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Hepatic microsomes and cytosols of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), striped bass (Morone saxatilis), hybrid striped bass (M. saxatilis × M. crysops), and bluegill (Lepomis macrochuris) (n = 8) were used to study the kinetics of phase I (ECOD, EROD, PROD, BROD) and phase II (UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT)-, sulfotransferase (ST)- and glutathione-s-transferase (GST)-mediated) reactions. The best catalytic efficiency for ECOD and GST activities was performed by channel catfish, Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and tilapia. The highest EROD catalytic efficiency was for Atlantic salmon. None of the species had either PROD or BROD activities. Rainbow trout had very similar UDPGT catalytic efficiency to tilapia, channel catfish, Atlantic salmon, largemouth bass and bluegill. Sulfotransferase conjugation had no significant differences among the species. In summary, tilapia, channel catfish, Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout had the best biotransforming capabilities; striped bass, hybrid striped bass and bluegill were low metabolizers and largemouth bass shared some capabilities with both groups.  相似文献   
A diverse fauna of wasps of the extinct parasitoid family Stigmaphronidae (Ceraphronoidea) are recorded in Early Cretaceous (Lower Albian) amber from Spain. Seven new species in five genera are described and figured based on 51 specimens, representing more material than in all the world’s other amber deposits combined. New species include: Elasmophron mari sp. nov., Libanophron sugaar sp. nov., Hippocoon basajauni sp. nov., Burmaphron jentilak sp. nov., B. sorginak sp. nov., B. iratxoak sp. nov., and Tagsmiphron olentzero sp. nov. The significance of the fauna is discussed and compared with that of other Cretaceous amber deposits, in particular the tremendous richness of the Spanish fauna is contrasted with the complete absence of stigmaphronids in the slightly younger and nearby French amber. Whether this stark difference represents particularly favorable conditions for these parasitoids, or their hosts, in the Cretaceous Spanish archipelago, or whether it is owing to taphonomic factors is discussed.  相似文献   
Landslides are a main cause of human and economic losses worldwide. For this reason, landslide hazard assessment and the capacity to predict this phenomenon have been topics of great interest within the scientific community for the implementation of early warning systems. Although several models have been proposed to forecast shallow landslides triggered by rainfall, few models have incorporated geotechnical factors into a complete hydrological model of a basin that can simulate the storage and movement of rainwater through the soil profile. These basin and full hydrological models have adopted a physically based approach. This paper develops a conceptual and physically based model called open and distributed hydrological simulation and landslides—SHIA_Landslide (Simulación HIdrológica Abierta, or SHIA, in Spanish)—that is supported by geotechnical and hydrological features occurring on a basin-wide scale in tropical and mountainous terrains. SHIA_Landslide is an original and significant contribution that offers a new perspective with which to analyse shallow landslide processes by incorporating a comprehensive distributed hydrological tank model that includes water storage in the soil coupled with a classical analysis of infinite slope stability under saturated conditions. SHIA_Landslide can be distinguished by the following: (i) its capacity to capture surface topography and effects concerning the subsurface flow; (ii) its use of digital terrain model (DTM) to establish the relationships among cells, geomorphological parameters, slope angle, direction, etc.; (iii) its continuous simulation of rainfall data over long periods and event simulations of specific storms; (iv) its consideration of the effects of horizontal and vertical flow; and (vi) its inclusion of a hydrologically complete water process that allows for hydrological calibration. SHIA_Landslide can be combined with real-time rainfall data and implemented in early warning systems.  相似文献   
The present work shows the propagation of Scholte interface waves at the boundary of a fluid in contact with an elastic solid, for a broad range of solid materials. It has been demonstrated that by an analysis of diffracted waves in a fluid it is possible to infer the mechanical properties of the elastic solid medium, specifically, its propagation velocities. For this purpose, the diffracted wave field of pressures and displacements, due to an initial wave of pressure in the fluid, are expressed using boundary integral representations, which satisfy the equation of motion. The source in the fluid is represented by a Hankel’s function of second kind and zero order. The solution to this wave propagation problem is obtained by means of the Indirect Boundary Element Method, which is equivalent to the well-known Somigliana representation theorem. The validation of the results is carried out by using the Discrete Wave Number Method and the Spectral Element Method. Firstly, we show spectra of pressures that illustrate the behavior of the fluid for each solid material considered, then, we apply the Fast Fourier Transform to show results in time domain. Snapshots to exemplify the emergence of Scholte’s waves are also included.  相似文献   
