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Denker  C.  Johannesson  A.  Marquette  W.  Goode  P.R.  Wang  H.  Zirin  H. 《Solar physics》1999,184(1):87-102
The Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) has a long tradition of synoptic full-disk observations. Synoptic observations of contrast enhanced full-disk images in the Caii K-line have been used with great success to reproduce the Hi L irradiance variability observed with the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). Recent improvements in data calibration procedures and image- processing techniques enable us now to provide contrast enhanced H full-disk images with a spatial resolution of approximately 2 and a temporal resolution of up to 3 frames min–1.In this first paper in a series, we describe the instruments, the data calibration procedures, and the image-processing techniques used to obtain our daily H full-disk observations. We also present the final data products such as low- and high-contrast images, and Carrington rotation charts. A time series of an erupting mini- filament further illustrates the quality of our H full-disk observations and motivate one of the future research projects. This lays a solid foundation for our subsequent studies of solar activity and chromospheric fine structures. The high quality and the sunrise- to-sunset operation of the H full-disk observations presented in this paper make them an ideal choice to study statistical properties of mini-filament eruptions, chromospheric differential rotation, and meridional flows within the chromosphere, as well as the evolution of active regions, filaments, flares, and prominences.  相似文献   
Ji  H.S.  Wang  H.  Spirock  T.J.  Qiu  J.  Yang  G.  Goode  P.R. 《Solar physics》2002,211(1-2):221-229
Using data obtained with the 20-cm H full-disk telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory and Fexii 195 Å EIT on SOHO, we analyze a sudden disappearance event of a quiescent filament in detail. The filament was located along the common boundary of the active regions NOAA 9672 (S19 E13) and NOAA 9673 (N03 E18). The filament disappeared during a time interval between 17:59 UT and 19:47 UT on 22 October 2001 immediately after the onset of a major flare, which occurred in the active region NOAA 9672. At about 23:23 UT of the same day, the filament began to reappear in H and, after about 15 hours, the filament recovered to its steady state with its size being slightly smaller than that before its disappearance. This filament disappearance event belongs to the thermal type of sudden filament disappearances, which is caused by an input of additional heat. The heating mechanism that leads to sudden thermal disappearances of quiescent filaments is still not well understood. This simple event, due to the explicit cause and effect relationship between the flare and the disappearance of the filament, shows us that the flare triggered some kind of heating mechanism which continued several hours. The heat may come from the flare via heat conduction from its ribbon or from the excitation of dissipating Alfvén waves. However, from the data analysis, we conclude that the flare triggered an in-situ heating, which is likely caused by magnetic reconnection.  相似文献   
I analyze the properties of the pulsed emission from the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 in observations of its 1998 April outburst by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer. Pulse phase spectroscopy shows that the emission evolves from a hard spectrum (power law with photon index of 2.39+/-0.06) to a soft spectrum (index of 3.39+/-0.24). This softening is also observable as a phase lag in the fundamental of low-energy photons with respect to high-energy photons. I show that this lag is roughly constant over 10 days of the outburst. I fit these data with a model in which the pulse emission is from a hot spot on the rotating neutron star and the flux as a function of phase is determined in a calculation which includes the effects of general relativity. The energy-dependent lags are very well described by this model. The harder spectra at earlier phases (i.e., as the spot approaches) are the result of larger Doppler-boosting factors that are important for this fast pulsar. Since this model is sensitive to the equatorial speed as an independent parameter and since the spin frequency is known, this offers us a new means of measuring the neutron star radius, which is notoriously difficult to determine.  相似文献   
Journal of Seismology - A three-dimensional tomographic image of the seismic velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle of northwestern Nicaragua was performed using the back-projection...  相似文献   
The Kalka Intrusion, central Australia has a 5000 m-thick layered sequence comprising Pyroxenite, Norite and Anorthosite Zones; an Olivine Gabbro Zone is enclosed by, and has a facies relationship with, the Norite Zone. Contamination is evidenced by high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios ( 0.708) in the lower four-fifths of the intrusion, and resulted in pyroxenite rather than peridotite as a basal crystal accumulate. After an early phase of erratic buildup in contamination due to assimilation of ragged granulite wall-rock, armouring of the walls and mixing produced an homogeneous Norite Zone (threshold) magma body crystallising opx-cpx-plag. Within the succeeding 3500 m of section plagioclase An values have a general decline up sequence (An74-60-feldspar threshold) with superimposed short term digressions to more calcic compositions. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios also fall very gradually (0.7081-0.7078 — isotopic threshold) with transient fluctuations to distinctly lower values. Maxima in plagioclase An contents and 87Sr/ 86Sr minima may be correlated with the spasmodic appearance of olivine and pronounced lithological variation. Such features are explained by the ponding of fresh bodies of uncontaminated magma on the floor of the chamber; these formed a hybrid with threshold magma that temporarily dominated crystallisation thereby perturbing plagioclase and isotopic compositions; eventually, mixing of the hybrid into the overlying threshold magma returned crystallisation to its initial state. The facies-controlled Olivine Gabbro Zone is the physical expression of ponded basal hybrid magmas. The onset of the Anorthosite Zone is marked by a pronounced decline in 87Sr/86Sr ratios to around 0.705 registering a major influx of new magma. In this instance the new magma dominated the system and a change to plagioclase as the dominant liquidus phase indicates a drastic change in input magma composition. The evolution of Kalka was determined by an interplay of crystal fractionation, fresh magma pulses, and magma mixing, with the latter effects producing both increases and decreases in plagioclase An contents; the complete process can only be revealed by combined mineral composition and isotopic data.  相似文献   
