangential discontinuity between the two shocks, and the magnetic lines are reconnected at the intersection of the shock and the tangential discontinuity. Reconnected magnetic lines are carried away at high speeds by the MHD flow in the outflow region, downstream of the shocks. 相似文献
We introduce a modified version of a standard power spectrum ‘peak‐bagging’ technique which is designed to gain some of the advantages that fitting the entire low‐degree p‐mode power spectrum simultaneously would bring, but without the problems involved in fitting a model incorporating many hundreds of parameters. Employing Monte‐Carlo simulations we show that by using this modified fitting code it is possible to determine the true background level in the vicinity of the p‐mode peaks. In addition to this we show how small biases in other mode parameters, which are related to inaccurate estimates of the true background, are also consequently removed. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献