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In this paper, a novel approach based on multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) is presented for panchromatic (Pan) sharpening of a multispectral (MS) image. This new method could transfer spatial details of the pan image into a high-resolution version of the MS image, while color information from the low-resolution MS image is well preserved. The pan and MS images are locally different because of different resolutions, and therefore we cannot directly combine them in the spatial domain. For this reason, we generate two initial results, which are more appropriate for a weighted combination. First, the pan and the MS images are histogram matched. Then we use the shiftable contourlet transform (SCT) to decompose the histogram-matched pan and MS images. The SCT is a new shiftable and modified version of the contourlet transform. In this step, an algorithm based on the SCT is used to generate two initial results of the high-resolution MS images. Our objective is to produce two modified high-resolution MS images, in which one has high spatial similarity to the pan image and the other one has high radiometric quality in each band. Therefore, we have used two different fusion rules to integrate the high-frequency contourlet coefficients of the pan and MS images to generate two initial results of high-resolution MS image or the pan-sharpened (PS) image. Finally, we can find the optimal PS image by applying the MOPSO algorithm and using the two initial PS results. Specifically, the PS image is obtained via a weighted combination of the two initial results, in which the weights are locally estimated via a multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm to generate a PS image with high spatial and radiometric qualities. Based on experimental results obtained, the produced pan-sharpened image also has good spectral quality. The efficiency of the proposed method is tested by performing pan-sharpening of high-resolution (Quickbird and Wordview2) and medium-resolution (Landsat-7 ETM +) datasets. Extensive comparisons with the state-of-the-art pan-sharpening algorithms indicate that our new method provides improved subjective and objective results.  相似文献   
An instrumental earthquake catalog covering the time span between 1903 and 2007 and for the area bounded by 32°N–38°N and 35°E–43°E has been compiled in this research. The catalog has a magnitude of completeness (M c ) with 3.5. Least squares and statistical probability Gumbel’s techniques with different approaches have been applied on the instrumental events in order to assess the average recurrence time periods for different earthquake magnitudes. The constants a and b of Gutenberg-Richter and the average recurrence times have been computed firstly for the study area and secondly for the central and northern parts of Dead Sea fault system. The different statistical computations using Knopoff and Kagan formalism are generally in agreement and suggest an average recurrence time of 203 years for an earthquake of magnitude 7 for the region. The occurrence of large well-documented historical earthquakes in Lebanon and western Syria, the existence of active fault segments, the absence of large earthquakes during the study period, the increasing number of the low-magnitude earthquakes, and the continued accumulation of the strain since 1900 indicate therefore the probability of an earthquake occurrence of a large magnitude. This should be permanently taken into consideration in seismic hazard assessment on the local and regional scales.  相似文献   
Physical and chemical characterization of spent oil shale (OS) from El-Lajjun area has been carried out and compared with the original OS. The spent shale (SS) is subjected to leaching tests to detect the possibilities of heavy metals released from it into the environment. Standard column leaching experiments have revealed no detectable release of heavy metals to the percolating water. The effectiveness of the SS in removing Pb2+ from wastewater has been investigated. The SS is very efficient in removing most of Pb2+ where 1 m3 of SS has an efficiency to remove from 64 to 94% of Pb2+ from about 1,300 m3 wastewater sample containing 50 ppm Pb2+. The efficiency decreases substantially with increasing Pb2+ concentration in the wastewater. In real situations, where Pb2+ concentration is very low (i.e., less than 5 ppm), the efficiency of the SS is expected to be 100%.  相似文献   

In this study, the trends of water discharge and sediment load from three hydrometric stations over the past 25 years of development in the state of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia, were analysed using the Mann-Kendall and Pettitt tests. Landscape metrics for establishing the relationship between land-use changes and trends of hydrological time series were calculated. The hydrological trends were also studied in terms of rainfall variations and manmade features. The results indicate upward trends in water discharge in the Hulu Langat sub-basin and in sediment load in the Semenyih sub-basin. These increasing trends were mainly caused by rapid changes in land use. Upward trends of hydrological series in the Hulu Langat sub-basin matched its rainfall pattern. In the Lui sub-basin, however, trends of hydrological series, and variations in rainfall and land use were not statistically significant.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor K. Hamed

Citation Memarian, H., Balasundram, S.K., Talib, J.B., Sood, A.M., and Abbaspour, K.C., 2012. Trend analysis of water discharge and sediment load during the past three decades of development in the Langat basin, Malaysia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1207–1222.  相似文献   