We carried out a detailed rock-magnetic and paleointensity study of the ~187-Ma volcanic succession from northern Chile. A total of 32 consecutive lava flows (about 280 oriented standard paleomagnetic cores) were collected at the Tocopilla locality. Only 26 samples with apparently preserved primary magnetic mineralogy and without secondary magnetization components were pre-selected for Thellier paleointensity determination. Eleven samples coming from four lava flows yielded reliable paleointensity estimates. The flow-mean virtual dipole moments range from 3.7±0.9 to 7.1±0.5(1022 A m2). This corresponds to a mean value of (5.0±1.8)×1022 A m2, which is in reasonably good agreement with other comparable quality paleointensity determinations from the Middle Jurassic. Given the large dispersion and the very poor distribution of reliable absolute intensity data, it is hard to draw any firm conclusions regarding the time evolution of the geomagnetic field. To cite this article: J. Morales et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
We carried out an integrated paleomagnetic, rock-magnetic and paleointensity study of Miocene volcanic succession from the trans-Mexican volcanic belt (TMVB) north of Guadalajara. A total of 37 consecutive basaltic lava flows (326 oriented standard paleomagnetic cores) were collected at Lazo locality. Continuous susceptibility measurements with temperature and hysteresis experiments yield in most cases reasonably reversible curves with Curie points close to that of pseudo-single-domain magnetite. Two geomagnetic reversals were observed in the 300 m thick composite section. Paleosecular variation was lower than the one observed in general during Miocene. It appears that the volcanic units have been emplaced during a relatively short time span of about 1 Ma. The mean paleomagnetic directions obtained from this study do not differ significantly from that expected for the middle Miocene. The mean paleomagnetic direction calculated from all data is I=31.1°, D=354.6°, k=124 and 95=2.1°, N=37. Seventy-two samples with apparently preserved primary magnetic mineralogy and without secondary magnetization, mostly belonging to reverse polarity chron were pre-selected for Thellier paleointensity determination. The flow-mean paleointensity values are ranging from 22.4±3.4 to 53.8±6.0 μT and the corresponding virtual dipole moments (VDMs) are ranging from (5.4±0.8) to (12.0±1.4)×1022 A m2. This corresponds to mean value of (7.7±2.2)×1022 A m2, which is close to present day geomagnetic field strength. Altogether, our data suggest the existence of relatively high geomagnetic field strength undergoing low fluctuations.  相似文献   
We report rock-magnetic and magnetostratigraphic results from one of the best exposed Permo-Carboniferous outcrops in Mexico, in order to determine some decisive magnetostratigraphy constraints. Some spinels, most probably titanomagnetites, seem to be responsible for aimantation, although greigite may also exist judging from thermal desaimantation of isothermal remanence. Remanence analyses indicate that only one remanent component could be recognized with minor secondary overprint, which were easily removed applying 100–180 °C. Six normal and four reverse magnetozones were recognized from bottom to top in Patlanoya section between 340 and 280 Myr. Both normal and reverse polarity rocks were found in Carboniferous time around 340 Myr, in agreement with previous paleomagnetic works. Our record revealed two normal subchrons within PCRS (Kiaman), the dominantly reverse superchron, at 305 and 280 Myr, respectively. These, which may be speculatively correlated to normal aimantation, occasionally occurred during PCRS interval. More detailed studies are needed in order to establish a more precise magnetostratigraphy for Permo-Carboniferous time. To cite this article: L.M. Alva-Valdivia et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 811–817.  相似文献   
Forest cover change in highland pine-oak forests of Michoacan, Mexico is due to a process of conversion of natural forests to avocado orchards. Privately-owned avocado orchards are found on land that was common forest before the 1992 Reform of the Mexican Constitution. We ask how forest cover change was facilitated by policy changes that affected land tenure rules and existing community forestry programs. We use a comparative case study of four communities, an analysis of forest cover change, and interviews and household surveys. Results show that 33.1% of forest cover was lost over a 16-year-period across the region. However, two forestry case study communities lost 7.2% and 15.1% of forest cover, while two adjacent non-forestry communities lost 86.5% and 92.4%, respectively. Interview data show that the Reform of Article 27 combined with the 1992 Forestry Law led to collapse of local governance, illegal division of common forests, and illegal logging in the two non-forestry communities.  相似文献   
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