This paper presents the extension of the self-calibrating method to the coupled inverse modelling of groundwater flow and mass transport. The method generates equally likely solutions to the inverse problem that display the variability as observed in the field and are not affected by a linearisation of the state equations. Conditioning to the state variables is measured by an objective function including, among others, the mismatch between the simulated and measured concentrations. Conditioning is achieved by minimising the objective function by gradient-based methods. The gradient contains the partial derivatives of the objective function with respect to: log conductivities, log storativities, prescribed heads at boundaries, retardation coefficients and mass sources. The derivatives of the objective function with respect to log conductivity are the most cumbersome and need the most CPU-time to be evaluated. For this reason, to compute this derivative only advective transport is considered. The gradient is calculated by the adjoint-state method. The method is demonstrated in a controlled, synthetic study, in which the worth of concentration data is analysed. It is shown that concentration data are essential to improve transport predictions and also help to improve aquifer characterisation and flow predictions, especially in the upstream part of the aquifer, even in the case that a considerable amount of other experimental data like conductivities and heads are available. Besides, conditioning to concentration data reduces the ensemble variances of estimated transmissivity, hydraulic head and concentration.  相似文献   
We develop a parameterisation for the effective roughness length of terrain that consists of a repeating sequence of patches, in which each patch is composed of strips of two roughness types. A numerical model with second-order closure in the turbulent stress is developed and used to show that: (i) the normalised Reynolds stress develops as a self-similar profile; (ii) the mixing-length parameterisation is a good first-order approximation to the Reynolds stress. These findings are used to characterise the blending layer, where the stress adjusts smoothly from its local surface value to its effective value aloft. Previous studies have assumed that this adjustment occurs abruptly at a single level, often called the blending height. The blending layer is shown to be characterised by height scales that arise naturally in linear models of surface layer flow over roughness changes, and calculations with the numerical model show that these height scales remain appropriate in the nonlinear regime. This concept of the blending layer allows the development of a new parameterisation of the effective roughness length, which gives values for the effective roughness length that are shown to compare well with both atmospheric measurements and values determined from the second-order model.  相似文献   
The mercury (Hg) deposition history in the Darién Gulf is reconstructed from three sediment cores spanning up to 1,000 years. Knowledge on the contribution to global Hg budget from the Caribbean is limited. Patterns of water circulation, sediment deposition rates, cataclysmic atmospheric inputs, and post-depositional migration have been considered in Hg trapping in the seabed. The sediment delivery rates to the coastal zone over the Late Holocene have increased from 0.2 to 1 cm year?1 owing to anthropogenic influence. This alteration took the form of geological effects, like coastal morphology change, that played a major role in Hg downcore signal preservation. Natural background Hg levels in Southern Caribbean sediments (77.0 μg kg?1) are up to three times higher than preindustrial signals at other latitudes, because of volcanic contributions from the Pacific ring of fire. Enrichment factors rose from 0.9 to 1.5 (70.1–113.5 μg kg?1) within profiles related to Hg usage since Spanish colonial times between the calendar years 1550 and 1811.  相似文献   
The sedimentary prism of the central Pacific continental shelf of Colombia was affected by regional folding and faulting, and probably later mud diapirism, from the Late Miocene to the Holocene. Interpretation of high-resolution seismic lines (2 s/dt) revealed that the prism consists of 13 high-resolution seismic units, that can be separated into 5 seismic groups.Deposition of the prism and the associated stacking pattern, are probably the response to variable uplift and subsidence in a fore-arc basin that underwent important tectonic events by the end of the Miocene. Throughout the Pliocene, the continental shelf sedimentation was affected by the growing of a dome structure probable due to mud diapirism. This fact caused peripheral faults both normal and reverse that controlled the distribution of some of the seismic units. During the Late Pleistocene (Wisconsin stage?) a eustatic sea level fall caused the shoreline to advance about 50 km westward of its present position. Because of this eustatic sea level change, a strong fluvial dissection took place and is interpreted as the probable extension of the San Juan River to the south of the present day river mouth. Within this framework it is believed that the Malaga and Buenaventura Bays were the passageways of branches of the old drainage system of the San Juan River. The inner branch circulated through the present Buenaventura Bay and runs southward leaving the mark of an apparent valley identified in the seismic information in the eastern sector of the study area. This old fluvial valley and its filling material located in the present day inner continental shelf front of Buenaventura are postulated as important targets to find placer minerals such as gold and platinum.  相似文献   
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