The use of geographic information system (GIS) minimizes the effort and improves the efficiency of numerical models. The GIS provides a platform for high capacity collection, management, manipulation, analysis, modeling and display of spatial data. The conceptual model is created using GIS objects including points, arcs and polygons so that it can accurately represent real world condition. According to the research problem, the geographical model is based on Hypergraph Based Data Structure method, and a conceptual data model has been created from which a physical data model was elaborated in ArcGIS9.3 platform. The groundwater modeling system (GMS) provides a powerful tool for hydrodynamics modeling and it is able to solve complex problems such as the groundwater flow and seawater intrusion. The sand-dune system of Hardelot-Plage (North of France) suffers from a lack of well-developed foredune. This problem is linked to the almost constant saturation of beach sand which is the potential source of dune nourishment. In the south of Hardelot, the coastline is slowly, but constantly retreating. To remedy this situation, a coupling between a GIS and GMS was adopted, in order to find the possible scenarios which could lower the piezometric surface in the concerned area and allow dune nourishment again. The GMS used supports the Modflow-2000 code. A direct approach to designing Modflow finite difference model is tedious and less intuitive, specifically for complex boundary and initial conditions. Therefore, a Modflow model can be developed either using a grid or conceptual model approach. The preparation of input data modeling is tedious and takes a long time. The model created in GMS was calibrated against the historical and observed water level data for 1995–2006. Then a hydrodispersive model (MT3d code in GMS) was launched for evaluating sea-water intrusion. The model was run to generate groundwater and salt concentration scenario during pumping tests.  相似文献   
Meshkini  Abolfazl  Hajilou  Mehran  Jokar  Sajad  Esmaeili  Azam 《Natural Hazards》2021,109(3):2027-2051
Natural Hazards - Urban resilience to natural disasters has constantly been a challenge to sustainable development in human societies. Since Iran is always exposed to natural disasters such as...  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - During the construction of pavements, gravelly soil is used as the main material in the base and sub-base layers. Predicting the deformation behaviour of gravelly soil has been...  相似文献   
Evaluation of rock abrasivity is important when utilizing mechanized excavation in various mining and civil projects in hard rock. This is due to the need for proper selection of the rock cutting tools, estimation of the tool wear, machine downtime for cutter change, and costs. The Cerchar Abrasion Index (CAI) test is one of the simplest and most widely used methods for evaluating rock abrasivity. In this study, a new device for the determination of frictional forces and depth of pin penetration into the rock surface during a Cerchar test is discussed. The measured parameters were used to develop an analytical model for calculation of the size of the wear flat (and hence a continuous measure of CAI as the pin moves over the sample) and pin tip penetration into the rock during the test. Based on this model, continuous curves of CAI changes and pin tip penetration into the rock were plotted. Results of the model were used for introduction of a new parameter describing rock–pin interaction and classification of rock abrasion.  相似文献   
The Qom Formation is the most important hydrocarbon reservoir target in Central Iran. The Qom platform developed in a back-arc basin during the Oligo–Miocene due to the closing of the Tethyan Seaway. This formation consists of a variety of carbonate and non-carbonate facies deposited on a platform ranging from supratidal to basin. A combination of tectonic and eustatic events led to some lateral and vertical facies variations in the study area. Six third-order depositional sequences and related surfaces were identified regarding vertical facies changes in the studied sections of this Oligo–Miocene succession. According to all results and data, this succession was initially deposited during the Chattian upon a distally steepened ramp of siliciclastic-carbonate composition, including the Bouma sequence. Then, from the late Chattian to the Aquitanian, the platform changed into a homoclinal carbonate ramp with a gentle profile. With respect to tectonic activity, this phase was a calm period during the deposition of the Qom Formation. Finally, a drowned carbonate platform and a rimmed shelf emerged during the Burdigalian, terminated by the continental deposits of the Upper Red Formation. Regarding all geological characteristics, three main tectono-eustatic evolutionary phases have been recognized in the Qom back-arc basin.  相似文献   
Electrical resistivity survey is conducted in the Khanasser Valley, considered as a semi-arid region in Northern Syria, to guide and control fresh water well drilling. Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) are carried out near the existing wells, which were also used to measure salinity and conductivity of water samplings. Resistivity and hydrogeological data combination made it possible to establish empirical relationships between earth resistivity, water resistivity, and the amount of total dissolved solids (TDS). These relationships are used in the present research in order to follow the TDS salinity variations, both in lateral and depth directions, along the longitudinal profile LP3, located in Khanasser Valley. Apparent salinity map under this profile is established for Quaternary and Paleogene deposits, and boundaries of suitable areas for fresh water well drilling in the totality of the Khanasser Valley are drawn. It was shown that excessive fresh-water depletion may affect the groundwater quality by upward seepage of saline water. Therefore, it is important to keep the fresh-salt water interface in a stationary situation. The geoelectrical methods widely contribute in determining the position of such interface, and can be easily applied in similar arid areas.  相似文献   
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